$2,400.00 fucking dollars

That’s more money than some of you neets and degenerates have ever seen. Instead of being freaked out by the virus, normies are stoked thinking about getting some free money.
Trump just won 2020

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Gun Grab!!!!

NEETs aren’t getting it, it’s based on 2018 taxes

sauce? Right now McConnell's proposal is currently up to $1200 for individual

no trump wanted 2 checks, senate could only agree on 1


is that 1200 per month for 2 months??

its only one check

There’s no such thing as free money

I'm going to use all that extra money to buy drugs and tranny whores.

2,400 for a married couple who filed jointly in 2018 and $500 per child. It's 1,200 for everyone else.

>no money for NEETS
Fuck McConnell, I hope Democrats change this back to what trump said

They are cutting two checks fren. One in April one in May

Are you aware you live in the top dawg country on earth?

Nigga that's what the Treasury is proposing, not what's actually in the current phase 3 stimulus package.

They are 100% passing a second stimulus for another check in May, especially if this virus is still disrupting society (it will be). That’s why I’m saying $2,400.00. It’ll happen anons, enjoy

they can print as much as they want nigger

Reminder that NEETs don't get shit under his plan

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Put it all in JNUG

It’ll happen just the way I said, guaranteed. Republicans want to win in 2020 and this will get them where they need to be with voters.

Don't we have to repay that shit though?

>tfw neet with a tax return

I am laffin

$2400 is nothing when you have lost your job. Government's in English speaking countries seem intent on implementing social distancing rules which inconvenience shoppers and kill businesses, the flow on effects from this will have severe consequences for the economy.

Intelligent people and hard workers will never be unable to make a buck for their labor and services

It is the weaklings that will rot


Negative fucking Nancy. Don’t be jealous Bruce. Maybe your country can be based too, and hook you guys up with some free money

How do you know they'll pass another?

oh, you mean they're returning to us part of WHAT WE PAID THEM IN TAXES

how utterly neighborly of them

If the virus is still disrupting life at a significant level in May? They absolutely will. Common sense user. Trumps already publicly pushing for it too. He’ll leave the dems and Republicans no choice but to pass it or suffer in the 2020 election.

Maximum autism there. Jnug is for faggots, buy $DIA puts

reminder that NEETs dont NEED it

thats why we are NEETs and already insulated. while you guys are scrambling to pay 6 months of rent with 2 weeks of trump socialism we need nothing to continue

Cope. I’m currently getting paid full salary to work from home. This check will be in addition to my normal paycheck. It’s a nice little chunk of change add to the savings account

Have you not looked at the chart?!?! You are going to miss the opportunity of a lifetime.


And I'm not going to get dick because the cut off line is way too God damn low. FUCKING JEWS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

If I woke part time remotely do I get trump bux

Did you make at least $2,500 in 2018 and filed your taxes? If so then yes.

>Did you make at least $2,500

>filed your taxes?

No I made less than 10k

>Common sense
Ah yes, predictions in a completely unforeseen set of extreme circumstances are now common sense.

Nice, that should be just enough for a proper suit like pic related I hope

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Serves you right cash chucker

they'll take the money and vote for biden

Maybe if biden offered similar such policies. Trump is peeling away some Bernie voters, but more importantly, he is making Biden an unpalatable option to them. If they stay home in 2020 (and I think even more of them will than 2016 after this) trump gets an easy win.

I can't believe how many fucking niggers browse this board now. White people would not be slobbering over government handouts like this, especially knowing that it's just the fed printing more money and devaluing the dollar.


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I gotta pay for the dentist to do cavity fillings and wisdom tooth removal. There goes at least 2 grand right there

nearly every working white man is getting fucked over this chink HIV whether sick or not. Cry more kike.

>cash chucker

Haha money printer go brrr

And printing tissue paper for everyone accomplishes what exactly? If you're not a nigger you're sure as dumb as one.

Can finally buy my waifu.

