I'm not white, but I live in a white area and I agree with the 14 words for every society

Wtf am I supposed to do? I want to help my community, but I also don't want to get purged.
How do sympathetic non-whites help whites.

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By teaching them to care about themselves

Go to your country of origin
use your skills to become a kang

Good idea. Maybe I could do some charity and try to give them some confidence.
But I'm useless.

>my community
reddit moment
go back

Sorry bud, you got like at least 1000 years of peasantry before your kings can wipe out the bad genetics of your people.

>thinking there's anything you can do to avoid the purge

nigger you have access to western education and skills
take those skills home

By helping your own people, user. We talk a lot of shit, but it's because we're angry and most of your people don't care.
but you do. so find a way to make them care.

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Don't race mix and if you do, don't do it with a white

Bam congrats man you're honorary Aryan

If your cute become a slave

all these are good suggestions:
in event of happening, put on a swastika armband or stahlhelm if you don't want to get shot on sight.

Best thing you can do is impregnate as many Jewish girls as possible to mongrelize them

You could always spend your life with a white girl and have a mixed baby if you love them so much.

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kys and revive as white. if you die in an area, you will reincarnate as someone of that area's most common race

Fair enough, I can do that.
So from this thread, it looks like I should: learn skills using the internet, improve my local neighborhood, provide inspiration for whites down on their luck, charity (will mostly benefit whites due to the area's demographics), and racemix with hostile non-whites to reduce their numbers. All good advice.

From a young age, teach children diversity. That is the only way they can value themselves. Once they see how fucked the world is at a young age, it does precisely what it needs to. However, be careful and don't let your child adopt degenerate ideologies.

Diversity is our strength, and it doesn't mean actually race mixing. It means learning to tolerate other people.

Make yourself not useless then. And the 14 words are fine for all races. Your SUPPOSED to want the best for your people and push forward. We just think people are better, safer, happier and healthier in there own states and people's than forcefully mashed together in a mishapping Jewish golem country.

fucking right, pump and dump as many jews as you can.

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pic related is so dishonest I don't even know where to begin.

Speak openly that you support it :) Make comments on videos. Watch nationalistic content. Support nationalists etc.

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elect to be the rope puller. no one can stop the rope puller for they are the strong one. BECOME THE MUSCLE AND YOU WILL GET AN AUTOPASS

You unironically think if some random white dude goes to India they'll become the PM of the country? How delusional can you get?

Never reveal it to non whites or they'll hate you, just don't go along with the anti white agenda. Treat all whites that try to kiss your ass like shit so they learn the hard way and spread antisemitism in your community. And also mongrelize Jews with your inferior genetics. This is the best way you can strike a blow for whitey. Think of yourself as a turncoat bioweapon in the race war. In the end the gods of whiteness may forgive you for your mudblood and send you to a lesser hell where you won't have to suffer an eternity with your own accursed kind.

nah user, just keep parasiting off of western civ because jews allow for it, honestly that's the best advice knowing you're numerically 1 conscious foreigner out of millions of thoughtless instinct driven invaders

just remove one word and I am ok with that phrase

what purge? the purge won't come for a long time. Jews are using you as part of the POC alliance to help overthrow our civilization so that Jews can take control and institute a socialist tyranny. That's how the game works. When it is achieved it will be like cuba with a tiny Jew run government and millions of brown-black proletariat with no power.

Jews see socialism/communism as dictatorial rule by them with no property rights for anyone except the government that they control.

That is unless you don't leave the POC coalition against white western civilization and join the Gentile coalition against the Jewish NWO agenda

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

Look up Jewish surnames and find attractive women and seduce them. Bonus if they are religious. Convert them away from Yahweh.

>Look up Jewish surnames and find attractive women
I've spotted a flaw in your plan.

encourage the avoidance of miscegenation and marry within your ethnicity
it ain’t rocket surgery

*That is unless you leave the POC coalition against white western civilization and join the Gentile coalition against the Jewish NWO agenda*

Jews have framed discourse such that they are the protectors of all non-whites because al non-whites are at risk of being victimized by racist whitey.

They want people to think that to be against our Jewish oppressor is to be against all non-whites. It's part of why in their propaganda they make "nazi" out to mean hatred of all non-whites - when the real historical nazis were in a dispute only with german Jews.

The logic is: nazis were white supremacists. They wanted to believe that germans were superior to other races and deserved to rule over other races. To oppose the nazis is to oppose the domination by whites of the colored world.

Then they link white supremacy to white group identity and criticism of Jews - meaning they will frame any pro-white comments by whites of criticisms of Jews as something that endangers all non-whites.

