Realistically, do you think they will be held accountable for anything? Do you think wet markets get shut down?

Realistically, do you think they will be held accountable for anything? Do you think wet markets get shut down?

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Other urls found in this thread:

War is basically unavoidable now.

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>Will they be held accountable
>Will wet markets get shut down
eventually, but likely not soon and not because of the virus

>eventually, but likely not soon and not because of the virus
No they'll get shut down until people's memory span runs out and then resume like nothing ever happened. Same thing that happened after SARS.

U.S. will treat them like a Cold War enemy, EU will continue to trade with them.

Ban chinks, sign now

>held accountable for anything
chinkshills are out in full force trying to spin the narrative with China like some kind of savior, so hopefully the world is not fucking dumb enough to buy that and demand China to pay for their crime against humanity
>wet market
chink gov won't do anything about that

They stopped the sale of wild animals.

Realistically, your government is aware that your death rate will be at least like Italy, probably like Spain. Your healthcare system will get overwhelmed as your country cannot enforce laws that temporary reduce freedom of motion.

So the US gov is trying to blame China to deflect future accusations of incompetance.

won't be for long
china uncles need to get their pee pee hard soon

chinese have one of the dirtiest fucking cultures out there. SARS originated in southern china as well. we can expect more viruses to originate from china if they dont fucking learn their lesson and halt wet markets where cages are stacked up on top of eachother so animals shit on the animals below them

That isn't what the OP is talking about, frog. OP is talking about bringing justice to China for allowing wet markets to fester in there unregulated for years. Scientists have been telling them to shut that shit down for decades because it's a pandemic in the making.


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What should they be held accountable for? They warned everyone months ago, the saved thousands of lives in China with swift decisive action and currently they're offering aid to everyone. What do you want a handwritten apology letter?

they were shut down and reopened with SARS, this will be the same, chinks love tiger penis and pangolin shells so they will never close them for good and even if they did, chinks would just do it anyway cuz their police is only serious about dissent against the CCP and dont care about anything else

This. Chinks will be eating bat soup by tomorrow and pangolins by Saturday and have a new disease by then. They’re uncouth


Introducing new viruses to humans with their uncouth, unsanitary wet markets and eating habits

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>That isn't what the OP is talking about, frog. OP is talking about bringing justice to China for allowing wet markets to fester in there unregulated for years. Scientists have been telling them to shut that shit down for decades because it's a pandemic in the making.

it's fuck all to do with anything. there's no evidence the virus came from a market.

Could have just as easily come from a factory hog farm or a sheepfucker in Wales. No moral ground to stand on pal.

Judging by how the media and people are reacting I doubt it.

The entire world will quarantine them once this is all over.

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is the US responsible for Swine Flu?

They did this deliberately. They dropped the virus on themselved because they understand they are better prepared to deal with it. It is a statistical weapon and also a propaganda weapon against western systems, which they have strategically infiltrated and undermined.

They dropped the bomb, but with their shields up. See this video:

And guess what? Those people in the WHO telling you not to wear masks, not to protect yourself, that is another one of their weapons. The WHO is controlled by China and is weaponized to distribute misinformation.

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They're going to get majorly butt fucked, no war necessary.

All evidence points to Wuhan you chink
Go eat a rat and get a new disease

no it came from china

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The Chinese virus came from China. No amount of lying will change this fact, Chang.

Just a reminder that if you don't believe the Chinese could influence institutions and shape your perceived reality, your believed facts, just know they've been practicing this on their own population for decades. Information control is a weapon they developed domestically, perfected, and are now exporting via the subversion and use of "international" NGO's.

I know where it came from you idiots. I'm saying that the conditions we use in our countries to mass produce livestock aren't much better. You're panicked and looking for someone to point fingers at so you blame China.

That would be bad for us Swiss, since the SVP/UDC wants to continue doing business with them.

It was China you Asian beta fag. Grow a dick

Your shilling for China has not gone unnoticed, Zhang. Soon, you and other traitorous chinks will be rounded up and exterminated.

>Chink diaspora protecting their shithole homeland.

Isolate them and let them rot

Yeah, this. In the end, business needs to go on, and blaming somebody is a luxury you can only do once you have money and food again.

No matter how much libs and chink/gook lobbies try to spin this shit, as soon as this gets bad everyone dies everyone is jobless/homeless because of the chink flu people are going to get very angry

And as has already been pointed out in this thread we have known how filthy the Chinese are for a very long time. The British imposed residential segregation between the Chinese and Europeans because of what might delicately be called the incompatibility between the two races when it comes to ideas of cleanliness. Academics and the Chinese government love rehashing this along with similar actions taken by California state authorities around the same time as a horrible example of racism, but it really activates your almonds. MAYBE the British weren’t being bastards for the sake of it. MAYBE they were just trying to protect the European community in the colony from catching shit like this because they had a sense of responsibility.

I don’t even think the Chinese in Hong Kong really protested or resented these measures until Beijing and Western left-wing academics told them they should after the fact.

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It actually did. It's now merely a lame information and trading war.
Wars between highly industrialized nations haven't happened since 80 years, because the economic damage would be far more disastrous than ever in our worldwide global economy.

this isn't the result of filthy chinese habits, it's a deliberately released bioweapon targeting weakened western institutions, and it's designed to provide plausible deniability.

