>Under the plan, the details of which were revealed on the Senate floor by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., individuals making up to $75,000 annually would be eligible for a $1,200 check from the federal government.
>The cash would be delivered in a one-time payment. President Donald Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had in recent days pushed for Americans to get two payments.
see here's where i have to be a little mean and point out it's hard to take that seriously when you already told me your first concern was to your own benefit and not necessarily mine. where are your children?
You will get at least 600 Trumpbux, most likely more
Elijah Fisher
Trump send in the Marines to fight California state Government
Matthew Anderson
It has to get through the House (who controls the power of the purse) and the House has a different version. The House probably has the leverage in this case (because of the power of the purse)
musk is a faggot, he went all in on China surpassing the US, right before corona-chan he was saying that China's economy would grow to be 3-4x US size and broke ground on Gigafactory in China.
He then shilled that Corona was a nothing burger and not to panic, now Tesla stock is down 60%. He's a fucking chink shill and now trying to save face by offering to make ventilators and talking about medicine
I was mostly jesting except for the cat thing a bit. I guess it's hard to get across when I jest like this. The value of children is not degraded by people who advocate it not having their own children despite wanting children.
How would you cash the check if you can't go outside? How would you buy food if you can't go outside?
Jordan Rivera
>socialism is bad until muh BASTE god emperor says it's good >b-b-but it's just like muh NatSoc memes! literally no actual political stances, just a cult of personality. Next you'll say 100,000+ new pajeets is also America First.
Great nationalism, fantastic social policies.
Jason Sanders
I identify as gender non conforming. My pronouns are they or them or xir.
Man the chick I banged on Tuesday had this exact same body type, just with slightly bigger tits >although they had uncomfortably huge areolas easily larger than a silver dollar
Good question. Maybe towards rent, savings. This all factors into how long this lasts I also hypothesize that if this continues for the next three months, they have to give more money to people
Fucked a male gymnast Let me just say he had the absolute most ripped body and tightest hole Testosterone through the roof yet perfectly smooth skin Huge cock too, he was white naturally Greatest body ever and I usually slept with swimmers too
You should Only neets and dependents and people making under 12k a year and paying no federal income taxes ate in the lowest bracket
Landon Richardson
they want you to think that you as a young person needs to stay inside too because the young people going out and about and saying "fuck it i dont care" are the people interrupting the fact that its a fake virus
and they limit the shut down of society because not EVERYBODY is quarantining
which thats really what corona is to shut down everything and put martial law and the nwo into place finally.
if everyone could please clear the thread, awoobaker is flirting with his online boyfriend and all the political discussion is clogging up precious space
I got some Gorton's Fisherman fish sticks today. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited about it. Looking forward to putting some of these in the oven and dipping them in some ketchup tomorrow.
Is he taking about illegal guns like looters and robbers?
Hudson Foster
That is why its going to be deadly here.
Christopher Brooks
Slavic features; not white
Blake Morris
So let me get this straight. They are telling cops NOT to arrest people for "victimless" crimes, but they want cops to arrest people for traveling around? Strange
Oh btw, how many deaths are we up to now? 150-ish?
Julian Diaz
>Jew directly behind him. He let his guard dowm, bros. It's already too late.
Jose Long
>leftist policy exists >hate it >Trump copies it verbatim >love it you literally can't make this shit up
Jason Barnes
A+ picture m8 you're a saint psl more
Joseph Jackson
Just go to gamestop bro! They are an essential service, afterall
Josiah Sullivan
this is bait
Hudson Gomez
>he doesn't used exclusively digital distribution
Nolan Sanders
Maybe. No courts are open. What are they gonna do? Charge him? Lol. Can't appoint a senator during a pandemic.
they had thousands of sick chinks working in their leather factories since they sold all of their leatherworks to chinkland so chinks were flying to pastaniggerland freely and infecting everyone
Right wing responsible Americans with economics educations generally don't want more distortion with welfare programs and such like have been proposed.
No, the people dying from the virus are too old, over 80. That's above the life expectancy. A few young die too. A few young people die all the time. None of them are dying from the virus. They just happen to have it, like a common cold. The only thing the virus does is spread and test positive.
Andrew Anderson
Don't need a court to resign. Burr is toast. Check his twitter and fb. Total loss of support from both sides. He's gone. Good riddance too!
Joshua Rodriguez
hello schizo
Luis Long
Bentley Peterson
when you spend 20 minutes at the bottom of the last thread stoned, responding to all the people who have long gone...
Carson Parker
>he fell for the digital jew Enjoy never owning anything, comrade.
Nolan Taylor
You're only gonna need the one check because this farce will be over by the end of the 15 days.
Chase Sanders
Hey everyone, the economy is safe! I made a money printer!
So Cali isn't going to make their trained police enforce the order, but instead deputize inexperienced people and give them broad, vague power to enforce it Genius
Oliver Nguyen
You seem to be forgetting one thing. People still hate it but realize this shit is bigger then what can be controlled. Temporary doesn't mean people want to love forever under a fucking Communist.
Zachary Brown
>India's metropolitan cities are equipped with test kits. And they're barely reporting deaths from it.
It's zero deaths. Deaths by real diseases are being attributed to the media faked chink cold.notice how nations without heavy jew influence have zero deaths?
if India was getting hit like China supply lines would be even more fucked. everyone would know.
Oliver Flores
>It can still happen
It could but the fact that it hasn't happened by now shows Coronavirus seems far weaker there for some reason. India is right next to China too with decent amount of cross traffic, and its densely packed.
