Stormfags BTFO

>A young Yorkshire woman and her boyfriend, who worshipped Adolf Hitler and wanted to start a race war, have been convicted on terrorism charges.

>Mark Jones, who was nicknamed "Mr Angry", had been involved with extremist politics since he was a teenager as a member of the youth wing of the British National Party alongside Jack Renshaw, who went on to plot to kill his local MP with a machete.

>Detective Chief Inspector Sean Edwards said: "What I can say is their ambition was to prepare for a race war. We have seen in New Zealand the effects of this ideology in terms of the attack at the mosque, 50 people dead.

>"We saw the murder of Jo Cox MP, again inspired by right-wing terrorism and the Finsbury Park attack where a gentleman was killed outside a mosque in 2017.

>"So this ideology and this ambition for a race war has manifested itself already and people have lost their lives because of it."

I am glad to hear 3 less pieces of shit are out there on the streets plotting to commit terrorism, and this is just the start, more arrests coming soon, nazi scum.

Attached: skynews-alice-cutter-mark-jones_4951269.jpg (1600x900, 85.33K)

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So what did they do, criticize pakis raping young white girls?

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>hello based department

That male looks Mediterranean/South European as fuck to be considering himself a Hitler-worshipping white man, kek.

i bet she cucks him for a bbc

>falling for the kike memes about our uncle
mutts law

qt girl, shame they went into the terrost path and not chad activism and Orania way
Ey spic, daily remember that our numbers are growing like mad.

Attached: spa.jpg (603x400, 29.08K)

they were members of National Action and the guy sent an email to the group saying he was ready to commit violence.
National Action is banned so they got arrested. The girl got arrested as well presumably because she had the black sun image saved on her phone and because she was in a neo-nazi beauty pagent.

Overall they sound like sub 50 iq retards

>arrested for thought crime

Getting pretty tired of hearing about this shit...

>The pair were found guilty of being members of the banned far-right group National Action after a retrial at Birmingham Crown Court
>>found guilty of being members of the group
Imagine getting arrested for simply associating with the wrong people.

They should have just made babies stupid idiots

>Be my grandpa
>Fight in russia, parade in front of Hitler himself in the way back from the front aroun the 42
Hear a literall mutt seeth

Too bad he didn't worship Malcolm X or MLK Jr. He could've made a nice living becoming an "activist" if he had.

Well in the UK and other countries you do activism you lose your job and everything. Its not surprising people look outside politics. Not saying they should, only that its not surprising. The government is created the environment for radicalism by banning speech that they dont like.

no guns means no rights

gov eventually went after black panthers too. Its not just a white thing

Or just dont involve your self in Cringe stuff, Europe is full of Nazi gyms and clubs, most of them avoid getting arrested by not being FUCKING TERRORIST, altough some antifa has been killed from time to time
(vid related here in Spain)

No, he doesnt, you circumcised animal. He looks like the stereotypical idiot wannabe chav that's all too common throughout England.

They should of fled to the Mexican city of "Kill The Jews" Theyd be safe there.

I know quite a lot of based associations in UK but yeah they are the most fucked up in Europe in law matters after Germany and even there there is big groups.
Most of this idiots are attomwaffen worshipping idiots

Shes perfect

tfw no nazi terrorist blue eyed Gaelic cutie.

no ones able to tell them they're being idiots though, thats the problem. If anything the government has feds infiltrating groups and pushing it even further to radicalism / terrorism to justify their jobs.
If nobody had this social pressure to be politically correct about racial issues then none of this would be a problem.

nice girlfriend. N@zism is a honeypt.

I know some of those Tarrant worshiping idiots, they are literlly idiots, just that, cannon folder.
>A machete
Just buy a fucking piece of land and form a Orania to show off in internet so it grows fucking stupids...

shame. gal looks nice. guy looks like a mutt

that's why lmfao

>tfw no terrorist qt gf

I guess his complexion is a little swarthy, but Hitler never wanted these mayo colored blonde blue eyed race. Hitler and Goebbels weren’t Aryan at all so it doesn’t even make sense

How many niggers killed whites during that time they are citing?

Well you guys have a name "Detective Chief Inspector Sean Edwards "


She's whiter than you, Muhammad

Imagine the sex

What were the crimes?

This shit gets perpetuated throughout burger education. Hitler didn’t want one singular race on earth. He would have eliminated every black/brown in the Olympic s if he did. He wanted to defend the people of Europe from being destroyed by jewish plots. Blue eyes and blond hair was never the only thing allowed to exist in hitlers perfect world, it was just the most definitive of European beauty. Also he had blue eyes.

To add onto this if you’re a national socialist with non blond hair and non blue eyes, you are still welcome among us no matter what some purity spiraling faggot nigger wants to say. What IS important is that you will struggle with your people to survive and thrive and create a better world for your children and the beauty of our women. That is inherently our job as men of the idea.

Yorkshire seems to be a hotspot for these people. Order of the Nine Angels, a pedo group is based there to. All British working people should begin lynching, killing and torturing anyone associated with The Nexus right now,. Kill them all! You have full right in barbarity to kill them and their offspring in whatever way you want!

