Give them money too

You stupid Americans have no idea how hard it is to be an illegal in your country. They barely survive. Fuck your TrumpBux, these poor oppressed families need this.

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No. Illegal immigrants are here illegally and do not deserve handouts for breaking the law. Die.

I'm flabbergasted at how these illegal spics have the nerve to actually speak to reporters and allow themselves to be pictured in news articles. Deport these shitskins already.

As someone whose family immigrated here legally. FUCK THAT. Become a citizen if you want the benefits of being a citizen.

they could call up ICE, they would be taken care of for many weeks until mexico can collect them, and help support them.

all of them have stored up enough fat to survive a nuclear apocalypse

Maybe this was the plan, to make them self deport.

They really don't care if people know. Most progressive Americans are accepting of illegal immigrants these days. Shows how lax we've been with enforcement, doesn't it?

>every single one is obese
>we will starve gringos!


how will i be able to shovel endless mac-donaldos into my ravenous horde's gaping maw, i have no money, tom hanks won't let me cut his lawn anymore.

Progressives can go die as well. Bleeding hearts seeking to virtue signal during an actual crisis? God damn this country if they go through with helping illegals.


Lil Mama can start selling her ass if they want some money.

Fucking kek.

Get outta here

If there is a humanitarian crises there are ways to provide food and water without spending 1000 dollars. Perhaps that can be figured out as well.
But the 1000 dollars is for economic relief.

Fuck the beaners. They can go back to mexico

GTFO, thanks

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They should move into the Vice HQ.

so i can take what little they have?
because it is a 2 way street

Every American citizen deserves trumpbux but fuck illegals, there's not even a proper way to distribute money to them anyway.

>i love this timeline
Holy shit i never thought about this!!!

Why do spics look so dysgenic?

Now is the time to sneak your smelly beaner assses back across the border
Go die with you family and not here

These publishers, editors, and writers have homes. I trust you to do the right thing Yas Forums

Mexicanberg mebbe

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This audacity is actually angering me.

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>You stupid Americans have no idea how hard it is to be an illegal in your country

go be legal in yours then :)


You. Have. To. Go. Back.

>Illegals might run out of food
Oh look, the bomb that Jews planted under Americans beds may go off

speak to the press then

i might hate the asian invasion here but i can't imagine dealing with a non-stop stream of parasitic bean niggers ontop of the nigger problem

not sure how you yanks deal with it desu

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Good get angry user, it should infuriate you

The great illegal riots of 2020. I pray it ends in Trail of Tears 2 and they get pushed past Panama like Polk should have done.

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How the fuck you're going to deport anyone if you're not then allowed to leave you're home.
I hope once America caves to the fucking ground and it will, no fucking country send Jack shit, I hope this fucking nation full of entitled gross, below room temperature iq niggers burn to fucking ashes you deserve absolute no fucking sympathy from the rest of the world

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We are part of the american economy. We are the backbone of this country and YES WE DESERVE THAT MONEY.

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We don't deal with it, we run from them at all costs and try to quarantine them in ghettos and spic compounds, but we are running out of space


Go sell more dope to kids peddler

Grass is always greener for some. I don't view blacks or mexicans as a systemic threat, the Chinese are very well organized though and have a plan for what they view as their area of influence.

>You stupid Americans have no idea how hard it is to be an illegal in your country.
Leave then

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Nobody is stopping you from giving them money and food faggot

When your company hires translators for the illegals it has, you know that the big wigs are cool with employing illegals

I unironically hope every single one of those disgusting abominations dies from coronachan

fuck spics

I would give her a can of spam for a blowjob.

The only good illegal alien is a dead illegal alien!


>What will YOU buy us with the taxpayer's money?
Well, it's time to not overeat and have a normal calorie intake, stupid at ass panchitos.

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I’m sure all the liberal elites and celebrities will pool their money and resources to help them all out....


>what will we do?

Go back?

boomer greed has destroyed us all

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I honestly don't give a single fuck about a bunch of illegal immigrant spics

As fucked up and worthless as niggers are, they’re still better than spics

I legitimately hope they all die.

bwahahahahahaha stupid faggot illegal mexican shitskins need our tax money? fucking rather watch you faggots squirm and die like wretched animals being tortured before I hand you one penny of my taxes. Kill yourselves.

obter toda a imagem

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The longer restaruant, service, constructionand house keeping worker is suspended the more these parasites will self deport.

The only obstacles are the cucked churches that feed the invaders and pay their bills.

ha. we will crush you, you stupid fucking illegal shit. this is the epidemic that will cleanse our land of your brown filth.

What they deserved is to have all their property seized and be chucked over the Rio fucking grande.

Go over to mexico and pull that shit and a deportation would seem like sweet mercy compared to your fate in a mexican prison.

Fpbp all spics and niggers need to die

*womp womp*

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Go back.

you are a cancer on our economy. generally we dont try to "save" disease ridden filth like you. sooo how about we just let you die?


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They are literally a subspecies that evolved to be service animals. They have almost no intelligence and negative empathy.
Their ancestors never domesticated horses and beasts of burden because they had human livestock just smart enough to follow basic orders and fulfill basic tasks. Like a dog. Lots of these fuckers were practicing cannibals a century ago.

They look like they could lose a few pounds

I couldn't give two shits about how "hard" life is for border jumpers in the countries they illegally ""immigrated"" to.

Fuck you first of all you stupid faggot

Why do spics have low foreheads?

The fucking nerve of these people coming into a country illegally then demanding they be taken care of because they don’t want to follow the law.

Fat stupid mexicans go back to your shithole wannabe niggas


No one person in that picture look hungry to me. If we do run out of butter, u know where to find it.


You deserve a kick in the ass back to the shithole from where you walked .

>what are we to do
It is simple pedro. You have to rob and murder leftists and take their shit.

>what will we do
go back

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