Prove them wrong.
Prove them wrong
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when i was in middle school the day after he got elected a mob of niggers formed and started chanting "O-BAMMA" for about 3 minutes straight
How is this a hobby?
How is this a thing a person does nearly daily on random nights. Posting retarded twitter posts that get reposted on retarded leftist subreddits and then reposting to retarded Yas Forums of Yas Forums and receiving (you)s sometimes and most times receiving nothing.
How is this a thing a person does?
Suck my cock commie
Wouldn't the burden of proof be on the person making the accusation, retard
No...but you did vote for him because he's a nigger. Which is worse? Wearing a stupid or hat or voting a fucking nigger into the presidency?
Lmao what a lying nigger
I see an Obama bumper sticker at least once a day and I live in Oklahoma.
There totally was a cult of Obana worship. Obama was regularly compared to Jesus Christ and all criticism of him was called racist. Dylan Moran interrupted one of his standup specials to spontaneously praise Obama like his grandma was being held hostage or something.
I do
that hope poster
LOL, no. Obama had a major cult following just like Trump does.
Maybe they weren't a cult then, but they certainly are now.
No but I remember every mutt in high school wearing those fucking awful hope t-shirts and hearing every nigger brag about DEY BESS PRESIDINK OF ALL TAM.
Trump is the most nigger president in history, are you serious? Lies about the most minute things, dodges responsibility, constantly boasts himself up over non-existent accomplishments,
and covers all of his personal property in gold like a nigger
He’s a nigger in every sense accept
i remember back during obama's first campaign a crazy nigger driving around newark nj for hours, blaring obama propaganda from an old beater he had decorated with king nigger's face all over. fuck niggers
You can’t be president if you’re only 3/5ths of a person
Being a nigger has nothing to do with skin color.
I can tell by the way you reacted to the word that you are 100% a nigger.
>no time preference
Honk honk.
Not a day goes by where countless niggers and their enablers are talking about Barry on social media. Wishing he was President, saying he’d have done whatever differently, etc. I fucking hate them.
I've seen 1 Trump flag, two Trump bumper stickers, and no MAGA hats in real life.
Yankees fans - Cult
Patriots fans - Cult
Fan of anything - Cult
He's not lying about or dodging anything, you've just chosen to believe the wrong people.
They didn't have to, because everybody, including media wanted to suck Obama's dick.
Nice anecdotal nothing experience, fag
No, they just had weeks of riots after they lost...
trump is so ashamed of his penis size he has to pretend his crowds are larger than the physical compactly of said building
>be a leaf
>make this thread
>fuck dog
Obama was only a President. Trump is the God Emperor. KYS heretic
I saw shitloads of Obama-Biden merch in 2008 and way more in 2012 on car bumpers, yard signs, windows of businesses, etc. you lying faggot.
It's pure projection, the pedo Khazar cult calling you a member of a cult, how rich.
Admitting you can't abide by the simple rules of time, and can't be where you are supposed to be when your supposed to be there. They put themselves in this stereotype.
Maybe the compactly of the building was not has unformagulated as he was intoriped?
They must feel really threatened if their way to cope is "haha well at least we didn't wear Obama hats hehe".
The fucking cult of personality around Obama was/is downright bizarre, from his late night worship to the mainstream artist propaganda, and it continues to this day. It’s a bold faced lie to say otherwise.
No, but they religiously watched TV.
Pretty sure they did do exactly that.
>trayvon martin is the son I never had
True but then again I never voted for someone based on their race and never shilled for Obama even after he left office either (for example, the only scandal Obama had was wearing a beige suit. Not true, btw. Fast and Furious, IRS, and the NSA scandal were just a few scandals of the top of my head)
>be born in Hawaii
>be mixed race
>be Harvard law student
>be Valedictorian
>be Senator of Illinois
>be 44th President
>be the owner of 40 million dollars
>get told you're just a nigger so nothing you do matters
Some Grade A cope from whiteys
Word policing, as per usual. Your "cult" is Trump's "fired up base"...who risk being punched in public because DNC is the real cult. Maybe after losing in Nov you're weak-assed DNC field will improve. The same way the GOp had to learn the hard way with mcCain and Romney before 3rd party, basically, candidate Trump could elbow his way through the establishment elites. Former FNB activist, Obama voting, DemocracyNow!-watching, etc etc liberal who was going to sit out 2016 until Trump came along. Trump, 2016, "I will have to look at raising the taxes on the 1%. people ike me! I'm not in there yet so don't have the numbers in front of me but it's something we'll definitely look at." Can you imagine? And he won. people were *that* desperate for change.
Trump = Realpolitik. 100% realpolitik. Will do whatever is right, not a lifetime politician, so...
Give me a choice, in 2024 and I'll consider it. Otherwise, stfu you faggots. You didn't want to see with your eyes what happened and why people ike me switched, you just labelled us all Nazis and gaslit the entire "Alt-Right" as a product of R Spencer instead of what it was and is, non-progressives sick of the identity politics and idiocy of the Left. Left, ran out of pier and got to economic redistribution and freaked tf out, pivoted to race and Obama's Farrakhan BLM library of Harvard and etc protests which completely fukt your chances in 16 hard. You gave too much power to ID politics / Progressive-stack and now are having a hard time coping and silencing them from taking over Bernie's podium and etc.
YOU are the cult. YOU are the ones encouraging punching anyone YOU disagree with. YOU have lit this fire and now run around buttsore from YOUR OWn hyper-politicization of every aspect of society through "intersectionality" and other, lame, Cathedral ideas. TL: give us a choice! Your candidates suck ass.
Good luck!
