• leaked recording of Burr advising his "wealthy constituents" of a "Spanish flu" -like contagious virus to hit the U.S... IN FEBRUARY
• instead of ringing the alarm bells, he unloaded stocks in hotels etc.
• meanwhile, in public, he sperged the dotard's "it's just the flu, bro" / " a Dumpofcrap haox" refrain -- so as to placate markets and give time for his wealthy (((constituent))) rats to desert the now toppling Ponzi casino

When did Yas Forums gather enough rational thought processes to realise that only REVOLUTION -- and not continually falling for the kikes' old tricks of racial, ideological and superficial division -- can change the Faustian societies they (You) are enthralled by?




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Other urls found in this thread:

>polcel more interested in voting against its interests, sucking niggers' dicks and dying from kikeflu

Good riddance.

>*cancels face mask "care package" addressed to mutts*

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have a real source? Not that I doubt some intelfag would be such a dick and traitor to the country but, I mean... it's NPR.

I heard it on NPR today and it played the full audio. Search for "tar heel senator burr" and you'll get a million hits from the local paper to boomer news.

>Seething proggy journos trying to deflect from the crimes of their CCP sponsors

We see you.

Ioffe and others too $$$

>damage control zogbot slaves trying to bury this scandal
we see you motherfucker.

show your flag kike

>deflecting the topic and planting the doubt instead of acknowledging being duped by politicians who only care about their own interests
you fucking mutts have no shame.

Ban chinks, sign now

Five Yuan has been deposited into your accounts.

Its good that a swampmonster nevertrumper is getting the screws put to him.

>getting buttfucked by your own authorities
>blaming someone else instead
your life must be really sad, dumbo mutt

Anybody seeing the reports on POL about what was going on in China could have dumped their stocks too, especially when Tim Cook said Apple wasn't going to meet its quarterly guidance.

anybody can see what's here. only select people get to see intelligence briefings -- which are not provided so politicians can enrich themselves.
you are scum. the lowest of the low.

>mutts JUSTIFY corruption
and these people pretend to know shit about politics. and then complain about having crappy politicians. kek.

this guy isn't just "anyone", though, retard

>politician puts his profits while misleading the people
>noooo you can't call him out you're probably chinese!!!
When did Yas Forums get so cucked? When did they start defending rich kikes who value short term gains over morals and the livelyhood of his brethren?

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dude just trust the plan
trust sessions
2018 will be glorious

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Hi shareblue, Got your latest talking point I see. I laugh at your moral indignation because the democrat party is the most corrupt, degenerate party on earth. Do you support surgical procedures that cause a 50% suicide rate?

Just get me my neetbux

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>Hi shareblue, Got your latest talking point I see. I laugh at your moral indignation because the democrat party is the most corrupt, degenerate party on earth. Do you support surgical procedures that cause a 50% suicide rate?

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You're a fucking retard. Anyone with a brain dumped in February because we were obviously in an unstable bubble. The PtE ratio was approaching 30.


Dude Yas Forums all knew about it then, hardly a fucking conspiracy.

My grandfather was a lifelong democrat and he wouldn't recognize what the party has become. BTW, are you saying white gentiles run the democrat party?

February was plenty late if you were paying any sort of attention. /cvg/#1 was mid January.

Revolutions need unity and there's no single movement with a large.enoughnfollowing to do it. (13%)

>reassure the public that everything will be fine
>find out that everything won't be fine
>make no attempts as an authority and representative of the people to speak the truth, to warn your brothers and sisters of the inevitable
>instead like your pockets, strap down and wait
>"w-well you should've seen this coming only s-stupid people didnt"
Always kill a traitor before an enemy, jimjam.

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It's (((their))) no.1 playbook ploy: POISON THE WELL.

>broke fuck

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Burr response basically confirmed the reporting lmao
>b-but I sold BEFORE the market dropped! I did nothing wrong
I'm not memeing, google it if you really doubt me.
Also Georgia Repub senator Loeffler did the exact same fucking thing lmao, she's also married to the chariman of the NYSE

Yas Forums knew and tried to warn or loved ones. Not even they listened.

kill him, take his life. he deserves it.
A) use osint to locate him
B) stalk him
C) use your preferred weapon to destroy his body
D) disappear, leaving no traces

>Always kill a traitor before an enemy, jimjam.
This^ x6,000,000... Because traitors are ALREADY BEHIND THE CASTLE WALLS -- while, the enemy is still at cannon's trajectory distance.

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>some photography """student""" purposefully took a bunch of photos with Kushner in the background, and he always has a smarmy shit eating smirk. Therefore he's a mastermind manipulator controlling the president.

How does it feel to be a drone?

>kill him, take his life. he deserves it.
If mutts don't hang him and his (((cronies))) in a mass, public hanging, then you will KNOW -- without any possible shadow of an argumentative doubt -- that MUTTLAND IS IRREVOCABLY FUCKED, AND THAT THE WORLD MUST UNITED TO WIPE IT FROM THE FACE OF THIS PLANET.

>...for its own good

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Which is why this situation is even more heinous. The average man does not have a loud enough voice so it is up to authority figures to look after his people and warn them of disasters.

Traitor must be eliminated.

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>cannot be eaten
>fiat money = worthless
>never Jewggle'd "German mark Wiemar Germany"...

Get ready for a surpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise...!

