TRUMP BUX HAPPENING! A tax refund for everyone, not just gibs for nigs.

The final bill and rules don't exist yet. This is the current proposal.
-Checked from the IRS based on 2018 or 2019 tax returns (file now!).
-$1200 per individual per month, $2400 for couples, $500 per dependent children.
-75K-99K max income for individuals, 150K-198K for married filing jointly.
-Veterans and others with income over $2500, known to Social Security, get at least $600.

This is only a proposed bill. The real rules don't even exist yet.
>Republican Proposal S3548.pdf

More details below.

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proposed details being negotiated

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I'm going to make a NEET general called NEETs for Biden if I don't get anything. Fuck Republicans and fuck Zion Don.

Looks like I'll be getting $1200/month if this passes.

Everyone who works in a supermarket should just quit now. Don’t make enough to get trump bucks and get to watch the paid leave upper class get three weeks off of work fight over toilet paper while getting their $5k paid leave checks and $1200 trump bucks while we get $600. If you have to keep working just don’t show up tomorrow. What a joke.

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The 2018 or 2019 tax return is OK if you didn't file in 2018. They will probably add more ways to find an individual, veterans and others.

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If you were able to survive without income this whole time, it kind of makes sense that'd you'd get nothing because you've proven you don't need it.

I think that is legal speak that more people can't decode. In English, they will send checks soon.

I get more neet buxx.
Eat shit burgers

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workers outnumber neets. if we get trumpbux and get to gloat over neets, all of us will vote trump if he promises to do it again

Did the Republicans hire Yang as an adviser or something?
What are you guys going to spend your Trumpbux on?

this is just a one off payment.

I didnt have taxable income faggot, now no one has money to give me, fuck this and fuck trump.

Only if you make like less than 25k

most people go insane from not working its not about the money for the majority

Don't just quit, be a giant fuck up. Just keep fucking up until they fire you. Then at least you can collect unemployment along with your trump bux rather than quitting and them denying your unemployment.

Unless you received even 1 cent in returns. 6 days a week de facto slave working at the supermarket gets $600 while roastie who gets $4k a month paid leave and shops at said supermarket gets $1200.

Except when the NEET's support structure falls apart because their families lose their jobs. That's when they need their stimulus.

Saw in the news they were footballing the idea of "lets do one first and see what happens, if we need another we'll do another"

in other words, yeah probably

What about people who don't have to file taxes, because they made too little

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I'm retarded, what is tax liability

You get nothing, NEET scum


The refund you got this year was a refund of what you payed on top of your Net Income Tax Liability, this bill gives you a 1200 credit on your income tax liability assuming you have at least that much.

Your refund this year does not apply to this at all, quit spamming this bullshit

Fuck you nigger. Everyone working at a supermarket gets $600 trump bucks while you get to wake up at noon, get paid leave $4k a month at minimum and you get $1200 while doing nothing. Just fuck off.

based trump tricking burgers into taking 2k dollars to help them survive 9 months so they starve to death

Neets are more dangerous than wagecucks, the weak should fear the strong, we will teach them.

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america is still in denial about how long this will last.

Then I'm guessing you're a dependent of some sort (on the government? SSI?). You're probably considered stable in the government's eyes.

This is good for his re-election chances.

thats good parasite. my trump vote cancels yours as well. everyone who paid taxes and contributes to the system will love trump, we will outnumber and outvote parasites like you

when American exceptionalism goes wrong

Where are you seeing this?

That's completely false and doesn't make any sense. Tax returns are just returns of overpayment. Many people overpay. You are a schizo.

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>love trump
pick one goldstein

How much tax you owe

Great more handouts for poorfags. $100k - $250k is the real middle class and we are being milked and get nothing in return as usual. FUCK YOU TRUMP.

Give me a break you piece of shit I've been laid off for two weeks and my total unemployment every month barely breaks 1200. At least you still have a job.

oh so its just tax from your income?

>from the IRS based on 2018 or 2019 tax returns (file now!)
But it's too late to file for those

the real middle class is 500k plus poorfag
you should be lucky we let you trickle off our downs

>tfw made 90k last year
>tfw not getting 1200 bucks


Its hilarious really. Trump was given a golden football to hand 1000 dollars to every american and get a slam dunk re election but let the kikes in his government fuck it up with all this nonsense.

