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based Chinese depopulating the world
Breitbart is making its move to take over the Republicans.
I keep telling people hes a scumbag... No one listens.
What the fuck is wrong with the Republican party and traitors
The boomers final form
I wish one of his rent boys would kill him already
Treasonous literal faggot
Nope he's done, drag him out. Real estate investors don't need more money. The thing needs to correct.
I thought red good tho
>I got mine!
There is aWAR in TRUMP court ,
he talked a good game during impeachment, but really, fuck this faggot
Wealthy CCP members know what is coming for china. This is a bioweapon and that will be announced once we have a cure (us military already has one but needs a cover in the private sector to keep from exposing state secrets). That's how trump was cured so quickly.
The day of reckoning is dawning quickly on the Orient. The most cleansing light will fall from heaven and divine retribution shall rain down on the chink menace like boiling bat soup
>not wanting to lure in all the rich Chinese during the Wu Flu crisis, then tax them to fund UBI for Americans
if israel is truly is the greatest ally, they will release their blackmail of lindsey graham sucking off a teen
well those responsible for conniving them into the economic power that allowed this level of espionage and bioweapons developemtn certainly dont have a place here
why do Republicans care about increasing corporate profits and GDP even during a pandemic? Jesus fucking christ.
what kind of faggot is named lindsey
Why is this rhino so stupid?
rich chinks are not wagies you retard. nor do they start businesses. they launder their money through high-end real-estate.
I cringed when his voice would crack like Mr. Garrison's. But we were at war so I kept my big mouth shut.
his Chinese rentboy/lobbyist told him to sneak that into the bill. he is Mr. Slave
chinks get out
Hey, believe it or not but Evelyn used to be a men’s name. Things change over time.
Fucking neocons are cancer.
They want to release their mantid alien homies upon us to eat us.
He already denied it on Hannity an hour ago. Fake news.
that guy has british blood eating mason faggot all over his gay face, imo
This faggot needs to die.
He's a double crossing piece of shit neo-con
This, unironically. Fuck this piece of shit
For a couple days or weeks there he seemed pretty cool. Turns out he's just the literal faggot we all knew him to be.
Great, so they can buy cheap real estate during the crash.
Oh is it that time again?
Is it time for literally everyone to reveal themselves as fucking cunts?
he said while posting a chink meme
Republican party is fucking useless disband it so tucker can be our new leader
Wait but these people must also invest in American businesses, what's the problem?
Please, we can still be civilized about all this.
Ahh source?
>trust me bro
Can't wait
Chinese people do everything for the long term. They've planned their actions 100 years ahead for world domination. This shortsighted traitor is trying to doom future white Americans with this. No foresight whatsoever.
Why would a chink in American businesses? China is better for that. They come to US for one thing and one thing only - launder their loot and send little Chang to University.
They defy this country by refusing to go through the legal system.
But this is a government program, you dunce.
Source? Best place to do anything is in American you mook.
>literally a faggot
This weasel would take McCains loads for over a decade, and then when Trump literally shit on McCain's grave, hourly, Lindsday found a new pimp. He has to be the biggest rat in all of politics.
how many of these government representatives purposely allowing the virus to fuck the US for Chinabux?
This is pork belly legislation.
with a name like lindsey, are we surprised he is a fag?
How else are you going to get our assets out of their before the boogie two shoe to my lou starts?
b...b...but he goes on Hannity to talk about the phony democrats and their impeachement hoax and how we need to fight the terrorists overseas so that we don't have to fight them here.
probably the twinks that fuck him the ass
Graham is the goddamn worst. Graham has been pushing Trump to grant amnesty to illegals for the last few years
"Lindsey Graham's amnesty for illegal immigrants won't win Trump the Latino vote"
Absolutely traitorous.
And just a few months ago you guys were calling him based for his remarks in the Kavanaugh accusations.
And? Mongoloid.
Trump wanted to give a bunch of White goyim $1000 in neetbux but Lindsay Graham said no, it should go chink spies the hard working jews on wall street instead. Please say something nice about Lindsay.
I mean those we're based
One of you journalists need to spend some time looking into this guy’s sex life. He’s the type of guy that sleeps with a bag of little boys underwear, if you get my drift. It’s basically an open secret.
If you honestly think they're wagies you're fucking retarded.
Looking at Australia, Canada and New Zealand should be more than enough of a source you blind cunt.
I bet he'd kick for a good thirty seconds after the drop, that's a fighter for ya.
They add into business they don't have to be wagies to make new jobs and opportunities.