Attached: mossad btfo.jpg (580x311, 47.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Poor poor idf's

Attached: god justice israel.jpg (591x620, 105.91K)

Holy shit I don't care about Israel. Let them bomb in fucking peace for once

Attached: mossad low iq.jpg (757x752, 107.75K)

this kills the shill

Which nations was it?

Ok now that is legit funny.

Oy vey! It's like anudda shoah! Remember the 666 gorillion...

Chinks jewing Jews. What a time to be alive.

Just look at the logic here.

They 'israel' won't name the 2 countries that have no diplomatic relations, 'easy to google', then say's the deal was a fraud. That is liable.

Attached: I told you so.jpg (1154x589, 164.11K)

chink cries out in heeb as he jews you

Attached: setitdown.jpg (1189x677, 156.58K)


Wich nation's was it? Gotta send some flower and a card or something.

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>Chinks jewing Jews. What a time to be alive.

so the chinks are the REAL Jews?

Don't stare into the abyss and become a monster. Satan has won if you do.

>not exactly
so very close
why complain?

Attached: Sloppy Job Mossad.jpg (1000x1000, 318.46K)

those countries gonna get FUCKED lol

>bought from countries with no diplomatic relations

Attached: af2.png (741x568, 29.42K)

Word. Legit so funny

The jew has been jewed
Can't wait for them to call puppy merica to give them 800000 tests for free

Original tests had high levels of false positives. Hence Trump's slight delay for testing; he was waiting for accurate tests to come.

Thirty-one UN member states do not recognize Israel. These include 19 of the 22 members of the Arab League: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. A further 9 are members of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Mali, Niger and Pakistan. Other countries which do not recognise Israel include Bhutan, Cuba and North Korea.[2] Israel is a member of a number of United Nations and other international organisations.

The swabs they use to collect the samples probably weren't long enough to reach all the way into those giant honking Jew noses.

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Oy gevalt! Dont forget 6 000 000 tests that they stole from us!

This country is run by retards

Came here to say this.

They're similar enough that they recognize them and know their tricks.

i'll bet 20 dollars these jews asked for a refund

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I smiled

Sounds like fake news. Why would you need an intelligence service to import medical tests? This isn't secret arms, uranium or drugs.

kek two absolute lads

paid for with american tax money

Not one of those 31 countries produces significant high-end medical supply. Sounds like BS.

Didn’t they find a bunch of fake tests at LAX on Monday?

זה שחמט 4 מימדים
פחות בחומרים יקבלו פנסיות תקציביות, אוכלוסיות חלשות בסיכון מוגבר... הכל לטובה, תהלל את קק

>tfw Yas Forums memed sloppy job mossad into existence

Attached: sloppy job_0.webm (640x360, 858.56K)

>countries with no diplomatic relations
Meaning, countries that hate them. What probably happened:
>jews try to be sneaky, as per usual
>try to scam countries who don’t like them by posing as other unaffiliated companies/countries
>target countries either catch wind or through comedy of errors end up giving them the wrong stuff
>jews get jewed for trying to be jews

Attached: yes.jpg (1172x659, 150.22K)


>Outjewing the jew
Yup, this is based.

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So Mossad stole the money and made up this jewish story?


Probably Iran

Basically Mossad has gone decades being untouchable and thinking they're king shit because they had so much control over the US and hence the world, but they didn't realize deep intelligence insiders in the US were allowing them to think they were in control

The game is over and they must know by now. Mossad must be freaking out every single day.

Why are mossad buying test kits this seems fake and gay


>anonymous countries sent us these tests

Mossad is like the spoiled owners son who thinks hes hot shit and can get away with anything because his daddy protects him and gives him whatever he wants but is actually extremely incompetent and helpless without enormous amounts of support.

The china virus is literally slaughtering Iran. They're in no state to produce, let alone export tests. And they need every single one for themselves, if they even have any.

>Wich nation's was it? Gotta send some flower and a card or something.
I too played Jagged Alliance 2.


The Mossad is actually quite incompetent.
The reason that they are so successful is that when they get caught the US government covers up for them.
9/11 for example was very sloppy.

The one thing the world has learned is that you need to be able to make your own stuff

How much did we get fleeced for? $1k per test?


Probably Taiwan.

Turkey and Israel have a poor diplomatic relationship, but fantastic on the business side. Turkey even serves as a reseller of Israeli merchandise, which cannot be sold directly to enemy countries. Other way works as well, I believe oil from Northern Iraq etc.


>They're in no state to produce, let alone export tests.
Yes, they are.
How many do you think the virus killed, you moron?
And they have every incentive to mass produce them.

Best answer so far. Taiwan recognizes Israel, but there's no overt diplomatic relationship. I'm still not buying the story.

they got away with 911

Dumb meme flag. Read some news about Iran. Their country is at a standstill. On top of that they're being sanctioned. They don't export shit, brainlet.

That’s not a Jew scam

Based. Eat shit kikes.

>jews being the ones getting scammed
Well this is truely the end of times

>Yas Forumscels salivating over fake news while people in europe die en masse and iran is collapsing
>tfw we still have 0 (zero) deaths

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Imagine scamming the jews
the people who run the world from the shadows
you can bet your ass two new wars are going to pop up now
with the usa charging in as a golem to beat the hell out of these scammers and their countries

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>google pretending that womyn scientists actually exist

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