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I dont recieve any gibs.

They better give me and my NEETbros some of them bux or else I'm coughing all over the place.

Their tax-paying family members will get the stimulus money


>user makes 25k a year
>user has a tax liability of around 1.3k
>user actually payed 1.7k in taxes because of how his W2 is set up
>because anons Net Income Tax Liability is only 1.3k, user gets a 400 federal income tax refund in the mail

This is how this bill interprets that information

>user makes 25k and has a Net Income Tax liability of 1.3k a year, so he would get the 1.2k check as its the lower of the two amounts

Your refund is irrelevant

Your parents will get something in your name. If they are reasonable, then they will give it to you.

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That's nice and all but the democrats control the House. Which means you're not getting shit passed without modification. NEETs will be unironicaply ridin for biden if they're not given their share of the gibs too.

nope lol. neets are by definition unmotivated, lazy, run out the clock type parasites. you all wont do anything but starve in a corner. cant wait to make trumpbux threads in the coming weeks

I'm seeing this where it says "Net Income Tax Liability" you mong

are you guys really getting this excited over 1,200 dollars? That's like one average night out in Vegas.

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Read the fucking bill nigger. You get $600 if you even get one cent back from the IRS.

You get between $600 and $1200. Details being worked out. I doubt it will be the smaller number.

But im not a child.

the real middle class doesn't waste their money and help the real economy.
spend your money fucking dollar hoarder

ok i'll take your check then. after all, it's nothing to be excited for, right?

Not all of us got a fat trust from our dead grandma.

t b h i think there's a good chance that policy makers in certain countries will choose to sacrifice their boomers in order to keep this local economies functional

I will find you and i will coof on you.

Cant wait for comfy TrumpBux General and posting all the shit we bought

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>keep their*

>NEETS made him president
>He makes every one a NEET

Kinda. It’s tax you owe. Think of it as just a dollar amount. The thing about taxes are they are a set amount based on your income. Different things raise and lower your tax liability (or how much you owe). By the end of the year (December 31st), you will have had to pay that amount. If you overpaid, you get a refund. If you underpaid, you owe the government.

how many retarded burgers are going to spend whatever money they get on new shoes, a shiny video game machine or something else retarded like an espresso machine instead of food then freak out when they can't eat in a few weeks?

Okay. I only made $10k and got a $700 return in 2018. Made $28k in 2019 and got $6 back. How much trump bucks am I getting? If it $600 I’m literally finding the nearest synagogue.

Y-you ok user?

>sacrifice their boomers in order to keep this local economies functional
kek. Its already happening. German gov doesn't give a shit about the boomer pleb.
Not joking.

Imagine being so worthlessly poor that a thousand measly dollars gets you excited.

Whoa there, in English please professor

you are a real nigger to spend that much on nothing.
Most overhyped place in the world full of shitskins


If you have no weird credits or deductions, you should get 1200. Your Net Income Tax Liability would be over 1200 dollars. If you got a 6 dollar refund, your tax liability was 1206 dollars.

>I only made $10k and got a $700 return in 2018
wtf? $700 return?

1200 USD is about 24.5k AUD bro

>This is only a proposed bill. The real rules don't even exist yet.
It's fucking garbage if the part about filing taxes isn't removed. Anyone who doesn't like being cucked into buying Tyrone's gibs and works under the table deserves their share. This is supposed to be money for every fucking American, not just loser wagies that play by the rules.

The wording of the other versions say nothing about tax garbage.

the thing is, germany can afford to push measures out further than most places because of pic-related.

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It better fucking be cash and not a zero interest loan
I pay my goddamn taxes

Yeah, I said I was affected by the hurricane, fuck kikes.

They get nothing
If the IRS don't know you
You get nothing

It won't be deposited into your disability check you get nothing because you didn't file taxes.

Yeah,but how is the average worker at the supermarket gonna pay their bills? Shits rough man. I sympathize.

>If you got a 6 dollar refund, your tax liability was 1206 dollars.

Sorry, excuse me, I mean to say you payed over your tax liabilty by 6$, not your tax liability is 1206.

at 28k your tax liability is probably around 1700

Did you not read???
TrumpBux are for workers

Not for niggers wanting shoes
Not for NEETS wanting Doom Eternal
Not for Welfare Mums wanting Expresso machines

They already get free money called gibs.

