Breaking! LIVE: Jimmy Dore is tearing the Democrats a new one with regards to their shitty response to Coronovirus relief
honest question how will free healthcare fags cope with this as they struggle even more than private systems that have an established logistical chain of money=solution
What's going on with the stock market? It's jumping all over the place and no doubt you've heard that it's because of a virus that originated in China. While that's true to an extent, there are some other reasons why this is happening that you might not have heard about.
First, we have an almost criminal over-reliance on computers these days. You might not know it but a significant amount of stock trading now happens automatically via preprogrammed computer scripts. These trading algorithms wait for particular conditions to be met- let's say the price of wheat for example. When the algorithm detects that a certain price has been reached it automatically makes a trade based on that condition and other predetermined factors. Computers can act much faster than human beings and are capable of monitoring real time data for an almost endless number of stocks- far more than any person could keep track of. While this is often advantageous, it's less of an advantage when the computer makes the wrong call. Even though they are written by competent people- these algorithms can fail to make the correct choices under certain conditions- such as the current market instability and uncertainty.
The problem is that right now, conditions are anything but normal. China- our largest trading partner- is experiencing a pandemic and portions of their country are under quarantine conditions. Because everything is connected, this affects both production levels worldwide and market stability. China is a major part of many countries supply chains. There is a whole field of study called 'Supply Chain Management' that looks at the connections between countries to teach students to find the suppliers that will lead to the greatest profits for their companies.
>eurocuck has the US of A living rent free in his head Many such cases
Tyler Evans
>whoops looks like all these Republican senators sold their stocks lol >whoops looks like we need to recall them ha ha >whoops guess I'll have to replace them with a """centrist""" until (((special election))) rofl >whoops looks like 60 seats flipped to blue lmao >whoops a Democrat Senate Totality decides on beach mints heh heh >woah how could this happen ho ho but seriously, get in the breadline goy good thing all those Democrats behaved themselves or else we might have had a problem!
Ryder Morris
FUCK YOU. It's not about Biden personally. It's about the belief that America was already great before Trump came around. The Clinton and Obama years were great. We were living in the best time period in human history, ever. And then you idiots fucked it all up because you wanted free stuff, or you didn't like Mexicans, or you were pissed that your easy 9-5 office job where you barely even had to do any work didn't provide your life with "meaning." Fuck meaning, we had restaurants with every type of cuisine imaginable and a limitless array of books and movies and video games and music to entertain us, we had indoor heating and air conditioning and plumbing and electricity and luxuries that 99.9% of the humans who ever lived would've literally killed for. We don't hate you far-right and far-left twats because you disagree, we don't even hate you because you're wrong, we hate you because you are so damn ungrateful. So how about you apologize??
i wish, i was a student in 2018 and 2019 and declared dependent so I may be fucked and I'm still looking for work now which good fucking luck in this environment
Charles Peterson
Imagine thinking you could sell all your stock during a crisis as the intelligence chair. Why isn't this guy already under arrest for insider trading?
" The size of the checks would diminish for those earning more than $75,000 and phase out completely for those earning more than $99,000. The poorest families, those with no federal income tax liability, would see smaller benefits, though the minimum would be set at $600.
Limiting the payment amount for those without federal tax liability was a change from the original White House proposal, and caught some Republicans off-guard, provoking criticism. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) tweeted: “Relief to families in this emergency shouldn’t be regressive. Lower income families shouldn’t be penalized.”
An early analysis showed the vast majority of middle class people would receive the cash payment, but the percentage doing so falls dramatically toward the bottom of the income distribution. About 22 million people earning under $40,000 a year would see no benefit under the GOP plan, according to an initial analysis by Ernie Tedeschi, a former Obama administration economist."
"While a Treasury Department outline circulated earlier in the week had called for two payments from the IRS — one each in April and May — the Senate GOP proposal only calls for one check at this time.
McConnell said the bipartisan discussions would begin Friday morning, and he vowed they would continue until a deal is reached.
I think everyone ought to see Italy as a good example of why socialized medicine is a failure. If you forgot about the British NHS. Since it is mostly chinks dying no actual people.
