Head to Chicago right now. Get out now Chicagoanons.
Head to Chicago right now. Get out now Chicagoanons
based army
clean up those urban areas
What kinda trucks are those looks badass
errr omrrr gawd liek the busiest railway hub in america leir has military equipment on it, errr.
How do you think they move equipment from base to base? You think they airlift it all or something? They put it on trains dummy.
Litterally see this all the time driving from SD to Phoenix on the railways out in the desert.
Oshkosh M-ATV
travel bans incoming. South Bend (pete the buttjudge's city) and the county it is in put emergency travel restrictions into effect today. Indianapolis did three days ago, Fishers, indiana two days ago. Slowly rolling out travel restrictions nationwide.
Oh gee, sure would be not be unusual to shift equipment around right now
user you have to tell us, where did you take this picture?
Oh great military lock downs
us military is constantly moving equipment, litterally constantly. There is probably never a single minute where there is not heavy equipment on the interstate or railways. Not exaggerating in the slightest.
Good maybe they’ll start killing nogs LOL
There are trains that go to Louisiana you dumb fuck
They use them for training
>I'd know because I'm going next month
I’m about a half hour away from Chicago. How fucked am I?
>living in chicongo
They'll kill people defending themselves from nog cannibals
Hey there fellow half hour from chicagoer
Gearing up for war against China?
There are no major bases anywhere even near Chicago. There is no reason for them to ship train loads of gear through the area in its not for a local deployment.
Where my M-RAP niggas at?
How fucked are we bro. Just in general regarding this kung flu shit and being in radius of nigger central.
How does someone get that close to all that military hardware? Isn't that not guarded
suburb about 40 mins out from Chicago, was walking my dog and this bad boy rolls up. longest train I've ever seen. Definitely going to Chicago.
Where are these military vehicles?
Currently in chiraq and theres nothing here but niggers and spics
lol this is literally to prevent the blacks on the south side from rioting. yes they need the troops for this.
What burb? Palatine here.
When I lived in Montana, we would get military vehicles going by on trains several times a year.
Nothing is happening right now.
They're about 30 minutes out. Literally just finished rolling through my suburb.
The storm is coming. Have faith.
>>>he'd to Chicago right now!
>>>Get out now Chicagoanons
Ummm kind of sending mixed messages there chief. If you're headed to Chicago why does everyone else have to get out?
Arlington Heights
Are you by the BNSF railway?
>Litterally see this all the time driving from SD to Phoenix on the railways out in the desert.
user, they are looking for the NOBODY. He's in Chicago, they know this. They are going to kill the NOBODY. That is what this is all about.
Who is he? They know. NOBODY, if you are reading this, HIDE.
It is. We're starting to deploy in Colorado
Montana fag here. ICBM solo alarms going off and a lot of helos flying around. What the fuck is going on?!?!?!
Fatfingered it, meant to say the train is headed to chicago
It;s a moving train.. what the fuck are you gonna do.. it doesn't stop until it reaches its destination which is probably guarded
Oh I see what you were saying NVR mind. (Hadn't looked at the pic yet) really not that big of a deal though, you're gonna see alot of this, troops are coming home, they don't just leave all that stuff behind
wtf are you on about sir
Like you allude to what is your proximity to niggers and other assorted shitskins? Do you live in a decent white neighborhood with trustworthy neighbors? Do you have geographic barriers around you like a river?
It could get very bad here. A lot of emotionally unregulated spergs and big retards thatll go crazy when they can't get their happy pills.
chicongo has a big rail junction where multiple lines from different parts of the country converge, if you want to move shit from one coast to the other it goes through chicago
Elmwood Park reporting in. Everyone laugh at Oak Park faggots for being on lock down.
Do you carry the fire, user? Are you here for us?
Tanks in 30
Pretty cool hedge, please be named sonic...
i know a cop in chicago and he says that the boons in chicago are out of control. They have their hands tied because of endless judicial activism that it's simply not worth going to the negro neighborhoods because if they get shot at and shoot back they can lose their job.
he said they start their shift and then grab some food and drive to a "safe zone" and kill 3-4 hours and take some calls for minor stuff nearby and then check out. he says police are beyond demoralized and have given up.
"You're nobody til somebody kills you"
From Chitown here bois. There's a few NG Armories here maybe that why they're sending those toys?
came down from osh kosh this morning
True, but having lived next to the trains here most of my life... I've never seen armored humvee's like that. Saw tanks a few times, and helicopters.
The great lakes naval base is in North Chicago (40 minutes from actual Chicago). National Guard will be activated this weekend.
I heard its happening in IL in the next couple days
His name is SONIC!
Little fucker likes to shit everywhere
make more threads about things that have been happening for YEARS you fucking retarded faggot
>he says police are beyond demoralized and have given up.
finally, the day of the rope approaches
What said also there's a large Naval base in the US is an hour away from the city. Naval Station Great Lakes
I'm in the suburbs lol.
