Does anyone REALLY believe this virus shit? They are shutting down society for a relatively small body count. This shit is a FRONT FOR OTHER SHIT THAT IS REALLY GOING ON.

I want to know what the fuck that is. This shit has Jew written all over it and we're going to be screwed in the end.I just know it.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Temple

I unironically believe Trump is going full Hitler and making an all-in move to rid this planet of ((Them))

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You are correct.

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They don't even know how many people it kills, which people it kills, what the long term effects are, etc. This is a NEW virus, that's why it's such a big deal, get that through your thick heads


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Lol ... gullible retard.

Come on man. Is he going to start with his daughter and son in law?

It's the Fed and economy that failed.

The jews are trying to salvage it but the kike tricks are obvious. Who isn't going to see you're injecting trillions of dollars at 0% interest. The domino effect has already happened, and the government is shut down trying to make a solution.

The virus is real but insignificant.
It was china shutting down that kicked off the chain of events in a play of economic war.
The US was too leveraged to survive it.

The cracks started showing in september in the repo markets, and china did the kill shot

soon everyone is going to be answering to china, and this transition is happening without WW3.
Trump might even be in on it who knows

Its a front bro. For what... i dont know.

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I'm starting to believe this too.

in ny my friends nursing finals during clinicals are being cancelled so they can actually work to support the influx of patients

son in law? thats all you have? he can liquidate the planet of these scum and keep kushner and stephen miller in a personal zoo for all care.

Hmmm checked

He did say he will make sure the world will burn if he lost.

there was a post about 10 years ago on a schizo forum saying kushner is the antichrist and trump is going to win inj 2016 it was nuts how accurate it was

he owns a property in new york number 666

So I am not confident trump isn't in on all this secret society shit as well just from a different clan

Here in my state they've stopped testing ppl under 61 (Cle Clinic). So few ppl were testing positive, they knew it was just proving the whole thing really was a hoax and a nothingburger. If you look at the CDC ILI chart, you can see that corona swept thru here in January and peaked in February. It couldn't be any more obvious.
So what are they doing and when are they going to stop this charade? I'm fucking tired of this shit.

Lol the guy surrounds himself with Jews

the jews keep saying their messiah will be announced this year
the chip program by gates, the elites positioning
this false flag virus

it's a jewish power move

Many moves trump made seems to point to ,that he is fighting the secret societies. So I think is hard to say.

It was godlike productions, but just some schizo shit. About as schizo and delusional as thinking trump will do jack shit about the kikes


it doesnt matter if trump doesnt finish the job. he teed us up. we can do it

well obviously we should treat the unknown like the mundane as OP is suggesting

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yeah I am praying he is on our side
I bought an american flag to hang outside my house this week

but at the same time I'm not confident in anything and I'm running through my option on how to protect my family and community and rebuild from this
The government seizing control and dripping out a couple bucks a month is fucked up communism shit
we will see the extent other virus soon and have better info on where to go from here

Yesterday some important head guy of italian health, said this virus kills only 0.8% of completely healthy people, and that 99% of deaths are people who were already very ill.
So basicly, the world was shut down over a virus that doesnt even kill 1% of regular, healthy people.
If that doesnt seem suspicious, dont know what is.
What game is being played here? jesus...

Kek, I thought you were talking about Trump

Seems more like he is. But that's why I say seems. You never know. But just look at what trump was talking about back in the 80s. Basically the same damn thing.

Hahahaha no no no

Here is the sauce if you speak italian

It's this, or locking us into a global prison forever like Orwell said would happen.
I kind of think it's both, one side with one goal the other with the other. Flip a coin, at this point we're in the dark until it wraps up.

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That's what I'm saying. This shit is an obvious front

World wide martial law test, my user.