Gabriel Edwards
Ohh, murdering Joe Has a show Sits with his wife Hiding a knife Dreaming of days gone to dust When he only needed a Lincoln bust
the average american drinks a gallon of milk a day. for a family of four thats 28 gallons of milk a week or an average on 121.7 gallons a month. If this whole thing lasts a couple months you'll be glad you stocked up on milk or feel really stupid and be really sorry you didnt.
>About 22 million people earning under $40,000 a year would see no benefit under the GOP plan, according to an initial analysis by Ernie Tedeschi, a former Obama administration economist." Meaning the exact people most in need of the assistance. Into the trash it goes.
9/10 response, but the use of the word damn is not necessary in a setting where you want the most widespread exposure since it gives your enemy an avenue to censor on use of language
>IS THE DEM BILL BETTER? No its a RUSE.The Dem bill is trying to shit the bed on Trump relief. Trump already cancelled foreclosures and evictions on rent something that Obama didn't do in 2009. Trump is literally out lefting the Democrats. The Chapocels are in total revolt and hate Biden. Trump is basically getting an extra 2 terms after this.
>pay taxes every year >see no benefit to the money stolen by the govt >soc security/medicare will be bankrupt long before i retire These aren't even neetbux, it's just a return on a 0 interest loan the govt took from me
>Kemp appointed this stupid whore Kemp may have ended up being the worst R elected in 2018 >inb4 Romney Romney was expected to be a faggot but not Kemp
>Unlike other residents, she takes no comfort in President Donald Trump’s promises of free money. She and her husband are as petrified of contracting COVID-19 as anyone else, but as undocumented immigrants from Mexico, they have little hope the president will help them.
>“It's not even clear we can ask someone who's literally feeding their children from their daily wages to put the collective health interest first,” said Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz, a Phoenix-based immigrant advocate.
>“I'm not even gonna bother trying,” said Christian (not his real name), a 32-year-old undocumented worker at a tech start-up in Austin, Texas. He was born in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, but has lived his whole life undocumented in Texas. He gets paid a salary, but business has ground to a halt and he’s worried he might be laid off.
>“Speaking with my lawyer, I've gotten laid off from a job back in January, and the one thing they always told me was, ‘You do not file for unemployment, because if it does come a time when you have to adjust your status, they're going to see that you were taking advantage of government programs,’” he said.
John Hughes
Kek says we find and end this kike.
Ryder Nguyen
Don't downplay it.
Angel Turner
its fine I have no problem with pros losing money to poocode. It mostly provides liquidity to the market which is the most important thing for the common man to profit in the market. Middle men arguing over pennies do not bother me.
Ian Walker
I'm giving 24 rolls of toilet paper to my dad tomorrow It's the least I can do for him He's the best dad in the whole world
James Edwards
Jaxon Richardson
>About 22 million people earning under $40,000 a year would see no benefit under the GOP plan, according to an initial analysis by Ernie Tedeschi, a former Obama administration economist." It's COMPLETELY false, they would get $600. But the plan is fucked, they need a flat rate.
Kayden Wilson
Translation: I've shorted the healthcare sector and really need you to crash the plane by allowing it to become overwhelmed.
Kayden Wilson
Go kill yourself and add a suicide note that it was Corona, it would help your cause
Eli Sullivan
I was trying to follow those threads but they attract a lot of schizo. but from what I have gathered. >playing cards. >corona type writers. >the number six? its all smoke.
All of these Senators are being marked by this virus panic. Truly epic how Trump is cleansing this filth, just need to prosecute them when this is all over.
>You do not file for unemployment, because if it does come a time when you have to adjust your status, they're going to see that you were taking advantage of government programs,’” he said. REEEEEE ILLEGALS GET OUT
Brandon Martinez
I had many banks refuse to let me withdraw all of my money. It took trips to a DOZEN branches to withdraw it all
Eli Bell
only if you pass the benis inspection
Hudson Williams
dude cash in mine hand is useless, if things get that bad then only bullets matter.
i cant buy things online without money in the account anyway
fuck off chink
Isaac Roberts
Anyone else get the vibe that there's more than a pet owner relationship here.
Alexander Carter
Do Americans really think their fake Chinese food is from China?