Attached: Abimael_Guzmán.jpg (1280x1572, 459.09K)


It sounds like these kids are the legitimate government of Britain.

`The Nexus are pedos, kill the all! Find anyone associated with them and smash their fucking head's in with a pickaxe like Old Stalin himself in minecraft! Any from the Nexus want to speak to me? I know you're here.

No it doesn't. Your and his view gets perpetuated through shitty conspiracy online forums.

>Miss Hitler contestant
So she didn't even win Miss Hitler? She was merely a contestant? Imagine losing the Miss Hitler peagant.

I've met lads, like this; all it takes is to sit down with them and have a chat. They're blinded by ideology and usually lacking in education. Jailing them, unless they're planning real credible terrorist threats, only creates more issues.

The concept of neo-nazim, is a far away from national-socialism as you can get. Hitler had one of the most diverse armies in Europe. Crystal Night showed Hitler and Gobbels were concerned for the jewish welfare despite the assassination the jews carried and attacks in the press. The work camps were exactly that, for work and internment, much the same as the Japanese.

TLDR; Neo-Nazis get the rope.

Fuck you kike

Attached: 0atJnyV.png (633x758, 440.04K)

He is whiter than ahMEDs but yea he looks like he has ahMED blood in him. Anyways (((hitler))) was a (((brown eyed))) ahMED who had a romutt muttpire fetish, hated germanic paganism, and sent actual white people to kill each other. If anything ahMEDs that worship him are correct while whites that worship him are retarded.

Attached: hitler (((brown eyes)))2.jpg (649x365, 22.48K)

How would you know from fucking Israel?

With white euros, not spic mutts you nigger

>b/w photo
>confirmed blue eyes

He didn’t start the war that was Britain and France which were kike central

The problem is that he joined a group.


You have to lone wolf it and stay anonymous.

Cringe and autistic. Hitler had blue eyes first of all, and he was a champion of all Europeans against globalists

kikes getting twitchy
I guess we're almost at 1933 again then

I don't support Isreal.

Die. The Order of the Nine Angles deserve to be tortured and killed.

>With white euros, not spic mutts you nigger

The German army was the most diverse in Europe lad they had had jews, sikhs, muslims, blacks.

neo-nazi are larping idiots, who know nothing of national socialism and what it entailed.

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you're a jewish anti-zionist?

>You have to lone wolf it and stay anonymous.
No faggot.
The problem is neo-nazism is a pseudo ideology that has absolutely nothing to do with the ideas of national-socialism

>allows countries demographics to flop
Germany is white achmed, go larp with optics cuckery with nick the spic

I'm an anti-zionist because Israel is a genocidal settler colonialist state.

National action is not neo-nazi

No one is a neo nazi except boomer prisoners

>no true scotsman

Stfu dumbass

Jews and baiters like to push the neo-nazi shit.
National Action is just neo-nazism nonsense.

The biggest threat from national-socialism was Sovereign money. Nobody cared what Hitler did until he nationalised the bank. Right now Putin has nationalised 90% of the money supply cutting off over 350 private financial institutions and banks from private money creation.

>not far right
Hello boomer conservacuck

Happens all the time, look at Gaddafi

I am deeply familiar with economic history.

>b/w photo
Here is how blue eyes look in black and white photo dumbass. His are pitch black and there is direct light on them.
he had (((brown eyes))) and he was an ahMEDkike who wanted nothing more than to kill white people.

Attached: black and white photo blue eyes.jpg (1560x2080, 975.01K)

Are you afraid of violence?

We are far past financial institutions, bub. There's nothing that can save the US or europe except mass murder.

The entire system is corrupt and should be burned to ash. We'll start again without jews. Utopia from day one.

damn, she's a cutie


Attached: big-brother-is-watching-you.jpg (1254x1839, 660.26K)

I really dont know why you assume that.

I am incredibly far right and have probably radicalized over 100 young white men.

But none have been neo-nazi.

Neo nazis cling to Hitler as a coping method. Neo-nazis are degenerates that I try not to associate with. That being said. I'd love to fill a jew with bullets.

Shut the fuck up leaf faggot

This is what keeps the UK government awake at night.

Hitler wasn't the biggest fear of the West it his adoption of Gottfried Feder's ideas.

You're an uneducated, ignorant buffon
Or a fed
Possibly both.

Mexico really? How many people got casually carved up today in your shithole country? Just wondering.

So basically they bought into the gay ops and enlisted in a fed honeypot? What a grug play

Lol holy fucking shit

Go back to r*ddit you newfag

Being white

>ambition for a race war
wut? they were preparing for the one being done to them. They have no intention of going to brown countries and starting shit. They want to stay in their lands and not be defenseless when their attackers come. What a dumb fucking government, burn it down.

>I'm an anti-zionist
So ackchyually you're a liberal marxist-socialist, which is the other side of the same shekel. Neocon zionists and libshit marxists disagree on most things but they all agree on furthering the j*wish agenda