Pic related. 95% of comments supporting this are from women. The only people who speak out are men. Women would gladly give up their rights just so random unqualified people can "take control of the situation" even though there is no boogeyman in sight. But let's not forget, when they finally realize how fucked they will be in government control, they will of course default to their nature.
The women beg for government control
Westerner living in Korea here. Korea never did a lockdown and shit is under control. Japan next door is barely doing shit and their hospitals aren't overflowing.
The amount of fellow Americans back home BEGGING for authoritarianism while everything is perfectly normal here makes me think I'm taking crazy pills.
They have to lock ppl down bc the public is made up of dumb sheep
Jesus does this prick actually want a civil war?
We have some people willing to cooperate but a bunch of tards that don't and are spreading it. Yet they're gonna need a Dr when we're short on Drs for this. Korea and Japan have a strong sense of unity. I'm surrounded by gluttonous selfish tards that can't do what we all need to do
I thought the same thing, then I realized the people BEGGING for someone to POINT A GUN AT THEM and force them to go inside, are 90% probability of being Russian or Chinese troll farms. I'm leaning Russian, because they want oil to hit 10 dollars.
>Russian troll farm
Que the NPR theme
This is what happens when you let your education system get kiked for two generations.
People are scared for their lives. I believe that shit will hit the fan once a good part of the population gets it and develop immunity. They'll have nothing to lose.If you are old or sick, don't ever leave your house this year.
idk lads, don't think i would be threatening to take the freedom from texans. seems like shit could get real down there. i feel like the apes over here on the east coast would bow down much easier.
Show tits
We failed our founders. They equipped us with everything we needed and we piss on it.
You dont have niggers and dumbasses that will go coughing on everyone though if theyre told not to.
>People are scared
Women and pussies are scared, and only women and pussies.
Um no. Modern woman are all about liberalism and freedom. Anything that would stifle their desire to live how they want, they would definitely be against
They have a bizarre fetish for sociopaths and their retarded habits.
Well state ran schools gave them an education so theres your answer.
Youd be surprised, there are people in hunting groups I'm in that voted for hillary. It's more cucked than people realize.
Isn't Facebook only postmenopausal women these days?
White women want to be locked down and fucked with nigger dicks until they bleed because white men are massive soi boy cuck bitches who won't lay the smackdown on white women and give them the dicking and beating they deserve
Wow, a based American
Texan here that voted for Abbott. Fuck that crippled bastard.
They won't be fucked though. Live in government supplied pods, with UBI? Go shopping all day? Big daddy government taking care of them & a steady supply of immigrant penis to fuck? Its a female utopia.
I agree just lockdown and get it over with asap. Worst thing to do is half assed quarantine measures and fuck our economy while he virus still slowly spreads. Better to go all out and quash it asap then go back to normal. Also they're right in that many men are total retards who will disobey authority in any circumstance just to posture. A plague is basically one of the few times where centralized control is actually beneficial because of the prisoners dillema style of rewards for individual actors. During a plague centralized government can get shit sorted
What's going on is insane. People have to start organizing and pushing back against this. These quarantines and lockdowns make no sense. It's a blatant power grab.
Diversity is correlated with disease spread
Women don't want to fuck shitskins or live in a pod. You clearly don't know shit about women. The number 1 thing they want is security which is why single women flock to big government. Without a husband they become giga progovernment as the government becomes their proxy husband. In a culture where 95 % of women are married they wind up being more conservative than men. That's how our society was until recently. Even in our backwards society they maintain certain conservative traits eg mate seeking within the race, maintaining religiosity and being monogamous.
Those faggots are going to have to take aggressive measures.
There is a reason no one is taking it serious because they don't see the government taking it seriously.
you mean the founding fathers like hayme Solomon, the jew who funded the brother Vs brother war known as the American Revolution?
it's funny, your people fall for the exact same trick again and again throughout history. Imagine being that stupid hahahaha
>I'm leaning Russian, because they want oil to hit 10 dollars.
Wouldn't that wreck Russia more than the US?
At least the US and even Saudis are diversified. What doesn't Russia have outside of gas and oil?
tell me, do Korean women love BWC? thinking of moving there
This . We are so jewified white women want guns taken away and their freedoms removed
Jews and women =
>Women would gladly give up their rights
What rights? I'm 5'5" and 120lbs. Literally anyone here with a Y chromosome could dislocate both my shoulders with a minimal amount of effort. You could beat me, maim me, kill me, rape me, or kidnap me to due any of the above at your leisure, and I have effectively zero ability to prevent it. What rights do you really have, when 50% of the people around you can unilaterally prevent you from exercising them at any random moment?
>inb4 gun
You've all seen enough videos of female police officer fails to know that's not adequate, women suck at guns. If I tried to rely on the cute pink .380 your favorite instagram MAGA model poses with I'd get rag-dolled before I ever cleared the holster. And our laws are retributive, nothing happens until you're already a victim. A police state, with laws proactively protecting me, actually seems like a desirable thing from my perspective. You guys might thrive in Ancapistan, but I feel as though having Big Brother watching me is the optimal survival strategy for me.
Look, why don't guys just go full Nazi, okay? Straight up Hugo Boss and "Papiere, Bitte". You can wipe out all the darkies and the trannies, and I'll do calisthenics in a field with a bunch of other women, and then marry one of you when you become an officer, and have your baby, and cook you schnitzel after you come home from a long day of killing undesirables. Government control sounds awesome, just be the government and things will be great. Fuck this "liberty" shit, I don't really need it.
