Twitter chinks are going insane over Trump's comments.
Twitter chinks are going insane over Trump's comments.
China is nasty people and the eat bushmeat which infects brains with anti empathy serum. Read theory
china is asshole
I have never in my life met one American that fucking eats horse.
It’s dog food. In the USA you cannot buy horse for human consumption.
> so much for the "Asians are smart" stereotype
Your own slant eyed kind proposed that origin you fuckwits.. you're lucky we aren't calling it Chinkinpox at this point and throwing political correctness in the dumpster regarding you adversarial commies. Every second epidemic is from your gutter oil consuming smog choked cess pool. Go jump off an Apple factory roof you communist lung herpes whores.
The amount of cope and denial from these blue check marks is ridiculous.
2 Fun facts from the west, China: 1. rodents are know for carrying diseases and 2. We have something called government oversight to make sure we aren't causing a pandemic.
I thought you authoritarian commie fucks had a stronk people's party to protect you from these greedy capitalists selling you tainted meat in the market?
Perhaps none of these are the problem? It's deflecting from Globalism and it's inherent weaknesses.
COVID-19 opened my eyes to the dark side of Asian culture. I don't know why I've never heard of the negatives until now. It's like how I never knew Indians had a toilet problem until it was exposed here to the mainstream
>Americans eat horses
No that's the French
So everyone loosing there shit because trump's calls it the chinah virus when CNN already did? Can someone meme this into a "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" presidential election bitch meme or tell me how too.
Well.. That's fucked.
So, you're admitting it's a lab virus from Wuhan!
I can’t wait until I get to fucking kill all of these so-called people in Minecraft. Notice how in her rant, she refers to and insults “Americans” implying that she herself is not one, despite living here since she was like 5 according to a quick google search and making her career here, using our public resources and opportunities, going to our universities, benefiting from our political system and strong economy. She still views herself as Chinese. Nonwhites can never, and will never fully integrate into America, which is fundamentally a country built by European people on the foundation of European principles and ideas. When they come here, nonwhites behave as leeches, disgusting animals, quite literally Less Than Human. It is imperative that we recognize this, and take appropriate action.
I don't care about the meat, but just cook the fucking meat and take the fucking fur and skin off first off you slant eyed gook.
frogs horses and gators aren't vermin
Tweet's fake. Reverse google search it and you'll see it originated from somewhere else
i know, I just wanted to gross ppl out like kekkkk
It's not necessarily because they eat those things. It's because they let them live and shit and breed next to eachother in disgusting conditions and then eat them in different disgusting conditions, and then live in other disgusting conditions.
They're disgusting.
That's all.
And the US isn't entirely innocent of this sort of thing either. Spanish Flu iirc was because we were keeping pigs and chickens too close and it bred an environment where viruses would have an evolutionary benefit to jumping species.
Difference is, that when we figured that out we stopped doing it. When they figured that out, they shrugged said "muh culture" and ramped up all the gross shit that they do to obscene levels.
I've eaten horse it's alright.
She's melting down because she's loyal to China and her country is telling her to shill for them on twatter.
My fucking sides, that's brilliant. My favourite yet.
Amerimutts BTFO by Sun Tzu tactics
China virus designed to kill off Ameriburgers
This. Most races outside of absolute savages (not even just Whites, literally the vast majority of races including other Asians) will change their habits when they discover something like that, regardless of muh culture. Chinks are really subhuman.
Has this bitch never seen a Chinese wet market? It's no fucking wonder that Covid-19, SARS, and swine flue all originated from there.
Even gator caught in the wild is more sanitary than the cesspits that China calls markets.
Asians behave as insects. I live in an area that’s ≈25% Asian. They, and I cannot stress this enough, have no internal monologue. They are literal robots, slaves to the hive. Asian countries have been governed in the same authoritarian manner for thousands of years, because they inherently lack creativity and self-agency and need to be programmed like machines in order to function. In individualistic societies like western, European countries, they are given unprecedented levels of self-determination they are unaccustomed to. When this occurs, you can see who they truly are. Vindictive, collectivist, insecure, weak, repulsive, and very much incapable of seeing any kind of “big picture.” The only reason Asian societies have any kind of success is because they are very good at copying other people, and have strange slavish tendencies to obey authority without question, and are more than willing to devote their lives to foolish, materialistic things without ever taking the time to critically think about the world or any kind of universal purpose.
rut roh
>Now a new online reporting center has been established to collect and track such incidents, including "hate violence, adult harassment, discrimination, shunning, and child bullying" in California and across the U.S.
>Dr. Russell Jeung, chair and professor of Asian American Studies at SF State, says statements by elected officials such as the president labeling COVID-19 as the "Chinese virus" fuel xenophobia:
>“In our research on news articles, we see that following inflammatory comments, there’s an increase of racist incidents against Asian Americans. Clearly, with such political framing, Asians of different ethnicities are being racially profiled as a foreign threat.”
