Why not just make everyone who has a SSN get Trumpbucks? Seems a lot easier than doing the whole tax stuff.
Why not just make everyone who has a SSN get Trumpbucks? Seems a lot easier than doing the whole tax stuff
Bush didn't do it that way
Filthy nigger Obama didn't do it that way.
Plus the syatem is rigged people from india use their green card number as a social security number and have networks of Indians in America to get them approved for credit cards and mortgages then when the visa expires they get a new number then the other Indians that work at credit card company's give them more credit under the new social security visa number.
sorry neet faggot, no trump bux for you.
>Seems a lot easier than doing the whole tax stuff.
If you filed taxes, they know where to send the money.
/thread, day of the timeclock is coming NEET scum
People with ssn’s:
Etc etc etc
Or how about just sending the checks to all white people only?
>letting seething wagies convince you you're not getting trump bux
we're all getting it or no one is, fellow neet
Even back then men had a brap fetish
wtf the altar of braps
Because the trumpbucks are a refund of taxes that I paid. If trumpbucks were given to everyone, you would be getting my money. Why do you think you deserve my money?
Only people that contribute to society get rewarded. No faggots riding the welfare train though life.
Brapp artist are the worst
Neet detected!
Fuck you, barnacle.
NEETS cannot have it. The one good thing to come out of this is that NEETS will starve and hopefully die.
Why not just UBI?
Because you suck
Everyone over 18 that's legal and has a SSN/Driver license.
At least I have a job. And $1200 less of my taxes is now going to useless NEETs. :^)
Nah, only taxpayers. Leeches don’t need extra gibs. They already get government cheese and/or rent from mommy. Maybe she will share her trumpbucks!
>be me
>start applying to jobs early 2019
>finally get a job jan 2020 after applying to every fucking place within 10 miles
>no joke, at least 35+ applications to entry level positions
>have to borrow my parent's car to get to work
>chump change just above minimum wage
>have to save every cent of it
I can't imagine the situation i'm in is unique. And i'm sure there are thousands of people worse off than me in this situation.
A generation of zoomer college kids are going to be super mad they didn't get their trumpbux because they got their first job in 2019-2020
also, why is it so fucking hard to find a job?
Again, i'm a dependent so I don't need it. But there are tons of people my age who aren't and are going to be pissed.
When did you graduate? What did you major in? What sort of interning and networking did you do in undergrad? If you started applying in early 2019, does that mean you sat on your ass for 6 months doing nothing after graduating?
And most importantly, why does your lack of planning mean you’re entitled to my money?
>But there are tons of people my age who aren't and are going to be pissed.
Zoomies don’t vote though. So who cares if they microblog angry memes or whatever?
It's already been established in the GOP bill today that nobody that earns over $75,000 will get it. How do they know your income? By filing taxes you fucking idiot.
NEETs get nothing.
>the government needs your tax returns to know where you are
lol jesus christ
I always get rejected in an interview because I have trouble talking to people.I’m not creepy or lazy, what do?
tfw my mommy will give me the bucks because I'm a dependent. Neets win again.
Neets should get cut off.
>When did you graduate? What did you major in? What sort of interning and networking did you do in undergrad?
not in college m8. I graduated high school at the end of the 2018 year.
>my money
it's not your money, you surrendered it to the government, sorry
bRAAAp mmmm
I moved over 2000 miles to get my first job out of college. You have to be mobile.
>I did just enough temp work I did file taxes and got moneys back
>now I get trumpbux too
More like they stole it.
>and most importantly, why does your lack of planning mean you’re entitled to my money?
oh and btw, "your money" belongs to the fed.
Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. Fuck nigger Americans.
I deserve money.
Nothing wrong with that. Even if you don't work at all you should still file every year. This is a prime example of why.
>mfw neets miss out on two payments of $1200 because they were too lazy to spend 10 minutes filing taxes last year.
>35 applications in about a year for entry level work
>3 per month
Lulz. You surely are the industrious type.
Indeed dot com has jobs
Temp agency's like randstad and westaff are nationwide and have jobs.
Do you have a car to get to work and fill out applications?
Temp agency's
Where do you live I can find ten temp agency's if you drive and have a car
Also INDEED dot com has jobs
Literally what they're doing you retard. Welfare niggers don't qualify
Funny i know. I live in a fairly rural area with no personal vehicle, and was taking a few classes at a community college. So I couldn't sit around applying to jobs all day. And i started applying in April so not just 3 per month.
I had to find a new job last year and I probably applied to 200 in a month, you sound lazy
You can fill out 35 applications in a week on INDEED dot com
Don't worry, lots of jobs will open up in the next couple years.
Your local unemployment agency should have a career center with a list of job openings.
A reliable car is more important in the job market these dats then a college education.
I make big money have a good job no education
But I have a reliable car that can drive me to work 20 miles back and forth each day.
All you guys that are poor 18-24 need to become car mechanics if you want to make over 50 grand a year.
Stop voting for Bernie and go to a trade school to to learn auto mechanic work.
How old are you? Why don't you have a car? Why didn't you work during high school and save Money? So... 35 job applications in 9 months. 4 a month? That is much more impressive than 3. That's like one a week. Was someone available to wipe the sweat off your brow?
