Go back inside NOW
Go back inside NOW
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fuck you badge nigger, i gotta go try source some tendies from the empty grocery stores.
Of course, Officer! Sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking!!
fuk you nigga! muthafugan BIX NOOD!
I'm stealing shit, you cant arrest me
yes master
I'm at the airport
your gun has no ammo
>teleports behind you
>swipes gun
>shoots self
What does Bix nood even mean?
hello newfag
you first
Based, retarded boomers keep wandering around for stupid shit. We need cops enforcing this.
Hands behind your head mate! You're in breach of the Toilet Paper Act of 2020, clause 6.8.1c
Most of us will not be enforcing the lock downs if they go up. We will be guarding the Hospitals, Pharmacies, Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Escorting in supplies, and Fuel Transports, as we already are. National Guard and State Police will also be guarding important infrastructure, re-stocking supplies, or escorting semis. All of you guys and girls will have to babysit yourselves for a few weeks to a few months.
t. State Law Enforcement Officer
better hurry and run back to your squad car faggot i might let you live
But if’s I a make it down the street I’s gon be free! Oh lawdy ain’t nobody gonna stop me now!
You joke but this has already happened...
Make me
Yes sir.
>unzips dick
They'll be deputizing boys.
I honestly kinda wish I still lived around niggers for this. Badge fags are busy babysitting a Costco while tyrone tries to steal the rims on my car and I get to smoke him. Based.
(totally kidding, not living around niggers day to day is 10x than getting to waste one)
It is a phrase of solidarity among those who are standing up to China, similar to the paper lip worm by Norwegians standing up to nazism. Bix nood was a rallying chant in Hong Kong
lurk faggot
jesus what happened to this place...
I have a library book due. I can’t be tardy
I've been wondering this for 10 years.
I stopped trying to understand nigger speak.
Cum inside for a surprise officer
>the Chinese authoritarians welded people in their buildings!
>American gov brings in national guard to enforce staying in homes. Punishment for not complying is being dragged off to a sesspool of disease prison cell, a death sentence.
>crickets from arrogant ignorant americans
excuse me sir but you seem to have a zipper dick
Everyone in the US should have a CCW and Home Defense Firearm. Citizens are becoming to reliant on us for every little damn thing. Mental Health Checks, Evictions, etc.
Most crimes will be overlooked/suspended as this becomes worse. We will be doing extremely limited operations.
What a fucking ass hole
> tis a free country, i’ll infect anyone I damn please
Please rotate 3600 and walk away.
thats one old ass picture
It's just a mockery of how niggers speak. Since most of what they say is unintelligible, "bix nood muhfugga" became the standard response when mocking niggers. It can either be used toward an actual nigger or responding like a nigger would.
if that was the response for 1 FBI informant going rouge I wonder what will happen when the deep state cracks or we're under communism
one or the other is happening in the next week or so
walking loot boxes
No officer, you go inside my organ harvesting dungeon.
>that feel when rimworld has prepared me for this eventuality.
Ive got vidya's to play anyway.
Don't shoot, I'm just putting my trash can outside!
Wear your chevrons upside down...ok
Rare left-eye dominant, but using the right hand. Won't hit anything.
Might as well just fuck my shit up fuckface cause I ain't licking your boots.
Yes sir, could I get my Trump box first?
You know it's just a stock photo, right
My gf has this and its terrible
I kinda figured honestly.
This is also proof as to why you need your own personal firearm to practice with daily because with so many out in the field helping protect the flow of logistics and aid, that leaves a smaller force for enforcing protection.
This. Everyone else ITT is larping badly. They would all bend knee and lick Barney Fife's boots.
I don't give warnings. Stay off my fucking property city slicker.
want some bagels?
>thats one old ass picture
You have to be 18 to post here.
Is that why I can't hit anything?
sure officer come in for some coffee and donuts??
You could just be a limp-wristed faggot. Don't know unless someone sees you shoot and confirms.
I have this too. It fucking sucks. That's why I only use shotgun for home defense. Don't really need to worry about aim.
Bix Nood stems from the african warrior prince Bussem Chiek's Horse named Biknud. His horse was bred in north Africa but Bussem was from the congo.
*coughs on you*
Lol you have no idea how badly it can fuck up shotgun aim unless you’re at point blank. Shotgun spread isnt that dramatic.
Reminder for anybody who doesn't know.
quads speak the truth
I don’t know what you all have been doing but I’ve had dozens of interactions with police across different states while carrying firearms, intoxicated, or violating traffic laws (obviously not at the same time) and I’ve never gotten these responses
>inb4 bootlicker
Maybe try being a responsible firearm owner, honorable citizen, and don’t shit on a cop just because
I mean there's really no other option. A patient of mine said he knew a guy that would smith a custom barrel for the left dominant/right handed shit but it sounded expensive and it didn't really make sense to me.
As you wish, Cuntstable
wait I'm not black
> right hand
> left eye
Wat? How are you supposed to kill all niggers with this sloppy technique?
*mag dumps you*
Here’s my card officer, I’m e s s e n t i a l
Now if you don’t mind I’d like to start my 100mph drive down vacant streets