So could this pill solve the issues of prison management and revolutionize the system in general? Would you still support capital punishment with this as an option?
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seems kinda based
>I think I saw this episode of Black Mirror already.
Shit like this scares me. Fuck technology
How is living thousands of years a punishment now?
No, because they would only lose 8 hours from your real life. One of the worst things about prison is how much time you lose being in prison.
wouldn't they come out of it completely insane?
fucking up a criminals already fucked up brain then releasing them doesn’t seem like the best idea
I hope to actually die before they can stick my brain in a box
try to use your head
would you want to be stuck all alone in a dark, cold concrete cell for a thousand years?
you'd go psycho after a week
I agree, it can be hard rehabilitating after a long sentence though.
Violates the 8th amendment in the US at least, dunno about shithole countries
How does it compare to Twilight Zone? Heard a lot of good about BM already
No I wouldn't. I'm autistic and hate human contact.
this. typical for the cucked daily telegraph supporting rehabilitation over punitive measures
truly, we must all suffer as O’Brien has
Another Earth shatteringly shitty use of technology.
this seems like a get out of jail free card for murderers, rapist, and pedos, perfect for Jews.
I reckon after about a couple hundred years I'd become psych though and bust my way out with my telekinetic mind blast.
can /g/ reprogram it to feel like having a qt gf for 1000 yrs
>Niggers only spend 8 hours in jail
No. The legal system exists to keep niggers away from everything else, and it's not even particularly good at that.
It was already in Oz
It's pretty good sometimes.
Sometimes SjW crap.
oh sorry, I didn't know about your condition
Yay, the Long Dream Junji Ito story is real now
Without a doubt. This is beyond MK Ultra tier cruelty. It's ethically and morally disgusting and would be drastically misused.
corona is a hoax you muggles
Based but they should still make them do a life sentence and just dose them again every 8 hours.
Shit Nigga, they already put this shit in 'Bleach'.
This is the dumbest headline I have ever read. They're just going to have a rotating door on criminals that go out and kill everyone who disagrees with the government. Don't worry goy, trust the plan, yes they served their time for killing that white christian patriotic family.
I've seen this episode of Deep Space Nine already
Exactly. "Hey lets create a real fucked up scenario and stick him in a cell filled with rats, roaches, and a constantly angry giga-nigga that never sleeps. Oh, and dial up his fear, anxiety, and hopelessness levels"
Hell basically
DS-9 did it first
>Perfect foreplay drug.
I want a man with a slow hand
I want a lover with an easy touch
I want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
I want somebody who will understand
When it comes to love, I want a slow hand
Once someone goes through that they will probably become a docile, simpering mess for the rest of their lives anyway
Think about it, the jewish sky boogie man supposedly has the ability to torture you for millions of years for disobeying jew books
They would love to do this in real life via the legal system
This is literally an episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine..
>Let the mentally ill stew in their own insanity for thousands of "years"
>Emerge a new breed of ultrapsycho
Yeah, great idea. Dumbasses.
imagine fucking a woman on that for like 5mins but she thinks you've been fucking her for 1000 years
>Using time based punishments on animals with poor conceptual understanding of time
And Stephen King's the Jaunt
I'm not ready for this
I want off this ride bros. This looks worse than those cyberpunk games by the day.
If this was published on a chinese language site, it would be used as proof right now of chinese evil/cruelty in the other 10-20 government spam threads
Given the state of clown world, I’d force them plug me again in the thousand-years simulation immediately after waking up.
>It's ethically and morally disgusting
>Philosopher Rebecca Roache is in charge of a team of scholars focused upon the ways futuristic technologies might transform punishment.
now it all makes sense
Jews btfo, bigly.
might as well use electroshock
season 1 and 2 are great, 3 is okay, 4 is meh, 5 is shit
>give criminal pill
>pill melts their brain
>criminal either severely mentally retarded or dead
>"woops haha they went crazy from spending too much time in the time prison lol"
Watch this to get a good idea of what the experience would be like
as if they would ever allow that.
more likely they'll be given palaces and harems in their own heads, less we be cruel and unusual.
(hint, Yas Forums: which (((group))) of sadistic, murderous pederasts tend to get ridiculous centuries-worth sentences in leu of life sentences without possibility of parole?)
You forgot pain chips hooked up to nervous system
>rev 9:6 And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.
When you take a large dose of DXM, this is what happens. Except these scientists are possibly not familiar with the elasticity of time and don't realize that once everything slows down to a certain point, it starts falling apart. Like frames in a film, eventually you find yourself staring at the entire reel and lose focus on the moment. Generally this is followed up with an oobe and completely bizarre hallucinations.
Average criminals don't do a cost/benefit analysis and then decide to commit the crime. They act on impulse and just do it. This would do almost nothing to deter crime and would just pointlessly torture people. The ideal option is to forcefully deport all citizens (regardless of citizenship status) to Iran and let them deal with it.
uhh no. The only revolution they deserve is in the chamber of a revolver
If technology is that advanced why not just reprogram them so they don't do crimes anymore instead of this dumb sci fi shit
serve a 15 year sentence in a year?
