just about two weeks ago, you guys were saying
>gibs bad
>socialism bad
But now $1000 gibs good, socialism is a ok?
What changed?
just about two weeks ago, you guys were saying
>gibs bad
>socialism bad
But now $1000 gibs good, socialism is a ok?
What changed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>economic stimulus package is socialism
Ok kiddo
I don't really have any political beliefs besides a) fuck niggers and b) fuck reddit
Push the $1000 checks you niggers
>thousand a month for live vs a thousand.
OP will never understand
A major crises came up requiring immediate government intervention to allow our society to survive. And the money isn't coming from governmental takeover of industry. It comes from governments ability to tax the proceeds from capitalism.
You would have called it socialism if Obama did it, let's be honest here for once.
>it's socialism to give taxpayers their money back
>natsoc board
>socialism is bad
You fell for the "republicans are nazis" meme.
We want socialism. But only for white people
OP only knows what he can smell right in front of his nose like a fucking animal.
A 1000$ check is not enough. 2k MINIMUM.
The government closed my entire city for business. This is not gibs - we’d be working if we were allowed to.
It's just another tax refund, NEETS and niggers get nothing
nah people would call it socialism if it came with open borders
What hasn’t changed is that you should go back to your reddit shithole.
I abide with killing all jews
By Republicunt text book, it is Socialism.
You called:
Madicare For All, Socialism
Affordable college, Socialism
Affordable Care Act, Socialism
What changed now??
This is not thedonald. We are National SOCIALISTS. Ignore newfag conservatives and lolbert posters.
Nobody here says socialism bad except newfag boomers. This is a national socialist board.
it's like you have no idea what words mean
can you lurk in any of the other 1287634876938764 threads you retards spam here?
So you are Socialist now. I see. Glad that is clear now.
Can we have Madicare For All, it'll really help us working class.
We have always been a national socialist board. Fuck off with your reddit-tier red vs blue thinking.
Since the Jews couldn't crash the economy with their Marxist poison by putting Sanders into the WH, they found another way by causing (((media))) panic about a literal who virus that's probably been spreading for a month in the U.S. before we even found it. Yet somehow the completely unknown spread (U.S. cases likely already number in the hundreds of thousands) of the Chinese virus didn't cause the healthcare system to collapse. BUT NOW THAT WE KNOW IT'S SPREADING AHHHH WE MUST SHUT IT DOWN AND DO SOCIALISM OR YOU'LL ALL DIE. You'd have to be an idiot to fall for this.
> socialism bad
we already had this discussion with that yangchong bullshit.
National Socialist that supports Trump, you make absolutely no sense. Trump is MIGA and you are MAGA. It's like someone pulled a fast one on you.
I’m against the $1000 gibs for everyone. I don’t need it, and i know that I’ll eventually pay for it in tax increased.
>you guys
>assuming this place has a coherent set of policies to be for and against
UBI is great and means that employers need to add actual value to the economy and not just squeeze margins out of the people. people will veto shit jobs for shit pay when their life isn't on the line.
If you don’t receive any trumpbux it’s because the government knows you’re gonna die from the Chinese Virus.
>implying relief is socialism
nigger tier thinking here.
Trumpbux is a temporary aide for people who have been laid off and lost their jobs, and are going to have problems making ends meet because of layoffs or whatever. Once things go back to normal, the trumpbux are gone.
It's not socialist because it's a temporary measure for a time of need. Socialism has one use case where it excels greatly, and it's when it's time to cope with economic problems or to lift a country out of poverty into prosperity. But it will almost always drag down a successful country and cause a collapse of sorts.
>still thinks there are republicans here
Is it even worth explaining to you that welfare is not socialism?
Checked, but a really tired talking point. It was better to support Trump over Hillary and if you try to argue against that, I'll point to the 95% of Jews that voted for Hillary, followed by the (((media))) shilling for her and railing against every single thing Trump has done for 4 years straight. Like it or not, Trump is a signal that the Christian and White Identity movements are becoming mainstream. MIGA is kiked up garbage at it's worst and a really illogical conclusion at it's best. Trump and I disagree on many things, but it's a step in the right direction. If you deny that, kys you jew cocksucker.
>pretends he voted for democrats
>of course you vote for republicans
fuck that gibbs away. most folk don't need it, but others definitely do.
if I get a check, I'll pass the money to someone truly f'ed over by the chinese bat virus of 2019.
just not sure just yet.
but the 1k gib-out is, in conservative terms, a necessary evil under the current waah, waah circumstances.
What if the payoff isn't about helping the people, but is meant to control the chimpout while they all slip away to safety?
One is a temporary act to stabilize a shakened society.
The other is free GIBS until repealed.
By your argument, all soldiers should buy their own guns and equipment in the event of a war.
The government controls the means of production
Learn the difference, how many more decades will it take?
Trump has joined the #YANGGANG
>open borders
Open borders is 100% a capitalistic position for cheap labour.
That's exactly what it is, another month of no income of a big mass will result in chaos.
Although i don't know if $1000 will cut it, in many areas it doesn't even cover a rent.
It'll take decades for Trumptards to figure this one out.
Absolutely. It's also a position worked into the left by Jewish academics and politicians to destroy White America.
>>economic stimulus package
>free money
got all the hallmarks of socialism
ok, lets make an economic stimulus package thats is permanently applicable to anyone who makes income thats below 30k a year before taxes.This will create economic stimulus on par with having the lowest of the low in our economy to have the income similar to those who make 40k+ a year which will allow many americans to purchase luxury goods, save up money to invest in the stock market, and put their children through school without having to worry about student loans.