>trying to blame China

>knows about it since late November
>actively keeps it secret
>orders testing labs to destroy samples of the virus at the very beginning
>silences medical professionals who try to warn their colleagues about a spread of a new SARS
>covers it up
>has the largest collective banquet in the world in Wuhan
>covers it up
>spread goes exponential in Wuhan
>forced to admit it and start taking action in January
>silences journalists that try to expose the hellish situation unfolding in Wuhan
>Chinese CDC state that they are 100% sure the virus originated in Wuhan.
>China uses its influence in the WHO to convince the world that its nothing to worry about
>incinerators running 24/7 in Wuhan
>reports of people being sent off to incinerators while still moving
>WHO tells world its nothing to worry about and to not restrict travel to and from China
> China massively under reports the number of infections and deaths, the infected graph looks simulated and Japan confirm that China do not count suspected cases in death numbers
>WHO praises China
>virus starts to spread around the world
>WHO say its not a pandemic just an epidemic in many countries around the world
>becomes a global pandemic the likes of which the world hasnt seen since the Spanish Flu
>China then decide to shift the blame on to the US
>China threatens to cut off US medical supply and "drown them in a sea of coronavirus"
>China claim it's racist to say the virus comes from China

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World War is the ultimate result of the Chinese Virus.

Does this matter regarding the incompetence in one's own country in how to deal with these types of crisis?

If trump loses the election he'll fire off nukes at china at 11:59 A.M. January 20th 2021.

They lied about the numbers, but in the opposite direction. They exaggerated the numbers for plausible deniability, to hide the fact that it was an intentionally released bioweapon.

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Nope. If anything China comes out of this top of the world. The perception is they beat it and the west can't without China coming to their rescue. The game is over.

One of the nice side effects of Covid-19 is that each nation has to now deal with more important internal pressure, which allows everyone to finally have an introspection regarding what works in their own country and what doesn't.
To see what is important, and what isn't. If there's a social security and coherent social discipline, or if everyone's just an unruly jerk.

How are first world countries being crippled by a simple chink flu? Our healthcare is supposed to be better, we have no one to blame but our governments.

thats a fair argument
however i think that the reason most countries were not prepared is because they were listening to the WHO, who literally only declared it a pandemic like, what, a week and a half ago?

Though I agree that listening to the WHO is also a sign on incompetency.
Look at Taiwan, at the first mention of an outbreak in China in December, they cut off movement between the two countries, and they have next to zero cases in comparison.

Taiwan didn't listen to the WHO, they're not even allowed to be a member, so its pretty based that they just basically told them to go fuck themselves.

>warned everyone months ago
you mean arrested the doctors that tried to warn everyone. fuck off chang.

China is the biggest dump of shit ever
Fuck China and the Chikinpox (coronavirus)

It's over for China, whatever they thought they were going to be this century is just an empire of dirt now. Economies are going to seriously look at decoupling from them for future security . Until they bring their standards up to human levels, stop trading in wild animal meat, stop enslaving their population to make plastic shit that no one needs. They were given too much leeway, instead of a more open and free society from their wealth all we got was military expansion and deceit.

yeah, you will bitch and moan forever

globalism dies, world split in half, the pozz led by natistan, and russia+china+iran axis

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Should nuke them.
But nukes will never be used for any reason. Our leaders don't have the bottle.

They've been lulled to sleep, an effective military strategy. Complacency and arrogance of western institutions is going to kill us.

>They've been lulled to sleep
Bought and paid for more like.

China will get a second wave of infection. Their slant eyed hos are back to eating bats and rats tomorrow. They are a breeding ground for pathogens

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>stop enslaving their population to make plastic shit that no one needs
But we, the western world, want that plastic shit. Our own western companies are hiring marketing firms to tell everyone that they should buy useless plastic shit produced in China on behalf of western companies that only produce it there because it's cheaper than doing it here.

So, you wanna buy plastic shit? Please buy, it makes your penis larger and bigger and better. Advertising said so, so you must buy it, or else you're a dirty communist.

No. Insects' memory spans are even shorter than goldfish

This is china's big move. This is the war. Whoever comes out of this pandemic with the stronger economy will dominate the future. Watch the video:
China had their shields up, their entire society is ENGINEERED around dealing with this crisis. They're already being put back to work.

> The perception is they beat it and the west can't without China coming to their rescue.

like, who the fuck even thinks like that? over here people don't even think of China as anything other than the place in the world where the disease first popped up. China doesn't come up, ever, as being a source of help for anything. If this is a chink propaganda talking point, it's falling completely flat.

And, yeah, there will inevitably be a bit of an anti-chink sentiment growing and festering for a generation or two. We'll see it if develops into a closing off of the west towards China or not, but things won't be like they were before. Right now it all depends on how the governments react to how China's lowered production and hoarding affected their own countries. I honestly doubt Italy will be glad to have ChingChongs visit their nation anytime soon, and the CCP has to be fucking blind to think otherwise.

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pfft do you seriously think that?

They OWN Africa. All of it. They don't need you anymore, perhaps that was the goal.

One thing is for sure, WW3 is coming, and I have a feel that China will be on our side. Of course, it will start over us again. Americans will have to take their frustrations out on a smaller country again

Without ching chongs, the tourism industry sector of Italy dies.
In the end, you can choose between hate and money, but you cannot have both, unless you're really really really really rich.

yeah, over there. Say that to the Italians who just got sent a shitton of medical equipment and supplies from China

heck, to quote our president

>we now know that the "european solidarity" is just dead letter on paper

great divergence NOW

>They're going to get majorly butt fucked, no war necessary.

they seem to be doing pretty well, got the virus under control now

I went on holiday/vacation to Venice years and years ago and it was literally a bunch of American, Russian and a Japanese tourists. Have the chinks really taken over as tourists too?

that sort of arrogance is why we're going to lose the war.

It's already affecting national security, US has to bail out boeing

>no more ching chong tourists