Prints into oblivion, still worth fucking more than 99% of every other currency.
What in the flying fuck...
Prints into oblivion, still worth fucking more than 99% of every other currency.
What in the flying fuck...
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>only things pumping are charmin and USD
really makes you think
That's the power of even the small amount of extra freedom we have here.
It's called the petrodollar. Other countries have to pay for oil using US dollars because that's the arrangement Kissinger made with OPEC back when we got away from gold backing. It effectively exports inflation out to every country except the US, effective for as long as the Saudis continue invoicing oil in terms of US dollars and for as long as modern nations require oil to function i.e. forever.
Too big (nosed) to fail. Retarded investors are taking their money away from gambling in the third world and injecting in the first world.
soon lads... soon
need to read/watch Jeff Snider of Alhambra investments
Stuff like this:
I'm a goldbug - but I've turned $3,300 lunch money account into $37,000 k as of today buying dollar calls
in less than a month btw
if every country hyperinflates at once what happens. they are all basically pegged against each other. maybe we figured out how to make everything free
You now realize how much other countries rely on us and just how badly they manage their own inflation by comparison.
>Only currency backed by oil
Every other currency is fiat...
Well if they want to do better they get ass raped like gadaffi or get hung like Hussein
Deflation. And it's not good for growth. Better hope they print more. Not even memeing.
you mean do sideways.
don't do me sideways.
Because every other country uses our currency to back theirs. When they all come to buy our currency like right now, the dollar deflates. Deflation is not good.
user wtf are you talking about
All oil based currencies are taking a hit now, except Saudis (precicely because their rial is pegged to the dollar)
>>Only currency backed by oil
oil is $20 a barrel and falling
The US controls the seas, the air, the land, the space.
Also show me somebody who's had enough dollars.
So, the US owns everything touchable by human hand and not a single individual has had enough of their money, ever.
Fucking mexican !
Your government promises us that he's going to tax the hell out of you to maintain its value and we trust them on that.
>being this dumb
If you weren't such an idiot you'd realize that deflation like this results in hyperinflation and causes a depression. The entire world economy is on the verge of collapse right now. The only way out is to go back to the gold standard, bail out the American people, and drop the dollar. It'll fuck everyone else (who are already fucked anyway) but it'll save us and position us similarily to post WWII.
Because fiat is like every other good, and usd are pretty in demand, especially in situations when shit is going to hit the fan. Even if the designated drivers will be chf and yen.
No user it is bad. It will stop growth. Without growth we cant bully the world. We also cant have a strong dollar with outstanding debts as a nation (as I understand it).
This right here. It's pulled from the average American wealth in increments too small for the dipshits to care about.
you have source from anyone other than carroll quigley?
Basically when the dollar deflates it means that each dollar is actually worth MORE than $1 USD. This might seem good at first but since our economy is debt based that means that the interest owed on the debt eventually outpaces the amount of money that is in circulation. This causes more money to flood into the system which results in hyperinflation and the catastrophic collapse of the world economy.
>oil is $20 a barrel and falling
The cheaper oil is the more valuable the US dollar is in paying for oil. US dollar isn't literally backed by oil. It has value related to oil in that the Saudis have OPEC invoice everyone else in US dollars when they purchase oil. Because they need to pay for oil using US dollars and not other kinds of currency that's what gives it value beyond normal fiat currencies.
A source on what specifically? That OPEC invoices other countries in US dollars? Or that other countries needing to pay for oil in US dollars effectively exports inflation out to everywhere except the US?
Ty user.
>we have reason to believe that the virus is being spread through paper money.
Dollar milkshake
>Prints into oblivion, still worth fucking more than 99% of every other currency.
Implying this is nothing but an illusion, brace yourself for the impact retard the next month and onwards America wil start to burn, they're literally pumping oxygen in to the cabin so you feel relaxed, it doesn't matter if they give you a million dollars free a month if a fucking potato is worth 2.
If you think the American fantasy somehow is still above you're for a huge awakening
Everything is fake. world is piss.
I think we're going to have a scary few months ahead.
But it will get better in the end.
Grow a garden.
The only way out is to switch to the gold standard, bail out the public, and then dump the USD. The whole world will collapse but us.
