How fucked am I, leafs?
>quit job in early jan
>havent found new job yet
>cant find job anymore because everyone has suspended hiring
Im nervous because I dont see any sort of assistance for people like me who are between jobs.

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>5 billion for unemployed without EI benefits
That's you

wheres my money or do i not get it because im not a faggot or nigger

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i thought that was only for people who became unemployed because of covid but didnt have EI because they didnt work their current job too long.

If you're a single white male who's employed, you literally get nothing

And you can be assured that when this is all over, our taxes are going up. And probably not a little bit.
Those carbon taxes are going to get awfully steep in short order.

This. If you weren't made unemployed as a result of the kung flu you aren't getting anything. If you did not file your 2018 taxes you also are not getting anything.

>quitting your job before lining up your next
This is where you fucked up.

couldnt i just say ive been self employed since i left my job (since im just living off savings for the time being) but i just havent found any customers yet? i know self employed people are getting something.

I mean yeah maybe but I haven't seen what the form to apply looks like, it likely doesn't leave much room for exceptions because they know people are going to be gaming this. Better off saying you're caring for a relative or something

Why did you do this OP?

part of the plan when i quit was to NEET it up for a few weeks and then start job hunting again (which i did). i have 6 to 8 months worth of living expenses in the bank because i live a very modest life but fuck i want some free money.
>been paying taxes for 15 years and never asked the govt for anything

guess well just have to wait and see what the website says when they finally implement this.

When this is over either Ottawa and the rest of the world go after the chinks or we go after Ottawa. They were too busy playing cock succy with the savages over gibs to notice that a fucking bioweapon escaped in china

fuck anyone who thinks they deserve special treatment for being a teepee nigger. their antics and refusal to work are one if the contributing factors to this disaster

Sorry bud, those Somalian we just gave that house to need your money more than you do.

i forgot about those somalians who were allowed to just casually stroll over here for 3 years. fucking niggers are still coming.

"NEET it up" when you're in college or after you retire. Not between. That is what vacation time is for. Maybe you're single though, I guess it's easy to not be worried if you're alone. Anyways, don't take this as something I necessarily agree with. This is just the culture, society, etc. that we live in.
t. third position

yet siging up for welfare is fucking worse than the 12 tasks of asterix. I literally now have 4 different accounts with gov canada web site. Not multiple identities,no. Just that canada hasn't figured out how to merge various aspects of govt online. Got one for welfare, got one for social security, got one for "pension" and I'm pretty sure I had to make one for changing my adress. All on the same fucking crappy website that is literally 2010 tier at best. Fucking backwards socialist shithole, I hope Trudeau is quarentined forever

old job got really shitty really fast after restructuring and i felt like it was time to bail. i earned and saved my money so why shouldnt i be allowed to enjoy a few weeks off with no responsibility?

I don’t disagree. We are a nation of pussies. Was a real pill to take realizing lately how many Canadians are truly fucking retarded, cattle.
I know I’m not getting a cheque. If I did I’d tear it up or drop it into bitcoin.
I truly hope to god that the gibs stop flowing if this crisis lasts for months, or has several more waves. We are broke as it is.
I really want the ‘enrichment’ we’ve been promised to really enrich our country, by burning it down.

You get a percentage of your salary. If you are self employed and make nothing, a percentage of nothing is still nothing, dimwit.

>so why shouldnt i be allowed to enjoy a few weeks off with no responsibility
I'm not saying you shouldn't. Do what you want. This is just the reprecussions of the risk you took in doing that.

A lockdown everywhere except the border!

>Was a real pill to take realizing lately how many Canadians are truly fucking retarded, cattle.
You just realized that now?
My hope is that (if I can survive, I got laid off due to the chink plague) it spells the end to our hospitality towards China. I'm not getting my hopes up.

I am scared

so everyone between jobs is effectively fucked?

I knew. Just pretended it wasn’t so.
I’m with ya but will take it one step further.
Hope the resulting chaos and destruction wakes people up to this whole ‘multicultural experiment’ that has failed abjectly.
I honestly didn’t mind the chinks before so much. They mostly keep to themselves, are family oriented, intelligent and work hard. Would I rather they not be here at all? Yep.
It that’s not changing.
It’s the Africans and sand people that I cannot suffer. They are completely incompatible with our society. I hope they have a large part to play in the coming months..

