So on the topic of getting rid of useless stuff...when are we gonna start hanging landlords?
So on the topic of getting rid of useless stuff...when are we gonna start hanging landlords?
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try to imagine owning a home,and then renting it out to potential niggers who will destroy it and act like you are the problem when they decide to squat.
>in b4 cuck bootlicker etc.
Idk whenever you want I guess
But I own a house and rent it out. I thought we were friends user :(
shouldn't have rented faggot don't buy things you won't live in
I'll hire private contractors who know nothing but war to have you commie niggers exterminated.
Fuck you and pay your share, you're my bitch.
im a renter
How about you move back in with mommy and daddy. Then you can maybe save up enough to become a landlord. Unless you like spending your money on stupid shit like McDonald’s and 22 inch rims for that stupid dodge you love bragging about.
>Owning more property than you need so you can profit off others who can’t afford to buy because the limited supply of housing makes it impossible to afford buying
Sounds pretty Jewish to me
yeah okay stupid bitch just wait till the fed up people get a hold of all you leeches and bootlickers. Heads will roll and people will celebrate
the problem is that a house is an investment not a home
we simply need protections against single family dwellings being used as investment vehicles.
you got just a few thousand people owning almost half the housing. many of them foreign.
why allow a chink to buy up ten homes he isnt living in.
as the cost of housing goes up, it becomes harder and harder to start a family. eventually either western civilization collapses or the housing bubble is popped and protections put into place to stop this bullshit from happening again.
jokes aside, I think we should ban poor people from living.
Baby’s mad he can’t afford a home I see.
you sound pretty jewish to me.
>limited supply of housing
get a load of this level of stupid.
nobody can and it will be the end of our civilization
no home no family
mortgage is too high then so are rents and both parents at work which makes for shitty under performing generations of children and a dissolution of traditional gender norms.
why allow foreigners to own land to begin with. it seems wrong.
I think I have some decent input on this topic. I have rented under both individual landlords and big property management groups. My most pleasant time has been when renting under property management groups. There's no better feeling than living anonymously, rather than knowing who the fuck your landlord is and they know all about you and all that shit. I'm not living to become friends with whoever owns the joint, I'm just here to live and everyone else can fuck off.
seethe more, chang
Enough to spot a Jewish trick like renting
Simple law of supply and demand, Jews like you who artificially constrict supply by buying more housing than you need to live drives up the price
corona-chan is coming for you boomer
HAHAHAHAH get a load of this guy. Imagine thinking because the bank gave you money that you own 1/3 of a working class paycheck per month. While simultaneously doing nothing to help the economy. Scum like you are the reason the prices are so high and people are fed up
should people get housing for free,even if someone else owns it.Can i borrow your wife?
I mean, you can go buy a house for a little over $100k and have a mortgage that is cheaper than rent. You’re just a spoiled little brat who will accept nothing less than a million dollar penthouse downtown in a hopping area. Come back down to earth like the rest of everybody.
Never you fucking commie shill
Lets get rid of SCUM tenants who destroy and fuck up a home. My father just had some SCUM tenants pack up half their shit and leave one day. The house was a fucking mess, they were behind on rent, and to top it off they literally left all of their fucking furniture in the house. They will suffer no consequences.
I would drown those people in a fucking trough used to feed pigs if I could.
can you read a chart boomer?
Tak tsk tsk well doesn't this sound familiar. What historic event, I wonder, has this general attitude lead to?
this guy gets it
>landlord is mad that he actually has to work for once
clean up your own property you lazy piece of shit, you're the big dog owner master remember?
maybe your father should have better taste in people. Why's he letting in riff raff like a dumb fucker?
Stop ignoring the point kike, no one ever said free. You’re increasing the cost of housing by being a greedy Jew and buying more than you NEED.