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I only filed 2019 REEEEEEEEEEE

>Tfw still have a job because I am labeled essential
>Tfw steady pay on top of 2400 TrumpBux

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I can't wait for daddy trump to gib me money i'm gonna buy oil stocks with it!!@@!#!!!

>How dare you goy- I mean proud White people accept free money! That money should be going to the banks, airlines, and cruise lines!
Fuck of Moshe

They do though. You're a fucking smoothbrain for not filing your taxes. I worked in 2018, sure, so I'm getting the full payment. I didn't work an hour in 2019 though and I got a refund.

Trump won 2020 by not being the only retard in DC.

wow socialism is great!!!

I saw somewhere that if you didn’t file for 2018, but did file for 2019 (assuming you’re return has been processed) they will use you 2019 return to determine eligibility

Yes but this is the time we are supposed to use our future income to provide a safety net since the government is making us close down society and the economy. We shouldn't have so much debt for useless normal gibs because people don't want to work or we needed to kill some sand niggers for the sholom niggers.

And make USD even more worthless. Stimulus is a bad idea. Soup lines are the answer.

>economic relief during a global pandemic is the same as a welfare state
OK jew

goyim i know you just received 2400 donald bucks, the price of your dental work has just gone up

I'm glad Trump is helping people who need it.

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City govt literally forced my workplace to shutdown, state induced job loss is an infringement on the NAP

Pretty sure his proposal said for working Americans. Sorry but no trump bux for you beet faggot.

Except NEETS won’t get it. You needed to file taxes in 2018 and make a minimum amount of money. Oof

Wait a sec, we're gettig 2400 a month? I thought it was only going to be 1000
Fuck yeah, nigga

I need to buy stuff

I only filed for 2017. But I also heard you had to have paid at least 2500 dollars in taxes, and I barely made shit so I got everything back. Basically this plan just gives you a tax refund it's not free money for anyone.

I hope you're right.

I am so depressed I will not be getting anything

Like what?

And printing money does exactly nothing about that. Printing money does not generate resources.

The sweet sound of the gibs

I'm turning an old dresser into an reptile enclosure, so like tools and supplies and stuff.

When you do run out of tp you can trade that check for 1,000 pieces of tp.

You are a fucking idiot. As well as having filed taxes in 2018 you also have to be currently employed from 2018 to now. You arent getting anything.


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Im either gonna save it or just give it to my dad desu

Unleash your child soldiers in an uprising.
Threaten them to surrender with your McNuKe.
The NAP must be respekted.

man thats like 2 weeks pay. its almost an insult. fuck this orange bastard.

that's such bullshit.
midwits are the best stooges for the system.
poor people working multiple jobs work as hard or harder than the upper-middle class.
not to mention people who pursue scholarly ambitions, where only the conformist or the top percentile even squeak by.

The fuck? You really don't have anything better to waste that money on?

Where does it say that on the bill? I'm no longer a NEET and have been working since 2018 but just curious.

I'm your real dad, user

God I hate Americans

Meanwhile top Republican congressmen who were sitting on the intelligence committee sold all their stocks after getting briefed on the Corona outbreak. They dodged millions in losses when the market collapsed. All the while publicly talking about how the virus was no big deal


I mean, the new doom game is coming out, so there's that. But it's kinda fun project, hopefully will look cool when done

It's a one time payment unless the pandemic is still going 6 weeks later

lets look at the pros ans cons fag

capitalism - wage-slave for 50 years barely making ends meet.


socialism - 2000 dollars a month free.

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Because the check is going to be direct deposited to your current employee account. The whole reason theyre doing this stimulus package is because people currently employed are out of work. If you arent working, you wont be getting anything even if you filed taxes in 2018

They need to hurry this shit up.
Wagies will not stop going to work until RENT IT PAID. If I get a coof, I am going to work regardless unless my livelihood is secure.

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Isn't that insider trading.


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You'll get it if you filed for 2019.

nah I hate my dad enough to know he's really my dad

Damn so this is really anti NEET proof. What if you didn't lose your job tho?

Exactly, the latter keeps the weak alive when they should not be.