>Germany with Germans is useless
>Italy is a disease ridden mess
>France is anarchy Capital
>Spain is just shit
Why is Western Europe so shit?
>Germany with Germans is useless
>Italy is a disease ridden mess
>France is anarchy Capital
>Spain is just shit
Why is Western Europe so shit?
Forgot the fucking link:
Because the anglos betrayed them for Jewish cock and now everyone is suffering the consequences.
Fuck anglos
the answer to this and to all things: jews
Germany it's time to weaponize the autism of years of playing farming simulator and star citizen
Because Germany demands expansion and all the countries between Germany and Russia must fall into either sphere of power
Stfu with this crap already.Going out of your way for a larp.
Germany is absolute shit.Can't even grow their own food.Begging for Eastern European migrants again.
While they have 2 mil unemployed shitskins.
>We grow your food
>We build your cities
>We marry and give children to your women
Wtf more do you want from Easterners faggot ass Germans?
because the (((anglo))) is our common enemy and has made it all this way since centuries
No bitch they aren't
Your stupidity/incompetence is the enemy.You and the fucking Krauts.
If i were to choose to side with Anglos/Russia against you and Germany this time,i would do it in a heartbeat.
>proclaim massive failure to provide food and basic necessities and to quarantine individuals claiming 70% will be infected
>It’s all Britains fault!!!
Wow, I can’t believe that tiny infertile island nation caused all that havoc! I didn’t know they relied on their crops so much!
Pick up Romania and drop it between Togo and Benin and it would be more at home than it is in the EU. Fucking monkey country.
Napoleon attempted and failed to sweep eastern Europe and ever since you've been a second rate country. You're Germany's battered wife
>we marry your woman
I have never seen a german women with a Romanian in my life. Now that I think about it I have never seen a Romanian Male in my life.
Don't worry we are pretty subtle about that.
Same way Swedes can't understand why some Native Swedes like that Akesson fellow.
Have dark hair.
With all the Swedish women in the 70's going to Constanta for sex tourism.
France has always been shit
Germany has been shit ever since the 2nd Reich broke up
Italy has been shit ever since they started pretending they're one country
Spain has always been shit
The real problem is catholicism
We share a continent with these faggots.
Please help us.
I understand now why you grand grand grand grand grand parent's ran away.
Hope Mel Gibson comes to your house at night and shits on your dumb Aussie head
I'm being serious dude, I have only seen Romanian prostitutes but no man. Same with slaves. Maybe the man just aren't strong enough to emigrate to Germany idk
is it true you resold our masks to ruskies, bogdan?
I'm not afraid of seppo manlets
We work,we don't stay on social media.
Boomers do that here
if we are shit you are the whole sewage tank romania.
That pic somehow made you think anyone would look at you as a superior or something?
why don't you answer me
>Anglo legacy
First world nations, the envy of the entire world
>Spanish legacy
Crumbling drug-ridden hellholes
Because i don't know you faggot Italian.
But i hope we did.
Huh I guess the Germans are to busy sleeping with your daughters while you work for them. Maybe that's why I have never seen a Romanian male
Nobody is bringing their family to Germany.
While i was a expat for a short time i was dumbfounded to see how easy Western Girls are.
2 of my friends are married with Danish girls...while 1 other has a Romanian wife and kid and a Danish single mom as a fuck buddy.
Average Romanian masturbates a goat for a free beer
poor bogdan, i pity you
christianity is a rejectino of the bible which is which is traditional morality
>tfw you've wanted to buy Farming Simulator 17 but it never was on sale
I don't see the point
the point is, that one thing is being a filthy scumbag, that can be bad luck, another is being proud of it, which is your case
Why do i care that Ceausescu used to throw unaborted gypo babies in baby gulags.
Again i really don't see the point.
Says the faggot who's country is dying from a fucking flu
yeah let me ignore all the african shitholes, india and more places that were under british rule that are now bigger shitholes than South America. usa, canada, nz and aus. Besides, usa, canada and YOUR country are turning into shiholes at the speed of light. So good riddance `roo shagger fuck.
Yeah Danish girls are really easy, almost as easy as Romanian girls. If you ever want to fuck a Romanian girl just drive to the eastern German border, there are thunder of them and they are by far the cheapest
is that how you feel? inferior?