I'm slowly starting to change my mind on the landlord issue. I used to be a strict capitalist, but now I'm thinking, maybe you shouldn't be able to accrue infinity profits off a single investment, forever? Like, maybe you should be limited to renting out a property for a set period of time, and then you have to sell that shit if you want to turn a profit? Especially considering zoning laws that let people build new houses are disproportionately influenced by people like landlords, who have every reason to maintain artificial scarcity?
Like, if guns just stopped being manufactured tomorrow, and I charged you $1000 a month to rent my ATI Omni Hybrid and Ruger 8615 to protect your family, I kind of feel as though I'd be committing a dick move. Like you guys wouldn't be entirely cool with that. If I was a dick for renting you the means to protect your household if they suddenly became a limited resource, wouldn't I also be a dick for renting you your household? I don't know, the line is getting blurry.
Music to boogaloo by.
Lol so many landlords are chinks
they are the scum of the earth.
why do you think the term "rent-seeking" is used as a pejorative.
it's been known forever.
I say paying rent = attaining co-ownership.
you got a bunch of free shit and your extra house is still usable for fleecing goyim in the future.
what are you kvetching about?
You’re fucking scum that should have their brains splattered against a wall. You present yourselves as honest people to rent to, then you get a shit eating grin once you get the keys and totally trash the place. Fucking vermin!!!!
You too, are a spoiled little brat that feels they need a mega mansion or they are going to piss and moan. I live in a nice little 1400 sq ft house. My neighborhood isn’t fancy. Houses on my street go for $80k all day long. I just realize that living within your means is an actual thing, and while I COULD afford a $250k house... I choose not to so I can live comfortably. My payments on this house are so low it’s like they don’t even exist.
who the fuck is supposed to be the landlord you retard?
he has to work which is a shaoh for a jew
he expects his tenants to work all day at their wageslave jobs to pay his overpriced rent, and then work when they get home to clean up his property for him
I see you didn't even address the point I made. Why's your stupid dad letting in anyone off the street like a dumb fuck?
get a real job, boomer kike parasite
Based Mcgurk
>1400 sq
neck yourself
The man who lives in the home should have a vested ownership in the property
Had someone do this to a house I had. Tenant knew I couldn’t just head out there for a day trip. Dude took good care of it when he had a watching eye on him. The second he had some distance.... quit paying rent. Divorced his wife, got arrested, trashed the place, got bed bugs and roaches, then just left one day. All his trash and filth all over the house. Old rotting food. Dirty clothes everywhere. Filth on every surface.
maybe just restrict the number of houses you can own. so a small time landlord who has at most i dunno 4 properties thats fine. but the massive corporate landlords and people who own hundreds of properties, ban that. also you should have to live in a house in the same city as the houses you are renting out. exact details can be worked out later using a council of the highest quality autists imported from finland.
Absolutely based.
that would be forcing someone else to sell something. I dont understand how you dont understand.
Just go fucking clean it up and don't cry about it. When you let someone in your house you run the risk of them trashing it. So remind yourself that you agreed to that risk and go clean it up. You act like it's going to take a year to clean it up. Also, it's pretty hilarious how he did all that shit. He showed you who's boss.
most of the jobs are in cities and a house within a daily commute distance of a city is going to be costly.
>who the fuck is supposed to be the landlord
no one, you stupid kike
No one is forcing you to be a landlord, Chaim. Your insatiable lust for shekels is driving that desire.
Who is going to build buildings if nobody is going to buy their apartment units?
>people rent directly from building owners
Okay, then the building owners are the new landlords
I mean, I can go about 45 mins from where I live and snag a 2800+ sq ft home for $160k all day long. So yeah, I’d call 1400 sq ft little. But if it makes you even more insecure about your lack of working in life, I also have a detached 2 car garage. All for $80k. You could have one too if you’d just accept not living in the worlds most exclusive locations.
ok boomer
where does this logic come from? is every vacant house supposed to be up for grabs? if i own two homes is one supposed to be filled with another person/people just because its a house? what happens if it gets damaged? is the government supposed to pick up the tab? who is to say how many of anything im allowed to own in america?Why should i not be allowed to exchange time spent in my house for money ? are you a commie?
