Legend has it this place is dripping with autism

legend has it this place is dripping with autism

red pill me on vaccines

has Yas Forums been vaccinated?

give me the truth

vaccines? good or bad?


Attached: autist.gif (395x295, 2.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:


vax me from the sheeple ideology

vax me up

i seek the truth with you

i seek the truth too

Lurk more

>reddit spacing
fuck off faggot tourist

very strange

I'm kind today

Attached: Robert-Kennedy-vaccine-study.png (1028x672, 495.95K)

wow this is disappointing

give me the red pill

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yes yes! Vax me up! :P

Attached: Vaccines-Autism.jpg (1437x1211, 276.24K)

>red pill me on vaccines

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2 hours, is worth?

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>legend has it this place is dripping with autism

And thus, you silenced anyone who would give you legit info/intel on your first fucking sentence.

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the weakened virus does help teach your immune system how to fight a specific strain, but the cumulative effects of mercury (thimerosal) and/or aluminum are the downside of all injections.

It lays out how much a joke vaccine testing is and how worthless they are at fixing anything without going off the deep end of conspiracy shit that can't be proven. It's the best primer for how you should avoid them even if you don't believe in shapeshifting reptilian alien satanist multi dimensional overlords.

Took me all of 2 minutes to post a few, should shut up the cuck and thus the thread can die peacefully

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Fuck you corona fag.

i wouldn't inject jew shit
the sars vaccine made people weaker to sars

I'll look at it

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Bump. They do cause complications imo the medicine industry is pretty fucked up for that reason.

Like any other healthcare product, they are poorly researched and full of suspicious persons, the side effects are real but may not be the same rednecks are saying, some of them have low efficacy or prevent diseases that you body can easily recover from and gain immunity, some of them were banned by the japanese for a while, ...
Still retards never cared to research alternatives so you are stuck with injecting this in your bloodstream.

have you ever heard the saying: correlation is not causation?

Anti vaxers about to lose their bottle

Anyway, no reliable references and only hearsay or pilpul means you are probably full of shit when dealing with this or any other subject.

Correlation can be causation, chain effect, a coincidence, a COHENcidence, ...

can you prove mens rea?

That exhibit is not considered in isolation. Do you know what scientism is? Do you know how to recognize patterns?

The picture is only pointing out the names, ethnicities and accomplishments of a select few within a specific field of study, you interpret that however you want nigger

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Is there anything lamer than an obvious lurker posing as a new fag? What's your angle, guy?

666, the power of vaccines!
666, the power of vaccines!

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damn cohencidence. what a pun

you are right; it should be: A correlation is not always casual. but that doen'st have the same wring to eh

wring or ring?? I don't know which is wright...

red pill me or gtfo

MRC-5 is cultured from a non-human source. Originally it was from aborted cells, but not anymore.

Recombinant cells are by definition, non-human. They are usually inactive bacterial cell lines that have sections of DNA transfected so they can replicate a particular protein i.e. albumin, then be harvested later.

Just because something has human in the title, doesn't necessarily mean there is anything human about its origin.

Ok, fair enough.
Do you mean microbial cell lines? Bacteria and cells are not the same thing

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wring or ring? I'm don't know which is wright... heee haaaaa haha ha

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Vaccines are good, but there are allot of people and u can get allot of cases with bad reaction, that's inevitable, vaccines work.

>vaccines? good or bad?
For the most part good. As far as the Flu vaccination goes I've gotten it every year (been a requirement for my job) since I left home at 19 and NEVER got the flu until January-February of this year. But I digress, my wife never got the flu vaccination and never got the flu, when I was younger I never got the flu vaccination but got the flu every year. So it depends on who you are, if you get sick easy then you need to get vaccinations (at least flu), if you have a Juggernaut of an immune system like my wife then I would tell her she doesn't need it.

Stuff like small pox vaccinations, Hep B, Hep A, DtaP, ect. Yeah, everyone should get those.

Do I believe that the government can put adulterants to sterilize people and other dark evil shit like cause Autism? Yes, I believe they can/would do that. Just look at white couples in the West needing medical intervention to have children. Look at the Tuskegee experiment. The US/Western/Israel governments are some evil EVIL mother fuckers

Combat Medic
BSN, Registered Nurse who currently vaccinates people in a clinic.

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Boomer here (62)
I've received the flu shot every year for at least 2 decades, the shingles vaccine, pneumonia vaccines, and MMR. I've never had so much as a red spot at the injection site.

There's blood on the anti-vaxer's hands.

go for it.

>red pill me on vaccines
Red herring. (((Their))) real goal:

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ok so lots of people saying previous vaccines have been fine but what about coronachan?
is coronachan vaccine safe?
im scared

corona has been clearly hyped by msm and government... hence i am skeptical of the vaccine

Do not take the upcoming "COVID-19 vaccine",it will be a Jew tactic to exterminate all white people from Earth

what is your angle, guy he said. fuckin boomer


I had chronic dust allergies as a kid. If I went to a friends house and it was a bit dusty I would sometimes get so bad I had to go home.

I've also had various other physical problems over the years and likely some form of autism.

Fuck vaccines, my kids wont be getting them.