But only for poor people.
I say this because after a certain threashold, Yangbux will have no effect on the economy and would simply just go to waste and create more strain on the US budget.
With no one being able to be evicted, no utilities shut off etc., it might be just enough. Honestly, it frightens me that they are being so 'generous'.
I like socialism, I just hate spics
>permanent gibs
I hate how you talk, so I'm going to do us all a favour and translate it from yuppie bs'er to plain spoken English:
>indefinitely give free money to people who earn less than 30k/year before taxes
>they spend on things like people who make 40k/year do
>>fancy things, stocks, schooling
I applaud your sincerity here.
Thank you sir.
neither side stands for anything other than winning and putting their friends in positions to make money for their other friends. Welcome to american politics
Did you vote a democrat?
I didn't think so
Sit down now.
It'd all around be a good idea with very little downsides except it must be limited to a very low amount of people.
Not free for everyone. Just people who make sub 30k a year.
>muh fancy things doh
So what you're saying is, you hate exchanging currency for goods and services if those goods and services are not a necessity for survival?
are you stealing it from someone else? no? then fuck you, it's not socialism
Giving people money for nothing = bad
Paying people to stay home = good
>You would have called it socialism if Obama did it, let's be honest here for once.
If Obama did it, only niggers who've never held a job would be eligible for the gibs.
you're not endearing yourself to me.
get a life, then some skills, then do what you can but DO something.
otherwise, to me, you're a worthless piece of dirt.
and compete in the game of life.
it's not impossible, as you can see, to succeed without falling apart and wailing.
in the past, those were the ones left for dead, the lazy, shiftless, do-nothings, asking for a free ride.
ride what, you ask?
no one rides for free.
Get in here:
Ironic that a Chinese man gave us the strategy to overcome the Chines super weapon
you see the premise is flawed because that $1000 is already mine. I've given them thousands of dollars over the years and seen minimal returns. Social security will collapse and I'll never see a dime back.
>$1000 dollar check
Its only for poor people so he's locking up that vote
>giving me back my FUCKING MONEY is socialism
Guess how I know you’re a liberal?
I pity you, you’re doing this incredibly gay thing that most of us Brits do come election time:
>vote for the guy you dislike the most
So, because Hillary is pro-Jew, you instead compromise—COMPROMISE—for a pro-Jew Trump, and then you try to spin it like
>”heh kiddo, better him than her amirite?“
as if nothing else can manifest itself in this world, as if two cages lay before you and you gladly pick one of them instead of none at all. This is why the white race is dying. This is why the West is dying. Men of integrity are dead, they all died in the great fucking war. Now we’re left with liars, swindlers and fraudsters—all across the West—and “men”, like the quislings they are, go through Stockholm Syndrome each and every election cycle and pick the least worst person and then try to justify it as an overall good outcome.
I don’t think the Western man has the passion to strive anymore, it’s just a desire to crawl ahead of the rest of the pack so as to be eaten last. We’re going off quietly into the night. Here’s hoping this Corona fucking kills us all, because Hitler—who is a real fucking bastard of a prick—was right about one thing:
>It is not necessary to worry about what the German people will need for elemental survival. On the contrary, it is best for us to destroy even these things. For the nation has proved to be the weaker, and the future belongs solely to the stronger eastern nation. In any case only those who are inferior will remain after this struggle, for the good have already been killed.
Swap out “German” with “Western”, and “eastern” with “shitskin”.
crisis socialism and gibs for illegals are not the same thing
Giving me back my tax money I PAID isn't gibs. That's why illegal aliens and niggers get jack shit. They already get GIBS--free or cheap rent, free food, free medical...I have never in my life gotten a free anything. Losing my job due to government lies and incompetence should NOT push me into poverty..or rather make me MORE impoverished.
FUCK the free loaders.
This money isn't GIBS it's just a tax return.
i didn't call any of that shit, fuck you.
why don't you try criticising someone who actually made those arguments.
not everyone on the right believes the exact same thing you fucking drone
Permanent gibs is a retard-tier idea. There is no good reason for someone to be propped up artificially where whatever skills they have are non-competitive and they are unable to support themselves.
you know there are more than 2 positions right?
npc word games
i mean. permanent gibs already exists for the poor.
I'm saying you can uproot all the other gibs like EBT and supplementary income and just replace with the over arching Gib known as UBI that is applicable to anyone who makes sub 25k-30k.
>there is no good reason for someone to be propped up artificially
imo, it'd increase the middle class simply from the lower class spending more money on goods.
there is nothing at all wrong with Chinese people, the problem is communism which must be treated like the viral infection it is
Obama would have given it to NEETS and illegal spics. This is giving the American people who actually benefit to country through taxes their own money back.
I was under the impression that the right had at least some modicum of principle
Probably the fact that I might actually get a check this time. All other 'muh socializm' is going straight to niggers. Then they tell me I make too much to get any free shit or even discounted shit and tax me more every year. I hate "socialism" because all it does is suck money from middle class people and redistribute it to rich niggers and poor niggers.
It's how the election works. There are only two choices that matter, and Trump clearly inspired a growth in the acceptance of White and Christian Identity movements nationwide. If they both entirely support Jewish goals (not true at all, but whatever), why shouldn't we pick the one that also brings our ideas to national attention? Hating on Trump is fine, he has a lot of flaws. But to suggest that supporting Hillary was better or that Trump isn't moving us forward is plain wrong.
Chinese Americans aren't gooks.
I push socialism bad button
Its not socialism. It's national socialism
This is all they have now that the panic is exposed