I mean, you’re just making excuses. I drive between 45 mins to 1.5 hrs each way for work. Either join the rest of the world in putting in the effort and quit pissing and moaning that you don’t have a house.
>where does this logic come from?
The fact that shelter is a basic human need that you're profiteering off of because you're a lazy piece of shit who wants a "passive income."
Rope soon.
ok show us some houses
i will give you a chance to prove this
although with most people living in cities its somewhat moot because i assume you are talking about shacks in the middle of nowhere.
but lets see. show us some real estate boomer.
Holy shit food is a basic human need how dare grocery stores and restaurants profit off it, holy shit sleep is a basic human need how dare matress companies profit off it, holy shit water is a basic human need how dare beverage companies profit off of it
Go hunt down a foreclosed house, put some time and money into it and you could have a passive income too. Or is that too much work for you? Do you just feel the world should be handed to you?
>drives 3 hours a day
fuck sakes buddy thats no way to live
so you get to have a thing of mine because i have an extra. you are a filthy commie.please do go move to an actual communist country so you can benefit from its free housing.
I agree, renting should be illegal. If you don't own land and or don't live with family you shouldn't be allowed to live in this country.
I have no desire for passive income because I'm not a hook-nosed kike.
I only earn and use what I need.
Here is one in a little pricier area that isn’t in the middle of nowhere so the price is higher.
There's a difference between profit and profiteering.
Why do you think the housing market is a complete disaster you stupid nigger.
The seriously skeevy ones use property management so you never know who they really are.
ok but most millenials dont have good jobs, live paycheck to paycheck, even if they have done decent schooling nobody wants to hire them if they have no experience and they still have debt to pay, so much debt. even assuming they could afford a car and insurance and mortgage and a down payment and everything else... its all still a massive gamble that they dont understand and were never trained for. so its a bit of an ask.
legendary firm handshakes notwithstanding job security and upwards mobility. the act of moving from a shit job to a less shit job over time isnt a thing anymore. you will jet get laid off in a few years trying that. so paying for school on minimum wage because nobody will hire you out of school with no experience is the trap most fall into.
since you talk like a kike i will attempt to speak your language and answer with a question: are you opposed to chinks buying up all the N95 masks?
This one is in a nice little town. 45 mins from prime work locations in three directions. Super friendly people.
>"passive income."
I repair all the time the fucking homes of my tenants, because millennial cannot do "living" without youtube tutorials. Passive income my ass. eat a dick, fag.
Moat people have to rent while they work and advance and save up for their own house. Few people *like* to rent, but it's what you do while you're waiting to buy
It's your house you should definitely be responsible for it breaking down. Don't try to weasel your way out of that by saying the tenant should fix your own home since they live there.
A man should be able to buy and sell things at a relativistic market value.Price gouging is actual kike shit, asking people to pay rent however, is normal and you shouldnt be such a whiny niggerfaggot.
links please so we can confirm these arent in the absolute middle of nowhere where there are no jobs without a 3 hour commute
A few miles from me. As I said, not a fancy neighborhood. Ready to be purchased today.
That's kind of pricey for an older manufactured home. How big is the lot and what state?
FFS is jewgle back to screwing the captchas again?
64% of Americans own their own homes
Can the other 30% even take of their homes if they owned it?
Also people forget things like property tax and maintenance exist..
nobody is asking you to shit up a home for free either.but you do it gladly anyway. when is the last time you paid rent on time, if at all?
Nah you’re not getting links. The first one is about 35 mins from work. Second one is about 45 mins from work. And the third one is about 15 mins from work.
>relativistic market value
relative to what? income? if so, i have some news for you.
why are we not getting links i dont understand
They can if they broke up what they would be paying on rent into payments for their taxes and utilities etc.
>no linkz
Institute Land Value Tax and reduce income tax.
3 acres. The point still stands. I wasn’t looking for prime deals. Just knocking some out.