>I ORDER you to stay home
>but we won't enforce it
I wouldn't care about California if California being ravaged by the disease wouldn't mean the rest of the country getting it too.
Their stupidity is going make this so much worse
fuck your martial law orders. Fuck you!
Stop fearing the flu and start fearing these fuckers collapsing the economy. FUCK THEM!
That is bullshit. Fuck our governor for imposing martial law. Fuck this draconian state.
are you a bot?
they'll enforce it by police if it gets worse. They are just being lenient right now.
No. I’m pissed off that our cuck state thinks they can shut everything down for the fucking flu and impose draconian measures on every citizen. When this shit is over I am moving the fuck out of CA and spitting on that state the whole way out.
So stores will still be open? Or nah
CA doesnt have enough police for day to day much less a full lock down
getting the sense that the Dem states are changing the rules every day in an effort to justify CCP style control
You can't really tell if any of this is working because they keep changing things every day.
So I have to go to work tomorrow or not?
This. CA police are going to have full scale chimp outs on their hands soon.
what is even the point then?
They should just quarantine gays to prevent aids spread.
surprising being said by a commie
in california its legal to give someone aids
if you skip work at least youll have an easy excuse
>oh I thought the governor said I had to stay home
its a get out of jail free card
stay in your house if you want
hey what the hell is wrong with you? we told you stay in your house!
>CA police are going to have full scale chimp outs on their hands soon.
The big dilemma will be deciding which side to shoot
>Stop fearing the flu and start fearing these fuckers collapsing the economy
This. Democrats are destroying the country for nothing other than spite. Literally less than 200 dead. More people die slipping in the shower every month.
The time has come for firing squads.
>govern pic related
>regarding state pic related
thats what I keep saying but this board is so focused on treating this like an actual dangerous virus outbreak
Please do, you absolute pea brained fucking chink
>because our president tried to stop it early
>pic related
the press conference the officials had listed who works and who doesn't. depends on your job. only essential jobs, food, transportation, infrastructure etc. check with your boss.
WAanons check in! Heard rumor national guard is staging in Cle Elum.....are they gonna shit I-90 down at the pass?
>currently happening at the moment
>board flooded with leftist, jewish shills is trying to start a panic in order to destroy the united states
Sounds about right.
>I’m pissed off that our cuck state thinks they can shut everything down for the fucking flu
please leave now. you're really really dumb. Maybe Florida is a better fit for you.
This is going to end terribly.
>and the neets are wondering how to prep themselves
That's why I said it. I'm also in a healthcare field.
Aids is the worst plague on mankind, it's the most easily preventable thing if people would just quit having raw ass sex with strangers yet their coombrains are fucking addicted
>Muh Reagan
You can't blame someone for not telling you fucking literal human waste chutes is a bad idea. It only became international from the sex trafficking industry and would have stayed contained if we let every aids patient die out instead waste completely preventable resources on keeping them alive and spreading.
No fuck YOU you brainlet lawless cunt. If a curfew is applied that means police officers and medical staffs are getting put out on patroling the street because of you disobedience assholes. FUCK.YOU.
Lol you are afraid of the virus? What a fucking pussy.
Seriously did you cower in fear when 3.7 million Americans caught the flu between October 1- December 7?
What a fucking pussy.
>posted on a board that summoned pic related
Lets just create more panic by telling everyone to stay in their home. Guess where everyone is going to go tomorrow morning? A nice 500 person crowd at the grocery store
>mfw im "essential" as private security
>we should destroy the country because half a dozen obese boomers with diabetes died and because i don't really feel like working for a living
Kill yourself you cum guzzling niggerfaggot.
>waaaah the virus is more dangerous than economic collapse
You are retarded and I bet you didn’t even prep. I am prepped out the ass for the collapse so don’t come crying to me. Enjoy!
They will be. You can go outside and walk yoir dog and buy essentials. It's not extreme like these faggots on here make it seem
San Francisco did the same thing, except half their population is homeless.
won't be enforced by police... that's what the military's for
>eventually to meet pic related
Yeah not by police but by army and drones
People are about to wake the fuck up like never before but it will be too late
>Muh powice
>Muh medical staff
Fuck them. They're getting their narcissistic selves off by abusing their power. You do realize that the shut down of businesses is more of a danger than the fucking flu.
You sound like a technophile faggot. Go get your vaccine tattoo!
It's not about the virus, you retard, it's about the chimpouts.
