She's not wrong

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shes fat, that is already wrong.

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>implying a fat female kike wont be among the first killed in the Boogaloo

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thats fucking disgusting

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Imagine being as needy as this blue check.

>while you were doing coke with Stacy and fucking her behind the club I studied the blade

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BBWs need to stop hiding behind the word thick.

Dammit, I didn't know the trannys got will keith

Because after 3 weeks of no food they look normal.

Came here to post this.


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Not THICC enough tbqhnglf

Eewww a fat kike

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Men are probably coming to her asking for food.

i must be in survival mode 24/7 then

yes another thread about a literal who that'll get at least 200 replies
why is Yas Forums so easily triggered?

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*rolls some matzo balls off to the left*

>Not so fast whyte boi
>Now that society has collapsed i'm here to raid your seed like your ancestors raided my people
What do?

That's because they know you got food stashed up somewhere

That thing should lose some weight.

she looks so disgusting lmao

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run out of food wake up and shes gnawing on your leg bone

I'd do her if she wore a fedora.
Not because she's in any way attractive, but the meme potential of doing fem-fedora tipper is worth it.

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she looks good compared to the average american wyman

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Succumb because that shit is kind of hot for some reason. See

I love her so much.

She looks like that fat girl in the beginning of asscreed 2 lol

>she looks good
Do you like mustache hair on your wamen?

I thought Tony put her ass on a bus to Seattle.

I'd hate to run into this nigga while scavenging after the Collapse

not "thick", just "thicker" than normal.... rofl

Glad I'm not in survival mode.

I remember Talia Lavin, she's that greasy fat kike

don't go for average, dumb polack

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Man I can't wait to get a fit Amazon chick in the wilderness. Nothing seems more sexy than a woman that can defend our children with me.

No. I think she is.

She's not wrong, but she's also not "thiccer". She's fucking 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.
And delusional as well it would seem.

mmm only bottom left 2 girls are highly savable.


Well yeah, a woman with that much fat requires less hunting to provide for.
Makes sense when resources are scarce, they are more desirable.

I didn't know sheboons came in white.

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>There can be only one!

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

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What a repulsive pig

my dude those are all trannies.

Useless prop swords will break the first time they're used. Probably unsharpened too.

She is wrong, imagine the smell of that ugly obese mutt. *Puke*

I tittyfucked a dumb fat.ugly new like this one. Facefucked her too. Came all over her face then told her to get the fuck out lmao. After she cried about muh holohoooax

off the charts tism reading from this picture

Kek; it's like "Where's waldo" but with the one actual woman

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Men in survival mode must be looking for a ton of bacon.

Fucking Japan

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not gonna lie to you brother
I wanna suck her titties

*teleports behind you* jobba the hut noises

kys faggot

How big do you think her areolas are?

You guys know this is the fem version of the fedora

Nailed it lol

il have you know i graduated top of my class in the mossad, and ive been involved in numerous secret subversion's on westen society, and i have over 300 confirmed dead grandparents by nazis

Talia Lavin versus 14 y/o girl

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Be quick before she loses her left boob in a freak sword accident

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>leather pants
imagine the smell

Dinner plates

>A woman I'll have to feed 3x as much in a survival situation
Sure thing porker

Soph is honestly pretty based

imagine taking this to a fine restaurant and paying for her to eat
holy fucking shit in a can

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>LotR collectable swords.

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my weapon strikes from far greater distances, say 15 ft.

Nobody is in survival mode looking at this fat pig with any inkling of desire.

Over time as the food runs out, fat women get thinner and thus more fuckable.

A fat neckbeard so what

do people still eat pork

> I have the money. I have the food.

> I pick the fat one.

She's delusional. Incels with steaks in the freezer with be fucking 18 year old dance majors.

She probably has to use those swords to shave the hair off her cellulite-ridden tree stump legs, lmao

There is a difference between obesity and thick. She looks like she evolve from a "hunch"back whale.

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Who would win?

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just... no

Do Americans really?

No one finds you attractive, you fat, greasy kike. Did you learn to code yet?

Based department? Yeah we got one going full 1488. I’ll put you on the line

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they were made for each other

Massachusetts looks like she got some roid gut goin on there

That not thick it’s spherical

White "people"

Her Mom was a sweet lady...

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Bacon might be tasty but it's too high in salt and will make you thirsty nor does it provide a lot of nutrients. Good source of calorie energy.

Styx would smite that unholy fat bitch. Also Styx, stop memeing yourself on here. Go away