Effective at 8PM, all non essential businesses must close under force of law.

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i feel like banning alcohol is going to cause more shit than guns.

>massive crowds 24/7 literally anywhere guns and ammo is sold
>businesses forcefully close
Well color me shocked.
It's like the people in my town throwing a fit that grocery stores will only let in seniors before noon despite being the ones who were stealing from their cart and threatening to fight 75 year old women

whatever can still buy crack

>implying he wont ban that too

If only there was some way to prevent waiting to buy your guns/ammo until a panic and major shutdowns across the country

It literally doesn't say that. It says they have the power to.

And then it specifically says at the bottom that all "non life-sustaining" businesses need to cease operation immediately.

Fuck that honestly. Pretty sure a gun is meant to sustain your life.

I'm sure you're the employee that wants to be in the stores being swarmed with no masks provided to you? Oh wait you aren't. If you don't own a gun before now you're a fucking retard who never cared about your rights until a germ came around. This shit will get worse if people keep going out. Go buy a private sale gun

People who are only now thinking of buying a gun because of some double flu going around constitute exactly the kind of life not worth preserving.


Uh based department?

I've spent years as a functional alcoholic. I'm drinking less now but yes cutting off alcohol sales can fuck people up. Not just the winos you see on the street, but functioning people. Withdrawals, vomiting, seizures, etc.

>all stores forced to close
>"oMg fIrEaRmS sAlEs ArE bAnNeD!!"
I mean by default I suppose, but that is still a pretty misleading headline there user.

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based junkie.

>suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms and combustibles
Sorry guv. We can't dispense any combustible fuel to your state motor pool vehicles, police or highway patrol.

I work in a store and PICS was shutdown around 4:30 today, no longer possible to process a gun transaction.

The governor of PA does not have authority to suspend civilian businesses. At most this is a strongly worded reccomendation and the state cannot legally force businesses to close that don't want to.

What the fuck is 'life sustaining'?

looks to me that the Constitution is dead.
it was fun while it lasted, boys. I guess big igloo is close now.

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2020 year of da crack rock

>The governor of PA does not have authority to suspend civilian businesses
What are you going to do about it.......exactly.

When you ban sales outside of stores at the same time, it is a total ban.

jews are scared

Unfortunately it's had to come to this. People just don't get it. Stay the fuck home. Unless you're getting groceries or you're one of the poor bastards who can't work from home, you have no excuse to be outside your house. Don't have a gun? You should have bought one a long fucking time ago.

This. You're not a well regulated militia if you're only now panic buying

Freebased department

Maybe the PA 2A folks will do something about it.
To quote the president

Wolf hasn't passed any gun laws. He isn't like a grabber. He never does the usual dem routine after a mass shooting. As a grocery store worker I'm fine with places closing. We aren't given masks. Retail workers in china had full suits. People should have bought a damn gun before it hit PA. My Dad may have it and he's 60. People need to fucking stay home. I'm home for a week cause he's being tested and he doesn't even live with me

>Ya'll smokin dat crick?

Wolf relaxed the laws against semi-automatics in hunting. We had to compromise and only allow rimfire semi autos for small game, but it's still a step in the right direction.

Such a stupid law from fudds.

Miami just closed a bunch of businesses, they never mentioned gun stores and know the niggers are about to riot. Based Florida.

How does that boot taste?
I don't need an excuse to go about my day how I see fit.

>Faggot Reddit typing
Kill yourself nigger

Gamestop is not closing down, but the gun stores are

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Seriously, this. The Hospitals are going to be flooded with people having seizures.

State police 100% will close them down. They shut down the Philadelphia Mills mall.


I don't disagree. On the other hand the people on our side didn't get listened to because we didn't show up and voice our opinions. The fudds showed up. The game commission listened to them.

Gun stores are classified as sporting goods stores. They're closed.

Now go to the local hardware store.

>We had to compromise and only allow rimfire semi autos for small game
How recent was that?
>t. retard who bought a semi auto .22 for squirrel hunting in PA before I fully knew if I could hunt with it or not and got lucky

I hope you get caught going out on unnecessary outings - putting others in danger and get arrested for it. Hopefully it's a felony so that way you lose your guns too. Moron. You deserve everything that's coming to you but the people you put in danger don't.

This whole thing is just a push to see how far they can go and how much control they really have.
Society will never be the same after this. Isolation and control will be just accepted as normal.
Mark these words.

also closed.

Head to the Governor's mansion instead.

Pretty recent. Within the past couple years.

If only it worked that way

Why are you even here?

Montco user here

People need to stop fucking shopping forreal go home

Back during WW2 soldiers used to come into your house to do inspections. If you were found hoarding contraband (flour, sugar, etc.) they'd arrest you.

This has all happened before already.

Then there's post-Civil War reconstruction...

Just because I like guns doesn't mean I'm a selfish cunt who puts other people at risk.

"Fuck you I can do what I want"

Libertarians suck.

Huh, weird. Old semi 22s are pretty common where I look. Wonder how many of them were used for squirrel hunting without people even knowing at the time.

Rather, more common than the bolts and pumps.

Oh I'm sure people have done that forever - not even realizing that what they were doing was against the regs.

There's so much confusion on so many different things.

I had another hunter telling me last deer season that he got a citation because he loaded his rifle and then walked across the road from his truck to get to the field. Valid sportsman's permit, totally fucking legal.

Guy got fucked over a law that doesn't even exist.

So basically the cop was saying that he couldn't load his rifle until he stepped onto the field....


Of fucking course.
Worthless mod bitch


It's not immediate

"Now, the administration is cracking down across the board and will take action against any non-life-sustaining businesses out of compliance as of Saturday at 12:01 a.m."

PA fags are coming to NJ and stocking up like mad. It's insane.

Are all PA shops closed indefinitely? What about gun ranges?