Can't blame em, faggots get what they deserve for voting in this horseshit.
>tfw there's talk about layoffs at my current office job
>tfw offered a job in Kodiak, Alaska but I don't want to quit my current job because it pays more
I don't know what to do. If they fire me I hope it's before the airports get shut down.
Theres one on the South side on Cottage Grove Ave its the one in contagion funny enough.....
MRAP aka armored troop transports
Yep, they're gonna need the military to start those gun/alcohol/supply grabs from citizens, so there you go!
Also from CHITOWN, grew up in the inner city. Im fucked bois
They're going to need more firepower.
Absolute top-tier autism. US Mil moves equipment ALL THE TIME through rail systems.
Norridge here, you have the highest concentration of cases.
You sound underage as fuck
Shit user the best place in the world to be right now is probably Kodiak, Alaska
NTC Great Lakes is boot camp. Not a fleet command.
>police are beyond demoralized and have given up.
Yeah, need to start some CPD scanner threads soon.
My usmc reserve unit is in Chicago and we’re going to an exercise out west thats been planned for months. That might be us......
seen these neat trucks today
wonder what they are for
No because we 2 dum to have weapons
It's ok it looks like I fucked up too
*Head not he'd
Most of my fuck ups are gay ass auto corrects though in my defense. Not even corrections either, it just changes words on me. Gotta learn to proofread more
Ban them? Why would they want to come here? They are safer in China than they are here at this point.
>they don't just leave all that stuff behind
user....i have news for you
Robert, check your keys.
it's so they don't get rocks thrown at them
it's totally normal and not at all a quarantine, you guys!
Are they coming to close the library?
>Montana Fag
>posting on a chiraq thread
Your LARP is irrelevant and distracting, please post more schizo HAPPENING or go away fag
I went to Prospect
Ahh we all live in the radius of that fucked town. .. I was considering going in on the metra just to get some cool abandoned city pics.
the floor rises up on hydraulics and squeezes the contents through the metal mesh like a garlic press
Holy shit same small world
Oh god here we go. Yes there are certain things they sell or gift to rebel forces, some shit they just destroy, but alot of it does come home for future use or to sit in some random military vehicle junkyard in the middle of a desert. But of course it could all be coming to roam and patrol our streets too, we are on the brink of a global pandemic afterall
Indy interwebz tech here roads still busy AF
It's just project Zypher, nothing to get worry about, user, you are not on their list.
Which suburb you in
when the national guard uses an emoticon, something is awry
Actual base across the street.
what year, 2014 here
Same. I live in a black neighborhood. But we have a decent amount of Mexicans to keep them in check.
Check your keys Robert
You are on a disgusting Chinese neo-nazi forum. You just bumped into the other incel who lived near you.
Naperville here, I hope everything stays good here.
I have Indian, Arabic, and polish neighbors who couldn’t give less of a fuck about each other.
I don't recall ever hearing the CPD feed this distorted
it really is over, isn't it?
You often have residential zoned right up against the tracks, at least in Chicago . Pic could have easily be taken in someone’s backyard with the zoom used.
The tracks is where 90% of underage drinking and heroin use takes place. Sometimes people might be brave or stupid enough to try and hop on the train, but the safest time to do that is when it’s stopped or just started moving. You think you could hop a moving freight when you watch the action movies and stare at one pass while your in your car, but when you 10ft away and the thing is in full motion and you know you have to run and jump and if you fuck the landing you die, most people get smart quick and realize you gotta wait till it stops.
And I’m sure when it’s stopped they likely have both the train security and military security cooperating to protect the cargo.
By safe zone you mean black site like in Homan Square. They’re all over the city and used to hold people captive and torture them.
>that morse code in the background
damn it, I wish I knew morse code....
Then you know my brother
Debunked hours ago on twitter...
I live in Forest Park who wants to suck my dick
seen in cleveland yesterday, same lads?
IL Armory is in crestwood
chicago have an invisible man???
It’s okay man. The biggest thing they don’t want you to realize is death isn’t that bad.
Seriously. Everybody dies. Nothing will ever change that. This life has always been temporary. Corona or war or torture or old age, it comes for us all. This is why heaven is important.
You can be Nobody too.
Sounds about right, fuckin savages
Bruh, stop freaking out. I live in Oshkosh, WI, which is where Oshkosh Truck, the manufacturer of the JLTV is located. Anyways, they put the vehicles on rail like that all the time so they can be sent out to the various bases n sheit. Just stop being a schizo jfc.
Those are the new JLTV. Those Wouldn’t be used by the NG. Probably on their way from the factory to their new units.
yeah working in a fish factory in a bustling town of migrants is the best place to be just cus its remote and stuff