Do I need to be stocking up on tonic water?
Please tell me before I run out of my last toilet paper roll.
Is tonic water really a prophylactic for Coronachan?
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But the drug itself is very cheap and easily accessible, if you're in high risk group and get corona chan your physician should be able to administer it to you.
I'm on my 4th gin and tonic, feeling pretty good
Based self-medicater.
Yes OP quinine and Chloroquine is the same stuff, That’s why tonic water is called “Tonic” water it was used to cure Malaria
Yes OP it’s the same stuff that’s in Chloroquinine. It’s called Tonic water because it was used to cure malaria
coronachan=regular flu
corona test=flu test/false positive test
quinine=non medicine
Q is right, total psyop cover for overthrowing cabal
Yes OP it’s the same stuff that’s in Chloroquinine. It’s called Tonic water because it was used to cure malaria
Back when tonic water was used as medicine, it had a FUCK TON more quinine than what you find on the shelf these days
Quinine is poison
prettttayy pretttayyy good.
Correct answer.
just a few more hundred more and you'll be good for a the day.
Cinchona bark is 3-15% quinine
Be careful dosage fuckup will fuck you up. Can go blind / deaf.
Chloroquine develop to make less side effects.
But many studies show both are equally effective in humans.
What's kinda funny? South American tribes ate the bark 500 years ago to cure malaria...and to this day they don't really know why it works EXACTLY...go figure
But be careful with usage! also I believe it's only useful when symptomatic
Yes...yes it is.
So is coronavirus.
Pick one
You can definitely go deaf
lmao fucking america
I'm almost out of paper towels, should I call 911?
I quit drinking, but gin was my favorite.
Tonic water: 83 mg of quinine per liter
500 to 1,000 mg in the therapeutic dose of quinine tablets
1000/83=12 liters.
6 liters is a good start tho
Ah so just drink 12 liters of tonic water every day to treat coronavirus. I'll do this along with snorting garlic powder and Vitamin C enemas.
Just order cinchona bark and make your own with CORRECT type of bark / dossages...
It's all available information
Strangely enough cinchona bark is also known as Jesuits bark...
Come again!
just kys bargain shopper you're too far gone already
>i quit
quitters never win, user
What is the name of the active ingredient? and by what mechanism of action does it work?
sometimes i hate Yas Forums wheres your fucking sauce for this?!
i can only imagine how many captcha's your phone posting dumb fucking ass had to complete to try and get this (You)
>different chemicals are the same
>thinks tonic water with usable levels of quinine would be palatable
why are toothpaste flag niggers like this?
>$0.16 tax
>fucking america lmao
meanwhile it britbongistan..
>can't buy a knife or spoon without ID
>daughters getting raped by immigrants who get off free because they 'don't know any better'
and on...
and on...........
Q predicted this
But what's interesting is that the plant contains OTHER alkanoids which apparently are also ant malerial...
Makes me wonder if somewhere in history they chose or ignored another awesome alkanoid for anti malerial
So is ethanol
>ignored another awesome alkanoid for anti malerial
Undoubtedly, most medicines are based on plants. And it is fairly logical that barks and other outer layers have anti fungal, viral and pestilened proprieties.
by what mechanism of action does quinine work? is it also a zinc ionophore?
Quinine and Chloroquine are about as similar as ephedrine and MDMA.
Sure they are structurally related and sure they they are both CNS stimulants but they are certainly not interchangeable.
It's also a strong CYP2D6 inhibitor.
If you're prescribed Adderall you can drink a bunch of tonic water and you'll increase amphetamine plasma concentrations and increase the half life.
Gotta be honest, I read somewhere they still have no fucking clue the EXACT mechanism which destroyed the pest.
But there you go...used by to he tribes...adopted by the colonial powers copied by chemists...
and now used in Wuhan fucking banana's
Not the same, sure, but both are Quinolones. It's certainly not proven but since nobody knows how Quinine kills Malaria, and since it's the same type as Chloroquine, it's far from a stupid hypothesis to suggest it may act against Covid.
It is known to be broader acting than Chloroquine, both against bacteria and viruses, and they still use it in Africa when Chloroquine stops working because Malaria has developed a resistance to Chloroquine.
The best analogy is chemotherapy. Chemo is just poison too, it kills cancer, but it also harms the body which is why Chemo is so shitty that most doctors would rather die than put themselves through it. Quinine is dangerous to fuck with tho, which is why nobody is talking about it. Fun fact: I have some and will try it out on myself if I get sick and report back.
Yes they are NOT the same!!!
Quinine HAS NOT been tested against coronavirus...and probably won't be because chloraquine HAS been and is far safer in therapeutic dossages
See, you laughed at toilet paper hoarders. You seem to forget that the average person uses a roll a day, for a family of 5, thats 30 rolls a week 1560 rolls a year. Since corona virus is going to be around for a minimum of 18 months, you're fucked. I hope you like using a towel because we aren't sharing. And if you come raiding, I dare you. FROM. MY. COLD. DEAD. HANDS.
and mine will arrive soon.
Just hope this little "cure" doesn't produce a generation of "hear no see nos"
>Yes they are NOT the same!!!
That's what he said you filthy mong, learn to read english kike
>and now used in Wuhan fucking banana's
They still use hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine phosphate
You just called me a JEW!
OMG that's antisemitism!?... Wtf is your problem!?
A lot faggot
Btw i also read in a US paper that lopinavir and ritonavir don't seem to work.
>Canada Dry sold out
>Schweppes still in stock
Brand loyalty is important, but 6.6mg/L more quinine is of more importance. For me? It’s Schweppes.
>CYP2D6 inhibitor
only 25% of drugs go this route, is this the right one?
Check the CYP2D6 wiki if you don't believe me.
Chloroquinine is the old drug and the new drug hydroxychloroquinine. Tonic water has quinine which is related to chloroquinine with similar action on the 5-HT receptor which is a serotonin receptor. All three of these drugs have some efficacy in the treatment of Malaria and may afffect COVID-19. Anti malaria drugs can have a devastating effect on the body if not used properly. The dosage you would get from tonic water would make it near impossible to treat yourself vefore drowning yourself in water. This is a myth.
Right one for what? For amphetamine? Mainly.
ya..?. so a remember
There's a study out there comparing chloraquine and Remdesivir...
Chloraquine wins
Could they be used together...dunno
Do the defeat in same way... dunno
Just know the study says chloraquine cleared viral load pretty fucken good...
What I don't know yet...
Does this shit bug resurface chronically???
>similar action on the 5-HT receptor
That is not the mechanism of action when it come to fighting the virus, it is the fact that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine phosphate are zinc ionophores.
You need to express yourself if a way people can understand if you want answers.
>chloraquine and Remdesivir.
From what i have read the -virs don't do anything.
>resurface chronically
Becomes endemic? or do you mean if you whether we can become immune to this strain?
Didn't know the direct mechanism just the receptors it affected. Thanks for this info. Any alternatives that function in a similar fashion?
>Any alternatives that function in a similar fashion?
quercetin, you can buy it over the counter.
No I it certain at this point that that the virus doesn't subside to very very low levels then after a while propagate again after antibodies subside or your immune system weakens.
Also there waaaas talk about this thing hitch rides on certain bacterium...
Man if I had any interest in selling any product whatsoever I'd just tell the retards on Yas Forums that it fights the virus. Quinine is for malaria, not Coronaviruses. By all means though to waste money and time buying a bunch of tonic water while you unnecessarily expose yourself by going to the store.
>reddit humour
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