Biggest health crisis of the century

> Biggest health crisis of the century
> Europe the new epicenter


> Mortality rate has DECREASED in Europe over last 2 weeks
> Italy has less total dead over the last 2 weeks than usual

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EU mortality rate until 15th of March

Attached: Pooled-number.png (780x936, 90.36K)

Italy mortality rate until 15th of March (decreasing)

Attached: Multicountry-zscore-Total.png (780x1560, 111.8K)

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How is coronavirus a health crisis if total death aren't the same as before?

Attached: 1584660656289.jpg (1280x960, 194.71K)

+65 yo # of death in Europe has DECREASED the past 2 weeks

Attached: Capture d’écran 2020-03-20 à 01.19.56.png (1528x270, 71.62K)

This is all good news. Makes me wonder if it was that big of a deal to begin with.

>thinks the media is telling the truth

LMAO /pol hates the media until now, when they are blowing smoke up their asses, they're going to survive this.

99% of people won't.

They don't do all this for nothing. It's a deadly virus and it spreads fast.
It's going to kill most of the Earth.

If you were PM of UK or King of UK and knew this, would you tell everyone so they freak out and destory everything?


Lie about numbers, make people stay inside and let them die watching youtube

Which one?

America has 10,000 deaths

Diamond Princess proves you're wrong

Coronavirus happening cancelled

Attached: 1584662631753.png (1197x1280, 776.83K)

It's not.
It's simply one big scare.
Not even 10k deaths yet over the span over several months.

Nothing is happening now and numbers of infections are going down each day. Therefore nothing will happen in the future. The numbers of deaths will go down with each passing day.

just fuck my shit up

burgerland about to become the corona epicenter

Attached: usacases.png (862x278, 49.68K)

I don't know what a Diamond Princess is.
Is that some queer Japan carton with lots of weak male characters who whine a lot and for some reason they always get super powers and a hot girl, if not several cause reasons??

LMAO fag. Go put a diamond dildo up your weebo ass.


Built for BBC

>Imagine being this fucking retarded
I hope coping faggots like you starve to death.

> Median age of death in Italy 80.5 yo + 2.7 SERIOUS illnesses
> Median age of death in Germany 82 yo
> 50-75% infected with NO symptoms at all
> 0 increase in mortality in Italy despite peak of infections/death

Happening CANCELLED! Massive panic/scare for nothing

>stop doing shit
>people stop dying
No shit, stop spreading misinformation


What’s her name? Only tell me if she has a black boyfriend.

Thanks for the heads up, fellow virologist and mathematician!


Italy death:

Diamond stats:

German stats:

50-75% have NO symptom:

Most death aren't due to "doing shit"

Attached: deathh.jpg (589x378, 56.48K)

Happening CANCELLED!

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/n/ fag here.
In the USA ~36,000 people die in motor vehicle accidents, per year.
It comes out to about 100 people dead per day.

For sure the quarantines are saving more American lives just through the reduction in driving...

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We are looking at EU death rate, not US

The question that matters is:
> Is corona INCREASING total death per day

If it's not then it means it has no impact and is only killing people that would die at the same time with another illness

> Most likely it's not even the reason for their death but just found as a virus because we tested for it

I meant the sauce for the picture, who's the cutie

Its not that reality is wrong, its that ur too stupid to understand reality


Stfu nerd dont try to use ur brain


It's the curse ship dipshit, go eat some more lead paint chips.

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Germany does not test dead people. They only test sick people BEFORE THEY DIE. The waitlists are insane, they can only test 160.000 people a week. If you die, they remove you from the waitlist...

Imagine having a mass panic all at once... (Literal chaos)
You deniers are fucking stupid. Enjoy the blood lungs tho.

digits confirm mutt's law is in full effect

Attached: oh_yeah.jpg (800x450, 35.61K)

>We are looking at EU death rate, not US
that's all fine and good, but I'm just trying to posit a hypothesis as to why you're seeing the data you're sourcing

The deaths from this virus could also be likely offset by the reduction in dangerous activities performed by the subject population.

>Biggest health crisis of the century
What Spanish Flu was a century ago, and after that Asian Flu, then another Chink Flu following. IF you want add in AIDs.
That 4 in the past century you bong that dealer than this one.

>Germany does not test dead

>Transport death accounted for 0.7 % of total deaths in 2010 in Europe

Non significant impact

Same for us
> Assuming 1% annual death, 36K dead from transport is approx 1%.

Thus lockdown shouldn't see mortality decrease despite a peak because of people not using their car

Ur life is a fail

The deaths are mostly in 1 region out of 20, theres no dead bodies crisis in the other 19 regions u stupid idiot. Why ur giving me stats of whole italy u retard nerd.

Dont u see hospitals with 0 space, new hospitals being built, lack of doctors, importing hundred of doctors from abroad, tens of military trucks transporting dead bodies around cause theres not enough incinerators u stupid small.dick small brain anglo blind retard crooled teeths inbred schizo loser

>conveniently forgetting china sent a dream team and tons of supplies to help them

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If deaths are that disproportionate and in 1 region, we should still see an INCREASE in the overall national mortality, not a decrease.