Kayden Reyes
Please just let people gather again. Stop closing everything. I don't want to lose my job.
Easton Perry
There will be lesbian sex in every thread until I'm too busy to give Johnny the control over my brain.
Unless the DNC starts getting throw in prison for their Burisama China money, then I don't care about this pissant at all. Or the other dumb R that also got 'outted'.
Cameron Torres
republican senator north carolina and chairman of the powerful senate intelligence committee
Nolan Cruz
America is evolving. Please wait.
Jack Nguyen
Fucking shit dudes. Guy from work roommate is sick. How fucked am I.
How do we change perception of this, because thats the problem.
There are still more dead from common flu by the thousands.
The media is going to keep mashing this button until it breaks. Trump has dared them by joining the dance.
At some point, the media will sense recovery and double down on the attack. Facts dont matter now, they wont matter then. And by then, the headlines wont be about a virus, it will be something about Trump destroying the economy.
Trump was smart to marry the media to the overreaction. But trying to change perception of what the ever loving fuck is actually happening is going to take a fuckton of counter-media blitzing.
You know how they dig in with things like Russia and Ukraine. This is the same dance to a new tune.
The election remains secure. Im not worried about that. But the actual people of this country are being made to suffer, and suffer hard, long after this passes.
This has to stop. And I dont know how you fight hysteria and panic. No one wants to be wrong. Its too easy to be defensive. Its the economy that will hurt them, not a virus.
tldr idk how to undo this mess, but it has to be done. Swiftly and severely. My first thought is distraction. You wont succeed telling people to *not* think about something. People need to see some new horror laid directly at the feet of the left. Yet they also need to feel inspired, that there is a future worth working for.
Im sorry for blogging. But this is a bigger mess than people realize yet, and I dont know what to do about it. All I know is that the only way to survive chaos is to be causing it.
>googling quarantine >googling corona >google pops up the movie Tangled from Pixar >remember the movie of the girl being in quarantine from the outside >the name of the kingdom is called Corona
>the mexican-jew hybrid cries out in pain as you defend yourself
Robert Anderson
Advice from somebody in the 9th day of mandatory NEET life For workout:HIIT Bang your chick Play vidya Learn language with Duolingo
Austin Powell
non-whites and their loathing white allies want to exterminate whites, with their desire to exterminate their targets proportional to their targets degree of white pride.
I was told it was supposed to double every 3 days. This is so ridiculous.
Bentley Miller
Yea, I know the game. Every China-friendly media outlet was signaling for months that they were going to try to manufacture a "Katrina moment" for Trump. They shilled the fuck out this board non-stop with corona spam. Remember the Britfag who kept posting DailyMail garbage?
Wyatt Ward
>grows 2/3 of americas food >gonna run out of food
user, i...
Zachary Wilson
>Enjoy never owning anything, comrade. >he thinks gaemus can't be put on discs at my convenience >he can't even get his new pong from the sears catalog
Adam Brooks
the cities.
Julian Hughes
>Learn language with Duolingo Kek Just no, I have no use to speak to non-english speakers.
Dominic Jones
Thought so. Thanks.
Anthony Hall
Let them believe what they want about California, there's so many movies about our people anyway the truth is only known to it's residents.
Andrew White
Using 2018 taxes fucks me. Just give it to all adults who arent mega wealthy
Jace Barnes
fuck predictive programming is true isn't it.....
Asher Hill
Your life must be hard. Your going to lose some friends in the coming weeks and months. I hope your prepared to deal with that.
Nathan Evans
Give me a sexy Kellyanne to coom to
Joshua Clark
>all these coomer NEETs desperate for UBI and tendies getting BTFO We should get rid of foreign aid and shore up the homefront, not just pander another stimulus like past presidents have.
>if India was getting hit like China supply lines would be even more fucked. everyone would know. Quit ruining my dreams on not having pajeets call me about fake jobs because they are all dead
Levi Thomas
YIKES, and remember that the witch can maintain her youth through a girl hehe
That song in the castle "when will my life begin" is the corona isloation song
Wyatt Butler
It was pizza I made tonight!
Adrian Harris
>Are you fucking retarded? Reporter #5: (48:10) You did say a few days ago though, you did have a sense that this was a pandemic that was coming, so why was the United States not prepared with more testing and surprised?
Donald Trump: (48:18) We were very prepared. The only thing we weren’t prepared for was the media. The media has not treated it fairly.
“Crimson Contagion” an exercise conducted last year in Washington and 12 states including New York and Illinois, showed that federal agencies under Trump continued the Obama-era effort to think ahead about a pandemic.
The knowledge and sense of urgency about the peril appear never to have gotten sufficient attention at the highest level of the executive branch or from Congress, leaving the nation with funding shortfalls, equipment shortages and disorganization within and among various branches and levels of government.
The October 2019 report in particular documents that officials at the Homeland Security and Health and Human Services departments and even the White House’s National Security Council were aware of the potential for a respiratory virus outbreak originating in China to spread quickly to the U.S. and overwhelm the nation.
“Nobody ever thought of numbers like this,’’ Trump said Wednesday, at a news conference.
In fact, they had.
Jackson Hughes
Probably doesn't want to piss off the corporatist.
Wonder if the mexicans will go wild and attack the nigs
Hunter Rogers
>Jew to his rear >suicide bombers to his front and to his right >double aids plague carriers to his front left >nigger to his rear right >cartel member to his left