One second you're flying around Moon bases and the next you're a plastic banana chasing a submarine. I've been there and it was awful. I miss it.
>guy rapes and murders girl
>goes to jail for 15 minutes
>rapes again
>Its ok though, he served the time.
Sounds like Jews trying to get lesser sentence for their crimes
And strip us of the schadenfreude of making other people suffer? Preposterous.
None of what you said is true;high crime is a product of capitalism and poor wealth distribution
I guess now when people get 4 life sentences or 390 years in prison they can actually serve it
Literally satanic shit.
>Denigging niggers
Has science gone too far?
They had to test this. So they've got people who've experienced 1,000 years of psychological isolation?
>give fake pill
>nigger pretends he's horrified for a bit
>criminals back on streets in record time
Literally minority report did this
niggers will do the worst crimes knowing they will only technically lose a day at most
plus it's technically adding more time if it distorts it to seem longer
>How to make someone completely insane
yea but imagine if you did the 25 year sentence on this shit. If 8 hours is a thousand years imagine what 25 years would be like.
>Iran and let them deal with it
ok jew
Imagine using that as escapism rather then punishment
>go to hospital and get put on life support
>activate program
>live out a life of fantasy adventure preprogrammed to be a fufilling and amazing as youd imagine
>doctors cut your life support after its over, because you would an hero anyways afterwards
Yeah. Same here. It's been a loonnnng time since I've abused dxm, but man is it interesting. One thing that really struck me is the slowing motion seems to be an effect of all disassociatives. Nitrous also seems to bring everything closer to a stop, though nowhere near dxm. The *woomp* *woomp* *woomp* sound being the frames of reality, like the blades of a fan rushing past.
A drug that can induce speed superintelligence? What crime do I have to commit to be prescribed it?
Lol yes. If these people did psychedelics they would kill themselves after they realize what they did
At what dosage of DXM does this heavy trip occur? I've never done it but have looked into it with the plateaus, etc but I'm curious how much you guys took
The point of prison is threefold. To punish wrongdoing and rehabilitate some criminals, sure, but vastly more important than either of those is to separate dangerous predators from ordinary citizens. What's the point in having a prisoner live out a thousand-year sentence if, from the perspective of ordinary citizens, he's being released back into their midst almost instantaneously? Also, if there's tech that can do this, why is THIS our first idea for its application? Why not just have ordinary citizens use it to extend their perceived lifespans, or extend happy moments in their lives?
Fuck you Star Trek did it first
Maybe it is already and you dont know. Maybe you wake up and realize only 8 hours have passed.
With the current JEWstice system this seems really scary.
A very good lie detector based on voice tone, pose, facial expression, heartbeat, breathing, eye position, ... using machine learning would revolutionize the law system.
>first person who undergoes the punishment
>has to spend a thousand years in a cell all alone with nothing else
>instead of going crazy he self-reflects
>eventually he achieves complete inner-peace and enlightenment
>ushers in a new era of prosperity on Earth
reminds me of the slowmo drug in the dredd movie
Not using that ‘1000’ years to train your mind to become the ultimate criminal.
Is not, i am pretty sure, the higher crime áreas in the usa nave more taxes + more poor assistence
The point isn't for them to feel they've stayed in forever, it's to keep them away from the rest of society.
Having two or three levels of niggerness in the prison system plus harsher sentences if you are get caught again after being convicted could force the less dumb criminals to think twice about type and frequency of crimes they want to do.
Isn't the purpose of imprisonment to remove criminals from the general population? I don't see how this achieves that.
>take a pill
>wait 5 hours
>"oh my god that was the worst thing ever!!!! I've sure learned my lesson. I'm cured by this thousand year punishment. I'm completely cured!"
I never ingested more than an 8oz bottle of Robo at one time. I think that is close to 1,000mg. But at that dose, you are definitely flying out of your body. Like actually watching your body as you fly away. It's wild and really makes you question what reality is.
Nothing scares me more than a woman philosopher.
Philosophy without ethics leads to despair and women have no ethics.
so basically everyone with even a slight chance of going to prison is going to fight the arresting officers for their lives, great.
We already have that problem because anyone that isn't fucking retarded is going to risk death over having large chunks of their life stolen more slowly. It's basically the same thing as dying as it is now.
Now add in high-tech torture and you have legitimate domestic terror resistance to the justice system.
>develop methods of distorting time to effectively make life more valuable
>suddenly have seemingly unlimited time to teach and train any and every mental discipline and knowledge to people in simply days
>This is a perfect way to mentally torture people as a punishment!!
We truly live in a society.
>I have no mouth, yet I must scream
fixed it
>I get to feel like I'm living forever if I keep committing crimes
I'll surely never commit a crime again.
The outer limits did it first fags