Nah you're sane, it's pretty disheartening seeing how many people are literally demanding the government ban people from leaving their homes. Of course the media doesn't mention Korea's lack of a lockdown at all, or the low mortality rate there, the media just keeps talking about how many new cases there are and the outlying case of Italy.
Everyone else controls their women. Not their fault white men are such massive pussies.
100% true. This is why women can't be given any power. Soviet just makes sense for them, it can't be denied.
Ya right. Its cuz the west’s history is one of pairing between men and women whereas most of the world was harem based.
>they will of course default to their nature.
Pissy children?
>You can wipe out all the darkies and the trannies, and I'll do calisthenics in a field with a bunch of other women, and then marry one of you when you become an officer, and have your baby, and cook you schnitzel after you come home from a long day of killing undesirables. Government control sounds awesome, just be the government and things will be great. Fuck this "liberty" shit, I don't really need it.
Damn youre a genius
Alphafux, betabux.
Though the reality is Daddy Government is failing so they are monkey branching away by chameleoning as TradThots again in the hopes those same men they did not need before will now subsidize them.
And once corona chan is resolved, she will return home with her real husband of Daddy Government.
1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual.
Has anyone ever played that tanks game I think it was on the n64, where a virus kills off most of the women and the military takes them all as a response?
The whole point is that you are putting trust into an entity that you will never see, touch, feel, or meet. The government is not your protector, it will not protect you from strong men. It will send men to your door to force you to obey laws. You will not have a choice. The lack of foresight women can see is discerning, because you honestly think that the government won't consist of the same strong men you want them to protect you from. Why would so many "weak" people put trust in to something they know nothing about? It's because women seek the strongest power for protection.
Fucking this! The government is not our friend and won’t protect us from anyone. Enabling an all powerful government will bring nothing but bad things on everyone. Take it from someone who used to live under a dictator. Shit fucking sucks! You do not want that for America.
The point is like that woman realizes, women are fucked no matter what and the best they can hope for is that the men in charge is nice to them. So just take women out of the equation. They don't care about freedom and reason because they know they don't have those things regardless. She's just telling you why if you let women have political power then your society will inevitably turn into a middle-eastern shithole.
Live in Texas 6 years now. Always call it California jr. I have not liked one single minute living in this place. I said on the way here that I don't want to die on Texas soil. I will crawl the fuck out if I have to but I won't take my last breath here.
Ok, beaner.
Can I see squeeze your boobies, I just wanna feel a real girls tiddys before I die.
Gee what's the difference why our shit can turn more fucked up? Just fucking guess
>Women would gladly give up their rights just so someone can "take control of the situation"
In saner times, that was called "having a husband".
Women collectively threw a tantrum and claimed they were adults who didn't need no man to keep them in line, yet now they call the government daddy.
Gee, it’s almost like women instinctively want and need a strong man to take control of their lives. Who could have guessed that.
You have to understand the USA is not a country, it’s a Jewish-run economic zone. There is no sense of unity or esprit de corps. It’s a low trust culture that is turning on itself as it collapses into the third world shithole it has been importing for 50 years.
Look at world history, usually the first thing that happens as a country loses itself is authoritarianism. As the Roman Republic became richer, more multicultural, and more decadent, it turned into the Empire. The same thing will happen here.
Women do not and cannot have foresight user. It is why they cannot build a civilization. They run on emotions and what gives them the most social capital. It is why they’re the first to show up with “refugees welcome” signs or clap about trannies. They cannot make the hard and necessary decisions necessary to build a society, ever.
Nowadays women support big government because they’ve been fed big government propaganda their whole lives. That simple. They support it because they’re told by a strong authority (the government) to support it. Now a lot of men think the same way, mostly soiboy libshit men, but soiboy libshit men are basically women so...
Stupid wahmen
>lock everything down bc I’m too much of a femnigger to control my own stress reactions blehh
>It will send men to your door to force you to obey laws.
I was going to obey those laws anyway, though? What laws do you think I don't want to obey? I don't hit people, I don't rape people, I don't steal thing, and I don't deal in contraband. If the law is "we're imposing a curfew, women must be indoors at 9:00 pm", I'll be in the kitchen washing dishes at 8:45. Why would I want to break laws?
What he said, the Viking gets it.
Get the brown people out of your country and hang that freak Hannah Mouncey from a lamppost, and I'll immigrate right to your doorstep and you can do whatever you like. I'm just done at this point. Women's suffrage was bullshit. We fucked up, I'm scared of the consequences, just take back the helm and make everything better. Make it so Pedro and Jamal aren't cat-calling me everytime I get on the subway and making me scared I'm going to get raped, and I'll just start picking out colors for the nursery. I literally don't care anymore, I just want to nap on a white man's couch between reading Agatha Christie novels and roast him a chicken before he gets off work. Forget this "equality" nonsense, it's too much risk and too much work.
>nothing happens until you're already a victim
Unfortunately it has to be this way, because precrime and red flag laws or other circumvention of due process and innocence until proven guilty, is what is being pushed here. Sad.
All of those comments and likes are social media plants. You really think any American will call for a total lockdown?
tits or gtfo