>mutts only listen to their goverment if the alternative is to get shot
Truly we are in the end times.
So, nothing
If you want to stop aids you need to quarantine Russia and Africa
>CA doesnt have enough police for day to day
And yet they have enough for fat fuck motorcycle cops to sit on speed traps and huge swaths of resources to set up regular dui entrapment checkpoints. They always seem to have enough cops for tasks that make revenue rather than enforcing all laws equally.
And homeless people are allowed to do as they please. More proof the Cali gov is retarded. Fuck all the faggots saying "PLEASE BE A GOOD LITTLE BOY AND RESPECT THE CURFEW!"
I prepped for this so I will respect the curfew because I have money, food, guns, etc. saved up. But you faggots acting like being forced to stay home is a good thing have no manhood.
How about this instead:
You seem like a faggot so Cali should be perfect for you.
He lies. In the order are provisions for it to be enforced by police and and he already floated the idea of martial law.
quote is from pdf at covid19.ca.gov
Shutting down all businesses and making it so people cannot work will cause the chimpouts.
Nigga u is dum 4 not leavin sooner
What are they going to do? Drone the corner?
what happens when the president orders the same thing nationwide and the national guard enforces it?
No he's right. You seem like a faggot for wanting California to lock you inside because of the flu.
>enforced by the dancing lobsters
You do realize California has one of the lowest IQs of any state.
In other national news
and the text of 8665
Will not be surprised when this gets selectively enforced
I hope california catches on fire again, and you get raped by earthquakes ontop of it.
I've always wondered, what does boot taste like?
I live on the Oregon-Nevada-CA triborder so I'll be fine.
he cant moron. thats called a coup.
That faggot injects boot leather directly into his ass and urethra.
CA police are a joke. They don't enforce anything anyway.
If I get bailed out by Trumpbux I'm also leaving this shithole of a state.
Do pray more to Allah, but don't come to heaven though. You're probably banned from entering for carrying the virus. Jesus and Satan doesn't want your stinky infected ass either and Buddha said if you ever appear in front of him he will shoot you with an AK.
Like not choking on your dead bed and not making other innocent people choking on their dead bed.
FPBP it's just a flu who gives a shit
Uhhhh based
I have to go to these disgusting homes for my job and im tired of this bullshit.
>who needs a gun when you have police
>stay at home to be safe
>the police will be staying at home too
>you'll be fine
>surely no raiders will come for your pathetic little stash
>especially not know there aren't any police out
>they don't want to get corona'd either
National Guard is next.
I haven't had a cold or the flu in years because I still have my manhood intact and eat right and am healthy.
Why don't you suck the AIDs infected cum out of your ass so you can shoot more boot leather up there?
Can he order its citizens to stop being total fags?
>Jew kidnaps a child
>Father gets arrested
>he doesn't know it's happening all over the rest of the world too
fucking retard alert
KEK is speaking
Remember libshits, if you get into trouble just call the police!
The rest of the world is 3rd world
Nice propaganda faggot.
If you give a fuck about what the rest of the fucking idiot countries on this planet are doing then get the fuck out of this one you dicklicking faggot.
I'm a realtor my excuse is house sell me eat.
>i'm immune because i'm rich
They literally can't enforce it. What are they going to do with all the homeless?
He's talking about moving out of California you fucking dipshit. WHERE THE FUCK IS HE GOING TO MOVE TO? Holy shit do not reply to me again moron.
>b-b-b-but muh exponential growth rates!
Alot of or maybe ALL non Californian's on this board think California is 100% lefty retards, and that is really not the case at all. I live in the San Joaquin Valley and the majority of the pop is Ag or Oil. We are Red af. I am ready when shtf as well as all my union buddies. Fuck the coast. Look at a voting map of Calif. We hate them as much as everyone else. That said, I cant wait to retire and go of here.
I’ve been self isolated for years... it’s not so bad. You’ll adjust.
Does no one see what's happening here?
>I ORDER you to stay home
>fuck you nigga we ain't stayin' home, I finna get some KFC n sheeit
>Help! We need the national guard!
>We need to declare MARTIAL LAW
This is precisely what's going to happen
That's literally how it works. Rich = more likely to be healthy
Some bitch tried to pull that argument on me the other day.
I let him know over 3.5 million Americans had the flu from October1 - December 7 in 2019. I'm sure that graph looked scary yet nobody gave a fuck.