Lost my job have to pay alimony & child support

im fucked, laid off yesterday (aviation). I can't pay the $ 4200 alimony & $3,200 child support.

I checked and they said they will not suspend it and I should sell my car and boat. I can't get out of my apartment lease.

No one is going to buy my car or boat.

I will go to jail. I will get the wu flu and die.

WTF should I do Yas Forums ?

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Have you considered suicide bombing China?

Go back in time and don't get married like a retard.

sell your stupid boat

Relax. Don’t pay. Take up arms. They won’t specifically go after you this is too widespread.

Just default and fuck the court system up. Numbers are just numbers

do something crazy


Also a good idea

You’re ex wife would have to raise hell with the state, or you would have to get grossly behind. I went through some hard times a while back and got 12k in the hole. I never received one phone call or letter. I have it all current now, but I guess having a somewhat understanding ex helped


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she is a cunt. The judge is a cunt. I made
10.5K a month before taxes and they are taking 7,500. I can barely live and she is demanding more alimony.


Fuck you boomer.

gtfoff Yas Forums with your larpfaggotry

lol. yes u can get out of u apartment lease. i see it happenin all the time. nothing happens. your landlord know is harder to make money with the coronachan.

you think this is a joke. fuck you nigger

Will your wife work with you during the next 2 or 3 months until all this blows over?

What was your job? What's the reason for your divorce?

>marrying a roastie

Apply for unemployment or go live in your moms basement

Serious question. Did you have a Jew lawyer? It sounds like her lawyer was a Jew and yours wasn’t

not that cunt. They told me to sell what I have or I will end up going to jail if I don't pay within 90 days. There is no way I will get a job that pays what I made. No one is buy my 5 year old truck and a bass boat right now.

No my lawyer wasn't a jew come to think of it.

>impregnating a roastie

aircraft sales.

she was a cunt.

lawyer up and petition court for readjustment, get it tied up in courts.. in the meantime the prisons will become overcrowded and they cant take you either way.

Courts are closed right now. So fuck it. Tell your whore wife to go fuck herself if she tries to contact you.

Chris Benoit

Look for a group of jobless people due to Corona and ask for help money to the government, is now or never. Organize fast or die

This other glow nigger can help you get started, just join our discord and we will help you out

Tough time to be in aviation. Just got furloughed. Tell that cunt to fuck off. All the court systems will be closed and our economy is about to go into free fall. Hopefully she will be raped and dismembered limb by limb when the roving gangs of nigs come a knocking. I hope they make her feel the most unimaginable pain. The type of pain the makes her wish she was never born. I hope they rip off her pussy lips with bolt cutters and then cut off her breasts with rusty rebar. And then I hope they choke her with them.

Cant pay alimony and child support if they are dead

This. Never a better time to say fuck it

Its real simple OP. Just don't sign the marriage certificate. Then for the kid's custody agreement, just get 50% custody with no support payments. Duh.

Don’t listen to anons inciting violence. Just don’t pay anymore

>start over in a different country
>take the family court to hell with you in a blaze of glory
either choice is fine

This hopefully when the market collapse in a couple of weeks and police stop getting paychecks you can show up for a suprise visit with a chainsaw.

You could at least get another job in a sales position to hold you over until you can find a better job. Should have had a prenup.


If your ex-wife is using violence (police, courts) against you why don’t you return the favor?

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Im assuming you dont have split custody. So like why exactly is it?

Just do what we millenials do when do when going gets rough.


You owe that cunt nothing. Society nothing.

They will charge you with a felony next.
Just go get the kiddo and go inna woods.

what you're talking about is a self defense situation

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I think he meant that she would suspiciously fall ill and die from the coronavirus.

Move to philly. No longer arresting non violent criminals. They dont have time for your petty shit.

Fucking hell America is so funny
Here for the moment:
>Full unemployment money (If you are unemployed but have worked in europe they usually gib you something depending on how much you worked)
>Dont have to pay internet, water etc as long as this virus last
>Forbidden to kick people out of their homes
>Healthcare still free of course
>Many taxes are temporally shut down
>Many gibs for people losing job and small companies too
>Gibs to allow faster switch to online working

Become a pimp.

Just don't pay, what are they gonna do scare you with a nasty letter?

Don't even start spanish nigger. EU faggots have plenty of problems too.

Join the French Foreign legion.

Year, make, and model of your car?

Move to India, they will never find you.
You can poo in loo with a new waifu desu.

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Good thing I didn’t get married


Move away from Wichita.

Yup a ton of them, but at least our system is not based on individualistic lolbertarianism.
If the thing gets big enough the American system is totally unable of supportting his people or enforce law.
Also the deaths will be much much higher in USA almost sure

unfortunately you’re gonna lose your boat and apartment, as for the car you’re gonna need to live in it while on the run, flee the state sleep in car in Walmart parking lots, they allow that at almost all of them. Bathe at gyms. Try to find odd job work that doesn’t require ID. Keep your license plate in your car at night while sleeping though so some rando police officer happens to drive by can’t run it. If they wake you up in middle of night and ask why it’s not mounted just say you’ve had problems with people stealing it in the past. But ultimately in the long run you need to dip out of the country to somewhere that won’t extradite like the Philippines or something.

Sorry user, really shit situation you’re in, this is how shit the family courts are here, shits fucked man

Shoot the judge.

many police departments especially along the west coast said that due to the virus they won’t be enforcing non violent crimes, also they are letting out many prisoners


This cunt Loeffler is next

Shoot the judge then this


oh yea shoot the judge and her jew lawyer before you go to mexico

mexico looks like the place to be during this whole mess anyway.

Sell your BMW

I know this is probably a LARP but just in case, here is what you can seriously do:
1.) Create a fake id/identity, not hard to do just google it.
2.) Quietly sell all your shit, pennies on the dollar doesn't matter. (Someone will buy that boat for cheap enough)
3.) Buy a motorcycle that gets good mpg and isn't totally faggy.
4.) Leave a crazy ass sounding manifesto note.
5.) Ride off into the sunset.
6.) Go 2000 miles away and get some part time manual labor job and rent a small room, all cash.
You can effectively starve the beast this way. She will get tired of it and find another sucker.
Once she has moved on you can come back out of hiding and claim "temporary insanity" but she will be married off by then.
You can explain it to your kids when they get older and understand.
Sometimes retreat is your only option and it lets you live to fight another day.

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>>jajaja tengo el socialismo
22 percent poverty rate

Kys. Reincarnate. Get a vasectomy. Repeat

Why does homeboy look like that?

>No one is going to buy my car
i will when i get my 1000 trump bux

Not a glow nigger, but if you’re facing jailtime and certain death, it might be better to cancel those payments in a more permanent fashion

Lurk moar

Pay a nigger to seduce her and record her doing cock off his cock. Than turn around and take the kids from her. Easy peasy

Just comply with any orders to appear, and explain you can't pay. Show proof you've tried.
You go to jail for contempt of court, not for debt.

Why is the child support so high?

might as well go out in a blaze of glory.

>being this new

You can have your assets seized or get jailed for failure to pay. Or both. Not an option.

He got raped by the alimony virus.

Make peace with God....

and fake your own death.

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they are not going to put you in jail at this time
...are they


do this OP a smart mans game or infect yourself with the virus and start infecting poeple

Enjoy capitalism

The only reasonable post. OP is divorced from the bitch and he's still cucked by her.

fuck off

>he fell for the eternal thot