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I've seen guys on jewtube try to grow potatoes in this way and it just doesn't work for them.
I mean they planted more starch than they dug out at the end of the season.
100 pounds my 'hole.
t. potatonigger who has the internet.
I've seen a lot of people saying that this doesn't work as well
>user come help us build a shelter
>"I forgot how, my self-hosted next-cloud storage is down and my phone is low on battery!"
Threadly reminder that there hasn't been a continent-wide "SHTF" situation for 5 centuries and your prepperfagging is cringe-tier.
Shoulda book prepped faggots
I told you all in January but you laughed
>"my phone is low on battery"
>doesn't have a long lasting e-reader AND a solar panel charger
Ok nigger
Thats a meme method of growing potatoes, grow them in the ground - the only reason to do so is if you are growing first earlies in a greenhouse or poly tunnel.
T. someone growing their own veg for 35 years.
I found some more.
/k is a wholesome board
U can always print them out
I almost built one when someone posted this in sig a year ago, now i wish i had.
Removes chemtrails, purifies the environment
What book is this?
nigger if i can remember enough pointless bullshit to win a game of trivial pursuit i'm pretty sure i can remember how to tie rope to set up a tarp a-frame
Re Tard
Why have you got multiple books on the same topic? I can still order books just fine
Yeah because we totally can't order books anymore and get them delivered to our door.
Oh wait
am I the only one who thinks this dumbass potato box is wildly impractical?
Despite my Irish roots, I rather die than eat potatoes but thanks user.
You won’t make it in the new world then
Eating human flesh wouldn't be a problem to me. I lived in Cambodia during my childhood, I still remember a few things.
Gay larper be gone. How do you prepare, what can you eat, how to skin a human?
This is world wide though. There hasn't been a world wide pendemic since 1917. Here is the question: how did they deal with the spanish flu?
This shit don't work
In case it needs to be spelt out for the retards amongst us, print this shit out, if its on your fucking iPad or some shit its fucking useless when there's no electricity.
Leatherman tools are for faggots.
100% homo.
People carrying guns like this, will be the first to die.
>Remove parasites
Kek. Underrated
so wondreful :^
>well water
trucks have never ever in the history of my God like existence ever stopped me from getting clean water.
Its so YOU dont pass out first.
works if you use it as a method for filling dirt on top of the plants, but I think you are just better off just aggressively hilling them.
Thanks for the info lads