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just us being superior to chinks and whitoids.

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When you walk around shit covered streets your whole life your immune system is strong af

Indians have been prepping for this shit

Brah have you ever seen the Ganges? The corona virus has nothing on that toxic 'river' and some of those fuckers bathe in it everyday.

Teach us master. I guess the whole superpower by 2020 thing was correct.

Stop eating cows jimmy.

they bathe and drink toxic garbage dumped in streams.
im not surprised

no beef consumption is the secret. It was so obvious all along. Stick to pork and chicken my jimmies.

>spending your life in the middle of feces
it does develop a certain immunity muttbro

The coronavirus can't survive there. They have ACTUAL diseases in India, not just some faggoty version of the common cold

Please, give us more recipes and we'll throw more cricket matches for you.

>shit covered people walking around on shit infested streets


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They thrown the virus into that fucking river

Its infect a ton of people they just havent gone symptomatic yet.


The sniffles and acute resperatory problems are so common place in india that probably far less than 1% of difficult breathers would have corona, they would just have something else.

They will unironically get herd immunity before any other country.


If you keep you numbers so low maybe you can send some help our way

I love cows so cute

india SUPAH POOWAH 2021

maybe drinking urine and taking bath in shit actually boosted their immune system a lot, fuck if i know man

The virus fears the streetshitter

> India Superpower 2020

>a Brazilian is the one to talk

Living conditions are so shit they can't even tell they have the disease

What's with the Delhi study? Is it true ?

I was told there would be bobs and vagina in this thread.

Probably not testing a lot. Do you think a country still using a caste system cares to test the dregs?

They live in literal shit. They're immune to some retarded bat soup.

I heard the virus doesn't spread so effectively in hot countries

You're the ones that can teach.


There are countless homeless people shitting on the streets of los angeles so i guess all the 300 million americans behave like that too.

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>american thinking he is better

I find it funny that basically only Indian posters get super offended and disagree with the judgement of their country by pol. Every American here agrees we’re full of el 56% fat, useless burgers, Europeans know they're poor and living in neo-Arabia, but most of the Indians still proudly proclaim their superior ways.

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Yeah, maybe they have been there, done that with all the Coronas

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Turns out being a streetshitter all your life makes you immune to diseases

Poo Immunity.
It's gonna take more than a little coof to make them sick.

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Who would have imagined that shitting in the streets had an upside.

imagine the smell

The virus dies in pain once it infects an indian

>Every American here agrees we’re full of el 56% fat, useless burgers,
I don't you fucking globalist.

India's secret is PHAGES. The entire country is bathed in powerful viruses which are at war with bacteria. Indians picked up a remarkable resistance to diseases of all kinds due to constant exposure to bacteria and viruses.

Once again...
Less tests = Less reported cases = Less reported deaths

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If coronavirus is killing indians, worry....worry a lot.

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It's just starting there AND looking at the numbers there seems to be a severe lack of tests in the country.

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>no discarded cases
they're not testing enough

When no one wants to go to a place, it is hard to spread viruses to that place.

Zero testing, zero fucks on tracking virus.

I guess the only safe place is the International Space Station

It's because inside every native Indian's body is a madmax thunderdome style menagerie of virulent pestilence. Covid-19 can't get a foothold in that miasma.

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quads confirm
Superpower RIGHT NOW motherfuckers

Show the part where they drag her down an ally and 50 Poos gangrape her.

are you trying to imply that's the same person?

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Average age: 26.8.

fuckin' kek!

Coronavirys won't be around to survive here as it's tropical area.

Absolutely based

It's just proof the virus is fake LOL


Lack of testing and a humid environment. Viruses prefer dry conditions.

Just you wait faggot, it always starts with just one case.

>heard rumors indians have been rubbing cow shit on themselves to prevent the virus
S-should we give it a go?

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constant street shitting makes them immune to memeflu

Is this movie based on the future?

To be honest I always liked Indian mythology

what's the chink population like there? i'm still convinced most of the serious cases are fucking chinks.

How are any of the numbers still attracting an audience? States have been lying about organic numbers since the Spanish flu pandemic why would they possibly be honest now? Do you think that dozens of corpses that have recently dropped dead and succeed at a mortuary in a belegured and economically shaky country will be given an expencountrand meets not forget unreliable anyways, test? Just to make sure the numbers are accurate? Hell no.

That is where Bill Gates has all his call centers.

He gave them all Malaria drugs.

They wade through literal shit 24/7, they have probably the strongest immune systems on the planet.

we need to pollute a river beyond all reason and bathe in it


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Lost holy fuck

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Who knew streeet shitting was big boi iq

It's just the flu bro.

not based, however surprisingly redpilled

They all take chloroquine because it's a high malaria risk country. Remember India tonic water was invented there to curb malaria. They use chloroquine now

How comfy would being a researcher in Antarctica be right now?

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Positive karma

Turd immunity

This man. The hepatitus is feeding on the corona virus. Circle of life.

To be fair. the reason why the west and whites in particular become so resistant to disease is they lived in so much filth they bred disease they themselves were resistant/immune to. Every thing Europe did in response to the black plague actually spread the disease.

Now in the future the Chinese just need to walk over our bloated corpses the same way as the colonials did.

India AND Russia are about unscathed from this
Why anons?

>india in 2030 is dallas in 1999
Just replace the Hindoos with Mexicans

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So many people already die, they probably don't even check most of the time. Not to mention it pretty much only kills old and immunosuppressed if you look at the stats, so eat a dick, kike retard.

Can't be affected when you don't test and don't report official numbers user

Stop pooping in streets Abhi

I love cows so tasty

favelabros are based Chads that do it because they don't give a fuck
Poos do it because muh culture muh heritage muh toilet witches
Can't compare

Kind of based ngl