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Don't get to soft on the Asians. They do have a lot of good traits like you said, but they didn't grow up with Western ideas of integrity. You can't take them at their word.

Yes. You will all perish.

hey it might cancel the gay parades though?

Don't you just keep drawing EI? I don't get it.

Either you keep drawing EI or else you're "unemployed without EI benefits", in which case there's 5 billion to support you.

Oh I know. For the most part..they are calculated, heartless hive minds with 0 value for human life and seemingly have 0 capacity for empathy.

I agree with this but for the most part they are fun to hang out with, introduced me to anime and a lot of video games, and are generally big on family, religion, and hard work.

If we are going to have multiculturalism I'd rather them than the third worlders we've been importing. It also helps that some asian women are cute.

>unemployed without EI benefits
Refers to those who lost their jobs specifically due to the outbreak

They are the ones making all the "white people" propaganda.

Hopefully some day you realise where you went wrong

I’m a farmfag.
Can count on two hands the number of asians I’ve communicated with.
If we could just co exist with japs, Koreans and chinks..things would be fine.
Try coexisting with Somalians when the gibs run out. Can’t and won’t end well.

Grocery stores and other essential services are hiring. They need fodder for the virus and many are losing staff who dont want to get sick.

No disrespect brother, but you sound like a redditor right now.
>Muslims aren't so bad. I got to eat their food and they seem really into their religion. They gave me these cool sandals.
The problem with the Chinese is that they get involved in the government and business while they loyalties are still back home. They are yellow Jews.

You are correct. Think of it as either a long game to enslave you vs a pack of feral niggers on your doorstep.
You don't want either.


Ban chinks, sign now

When is the last time a fucking online petition did anything lmao

What’s the solution though..at this point

>teepee niggers
fuck them, they arent even important to this countries survival but at that press conference on the CBC all most of the govt people could talk about is the feather niggers needs and how they get their own special bonus.

No idea. Maybe all provinces seceded except Ontario and Quebec, we join up with USA and remove kebab for a strong united continent.

Socialist leafs get the rope

>quit your job without having another one

you made your bed, now lie in it

Joining the US is not going to help your demographics bud. Exchanging chinks for H1B poos, spics, and nogs.

I know but its better than letting Ontario drag us down this path.
How is this all going to look in 15 years when the Chinks own everything but the muzzies are a protected class?

Do uni students get anything?

>hurrr durrr you have to keep your job and deal with running around to find another job at the same time!!! you are not allowed to relax ever!!!

fuck off nigger

raped by loans and possibly nogs

Why would they? Everyone seems to be missing the point of this

I really hope Alberta becomes north Montana. This country is done. And I with it.

>cant support himself
>calls others niggers


I'm black.
What's the point, lad? I have a kid on the way, do I get anything then?

He's not wrong. You always secure another job before quitting your current one. You fucked up.

Thank fucking god I left Canada, they really are giving you a pittance.

Government intervention here will see me work reduced hours while the government pick up most of the difference and pays me 90% of my original salary.

Oh I'm sorry. I meant to say nigger. Hope you are married to that girl you knocked up.

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I am.

Man, you people suck.
If you're first reaction to something coming at you is "uuu, how will I surviive?!" You get a job.
I'm a Chad, I get a girl.

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Good. You are welcome around me as long as you are a good father and have a job. That's what separates a man from a nigger.

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Why should you get anything?
If I get a cheque(won’t) it’s getting torn up.
Fuck parasitism.

>has 6 months worth of expense in the bank
i just want to get some free money like all the niggers, teepee niggers, and border hopping niggers.

>you have to stay at your toxic job until you find another
>you have no right to use some of your savings to enjoy some unpaid time off between jobs

With almost total certainty, anyone who unironically refers to themselves as "Chad" probably doesn't fit the bill. Always the beta/omega types calling themselves alphas.

Sorry to suffocate your little dream there bruiser.

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stay mad betafag