Because we generally dont. Canadians do from what I gather. The way it's sourced and handled is probably a bigger issue than what the critter is with regards to the china problem though.
is she a tranny? Just looked at her twitter
>fucking gross
Either a dude or one of the ugliest chink women I've seen
It could be that, or it could simply be that she is a true believer and devotee to cosmopolitanism, and its aspirations.
Either way, she's worthless though, agreed.
Thank God we have the greatest minds at American universities working on the most serious matters regarding a global pandemic. If only we had a liberal leader who used the power of American academia instead of all those straight white males Trump has handling this.
Thread theme:
But Chinese eat horse and gator and frogs also.
They should just own up to eating bats. What is the big deal? I think it is funny. Like how Russians own up to being insane alcoholics and it makes them cool.
>for human consumption
Wasn't that a very recent law? Well, fuck. I want to try horse and I don't see myself vacationing in Europe any time soon. Still, there is hope: I've had whale from jap grocers twice and it's banned here too
>I've eaten horse it's alright.
I'm so glad that with the government killing the economy that there will be no money left for this bullshit soon.
The chinks eat Koalas.
Because the CCP collaborates with some Jew scientist in Wuhan to develop a bio weapon or some shit like that.. bat soup is a cover story
This bitch is goin' absolutely BATTY
You have. Just not knowingly.
cause the ching chong got her bing bong
>Because the CCP collaborates with some Jew scientist in Wuhan to develop a bio weapon or some shit like that.. bat soup is a cover story
You're probably right that it's an escaped bioweapon, but that doesn't rule out bat/koala/etc soup either. Remember that this Level 4 lab often sold its 'used' test animals to the local wet markets.
H7N9 bird flu made in China (2013)
H5N1 bird flu made in China (1996)
Covid19 made in China (2019)
It's not racism, if it's consistent
Fuck em
Shanghai Shivers
Sino Sneeze
Beijing Bug
Beijing Bung Lung
Tiananmen Toxicant
Wuhan Whatchamacallit
Wuhan Wheeze
Wuhan Weapon
Wuhanic Plague
Seoul Damage Control
Tokyo Airborne Torpedo
Rangoon Doom
Lo Mein Pain
Cantonese Killer
Jingpei Jitters
Dim-Sum Diarrhea
Xinping Cough
Guangdong Gout
Confucian Cancer
Szechuan Sore Throat
Coolie Cooties
Terminal Taoism
Mandarin Malady
Hong Kong Cholera
Hong Kong Fluey
Asian Microinvasion
Asian Ailment
(CCP) Chinese Cough Pandemic
Red Plague
Bamboo Burden
Egg Roll Toll
Teriyaki Terror
Winnie the Flu
Wu-Ping Cough
Yellow Fever
Genghis Cough
Fu Manchu Fever
Xi Jinplague
Brack Prague
Chinese Virus
Chinese-Origin Viral Infectious Disease
Communist Offensive Viral Infectious Disease
Lung Pao Sicken
Sweet n' Sour Sicken
Rice Rabies
Finger Trap Clap
Chinky Fever
Oriental Onset
Zipperheads' Biological Warhead
Ching-Chong Chang Flu
Gook Germ
Gook Puke
Gooking Cough
Chinaman Infliction
Bat Eating Nigger Gook Flu
Slant-Eyes' Demise
Slant-Eye Sickness
Wet Market Surprise
Communist Lung Herpes
China's One-Corpse Policy
Som Ting Wong
Panda Pandemic
The Great Reap Forward
peking pandemic
Where u get get your phd, clown university?
Do americans really eat gator?
In my opinion it is time to start combating these animals and help Americans and other countries understand what China and the CHINESE have done to the world. They need to be hated, they need to be fucking scared. The arrogance of screaming racisss....the arrogance of denying the chinks not only eat anything that moves they love to torture it first.
ALL other countries must be made aware of the traitorous CHINKS in their midst who owe their allegiance to the CCP and will do whatever they are ordered to do.
First stop spending ANY money in Chink-owned businesses.
Second make others aware of the practices of the greedy fucker the DAIGOU who have literally taken ALL of the supplies from OTHER countries and sent them to China OR hoarding them. They've stripped food, masks, all sanitizers, you name it these fucking chinks have taken it for themselves. One of the strategies was to fuck our supply chains.
Spain, Oslo, Canada, OZ, the US--everywhere there is CHINESE AIDS they have taken all the supplies for themselves.
It's the niggers in Africa that have the right idea. Stoned the arrogant chink cunt to death.
