What are some good based and redpilled games for these times of social distancing?
What are some good based and redpilled games for these times of social distancing?
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Honey Select
The bible
EU4. I’m still not good enough to play a Native American nation though
Doom, metroid prime, sex with your mom.
eu4 sucks man. why did you have to post the worst paradox game in recent memory? yes i factored imperator into the selection for worst
Just yesterday tried a muslim colonization of the americas with Morocco, without the papacy bonuses had to be even more brutal with the natives
Why are brazilians so fucking cringy? You have to be over 18 to be here.
Hexagonal warfare, average turn speed from my opponents has doubled since the virus.
Come here anons:
Most recent Hitman... Especially the last few missions.
the cum game
You deseved it, manchild. Holy shit, imagine thinking playing games has some "basedness" in it.
Games like Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars, Crusader Kings II and The Sims 3 still make me feel somewhat social, whenever I play them. Europa Universalis IV is good, too, but I prefer Europa Universalis III. I also like the Hearts of Iron and Victoria games. I have not tried Imperator, the newest Roman game by Paradox Interactive. Does anybody remember the one they made after EU3?
I'm playing Stellaris right now and I'm just fucking bored. I forgot how the first five fucking hours in any new game is pure boredom.
Holy fucking cringe
This is what happen if we allow coed locker rooms.
Civ IV is better
Doom eternal drops tonight.. kill some demons, get comfy, and stay angry.
Why does this turn me on so much (except the part where he actually kills her)?
Do you have more, or source?
Postal 2
Superior paradox game coming through
> play as a pagan chad
> take castles
> imprison the lord and throw away the keys
> bang his wives and daugthers
> bang my sister
> kill everyone in my family
> offend the pope
> get crusaded
> convert to christianity
> get sick with the fu man flu
> go crazy
> marry my horse
good times
If you dont play IL2 sturmovik great battles in VR i dont know what the fuck youre doing with your life.
Civ II best
Based as heck
Dwarf Fortress
Medal of honor frontline
man i put like 10 hours into that and i can barely even do basic shit. i watched a few tutorials but godamn this is a thicc game.
maybe i'll get around to learning it someday, but for now i'm playing BF2 revive and Vesteria Saga
>not good enough to set speed to max and click a button every few minutes
Go to bed grandpa
picked up rising storm, it's ok, best bit seems to be its reduced some of the other mechs
any /gsg/ man in
Slay the spire. Cheap as it is an indie title.
I have 350 hours into the game, one of my fav games for all time
The Last of Us
Forget video games, lift and read you colossal faggot
The amount of slide threads during the Epstein saga was absurd.
Im just gonna recommend IL2 sturmovik a second time because i love it so, if i could play only one game for the rest of my life this would be it, learning curve is steep as shit but when you learn how to fly the different planes and you get your kill in multiplayer it feels so damn rewarding, shot down 5 other players today, 2 spitfires, 1 lagg3 and 2 boston medium bombers, next dlc coming up is battle of normandy i fucking cant wait i have never felt such an affection for a game before i had all but quit until i found this game i fear i will never stop playing IL2.
Achmed is right
Sounds cool user, I'll check it out
I got VR, might as well try it
Do I need to buy a special joystick to play this?
Hoi4 only. The rest of paradox games is total shit
StarCraft 2
audible kek
My wife loves this shit
Medieval 2 Total War
$0¥ boys are scum
I use a joystick and throttle.
I got a joystick that you can twist i have the rudder axis assigned to that.
I cant guarantee its playable with mouse and keyboard, the game can be pricey but theres very often 50% off sales on it.
Crusader Kings 2, Serious Sam: The First/Second Encounter, UNO
I'm here, just started a new EU4 Japanese game yesterday, Korea btfo, Manchus now my marcher lords, Mingsplosion imminent
Victoria 2. It will teach you about how modern countries work.
>tfw you start war solely so your military-industrial complex controlled by the ancapistanis can make you even more tax money
A man of taste i see
HOI4 is a memegame at this point
ck2, eu4, hoi4
wargame of course
Crusader Kings II + Reaper's Due DLC
I enjoy playing Ultimate General CW and pretending all the Yanks are god damned plague spreading NYers. I run up ridiculuous casualtie counts on those bastards.
He asked for games, not movies.
Dwarf Fortress. Mine adamatine, drop hippies into magma.
This. Why the fuck would I play The Last of Us and not just watch a TV show that's 10x as good like the Sopranos or some shit? I don't understand games with so many cutscenes and story over gameplay.
how is the new update
They just released that stellaris expansion. It's pretty gay with all the federation faggotry, but perhaps it make it more fun to stomp them to death with space nazis.
My cousin and I have been playing some of the old Avalon-Hill games and some of the GMT ones using Vassal over the past few weeks. Top tier gaming.
World Box
Streets of Rogue
Mount and Blade (bannerlord comes out soon)
Victoria 2
Distant Worlds Universe
Species ALRE
Best game
I've downloaded COD Warzone and play it online with some buddies, kind of cool. Tempted to get Doom Eternal.
The Council is actually a very comfy game.
>go to private island with head of all secret organizations
>napoleon, washington, prussian priest is among the people there
>tons of redpilled painting around the place, books like dantes inferno, the prince etc
>you have to solve really hard clues, need to know bible passages to make it easy at some parts
i haven't played video-games in ages and honestly thought i kicked the habit but this happening admittedly inspired me to load up some fallout
Play Stellaris as a xenophobic, isolationist empire
Is this better than hoi4? I play kinda slow and the army movement and stack stuff seems retarded and overly autist
>video games
pick one you fucking manchild
SH3 + GWX mod
How does people even do these magnificent blobs? I can only war for duchies one at a time and if i get too many half my realm revolts.