>12 Aircraft Carriers
You're a retard.
Petrodollar deal. Our currency has been stabilized by its status as a global reserve currency and the petrodollar deal makes sure it stays that way. If the USD wasn't buffered like this from our own inflationary pressures, they would have been like Weimar-era Marks or Zimbabwean funny money by the 90s.
Since quantitative easing won't work, What's pol's solution to this economic crisis?
>What's pol's solution to this economic crisis?
Spread corona faster so the survivors can start rebuilding faster
by Allah those brrrr memes are the best thing since the mighty Pepe himself
Holy shit, you need to tell me there are people here who don't know how petrodollar works ?
rest of the worlds having trouble too i guess
Won't that ovrhelm the healthcare system? Also, it would be expensive to process and dispose of the dead
Time and patience. The US economy had good industrial numbers going into Corona. It will recover its just going to take time. If we're lucky we might break even for the year.
Americans don't realize how good they have it, most people in the world would trust a briefcase full of USD notes over their own government any day of the week
>Won't that ovrhelm the healthcare system?
Yes. People will die. I might die. But we'll get killed by the economic shutdown anyway, so fuck it. I regard this as inevitable so lets just get it over with faster so we have a head start on rebuilding and realignment.
I doubt the virus will be that devastating.
Instead of lending money to banks who will just sit on it the fed should directly offer interest free loans to consumers to keep business running, rent paid, ect
There's this write-up for starters:
>The devaluation of the dollar during QE has resulted in the overvaluation of other currencies–Brazil’s currency, the real, for example, rose to a tenmonth high against the dollar in 2010, prompting Brazil’s Finance Minister to declare that "[w]e're in the midst of an international currency war. This threatens us because it takes away our competitivenes." Indeed, because most countries have to export to get U.S. dollars, a strong currency hurts their exports because it makes their goods expensive to foreign buyers.48 Second, despite the creation of so much new money through QE, the United States was able to avoid unleashing inflation domestically because inflation was exported to the world instead, causing, as I discuss later in the Article, additional angst with the dollar-based system. QE became an American weapon, especially against China.
>Despite its severance from gold, the dollar’s unique status has been ensured by linking it to oil. “Implicitly since 1945 and explicitly since 1974, the United States has guaranteed Saudi Arabia’s security in exchange for Saudi support for the dollar as the sole medium of exchange for energy exports . . . .”55 Any country that buys Gulf oil must pay in dollars–hence the term petrodollars. The global demand for dollars continues because the global demand for oil continues. Part II shows that despite the immense advantages the dollar has received as a result of the agreement to price oil in dollars, the stresses and fractures responsible for the rupture of the dollar-gold link continue to this day, exacerbated by internal dysfunction and external challenges.
I loved the coronavirus one, shame I didn't save
raped any tourists lately?
no it isn't retard, the dollar is backed by income tax, something you'll never learn about because you'll always be the cancer in your family
day of the rake before right? SECURE A UNITED NORTH AMERICA
>there are people here who don't know how petrodollar works ?
Yes. One of the biggest contributors to our Mideast fuckery, very Jew-connected, and yet even on Yas Forums of all places this isn't widely known
Anyone have the new prototype/larp bills with JFK on the $20 those were sick
>there are people here who don't know how petrodollar works ?
Yes, absolutely. It's very common for people both here and everywhere else to completely misunderstand what "petrodollar" means. What I've personally seen a lot of is people thinking it means we have a deal with the Saudis where they give us oil at a cheaper rate or something like that. The making other people pay for oil with US dollars reality isn't terribly complicated but it's just convoluted enough to make a good number of people miss the point.
prints into oblivion to keep up with the fucking massive growth. imagine there were no new dollars in the market, their value would look like bitcoin, fucking unusable.
you can't use a currency with a value that never stops growing, nobody would buy anything, ever, and then everything goes to shit and the only industry that survives is the speculative cash hoarders.
No after a few days you would buy food. I’m pretty sure about that
You're scared
summarize please
You got to be shitting me, nobody can connect the invasions of iraq and toppling of Gadafi to the petrodollar? I refuse to believe pol is that retarded