RIP Europe

It was nice knowing you.

Attached: rip_europe.jpg (981x665, 158.88K)

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That's weird. China, with their abysmal environment pollution and horrible hygiene, having a lower body count than China?
How are them counting the death toll? What is considered by them as "dead by coronavirus"?

I refuse to believe china has done a better job of this than italy

China probably isn't counting at all. they probably stopped testing and pretending its gone away. If it had gone away why isnt everyone in wuhan back at work in the factories? Why arn’t the emissions rising again?

They haven't They're lying out their ass about numbers. Mass graves cited in Wuhan by satellite.

Have you ever been to a med country?

t. a med
(you wont do much better either tbf)

Italy's real death toll overtakes China's fake death toll.*

My gf in wuhan is currently moving back to shenzhen to work again, so it's already fixed in china. Racist westerners just don't want to believe that asians are better at something again.

Just trust me bro

For once, someone overtakes China in something. Nice, Italy!

>gf in wuhan
>imaging dating this

have you been to gookland? imagine all the fuckers using traditional chinese medicine

>meme flag

Hasn't overtaken China because the "official" Chinese numbers provided by the CCP are utter fantasy. Their health care system is third world tier for anyone but the rich/party officials, they have over a billion people and their cities have insane population densities, it's impossible that more people died in Italy than China.

You clearly didn't see the early days of the Wuhan virus pandemic, they were cleaning everything, welding people inside their apartments, killing pets, quarantine since day 1.... Italy did none of that.

Have fun dying, because westerners can't deal with a little flu

China is probably lying but didn't they also take legitimate dystopian measures to contain it? Like, locking people in their homes and shit.

> older
> fatter
> greater population density
> more diabetes
> more heart disease
> more asthma

> lying about the death rate
> ?more smokers

When satellite data shows carbon emissions back to normal then i will believe it until then its absolute bullshit by slanty eye rice picking bat eating bugmen

We need this to blow back into China

Keep coping.
>tfw millions of angloids will die because they believe in the herd immunity meme

Italy has a greater population density than china?

Attached: 01E17BEA-EEB7-4523-AB04-E5B3FE7EFEE2.png (500x498, 390.07K)

Because in China was a flu, bro

Millions of chinks already dead

This is how they impose totalitarianism. Create media panic about the virus, and then point to the authoritarian methods of China as the way to solve it. They are preparing the public for microchipping and forced vaccinations.

It's mostly muzzies dying actually. You can't defeat Anglos you should know this commie scum

Cope harder, china successfully beat it only pathetic westerners are struggling and dying哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

>trusts that China's numbers are accurate

>believe the Chinese communist goyim you know you want to!

Chinese live in 50 sq ft apartments in single housing units with thousands of people. there's no way a quarantine stopped the spread, with a minimum 6 day period you have the virus and are spreading it without knowing.

Its gonna hit north America far worse than any other place on the planet, especially the US.

Poor health system, no social services, feral nigs, too many guns = popcorn hour.

Nice long border you have there leaf.

Unsuccessfully lying.

Of course they did.
When you dont have to care about human rights you can do a lot to contain stuff.
Yurocucks dont have the guts to handle things as they should.

and not even being subtle about it. I've heard people talking in the open about things like tracking everybody's phones to find out who the infected came into contact with.

He probably means Wuhan which is just a city.

Attached: italy over.jpg (1261x781, 181.33K)

5million people fled wuhan right before lockdown there is no fucking way they have contained the spread. Absolute pottery


Then again why should we? Flattening the curve? Get off my dick. I call it avoiding the inevitable.

Are we gonna quarantine until we have a vaccine?

Let's just let natural selection run its course.

>It was nice knowing you.

Was it? Really?

The only thing the Chinese are better at are eating unusual things they shouldn't even think about consuming Wangbro

Italy deaths give confirmation that China fucking lied about their numbers. I mean it's not like they never lied about people dying in tiananmen square or anything.

it's a convergence to a growth path

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Dont you have another feminist rally to attend to?

What makes you think that they didnt kill those on sight?

Sorry LEAF but they are cremating the corpses, this will not give you affordable beef. Seethe and starve

Attached: starve goy.jpg (453x453, 52.83K)

The US will be forced to admit it once they see how bad things get in the US and compare with China. We're a couple months away from hell.

The WHO says that China is telling the truth. At this point you have two options:

1) Believe the official narrative that authoritarianism is the only way to save us.

2) Doubt the veracity of the WHO about everything. If you think they can lie about China, why presume they are telling the truth about this disease?

I went a year ago to a city near Hubei to colaborate in a Huawei project, they have really good hospitals

I don't trust WHO and I sure as fuck don't trust China.


When there is satellite data showing all factories in full operation, traffic flowing and carbon emissions back to normal then we will know.

>That's weird. China, with their abysmal environment pollution and horrible hygiene, having a lower body count than Italy?

not to mention they neglected to inform any one of the virus's existence for like a month or so which allowed it to spread and spread. totally weird

China is lying out of their asses. I don't get why people (and the media) are buying that they beat it. Nothing the Chinese government says can be trusted. These are the people that put doctors in jail for alerting government officials about the virus. Winnie knew about this for a month without alerting WHO. Reporters talking about it are sent to jail. Not to mention, five million people left Wuhan when the were closing it down. There is no way they are in control.

>dead by coronavirus
That's a good question, Germany, for example, is only counting as "dead by coronavirus" the ones with no previous conditions. If you want almost real numbers you'd have to compare the deaths of 2019 in the same month to the ones that has happened this year.

i think their plan is to just let it run its course, and cover up the deaths, since they're mostly 80 year olds anyway.
even the 0.2% of young people will be barely noticed

It's almost like the numbers don't get suppressed outside of a communist regime.

Pretty sure everyone's lying at this point

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>muh gf racemixer
>muh racism
>muh memeflag
Legit kill yourself ccp glownigger

Listen goys, this whole thing is a white lie turned into a panic, so they can copy some of the measures China has taken to control society.
These laws like permanent tracking of citizens via mobile phone and video cams with facial recognition have been passed in several EU countries in the last days.
It also serves to punish populists like Trump by ruining the economy to the point where he now has to do universal basic income.
Just look at what they are doing to us, they want us to do social distancing for 18 months, stay at home for weeks or months and in return we get goy coins to watch Netflix and free Pornhub passes.
The corona virus is the common flu, in Italy 98% of people dying to it are at or above the age of 81 and have one more more severe underlying health conditions.
The EU stats or mortality also show a slight decrease in deaths due to respiratory diseases, where we would now expect to have a sharp increase.
And in a few weeks if you rebel they'll just proclaim that the spring weather has killed the virus and that they averted the worst through their wise governance. But the new powers they've given themselves will remain.

Only good news I can give you is that you can now stop worrying for the lives of your parents and grandparents.

If you believe the CCP numbers you are retarded. Italy is reporting real numbers which is why they passed the fake commie numbers so quickly.

i just watched this entire thing and still have no idea what he's essentially saying.


China has probably had hundreds of thousands of deaths, hell all of Wuhan could have died and they'd just move people from other places to replace them.


Chinese factories have reopened and are exporting again too