> We are seeing a decrease which means that the "peak" isn't ADDING new death, it's solely replacing the mortality with a new reason

I'm not denying a panic which causes hospitals to be overwhelmed. If everyone with a coof and fever shows up (when normal behavior you'd stay home and rest), of course it causes hospitals with 0 space

Still haven't found a source on this. But we do seem to test a lot of people and can find a lot of infected. Numbers are hard to actually track with our clusterfuck of bureaucracy but Drosten (the virologist advising the government) thinks they do around 100,000 tests per week here. But I've also heard the number 160,000 thrown around by the Robert-Koch-Institut. But who knows.

>Sent 4 days ago
>Stats I'm sharing are before that
> Thinking this actually would DECREASE mortality from baseline pre coronavirus

>Transport death accounted for 0.7 % of total deaths in 2010 in Europe
and what percentage of total Europe deaths, statistically, can be attributed to COVID-19 in the same time period?

Post mortem tests do happen

The question is: is corona INCREASING death from the norm
If not, then finding it is worthless

> If you're 85 yo and have 3 serious illnesses and died from a heart failure, did you actually die of corona or of old age?
> Bias and crisis makes it that we test you for corona and inputs the death to the virus (when it shouldn't be)

>Ching chong wing wong
>5 yen has been deposited into you account

Rice nigger STFU nobody cares what you have to say

I heard from the Drosten podcast that basically if a pandemic robs the average person of one year of their life then extreme measures should be taken to contain it. And the coronavirus seems to reap a lot of the fruit before they are ripe. Also, deaths still aren't everything because the virus still hospitalizes a ton of people putting a strain on people who also need hospitalization, like from traffic accidents and all that. Imagine how many more people would die from accidents if all the hospital beds are taken by pneumonia patients.

>I heard from the Drosten podcast that basically if a pandemic robs the average person of one year of their life then extreme measures should be taken to contain it. And the coronavirus seems to reap a lot of the fruit before they are ripe. Also, deaths still aren't everything because the virus still hospitalizes a ton of people putting a strain on people who also need hospitalization, like from traffic accidents and all that. Imagine how many more people would die from accidents if all the hospital beds are taken by pneumonia patients.

Those are good points, let me answer in a few minutes

What do u know Whats happening in the rest 19/20 regions u retard

Maybe the overall deaths are down because of the lockdown for example? Less car accidents for example? So the increase in lombardy is not enough to change national datas but its enough to produce a crisis in lombardy?

The thing is u cant change reality just cause u dont understand datas, cause whats happening is undeniable

Implying China acted on anything in time and acts for anything outside of their personal interest and how they're perceived.

Fuck off shill.

And that graph is not even updated to the last 10days, i cant believe im replying to u

1) Let's assume 2K german die each day (forgetting about coronavirus). If coronavirus does have an impact on death, then we would see 2K (which is the average pre corona) + corona dead

What we're seeing (with the data I shared from Euromomo) is that there is actually a decrease in mortality. Euromomo looks at the deviation from baseline and see absolutely no change or a negative change (which mean less death)

Thus we can conclude no one is going before their time (which would be a problem)!

>the virus still hospitalizes a ton of people putting a strain on people who also need hospitalization, like from traffic accidents and all that. Imagine how many more people would die from accidents if all the hospital beds are taken by pneumonia patients.

This I agree with. The question however is: are we hospitalizing more people (who would normally be sent home) because of the panic and out of caution? If death rate is the same as flu (which Diamond Princess data shows) then why are we hospitalizing more? Mainly out of caution and pressure

Attached: Capture d’écran 2020-03-20 à 02.33.19.png (1482x242, 53.53K)

> Italy has less total dead over the last 2 weeks than usual

Attached: letmetellyouBS.jpg (715x715, 77.17K)


I shared stats about death. Accidents / non health related death are insignificant. See attached

Attached: deathh.jpg (589x378, 55.23K)

>What we're seeing (with the data I shared from Euromomo) is that there is actually a decrease in mortality.
This pandemic is not about the deaths RIGHT NOW. It's about those that are about to happen if the spread isn't contained.

Yes truly lies, that graph isnt even updated to last 10 days. Truly pathetic schizo thread

Graph is up to week 11 which is until 15th. Graph is DECREASING

We're looking at mortality rate (over dead, so non corona + corona dead). They have DECREASED which means that corona dead aren't EXTRA dead on top of average dead

Give corona virus to the world, send a few masks and doctors then tell people china is doing everything to stop it

Listen the whole argument is over, ur stats are not updated

Now the deaths are 3.400
The graph ends at either 9march when they were 400 or 15 march when they were 1400

Trips of truth


Listen nerd find me datas of total deaths in 1 year or 1 month in italy and i explain u

Stop posting good news goy this is supposed to be a happening

I think this "same newspapers who reported Soviet Union harvest numbers pretending that CCP press releases of Chinese numbers have a relation to reality" might be our first tiresome meme of the new decade.

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Ban chinks, sign now

>The graph ends at either 9march when they were 400 or 15 march when they were 1400

It ends on the 15 of March (week 11) when they were 1400
YET the death rate is DECREASING
How do you explain this?

This is source with death per week in real time

Less drunk driving?