Non-whites simply have to refuse to be manipulated. Jews want to conquer ALL non-Jews because their religion states that when their messiah comes they will own all the property in the world and will be in control of a tyranical super-state run from israel. That's what they are after and it is baked into thier religion.

In sum: forget about white supremacy and lets join hands to fight jewish supremacy. Lets forget about the POC alliance and join the Gentile alliance against Jewish world domination.

Yuri Bezmenov in his interviews talks about how the socialists useful idiots think that they will come to power after the revolution but when the revolution comes they get a bullet in the head. The POC coalition has been offered all sorts of goodies when they overthrow and get rid of racist whitey but they dont understand that when the revolution happens and jews get total control they will just be another type of worthless goyim to be enslaved, debased, or killed off.


just b urself

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>Wtf am I supposed to do?

You know what you have to do about (((them))). I always notice there is universal support for based awakened people of any ethnicity about the rats.

If you're a white person who cares about race, you're too primitive to be white. Go live in Africa with the other racists. "White" society has gene therapy automation tools to implement for chimeric acceleration.

Why is he wearing a dress?

look man, the concept behind the all-white society is all fucked up. There is a significant improvement in the theory that people are missing.

There are basically two societies, the urban and the rural. The purpose of the rural society is to birth more people and preserve tradition. That's where your all-white stock is. In the cities, people are there to work, it's much more about your ability, having nonwhites is not a bad thing if they can compete and contribute.

You can also have minority groups that are culturally associated, but still separated. This doesn't harm the host-body, in fact it enhances it in a lot of ways. So long as a clear separation is made.

Immigration of skilled labor is just helping out the economy in these urban areas, bringing in people who are legitimately contributing. That's not a bad thing, because it's not infringing on the gene pool of the host body. Mass immigration is different, that's where you're literally systematically replacing the host body, the bulk majority, the rural people, which is your breeding stock. That's what we're really fighting against. This autism about purging every single minority is misplaced. You can have multicultural areas without infringing on the host body, so long as there isn't rampant racemixing and shit like that (a little bit is alright, but it has to be a VERY small amount)

truly aryan gentleman truth speaking
I can almost hear the sound of kvetching kikes being exorcised by your high speech

Just don't act like a nig nog and you'll be hunky dory

>don't want to get purged

lmao you won't Canadians are pathetic cucks and deserve every bit of hate they get. i fuck their white women with impunity. not a single white guy bats an eye when i drag one of their slores home with me. if a whiteboi acted like i do in my home country they would get their ass beat to death within a week


Go back to wherever the hell you came from.

Help educate whites that it is OK to be white.
Convince your peers to date within their own race instead of chasing whites.
Convince your peers to not blame white people.

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yep self hating white people take the word of nonwhites far more seriously.

what race are you and why do you hate whites?

You're not alone, my nigga. Every race deserves to survive and thrive. Whote people, too.

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Be your best self and encourage white people to rediscover their identity. In times of need everyone can find a place where they can help. And be proud of yourself for overcoming one of the greatest hurdles of the modern age. Selfishness. We need better people on this Earth if we're gonna make it.

Make a video about it like when those white brit fags read the koran and pretend to cry.

Ask the bongs

form a union join antifa buy guns oppress white supremacists and uphold democratic traditions

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Based frend

Fuck off bait poster

Bleach skin dye hair
I now give you honorary Aryan status

ancap and white supremacist, do you have any beliefs that actually hold up under scrutiny ?

Perfect opportunity to create a mixed zone. First, don't race mix. Second, don't move to an all white area. Remain in the mixed zone. If people want to voluntarily segregate to be with their own race, there will still likely be mixed zones for trade and for people that voluntarily prefer that.

Encourage them to be based and wholesome and breed?

Move to your shithole of origin. The fire is rising and whites aren't going to take this shit from non-western subhumans much longer.

The only thing that can unify all the races is our struggle against the Jew. The Jew falls and we all benefit. He continues his tyranny and we all suffer.

fpbp but lol OPs a nigger

>The largest military that took over the world during it's time can take over that country
Wow what sound logic you have.

>Diversity is our strength
War is peace. Freedom is slavery.

When you see a based couple say they would have such cute kids. If they have one, compliment it and say you wish you had more kids.

Encourage White boys to be more brave in asking out girls. Encourage girls to marry early.

> I'm not white
stopped reading there

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go home

Every color has its place. An ethnic home for every race.
Eugenics and genetic engineering can make all races equal in time. So support them.