What about spreading the virus on purpose? I personally watched an old chink lady (we have NO chinese in our burb) walk around the grocery store picking shit up and putting it back. When she got to checkout after an hour of doing that she had two things. TWO..then she proceeded to smash her filthy chink hands over everything--pretending she didn't know how to use the self checkout. THE NEXT DAY I see her in the thrift store doing the same thing.
CHINKS were spreading the virus on PURPOSE in other countries.
Explain what this old chink woman was doing blowing her nose then wiping it everywhere?
We need to make sure that people know--stop being cowed by the racism crying. CHINKS in the US should probably be rounded up. NO sorrow. I am not kidding--after looking at pic after pic of the behavior of the daigou--they did that to HURT other countries.
Me So Hoarsy Me Lung Flu Long Time
She would have a point if not for the fact that they already gave us batflu via SARS ten years ago. If gators already caused a deadly disease recently then maybe we would stop.
And gators provide actual food, if a bat gave you 300 pounds of meat then maybe it's a different story
I have in Croatia, while on a vet student group vacation lmao
The looks on the equine vets was priceless
9/11 bretty gud
It tastes like spicy chicken, but that was probably just the spices. Have you ever had an ortolan?
Depends where you live. I tried a gator-burger once. Not bad, but not so good to be worth going out of my way to find a place selling them.
Chinese caused it and Chinese should be exterminated
1000 Chinese lives for every non chinese life lost
Yes. It's pretty good.
It's mainly a Louisiana thing, the only state with a strong French culture. You can also get it at Pappadeaux, a cajun seafood chain around the nation. It's actually really good if prepared right, fatty & tender white meat. Froglegs are big in Louisiana & bordering states. Some Floridians eat iguana, but not enough since their still rampant.
Its almost like a novelty food. It's EXTREMELY gamey and tough. Only really good as beef jerky. Honestly don't care they are out of control in certain sections of Florida. If were gonna kill them at least turn them into belts and boots and eat the meat.
"Your own leadership" instead of "our own leadership" - meaning she doesn't even consider herself American.
Why doesn't Wendy pack her shit up and go back to her beloved People's Republic? Why did her family leave in the first place anyway? Talk about ungrateful and entitled!
and chinese stole mask and sanitizer supplies.
Every chinese should be dropped into the machine at the chicken egg farm that they use to liquefy male chicks
chinqed. a rare based leaf
4 is the number of death in chink numerology
Yes. Go to Louisiana.
someone post the chinkoid eating a literal horse head
Ching ching me no spk engligyuidh
Her face is everything Disney and Warner Bros cartoons were trying to warn us about in the 30s.
no crazy viruses are spread from eating horse and frogs, and we skin everything we don't just plunk in in a broth with it's face smiling at you.
Not many of us do. That's more a thing in French Canada.
the more they do this, the more the last 4 years of fake moral outrage seems patently chinese. it seems to be the only tactic the chinese have. they're outing themselves as social meddlers.
Based canuck
Amazing Hey? Wendy hates her host country and its leaders. She must be a spy.
Horse is ok.
"Jenny" Yang.
I'm smelling some over-entitlement here.
They name girls in China "Jenny" a lot, do they?
I'm thinking "no, they don't" but I could be wrong...
So, bitch grows up here, all the advantages of growing up in the US and when some bio-engineered shit comes crawling out of Wuhan to threaten folks, this cooze has sand in her twat because it's called the Wuhan Virus...
Okay cunt - hop your ass on the next plane to Hong Kong and go plant rice for the rest of your life with your government-provided water buffalo...
See how that works out for ya...
No fat on reptile, at least none they contributes to the flavor. It’s like chicken fat
Eating a burger made from reptile is like eating a 95% lean hamburger, just a novelty
You missed alot, horse is tasty. However deer or hog is even better. And bear is total shit.
>Do americans really eat gator?
Some do. They're farm raised so as to not impact the natural population.
I've never had it, personally, but some folks do eat it. I'd have to be pretty damn hungry to eat a gator.
Her bants aren’t even good, onions sauce packets in drawers? Is this considered clever in the land of boiling live dogs and strapping tiger penis poultices to your forehead to lengthen your little yellow monkey dong?
Nah, it's very harsch & thready. I do not like it.
Only time ive had horse was in austria and it was horse jerkey and it was shit
They are quite open about studying the ways of the Jew in order to manipulate the West. The chink cries out in pain as he coofs on you.
I haven't had gator meat but I did have crocodile meat in Australia. Tastes a lot like chicken, no joke.
This. Some dumbass from New England may find eating gator weird, but people hunt and kill and clean gators. They don't dump them on wet markets in a cage where they stack other animals in cages on top of them, to piss and shit everywhere.
Has there been a worldwide pandemic from horse or gator eating?
If not, take a slow boat to China.
Spanish flu is now theorized to come from Chinese workers
IKEA had them in their swedish meatballs, for a while
she do not no de wei of insult in america