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i miss him

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Lmao I love a MIGAcels have no response to that other than a cringy meme. Eat shit.

i dont get it, cant someone explain?


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Trumpbux is literally national socialism

National socialism is what drove the Nazi party in the 1930 and 40's.

They said we were nazis...

I said to put me in the screencap, nigger

Yeah, NATIONAL socialism

Trumpets are cool with doing what’s necessary in a time of crisis. Free gibs for degenerates is wholly different.

Our response is "Thank you Mr. President!"

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fuck you I made that joke yesterday

>nazi party

We all do

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But it kinda makes no sense because she said Socialism first and then user said National second. It would of been more funny if she said national first... plus it would of made more sense.

i didn't find this joke to be funny.

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hello rabii


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>Suddenly all the trumpers are cool with national


cringe NPCs trying to cope with literally Yang policies.

national socialism

Please shes been screaming it for years

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That's not what she said

Anything "given" to you, by the US Government, had to be stolen from the nation, beforehand. If anything, this is YOUR money, being returned to you. Is it really "socialism" if someone steals a million dollars from you, over your lifetime, and gives you back a check for 1000?

How was your bris, moshe?

What? No. I mean it doesn't make sense that the joke is Socialism National. It would make more sense for it to be the other way around.

Fascists were peak aesthetics.

Will another Hitler-like figure ever rise to power again?

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You god damn right
If it is going to true patriots and taxpayers and those niggers and wetback aint gettin none it is damn good

>this is the average Yas Forums specimen's IQ on display right now
I hope for your sake you're baiting for (You)s at this point.

No it would make less sense, as i've shown you.

You just don't know how to read.

Well i just wish the joke made sense and was funny... that's all.

Like i said it does make sense you're just autistic or stupid.

Here maybe this will help... It's an example of a linguistic technique called laconic phrasing:

One already exist.

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I’m cool with National Socialism

Sips lager
>nods in cap and boot

IQs this low should be terminated. Even trolling this is bottom of the barrel.

OP can't tell the difference between temporary assistance during a crisis and permanent womb-to-tomb socialism for able-bodied adults that refuse to work.

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So you're telling me capitalism produces better socialism than pure socialism?

This is not a bad thing

It'll be okay lil' autist

Checked. That’s the best kind of nationalism

>prevent people from engaging in the free market
>give people their own money back, all because your stupid economic system left people in such dire straights they resorted to eating bats
Look how socialism saves us!

Excuse me ma'am, but I am a Social Nationalist.

>cant even burn 6 million in a day
shill harder commiefag

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Since these businesses are being forced to temporary close and to layoff workers by the government, the government can temporarily help these people out until the crisis is over.

Wow, a woman with an opinion.

Soon, boys

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he will never compare to the basedness of Based Mao the Chinkslayer

I voted for trump and have always been a proponent of socialism, specifically the national variety.

Not me. If Trump and the GOP keep paying $1200 after the disaster has passed and the economy is back to normal, then I won't bothering voting for the GOP ever again.

So you’ll vote for open borders, and the brown hordes instead? I’ll take fucking nazis over niggers any day!

I didn't say I would vote for a Dem. I'd vote third party or for an independent if I vote at all.


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say it with me: "china virus"

What she is saying is socialism is actually the same as national socialism

if Bernie praised hitler and campaigned on gassing the kikes i'd vote for him.
but it seems as likely as what you're suggesting.


Also, I'd like to add that anyone calling you racist for calling the coronavirus the "China virus" are hypocrites who didn't give a shit about German measles or the Spanish flu and are also useful idiots for the Chinese government who is the one promoting this forced "chinese virus=racist" meme.

Only after a really cruel war.

if I ever find the bastard who killed this hero I will make him pay!!!

You're a fucking idiot. Go run out on traffic.

Boy are you in for a surprise

I don't think people understand the difference between a "one time" stimulus package during economic downturns versus constant welfare redistribution.

Are these people ignorant or willfully intellectually dishonest

After about 100 years the United States finally gets it.

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why dont you cuck retards who think Hitler was not a cult member turn the tables

Social Nationalism
Social Nationalists
Sannys instead of Nazis


Irl I’m a pretty Sociable Nationalist

Ok. :(

Y-you seriously expect a non biased answer from Google on that topic?

>Is it really "socialism" if someone steals a million dollars from you, over your lifetime, and gives you back a check for 1000?

Attached: yes.jpg (220x229, 8.11K)

He's obviously not from here or he wouldn't have to ask what National Socialism is

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Um... sauce?

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JFK is not wrong. Eventually Hitler will be seen as a Napoleonic figure. Once the Jews breed themselves out of existence.

He's not dead user, as long as you keep him in your heart

kek this is one of the most autistic posts i've seen in a while