Wtf is even going on?

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Other urls found in this thread:

we're in the end times, fren

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>Sheeboon milkers for attention
OP want to get stuffed!

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probably not talking trump specifically

How can life be true if our eyes aren’t actual?

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Fake news

It’s real.

My guess is Trump has her on video fucking her cousin’s goat, or taking envelopes from the Chinese and is making her dance. But I have no evidence.

>Omar praises Trump
sorry but WHAT THE FUCK

Damn, she's literally built for welfare and EBT.

Call it jewish intuition.

>op is confused
trump never was a right wing politician

she has cold feet and thinks by praising the god emperor she can prevent the mob from visiting her racist islamist ass

100% REAL

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>Politics aside

Isn’t this exactly politics?

She didn’t praise him, just the package

>praising trumps package kek


I need to know what the front page of plebbit politics is saying about this....

Yeah it is. It’s her way of saying that she still hates trumplestiltskin, but approves of his actions.

Maybe she's seeing the situation objectively?

politics has become so synonymous with partisan propaganda that they now lack a word for actual politics

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Oh sii chikibabyyy

Probably this

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Is that really what she looks like ?

The East African jezebel is in awe of the National Socialist Aryan

the chink fears the bulb-head

I think it's a good power play t b h.
To praise your enemies when they are right. It disarms them in a way and proves that you are above personal grudges.

I didn't expect AOC to do it however.
Also to be fair Trump was late to the party on Kung-Flu.

His new vp

Oh my fucking god, this people applauded Obama just for being black and are pretending right now that Obama was left alone? LITERALLY NOT A SINGLE BIT OF BAD PRESS FOR HIM, it was always "YAAAS BEST PRESIDENT, HOPE! Black people rule! i'm so not racist I voted for him!" and everyone forgets he bombed the shit out of muslim children.

Boy do I hate lefties more and more every day.

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Donald J. Trump is our first black President

Absolutely based if true, which it sounds like it is

obama won a nobel peace prize for existing, the hell is this dumbass talking about

>it's real
>fox news

Pick one

Now that they're about to die they realise who the real boss is.


im racist but i watch BBC black on white porn. just because i find it arousing and aesthetically interesting and pleasing doesnt mean im not pro white interests


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What was the best home video format and why was it VHS?

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They literally posted the tweets she made, you mong

Classic mutt

It's becuase ilhan has always been a big backer for UBI

Shup cunt

based Ilhan, civnats are always right

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Shes up for re election

Get a load of the schnoz on that one

Ilhan omar is closed due to aids

This cunt also agreeing with Tucker is also surprising. WTF

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well it's not surprising that democrats would want to unseat a republican. There's no big mystery here.

This shit alone makes me think timelines changed. Her enthusiasm is unsettling I don’t comprehend her 180.

Built for BWC

Tucker acts as a populist so obvioulsy they are gonna agree on some things

Hardcore shitposter nose

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It doesn't make sense at all.

My best guess is the reason she and other far lefties are doing this is because they're trying to play into Trump's ego. Instead of twisting everything he does into something bad, they praise him when he does something they like. They hope it will encourage him to do it more.

Fox News is literally the most accurate media company out there you brainlet

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this graph shows they're the least accurate

She’s doing everything she can to not be arrested for immigration fraud. Bad move glowies, you should’ve deported her ass. Liberals aren’t fucking important as they have been dropping like flies over the past four years, fuck this gay optics shit we need LAWS that WORK.

Aside from my desire to dick her down really good, it's just that she's not actually as fucking stupid and evil as Pelosi. This is the obviously correct political move by a person who might actually care about policy.

Even though they hold her up as some brave new feminist dem idol, she's a backwards, incestuous, uneducated immigrant. She hates Jews and Israel and doesn't even realize she's supposed to hide that in her party. She has stupid beliefs but an earnest desire to achieve them. Her whole mindset is just alien to us and the liberals and they're just using her buzzwords and popularity to get attention. She actually reminds of a shitty black Muslim activist from the 70s.

AOC is actually a retard tho.

I'm gonna tell her about Tucker loving Jew Jew cum.

>Her enthusiasm is unsettling I don’t comprehend her 180.

Google and twitter-search the words 'white man's whore'.
If she's a woman of color and she's interested in the politics of the Anglosphere or Europe, she is bleached or wants to be.


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She recognizes Trump and Tucker are playing winning hands right now. Dems are trying to primary her while she's trying to appeal to populism and counter Pelosi.

no, it shows that they're the least biased--they report approximately 52% of their news concerning trump with a negative tone (nearly half) as opposed to CNN that reports 93% of its news concerning trump with a negative tone.
what happened to the british education system that you can't interpret a simple chart?
are you "new british", user?

>all these complicated theories
Lmao she just wants to help normies so they'll vote for her. What's complicated about that?

Yas Forums is so fucking low IQ.

Wtaf is wrong with you?

Your mind begins at the level of personal attack/support rather than at the level of policy or political strategy or even ethics. You literally think like Nancy Pelosi.

You are the kind of person Trump demolishes just for shits and giggles.

Wtf is this real??

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This worries me more than anything, scumbags praising Trump. Take your rifles ameribros.


An Aussie shitposter hacked her Twitter account. She’s sitting in her apartment staring at her phone in horror as the chaos unfolds. He’s about to write the n-word right now.

oh yeah, she likes trump's package