I was curious about your choice of picks.
Africa and India had pre-existing civilisations which take much longer to turn around, but they still substantially improved.
The Americas were mostly empty after smallpox, you had your chance to build something as good as the USA and Canada but you couldn't.
The Anglosphere now, while it has the same problems as the rest of the west, at least has hope. Modern spain is just an EU vassal state.
>With all the Swedish women in the 70's going to Constanta for sex tourism.
ahahahha bullshit from a shitskin incel.nobody in Scandinavia cared about your commie shithole
The amazing thing is the difference between Germany’s response when brown people in Syria need help vs Italians literally dying from lack of access to basic medical shit.
I swear to God this board is extremely cringy sometimes. yesterday it was a Mexishit claiming to have a Swedish wife in Mexico. shut the fuck up brownshit, you will never have your muuuuh precious blonde wife
>Why do i care that Ceausescu used to throw unaborted gypo babies in baby gulags.
>Again i really don't see the point.
That was your unlucky upbringing
>Says the faggot who's country is dying from a fucking flu
You're lucky if you'll die on your bed with your lungs soaked in blood, I can't even imagine for the sake of me what would be dying in a shitty hospital in your hellhole country, user
So, my point was, you were given a shitty hand to start with, very unlucky.
I swear to god when this whole ordeal is over europe + neighbours will need a thorough cleanup
This virus isn't even effecting their health. It's weird.
No anime child! Don’t do it! You have so much to live for!
Tell me what place on this sad planet is not shit?
First of all they werent wiped out with the smallpox, their skin colour and facial traits can attest for that, there were great ancient civilizations in south america which we had to integrate in some form as the number of spaniards was just not enough to populate the continent. we established a very well functioning caste system with a "social elevator" which went to shit after independece among many other things.
The americas ruined themselves after independence. Up until that point they were wealthy well functioning places. We built lots of infrastructure, the first university in the american continent, we evangelized them among many other things.
Ask those who have been working for centuries to destroy Europe
You would be surprised
I recommend watching Nea Marin Miliardar the movie
To see a glimpse
women in leadership positions, faggotry, liberalism, etc
Typical spaintard fleeing from La Leyenda Negra.
Negro, your country and supposed empire was nothing but the vehicle for Jesuitism and Freemasonry. They turned and ruled the Americas. They still do.
And stop with all the excuses. The Portuguese and you Manolos did everything in their power to have easy land grabs somewhere full of gold and silver.
And you know what the worst thing is? All that wealth stolen and our countries are still dirt poor shitholes in the tail end of Europe.
nobody really knew anything about the East Bloc here, in the Cold War era there was much secrecy and it was kind of mysterious land to us. let alone travelling there, that would only be for special purposes like diplomacy. meanwhile in the 70ies ordinary Scandinavians travelled to exotic countries like Italy and Spain.........
That's just as true for North America, the vast majority were wiped out by smallpox. Yes infrastructure and the like were improved by Spain's newfound unlimited wealth but it couldn't build a culture that made a stable country.
Does this mean Aldi stores are closing?
>We marry and give children to your women
>i was dumbfounded to see how easy Western Girls are
>Eastern European
>telling anyone how easy their girls are
well of course eventually the place got subverted and after napoleons shitshow all came crumbling down. Bolivar was a freemason financed by the anglo kikes. like all things it ended bad. also, i wouldnt say we are in the tail end of europe, dont be self deprecating.
It was subverted from the beginning.
>2 of my friends are married with Danish girls
Ok. You can lie on internet but it should be belivable lie. Romania is India of Europe.
This is just some D&C shit
>we couldnt build a culture that made a stable country.
nigga, our empire lasted 400 years. We had just ended a 600 year reconquista, our mindset was "reconquer" "rebuild" "enforce castillian/catholic culture" and that is just what we did in america. for how long has australia been a country?
Because they were run by corrupt shitheads that don't care about their people while passing down power using connections for decades. Something like this was bound to happen and expose everything while waking up the masses.
i dont think so.
Not as long as anywhere in Latin America yet can you honestly say you'd rather live there than here?
dude my fucking grocery store was fucking empty this afternoon. i'm so glad i got my deenz in january