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it's fucking gay. why do I have to be some underachiever making $75k. Give me $1000 now jewnigger Trump

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okay. despite my shittalking of neets, they should absolutely get some trumpbux. everybody should get an equal amount as well, even if the bill costs more. excluding people during a time like this wastes the point of this bill (guaranteeing trump reelection) and just causes more division. people will never forget being denied trumpbux

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So if I made so little in 2019 that I already got about $1000 refund in taxes, then I'm getting the $600 check and not the $1200 check?

Neets exist because they are motivated, motivated to not do shit. How do you think they survive now, but with an easier alternative in site; you dont wanna dangle meat in front of a rabid dog and not give it to em.

You can file 2019 taxes still they added a 3 month extension.

They could’ve made it so simple, like how they tossed trillions at the stock market without a second thought. But for the average American we’re given limits and rules

>What about people who don't have to file taxes, because they made too little
File retroactively now. Claim other/tips/wages of 2500 (or under 10k).

I understand not giving Trump bux to NEETs, but they should at least consider paying them to Canadians as well

I’m excited about any dollars that come back my way. I’m in a position where I’m at the upper end but before the cutoff. I am not hurting for money. My job is safe, and I make good money. I can use that money to pay off something, invest, get a new furniture set, etc. Its basically a free payday, no strings attached

UBI nontaxable or we riot

>So if I made so little in 2019 that I already got about $1000 refund in taxes

This is irrelevant unless you made less than the standard deduction for the year ($12,200)

If you made less than $12,200 you have no taxable income and thus no Net Income Tax Liability

It's so bizarre how Bernie Sanders, AOC, Gabbard, and Yang are on the same side as Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell but Nancy Pelosi is completely oblivious to how fucking bad she looks right now.

To follow up, I have never filed a tax return in my life and have never received gov gibs either. A paltry grand doesn't mean that much in the big picture, but those of us smart enough to avoid subsidizing the welfare system deserve a cut of this largess.

Fuck it, I'll just default on $20k or so of credit debt and let them write it off in the name of Corona disaster if it comes to it.

This would be epic

My understanding is it’s based on what you made, not how much return you got or taxes paid

That's the worst part, very few people seem to remember the 4.5 trillion injected over the last 2 weeks

you wont do anything except reee in my trumpbux threads ya little poodle

I'm going to add flashy L.E.D. lights to my car and a Anime girl wrap.

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To be fair they did it to not cause a worldwide panic that would completely collapse everything. It was literally entering numbers on a computer so that human psychology didn’t crash the entire world. I don’t agree with the entire system at all but they had to do it. Ideally the central banks would be abolished and all kikes hung.

>20k in credit card debt
what did he mean by this?

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My AGI for both 2018 and 2019 were over $2500, do I get trump bucks?

I have about $4k in property taxes I don't intend to pay this season. Fucking schools are closed, Corona is impacting me, these fucks can't take people's homes during a disaster. One way or the other I'm getting my piece of this pie.


>or taxes paid

This is the important part, as long as you paid at least 1200 in taxes you will get the 1200 check.

Refund is absolutely irrelevant.

if you're anywhere in the 15-23k range yearly this will affect you because your tax liability is likely less than 1200 (but likely over 600, so you'll probably still get more than that)

German neets are the spine of Yas Forums.


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I made $11k last year.

Oh nice, I might do the same with my new bike.

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In most states you got 2 years to pay property taxes before they take it.


You'll get 600

Your tax liability was 0, which is why you got a $1000 refund. You got a refund for everything you paid in taxes because you made less than the standard deduction


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kek, if Trump really thinks that a grand total of $1200 is "going big" then he really is an orange tard

Do capital gains count towards the $2,500 requirement? I only made ~$2000 in 2018 from an internship, but I also made ~$800 in capital gains. Together, I would qualify for Trumpbux.

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It's called scamming the system. Default on 20-30k, go bankrupt, rinse repeat etc. Took 65k in student loans and lived like a king off the proceeds. Working on $100k of subsidized Stafford loans I'm eligible for for grad studies. Other rackets as well. They will never see a dime of any of it back the fucking greedy bankers - money for nothing man.

I thought it was more than one payment?

lol not here in NY if I recall.


I think so

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BASED HAWLEY. This should not be viewed a normal economic stimulus. This emergency relief money.