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>Traitor must be eliminated.
I genuinely hope mutts take this opportunity to redeem themselves... Because even the normie world is now watching, and if it fails --AGAIN -- it will be over for the "America dream".

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Nice thread OP.

Sadly this goes against the Yas Forums narrative of ORANGE MAN GOOD! so don't expect too many replies from these brainwashed cultists.

Ironic really, when confronted with an actual verifiable conspiracy against the nation Yas Forums is oddly silent. Guess they'd rather bitch about niggers getting food stamps than the elites fucking them over and putting their lives at risk to save their stocks.

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>leaked recording of Burr advising his "wealthy constituents"

pretty scandalous
the guy actually has half a brain, makes money
thank God for the Orange Bankruptcy case to steer things right

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Of course they did. Meanwhile, myself and many other Anons will see no stimulus check. Go figure. Contact President Trump.

It's on every news outlet. Take your pic.
The sale records are public and so are his public activities at the time

he's absolutely fucking finished. even tucker carlson called him out!!!

If I had richard burr stock I'd short it now. His life is over.

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Just saw this thread after starting a similar one Crazy how fucking brainwashed most are... glad to see that Yuri has teached you valuable lessons before CIA accomplished it

Yeah. But to rely on others is a weakness. Be stronger than that. I don't care if you want to hang traitors, go for it. Just saying to not turn to blaming others out of fear. That too is a weakness and also blinds you. Now is the time to think clearly for your survival does depend on it now.

>this goes against the Yas Forums narrative of ORANGE MAN GOOD! so don't expect too many replies from these brainwashed cultists.

>tfw he's put Kushner in charge of the mutt Wooflu response
>...dissembled behind the anti-scientist, Kike Pestilences dull, bovine public visage

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These ancap niggers are not truly ancap if they don't see the value in trading goods and services for other goods and services. There doesn't always have to be currency to come to a deal. Currency is a Jewish invention.

>His life is over.
...And that should be meant LITERALLY.

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The founding fathers warned us of "people" like this. They knew these vermin would infest us and lead to our ruin. Genuinely sad to see cucks on Yas Forums stand up for these traitors.

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>Currency is a Jewish invention.
Correct... As was banking, and as was its cancerous usury scam.

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Kill these insects.

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I have seen no one, and I mean literally no one, even trying to defend these senators, from diehard magafags to the business repubs to (obviously) dems. If anything their usual defenders are also calling for their heads
Burr and Loeffler and politically finished, and if they don't leave willingly the voters are going to rape them sideways with these kind of headlines floating around.
Also apparently Inhofe was selling some stock too lmao, though not the millions these two chucklefucks were

Republicans are subhuman. Gas them.

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>Politics by Aristotle

There is a very deliberate reason that most aren't taught that democratic were decided by ballot AND LOT, only ~200 years ago...
>because they'd push for its re-institution in a heartbeat

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Guess why Puppet Trump waited so long to test people?

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And? Whatever stocks a senator has, it is a matter of public record. In January nobody knew how bad the virus was, By the end of February people started to catch on. Should he have kept his holdings in what he felt were doomed stocks? Should he have sounded the alarm that everyone else should sell theirs too? Maybe he should encourage people to make a run on the banks? What would Jesus do? Oh that's right: he'd just lay down on the ground whimpering and take the loss. You're all insane.

Spread it like wildfire. Mutts have to do this themselves -- for the sake of the planet and it not falling under the diabolical control of a Sino-Semite alliance...

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>Should he have sounded the alarm[?]
Is that a rhetorical question?... Or, are you being ironic?

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>feigning skepticism that Trump and his backers wouldn't look to profit ahead of time.

I wonder who is behind this post.

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Trump fucking mentioned it in the State of the Union. How could you not know?

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It's the TrumpVirus that was brought by the military to Wuhan during military olympics.
They use it as an excuse so the FED can print TRILLIONS to buy USA and become Greater Israel.

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Yep... not even remotely surprised. They built the system as a rigged Ponzi casino, and they institute the "rules" that ensure it favours only them.

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Yep, I only wish that maybe a few lurkers and other rational people will start to see past the illusion and realize that neither the Left or the Right has their best interests at heart. When you play into the American Left/Right paradigm you only really get to choose who is fucking you over and how they are doing it. And you lose either way.

There is no longer any hope for a brighter future or a better tomorrow. All that remains for us is deciding how much petty vengeance we can pour onto from the world before our time is up.

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>use it as an excuse so the FED can print TRILLIONS to buy USA and become Greater Israel
That's not even that far fetched / /x/ tier, really:

>mutts propensity for warfare of all ilks
>CIA (who lost 20 spies -- executed by the chinks -- setting their espionage back decades)
>internecine trade war
>wars that can no longer be fought with firecrackers

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This is going to piss off so many people in this country that things might actually change a little bit.

Do you understand that not everyone, who laugh at MIGAtards is a democrat? especially fuckin foreign citizens? Doesnt take a fkn genius to see both of you political sides are ZOGed

>neither the Left or the Right has their best interests at heart
"Heart" is the problem -- i.e., EMOTION... And that the faculty of critical thought processing has been 'school' (~Twain) out of most people--especially mutts.

>"The whole art of politics consists in directing rationally, the irrationalities of men."
~ Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr

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I think this is illegal. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this against the law.

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>This is going to piss off so many people in this country that things might actually change a little bit.

*ironically prays to a Babylonian kike god*

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Ok Wang tu short