He was accepted to Harvard to meet nigger quotas, Valedictorian because of muh diversity initiatives, Senator because if you didn't vote for him you were a racist, president because if you didn't vote for him you were a racist, 40 million dollars because he was a corrupt president selling out America for a few bucks down the road (very niggery wouldn't you say?), nothing he did matters; Trump deleted Obama's entire presidency in 2 years.
Cope more coal burner.
>showing support for a political candidate is the same as being in a cult.
These people need help
>He was accepted to Harvard to meet nigger quotas, Valedictorian because of muh diversity initiatives
I'm going to have to stop you there. You should be able to tell how pathetic you sound from this alone.
>prove them wrong
following that "logic" everybody attending/watching a concert/show/screening of any artist/author/franchise and buying its merchandise are also "in a fucking cult"
nothing to disprove here
you are an idiot
Please stay safe fellow okie.
I mean..
Agree with most of that, but trump is the nigger now.
It's funny that you can't see how racist you are. I recommend you spend at least 5 minutes a day outside of an echo chamber.
Three minutes, wow. Trump only huffs his own farts for two minutes at a time.
>H-He just got in Havard because he's black
>*becomes Valedictorian despite being so called diversity quota
>O-Okay well he just got Valedictorian out of being black
>*goes on to win the Senate*
>O-okay well he just won because he's black...
>*Wins the presidency*
When does the cope end user? Before or after you leave your right winged cringe group?
You have refuted nothing. You think turning what I typed in greentext is somehow an argument? Your skin may be white but your brain is definitely nigger.
be on time, how is that hard?
I love when Leftie elites who grew up in Utah, Vermont, Washington (state) etc lecture all white pple, like me, who grew up in 70% black neighborhoods, in 60% Hispanic San Antonio metro, how evil and racist we we get the snot beat out of us weekly for simply being born the wrong color. Went to St Philip's community college (San Anto) and was told at a AmHist class there that only white people kept slaves and tortured people. Can you even process that info? In a class. Being told that bullshit? And being one of three in a classroom all Hispanic and black? This guy prof Fitzgerald, told us that other races just made people "a part of their family". LOL. And this guy was in no fear for his job for spouting this utterly shit-tier, easily refuted, information. "Some people ask whether the Spanish are white!", he said. "Some say yes and some say no. But I will tell you this! They *did* take part in the Inquisition!" When I asked if he was indeed saying that only white people tortured people, naive Leftie that I was, I was shouted down by the entir class, "YES! Shut up!" And the next day when I came in, sorta scrubby looking because it was laundry day, he calls me out in front of the whole class, "I love it when rich people pretend to be poor!" Whole class laughs at me. That was his "code" for white people, "rich." [cont]
You're retarded if you can't understand that Obama being Valedictorian alone signifies that he wasn't just put on Harvard because he was black.
Also why is it that when a black person is poor, he's a "dumb nigger", but when one makes millions then you say "hurr he was just helped by the system!!"
Stop coping. Obama has done more than you and 5 generations of your family has ever done combined.
Anons, my mother grew up in Alabama and her mother was clinically insane, was institutionalized and given shock therapy and thereafter was uselss as a functional adult. My mother had to raise her siblings from age of 10 onwards and because AL had no welfare at the time, ate literal dirt because she was starving to death and lacking minerals and I guess it was an instinctual thing? (pica) Joined the military and was the only one of her family to do well and escape poverty and working at "the mill" (Russel Mills) in Alexander city, AL (now closed). Dad was strictly middle class. Point being, you smug, condescending, racist fkn *assholes*, who have never, ever risked living by the tenents you prescribe to others and going and moving into the ghettos and barrios you claim to want to help... sitting in your safe, rich, all-white neighborhoods, lecturing us whites who *live* in inner-city hellscapes of pointless poverty and multicultural racial conflict ...about how we are guilty and need to put away our privilege, as we're getting the shit kicked out of us daily by these high-t physically imposing people who give zero shits about going to jail, have nothing to lose and have been fed hatred of whites their entire lives. FUCK YOU. When you promote these memes that "only white people can be racist" and that there's still a white racist structure in government keeping people down, those abstract talking points play out in real-world violence against innocent white people who are poor and living in black and (to a lesser extent) Hispanic neighborhoods. PLUS, making any young person feel ashamed of how they were born FUCK YOU.
Live for a few years in these hoods around the people you want to help! At the least, you should be their apologizing your own self and asking them what they need instead of claiming to know whats best for them! You will see, as I and millions of others before you did, that they don't give a FUCK about how sorry you are or what you have to say or your politics, they HATE YOU based solely on your skin color. PERIOD. Live the advice you give to tohers, white progressives and trot your happy asses on down the street to the dar part of town and see how well you fair, apologizing and asking forgiveneess and being all Bernie Sanders and kumbaya. YOU are feeding a monster that wil take decades if not generations to kill off! FUCKING ASSHOLES! >:((
Quit lecturing people from your rich, white communities. Some of us are/have lived the advice you've given and reality on the ground is NOT what you claim it to be.
>not In a cult
Oh that's rich
also went to a spic/nigger shithole. was supposed to go to normal white school but faggots redid the lines to push higher performing kids into their craphole school. God I hated that shit, so many of my friends died or ended up in jail.
My black liberal friend, who never hesitated to condemn the most innocuous expression of collective white self-interest as "racist," was practically hyperventilating the day Obama was elected. He wore Obama swag for months and had an Obama bumper sticker, because "WHAT COLOR AM I?" Take a wild guess what word he used to describe Trump voters. And this was one of the comparatively intelligent and pro-social blacks.
Blacks are, with rare exceptions, genetically incapable of recognizing the extent of their own racial solidarity.