He doesnt have a reliable vehicle
Even with a college education there is no work for him because he has no transportation.
He needs to hang out on 4 chan /o/ and smarten up real quick.
If he wants a wife and kids he needs to become a automobile mechanic.
Yes yes yes i know indeed.com, firm handshake, i'm lazy. I've heard it all. I've done it all. And 35 was a rough estimate no need to exactly calculate how fucking lazy I was.
Again, i live in a rural area, there weren't 200 places that i could apply to within a reasonable distance.
You're missing the point of my original post
I don't need the money here. I am a dependent. I'm talking about all the people who are in my situation or worse. They're the ones that this bill should target and yet they're the ones that are going to get shafted by this simply because they didn't file their taxes in 2018/2019.
Auto mechanic is a shitty shitty shitty job. You will have to spend 1/4 of your paycheck on tools, you get paid a fixed (book) rate for each job- if anything goes wrong (stripped or broken bolts are insanely common) you will be making horrible money per hour, and you have to compete with other mechanics for jobs if business is slow. Ask me how I know.
He doesn't have a car
So he is screwed
Tons of working men with reliable vehicles and no education make over $60,000 a year working in warehouses.
He needs a car more then a education
Ecen african and Hispanic immigrants know owning a vehicle is more important then education to make money in America.
yeah I guess they did literally nothing to help you get that money. you libertarians assume the environment beneath you is real, and not maintained by government. you think it you could just be free, you could make money and some thug wouldn't cave your skull in and take it.
Are you a male?
Is there a auto mechanic school near you?
.have you ever thought of working at a jiffy lube or valvoline oil change?
.are you aware owning a reliable vehicle is more important then a education in today's job market?
How far is the nearest Randstad or westaff temp agency from you?
>Why don't you have a car?
Because i don't have money
>Why didn't you work during high school and save Money?
No one would hire me. It's not like I had never applied to a job before 2019.
>So... 35 job applications in 9 months. 4 a month?
I would apply and sit on it for about a week because I was busy with other things and it wasn't the most urgent thing in the world. And when I did I would usually apply to about 2-3. So it was probably more than 35 but I really have no idea.
Never got a reply from any of them.
Obama and bush did the same thing they only gave stimulus checks to those that filed taxes after promising their stimulus checks were for all Americans.
you're probably ok with them going to welfare niggers though, thats who the majority of this money is going to go to. Trump has done nothing but appease jews and blacks. He's literally done nothing for whites and I don't see any reason why Jared would allow him to do anything for us now.
yeah sucks to suck I guess, if you haven't even had a job for 1 year then you fall through the cracks. This supposed check is basically just a refund to the actual taxpayers who they rob on a yearly basis, you leeches get enough from other sources so get fucked
Well If your applications look that shitty your only career choice is going to auto mechanic school.
You should watch some Chris fixx videos on you tube.
Lots of black women on welfare file their tax forms so they can get a check for there kids as dependents.
and then those same filthy indians will, before the second batch of checks, send their wife or son or cousin or brother or father or sister etc... to take advantage of Trumpbux
>Are you a male?
>Is there a auto mechanic school near you?
Near me? Probably not. Maybe at the community college.
>are you aware owning a reliable vehicle is more important then a education in today's job market?
>How far is the nearest Randstad
just looked it up, a little over an hour from me
>westaff temp agency
looked it up. two hours
bro it's fine. I have a job. I don't feel entitled to this money.
>yeah I guess they did literally nothing to help you get that money.
The Federal government? Yeah, they did squat.
> you libertarians assume the environment beneath you is real, and not maintained by government. you think it you could just be free, you could make money and some thug wouldn't cave your skull in and take it.
My county handles policing of that nature, not the federal government. My county doesn't steal from my check before I get it. I am happy to pay them because they are fantastic at what they do. The federal government is literally shit at basically everything.
>you leeches get enough from other sources so get fucked
I have never received any form of govt monetary assistance.
>I was busy with other things
Like what?
Fucking cheeky mate
I don't know what to tell you, the government is gonna just pen a check to every SSN on record
Not much to put on an application when you have no employment history i guess.
When I took the interview for the job I have now I told the interviewer that I had never received a reply and they were very confused.
They told me my application looked perfectly fine.
I'm not a lolberg and I'm not him, but it's blatantly obvious when our government spends trillion on jewish wars and resettling mud blood migrants into your neighborhood, while you pay 30% for broken roads, super expensive health care, horrible traffic, and general incompetence all around - that the average working American is getting almost nothing for what they put in and the government is stealing most of their labor from them. The best part is bootlicking faggots like you, who are supposed to be young and suspicious of this kind of shit, defend our jewish system of state exploitation because you'll win contrarian points on a Namibian surfing forum.
That would be a disaster.
sorry typo, I mean the government isn't, so I don't know what solution you are proposing, 2019 taxes aren't even due yet so what is your alternative?
bad advice long term but then again zoomers need to learn skills besides bottle flipping
Retarded nigger. People over 75k will get a reduced amount and then people who make over 99k wouldn't get anything.