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Pretty much this

The greatest way to get resolve this is to allow business to resume in small towns and allow their local governments to limit outsiders carrying disease
then they government can free up the markets and allow anyone to innovate and compete in bringing american made products to the markets

A little bit of localism and free markets would resolve the middle class who they're fucking over badly right now
the rich can have their serfs that vote for no freedom but not the middle class
there needs to be a resolution before a conflict happens

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I don't like the looks of these numbers user.
>Chinese nuke estimated arsenal: 1,274 warheads
or these ones.

Attached: GRABLE nuclear cannon.webm (640x360, 2.7M)

Cant work cause they shut everything down
Cant get basic groceries cause they've caused a panic with this virus
Completely dependent on the gov for a paltry amount of money that you cant possibly live well off of
MFW I suddenly realized the govt just seized control over every normal citizens life without a shot fired, and we are all now just peasants dependent on govt gibs. The elite have won. (((They))) have won.
Feels bad man

I don't know what to believe or in who, whom or whatever anymore.

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The government knows everything there is about it. Within the first week of it contaminating people, you'd have to be fucking retarded to think our government didn't know what was happening. These are the same mother fuckers that have every email and text message you've ever sent saved on a hard drive.

The nuke is actually a better option when you think about it
if the government just tries to scare us with nuclear war we will be stripped of our freedoms and rights way worse than they did since 9-11

we need a war and chaos because being calm right now while being molested by the ruling class isn't good for your soul

Yes , fuck yes

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>MFW I suddenly realized the govt just seized control over every normal citizens life without a shot fired, and we are all now just peasants dependent on govt gibs. The elite have won. (((They))) have won.

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You can literally see shapeshifters on camera now that the veil is thinner. Happy hunting.

The order of the Temple. These people worship fallen angels, they have since Egypt. They are trying to destroy actual Jewish people (talking real biblical jews not the obvious Semites/pharaohs we see today"

Go read morals and dogma by Albert Pike. 33 degree mason.

Their full name is the Knights of Solomons Temple, Solomon was the king of Israel and worshipped these things as well and angered God.

This is what modern "Israel" is, it's a big Freemason operation dedicated to reviving the worship of these creatures.

What they don't know is God is watching and they are going to get absolutely BTFO.

T. Seen all this shit

>being calm right now while being molested by the ruling class isn't good for your soul
It's that penetration you didn't want but gave into out of fear anyway.

>Low bodycount
6000 Deaths, 15000 Recoveries
6/21 will die from corona at the current rate.

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The federal reserve and elite banking families in Europe are ran by knight Templar's. When they went quiet they renamed "zionists" "AIPAC"

They have the same goal.. The rebuilding of Solomons Temple. They call themselves "Israel" but they lie.

It's on big satanic Mafia, if you guys were religious you would already know most of this though and none of this would surprise you.

Learning these things actually MADE me religious.

20% of people need hospitalization

if we just let things go on as normal the virus would spread rapidly and the medical system would be completely overwhelmed and the death rate would skyrocket because people who could otherwise be treated wont be able to get help's_Temple

>Does anyone REALLY believe this virus shit?
Only retards

this lock down and communist over reach is real
I'm not going to take more of it
for those unprepared they accept the easiest choice that day
but I see where this leads


remember, its them who released this bio-weapon

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War with the deep state
We're on the front lines of the information war
Ww3 is here, you're in it soldier

Start digging

Q is an NSA psyop made to distarct you and discredit any genuine conspiracy theories.

It's designed to be a never ending rabbit hole catching "pedos". meanwhile your country is being changed permanently around you.

the patriot movement has been hijacked and now we have schizo boomers.

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I didn't believe it myself until I saw the fallen angels fly a massive airship into the ground. I always thought religion was what weak people tell themselves because they are scared of the concept of death. I was very, very wrong. These are probally the same "aliens" the Nazis were in contact with.

Whatever you wish to call them, fallen ones, aliens, it's the same shit, 200 of them rebelled against God and were cast down and live INSIDE of the earth.

Oh mighty boy how disapointed will you be

It's called Project Zyphr, OP. Everyone should be awake to this. Watch the video from beginning to end. It will all make sense:

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