This is a thread dedicated to books that impacted our political worldviews.
For me, The Clash of Civilizations by Sam Huntington changed how I viewed foreign policy.
This is a thread dedicated to books that impacted our political worldviews
For me it is of course Halo: First Strike
The book that actually clicked in my mind and really catapulted me into Libertarianism or rather an enthusiasm for Liberty. To be honest this was the first time I ever thought positively about politics, everything else was hyper negative, negative about Communism, negative about Neoliberalism, about slavery, book burnings, gulags and political correctness. This was like the wake up call that there could be a vision of society worth looking forward to.
> Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
> “If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
Also the Candlemakers Petition was pure 19th century kino, fucking brilliant trolling, Kek would be proud I'm sure.
The only book that matters is pic related.
>Actual discussion of high minded literature on Yas Forums
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Das Kapital
It will change your life, libertarians and NatSocs are useful idiots for the ruling elite despite what Yas Forums claims
“The Bible is very easy to understand. But we Christians are a bunch of scheming swindlers. We pretend to be unable to understand it because we know very well that the minute we understand, we are obliged to act accordingly.” -Søren Kierkegaard
Fahrenheit 451. I'm honestly shocked how accurate it was to normalfag apprehension to reading. Also another good read is the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Slight primer:
>female mages run the world
>literally nobody trusts them
>removing a man's magic is socially accepted and legally required if found, but often ends up completely brainwashing the male
>removing a woman's magic is considered a heinous act reserved only for traitorous mages
>the main character is a miscegenation of a desert warrior woman and a white man
>often has trouble fitting in
>develops magic to the extent that he's le ebin prophecy yadda yadda
>these dykes actually talk about letting him do his job and then immediately remove his magic
The major theme is largely optimistic about how the human condition can be overcome properly if both sexes can actively and properly communicate and put aside petty differences.
Combined with Losing Ground and Coming Apart...absolutely.
Although it should be noted that Murray has stated that while he certainly believes there is a culture of dependency within some poor communities, he's also not convinced that "ripping off the band aid" and abolishing that public welfare will solve the problem.
absolutely we wanted workers. i never thought about just how impossible it would be to help the worlds poor or just how devastating our "altruism" is. it also made me think that theres a discernable and measurable interest group and a screwed group for every policy. sure immigration helps gdp, but that doesnt affect anyone in society. sure immigration helps the capitalist class, but it hurts every other class in america. it doesnt even help the consumer class, most of our production is outsourced anyways. this is an eye opening book about just how terrible liberal policy is and refutes basically every immigration argument (even though the point of the book is just describing the processes we measure the impacts of immigration with). this really changed my mind, the collective of society is rarely affected by a policy and we should see our country as a homeland, not an experiment to see if we can help the 6 billion people of the world in third world countries
Based and Danish pilled
god damn what a blast from the past. Based.
thats hard to find for a decent price. luckily got a good used set on amazon
sam huntington is an amazingly focused man. his book on american culture and what events throughout history shaped the american identity was great. i forgot what it was called.
its a real high IQ work.
You're right, but so are socialists, communists and anarchists
March of the Titans confirms that all non white races are infinitely inferior
more of what ive gathered over time
Pretty good
Where do I buy that bookshelf?
not the exact one but a good price with decent reviews
How the fuck are they not falling?!
thanks user
more of it
the picture was uploaded sideways. wasnt intentional but seems like its easier to read
the book shelf is sturdy at the bottom too
>In June 2016, Haney testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he alleged that the Obama-era DHS had ordered him to delete hundreds of files about reputed associates of Islamic terrorist groups. Haney made the case that several attacks in the U.S. could have been prevented if some of the files had not been deleted, the Examiner reported.
>Writing in The Hill in February 2016, Haney claimed Obama had thrown the U.S. intelligence community "under the bus" for failing to "connect the dots" after a Nigerian Muslim terror suspect was linked to a failed terror plot on Christmas Day in 2009.
>See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
>Following 9/11 like many American's, I began reading up on Islam. So as I made my through Mr. Haney's book I was already familiar with most of the acronyms for the various Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups such as CAIR, ISNA,MSA which I like to collectively refer to as Muslim Brotherhood termites burrowing into our national security infrastructure.
