How can one man be so absolutely based?

How can one man be so absolutely based?

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Only jewtuber worth a fuck.


irish scum
not american

this dude is based

I uniroincally like this guy.

it figures he would have fans on Yas Forums
channel is peak comfy

Post eye color Giuseppe

the orange fool shit has permanently marked him as a faggot
he will never recover

His log cabin series was the most comfy jewtube video I've ever seen

So comfy when you feel you are the only guy on pol who watches this guy, and then his face turns up. This is literally a channel about 18th century cooking.

John Townjew

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I just want to buy up some of his stuff on his site and go and live in the woods till this is over now.

/ourguy/ confirmed

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He’s the history teacher we all wish we had had.

love this too

We know who he'll outlive

He is based. No autist that into history can be a leftoid.


He only cares about driving out the British and living in handbuilt cabins. Why the fuck would he care about contemporary political faggotry?

Also coal cracker bushcraft, learn your land, covert cabal. I miss Vargs permaculture videos.

Tell that redcoat faggot

What exactly happened with that stuff? I got into his channel with his vids on cordage, then was really into his vids on longhonters.

+1 karma

not sure but ever since i fucked your mother i am getting these weird visions

As far as black marks go it really isn't that bad, and people did genuinely make that stuff back in the day.

You're welcome to hunker down with me, leaf. But you can't fuck my dog

i like the outfits
i've never wanted to dress up before until now
modern clothing is just not appealing

Based and COMFY pilled

He made a dish called "Orange Fool" whom everyone assumed was a dig at trump, because of all the orange man bad stuff, but it was just a bunch of autists shrieking on both sides since that was just what the recipe was called.

He had to do a follow up video asking for some kind of sanity because yeah, its a fucking historical cooking channel, he could care less about politics, but thats what was dominating it after that video.

basically a bunch of pearl clutching faggots on both sides.

this guy looks like he would argue with solicitors

Here's the video for context
Centuries old recipe

business suits look gay and tshirts are sloppy
its like you have to go back in time if you dont want to look like a slob or a business homo

this is the based fence-sitter
it was overwhelmingly clear what he was driving at. i mean zero question about it.

Faggots is what happened. He wants his channel to be purely historically educational. Then after the orange fool video, faggots happened and he made another video telling faggots not to happen

I thought he was a loyalist, I've never seen him mention Britain in a negative light on his channel

>changes recipes too much
>basically admitted in some video i can't be bothered to find that he's a bullshitter who never says anything negative about the food because muh mr rogers persona (except a few scripted vids to keep it "believable")


The old lady he had on the show came up with that idea and he didn’t realize it would be taken politically because he doesn’t live in our time.

whatever happened to tricorner hats
remember when men wore hats
pepperidge farms remembers

He really just wants to educate and present his content. His channel is completely neutral

the anti-Tim Pool

lmao what kind of gay larp is this

as it should be
i dont want modern politics in a channel about the 18th century

its the only larp that isnt gay

He got me very interested in living history

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The recipes he makes are vague and imprecise. You'd obviously interpret them differently. But that's all anyone can do is just interpret 300 year old writing. Start your own channel since you're so much better

heterosexual and based kinda of larp.

If you haven't watched him I'd recommend you do

My wife and I love learning about traditional cooking on Townsends


I enjoy reporting this dudes channel lol

Mushroom ketchup

Post wife's feet

yeah now it's just baseball caps, "artistic" people and neckbeards.

Still need to make this

I use his stuff for homeschooling

spreading divide again eh rabbi?

>calling anyone else a larger

She has tattoos on her feet, can't post, sorry bro. Check out Townsends Pemmican video.

yeah im a neckbeard even if i shave, the neckbeard is on the inside. so im afraid if i wear old time clothing and a tricorner hat or something im just going to look like a beta cuck reddit poster. like how beta males trying to bring back trenchcoats and fedoras ruined trenchcoats and fedoras.

we need chad to bring back the tricorner hat

Someone who shows his face no less. You've lost your rights

I knew I wasnt the only one on here who likes his videos, but I didn't think there would be so many

My man. I love that show

I have and it sounds unironically delicious

he goes overboard though. and is too fake like i said, i've seen a lot of his vids, he's a grifter.

>making a leaf an offer
>then adding a ridiculous requirement
He'll stay with someone who is happy to share their dog, you jerk

Why? He didn't do anything wrong. It was OBSESSED cucks in the comment section trying to do mental gymnastics to paint him as anti-Trump. His follow up video just told everyone to chill out and stop being retarded

This thread needs more nutmeg, and delicious orange fools

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you just said that he downplays recipes that he maybe doesn't like that much.
>fuck this tastes like shit, fucking bland bullshit fuck these old peasants
isnt really what people want to watch

A nice, felt london fog trenchcoat, which I wear is the epitome of pimp. It's when you wear a black leather one with boots that people start to question. Plus they keep your legs warm, especially in slacks, which I wear on nights out

i mean i can already tell some of these recipes aren't going to taste great. that they are at all palatable and that people indeed at that stuff, is what is interesting. i dont need him pulling a gordon ramsey on 18th century hard tack

how the fuck is cooking food on youtube grifting do you even know what grifting means?

>at that stuff,

and also some of the recipes are clearly tasty

i feel like i can tell what is and isnt tasty just by looking at it so... yeah


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i followed his recipe on candied lime, except i made it with lemons. it has a pulp chew that no other candies i've tasted ever had, it's great. the syrup leftover is also fantastic for sweetening lemonade or liquor.

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Comfy and based channel. Anyone who hates this man is not white and should get the fuck off my Yas Forums.

hope you're all stocking up on hardtacks and nettle soup

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Are you retarded user

He tells you when he doesn't like something. What do you think he's doing? Trying to sell you some 300 year old nasty shit that he already gave you the recipe for?

I'll never try to be nice again

>my Yas Forums
>t. the_redditor

fuck off rabbi, enough with the d & c

Based and nutmegpilled

>foot tats
We told you not to marry that stripper.

Fuck R*ddit and fuck you, user.