Different synchronous non-rotating orbiting skyhook concepts and versions have been proposed, starting with Isaacs in 1966,[1][2] Artsutanov in 1967,[3][4] Pearson[5] and Colombo in 1975,[6] Kalaghan in 1978,[7] and Braginski in 1985.[8] The versions with best potential involve a much shorter tether in low Earth orbit which rotates in its orbital plane and whose ends brush the upper Earth atmosphere, with the rotational motion cancelling the orbital motion at ground level. These "rotating" skyhook versions were proposed by Moravec in 1976,[9][10] and Sarmont in 1994.[11][12]
When the Italian scientist Giuseppe Colombo proposed in the early 1970s the idea of using a tidally stabilized tether for downward-looking Earth observation satellites, NASA officially began to assess in 1979 the possible scientific applications for long tethers in space and whether the development of a tethered system was justified.[13] This resulted in a Shuttle-based tether system: the TSS-1R mission, launched 22 February 1996 on STS-75 that focused in characterizing basic space tether behavior and space plasma physics.[13] The Italian satellite was deployed to a distance of 19.7 km (12.2 mi) from the Space Shuttle.[13]
An engineer speculated in 1994 that the skyhook could be cost competitive with what is realistically thought to be achievable using a space elevator.[11]
In 2000 and 2001, Boeing Phantom Works, with a grant from NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts, performed a detailed study of the engineering and commercial feasibility of various skyhook designs. They studied in detail a specific variant of this concept, called "Hypersonic Space Tether Orbital Launch System" or HASTOL. This design called for a hypersonic ramjet or scramjet aircraft to intercept a rotating hook while flying at Mach 10.[14]
While no skyhook has yet been built, there have been a number of flight experiments exploring various aspects of the space tether concept in general.[15]
Anthony White
Did anyone really expect it would? This has just been a case of the government saying "hey do these things or you might die" and people agreeing.
Gavin Williams
Socialized healthcarefags are mostly 105 IQ college cucks who went there to be indoctrinated rather than to learn, the type that says "drumpf only has a bachelor's while leftist retard has a phd, drumpf is dumb!". They just spew the same retarded shit because they don't seem to understand anything. The biggest tell is that it's not even clear what they're complaining about- someone under 40 shouldn't generally have health problems that would be financially crippling. And if they're making so little that the Bronze Plan is too expensive for them, then they are retarded.
Also these are the same cucks that cry the most about their "big city landlord being a jew", because they choose to live in cities and get reamed. But when you tell them that shit is only fucked because we have 100 million immigrants and anchor babies here they reee mightily.
Connor Flores
>Both have vanished as fear of the novel coronavirus paralyzes the country. Only leftist NPCs are scared. Non-retards understand it's just a meme virus
Jaxon Johnson
if u didn't, you're still getting money as a broke nigger.
Owen Robinson
Whew lad, haven’t seen a good foot wtf in a long time
John Morales
Carter Walker
I can't believe all 53 Republican Senators did insider trading and are getting removed
Levi Myers
her husband has a lazy eye like a dog too
she fucks it for sure
Dana Perrito
Xavier Johnson
this shit cannot last after next week
Xavier Young
Calm before the storm was good yeah
Jaxon Myers
You actually want bubba in blue to boss you around?
Carson Turner
Asher Brooks
trump will develop the vaccine ahead of time and underbudget. It will be the fastest developped vaccine ever and people will see him as a savior. Landslide confirmed. screencap this
Ryder Hall
These are just hit pieces. The smart money pulled out in late January.
Liability, I'd assume. >governor "recommends" people stay at home >"oops, so sorry, you skipped work for a week, goy, you're fired :^)" >governor "orders" people stay at home >you can't be fired for absenteeism The same principle applies to business forecasts, insurance, etc.
>illegals It should honestly be a crime of negligence for these reporters to not report these criminals to the authorities. Instead they want to give them our money.
Christopher Gomez
See this is what makes me think the virus is far deadlier and stronger than we all think it is.
Samuel Torres
Doug Collins was smart to run!
Leo Roberts
>the daily beast
We're talking about the same 'journalists' who keep praising great leader Xi for defeating the american-made covid (REEE IT'S NOT A CHINESE VIRUS STOP SAYING THAT REEE).
The problem is that the Republicans are cucked corporate retards half the time anyway. As long as we fall for pitfalls like "left vs. right" the center-left will continue to drag us into tranny corporate hell.