>I knew about John Brennan signing off on letting these groups edit out of our counterterrorism manuals anything they found objectionable. I knew about Michelle Bachmann's group trying to call attention to this insidious sabotage only to be mocked. I knew about Hillary Clinton getting cozy with the OIC. What I wasn't aware of is just how deeply penetrated the DHS is.
anyway you could get something similar without feeding money to amazon?
i'd settle for a plan w/ measurements
Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash
>The Democratic National Committee forced to return $2.8 million in illegal contributions, much of it from foreign nationals, and much of it brought to the party by fundraising executive John Huang. Huang originally represented U.S. interests for the Riady family; Indonesian businessmen with close ties to the Communist Chinese government.
>John Huang a Commerce Department appointment… one that came with a top-secret security clearance.
>Charlie Trie member of a Chinese Tria d crime gang that has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Trie's money contact in Macau, who wired more than $1 million to Trie's U.S. account, most of which is believed to have ended up in Clinton Defense Fund and Democratic Party campaign coffers, is Ng Lapseng, a Triad mobster and Chinese communist official. In fact, Ng visited the White House and attended a number of Democratic Party fund-raisers in Washington, sitting next to President Clinton at some events.
>"James and Mochtar Riady have a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency; influenced Clinton-Gore policies that decimated national security export controls ….product of negligent Administration oversight of joint U.S.-China high technology programs and satellite launches, that have dramatically improved Chinese nuclear missile accuracy and reliability.
>The critical premise of the authors has been validated by the recent rel ease of an explicit Pentagon report to the Congress illustrating how the China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) is developing a range of high technology weapons to destroy American satellites and establish "capability to establish control of space and to deny access and use of military and commercial space systems in times of crises or war."
Based and UNSC-pilled
This book is 100% based and explains a lot about the Islamic world as a geopolitical entity
Post more shelves bros
This book is great. Highly recommend.
Hell yeah
How is the lost keys of freemasonry?
" [It] enjoys great cachet among the sort of policymaker who enjoys name-dropping Sun Tzu, but few specialists in international relations rely on it or even cite it approvingly. Bluntly, Clash has not proven to be a useful or accurate guide to understanding the world."
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
this is the bell curve/CoC of asians.
That book is like homeopathy for any serious philosopher lol
The Essential Wallerstein
Anyone got redpilled books on history? I'm getting Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War tomorrow. Anything is good, but I'm looking for Amercian history especially. Revolution, civil war, ww2, etc. The Russian revolution would be good too. Especially Tsar Nicholas II
When see left and right debates, it often seems to boil down to the right acknowledging genetic influence on human behaviour and left denying it.
I was a leftist and now have changed to right. Accepting the importance of evolutionary psychology was what changed my mind.
I'm guessing you like Jay Dyer
Huntington was also great with pic related, which was something he touched on early in Clash of Civilizations
Please provide a citation.
I've actually asked this question to myself alot. I can't get a grasp on the soul of America anymore. What does the author believe?
>but few specialists in international relations rely on it or even cite it approvingly.
Maybe they should
Go on. We're waiting for an argument.
Paul Musgrave
wonder why they don't...
This is a good read. Same with nature's eternal religion.
My desk shelf.
Very short and breaks down the evil of war profiteering from WWI. If only he knew how bad things have gotten.
Oh? Are you referring to his criticism published in The Washington Post and Foreign Policy? You mean the guy whose criticism was filled with accusations of racial prejudice? Racial prejudice which was no where to be found in Huntington's work? The man was a liberal btw.
No I wasn't.
This book was written by Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernays who, along with Walter Lippman, aggressively lobbied for the burgers to enter WW1. I don't see this book referenced around here nearly enough. It could be the easiest way to break the conditioning for normies -- assuming you can get them to actually read a fucking book.
All the books, free downloads, Russian filesharing site.
Read his criticism a bit more thoroughly. The racial prejudice he writes of exists only in his imagination.
Fate of Empires - John Glubb
It's really short and should be required reading in high school.
It explains everything that is happening
Can i see that Decline of the west? What edition? Can i get it on Amazon?
Good choice. I like this one too, and the two of them made me certain that the social contract theory of government is inane babble.
I've been wondering the same thing lately
When historians look back as to what caused the upcoming civil war they will say "IDENTITY".
This is some food for thought to get started with this question
Idk what "America" means
It can't be the retarded civic nationalism
It can't just be white people because there are black slaves who have been here longer than some "white" immigrants (Irish or Russians)
It can't just be religion because some Somali or Guatemalan Christian isn't an American nor should they be.
So what is it?