My sister has an insider. She works with social security and kids with low income housing. She forward me this today.
My sister has an insider. She works with social security and kids with low income housing. She forward me this today
Typos, grammatical errors and and incorrect information.
op is a faggot. t. literally has family in hs.
Well his sister is a government employee so these all check out.
But I agree with your insinuation.
This is fake but it’s probably going to happen.
I would recommend buying a gun ASAP if you don’t already have one
That's why I hate so called white people
You’re full of shit
T. Half my family is law enforcement
Not real and homosex
Turns out it might be fake, but you never know.
It's so stupid. There aren't enough police and military to handle nationwide lockdowns and looting. Maybe a few key cities but that's it.
another black background with white lettering just like the supposed text from a police chief yesterday
>There aren't enough police and military to handle nationwide lockdowns and looting. Maybe a few key cities but that's it.
i dont think you understand
there wont BE looting in most of america
the cities will become absolute hell.
Just know this, if they are going to announce anything, it will be on Sunday night
The Stafford Act allows the state to bill the federal government for their operations. That's literally all the Stafford Act is.
>if you don’t already have one
I've got several. Does that mean I need another?
The guard will only be needed where the looting is. The looting will only be where the niggers are.
Why do these Democrat panic spammers always say "what is called the Stafford Act"?
My dad works for nintendo.
>My dad plays nintendo.
I saw this post last week...
Normies all around my area have been parroting this shit for a week now.
Hell my sister calls me and was like "oh i heard it from husband who heard it at work Soni told everyone non my contacts"
That's how stupid shit spreads, right there.
I think it depends on who he means by they
Let me fuck your dirty sister
Fake and gay, kys faggot larper.
fake and gay
How do people even still have fun with larps? So many have been posted that I cant see holding any interest in then anymore.
>the usa will never take the same authoritarian measures as china in wuhan
lol ok boomer
I'd worry more about food and clean water. Internet and electricity may go down too
Eh. I feel like a big part of the fear mongering is to make people decide to stay home. I don’t think America could enforce it as is. Probably will happen in California. California’s collapse is gonna make up a big part of how the Us is hurt. There’s no way they can keep the homeless around.
>thinking they have enough troops to prevent looters and rioters
are they also going to get local PD on this? I still don't see how it could be done.
you'll still be allowed to go to walwart with a walmart license. no shortages of toilet paper, don't worry. trust the plan
horseshit, fucking dork
>t. my uncle works at nintendo
oh really, you think you can escape the fate of all of europe right now?
>electricity may go down too
This is so fucking stupid it hurts
Why would local law enforcement be informed?
They wouldnt.
Fb is so stupid
Read it twice and found exactly zero typos, although no one is claiming that this pic is what was issued by fema, the person merely typed up what is there.
Example: do you think the fema document started with "hello everyone, just got this from my contact at fema"
No. Obviously. The whole thing was typed by the person. Are you dense?
oh fug
Scheduled power and communication outages would be standard for martial law.
homeland security just flew over my house
Disregard all bullshit shill posts stirring fear and hysteria. It's all bullshit. Our freedoms are all that is dying.
There are executive orders in place going back to FDR that allow the president to do pretty much anything in a state of emergency. He can have farm products seized and redistributed, for instance. They haven't been used, but they're still in force.
Hi, military user here. I work at AFSOC. This is bullshit. Good day.
They're only needed in certain places. White communities will behave and work together for the most part. The ghettos will just be abandoned. That leaves the multi-cult suburbs to try to control.
>works in social security
>knows about presidential announcements a week in advance
Imagine being retarded enough to believe this larp.
kys nigger
fucking kys now you mouthbreather
Welcome to demoncracy
I just had a military helicopter go, not quite over my house, but just to the south. I'm not doing the meme, this actually occurred.
fake and gay
>happening confirmed
Because turning off the electricity and internet would surely keep the peace. This isn't WW2 where we need to hide from the gooks.
uhhhhhh guys......what's happening?
t. You are both fags, I am the senate
Exactly what someone doing the meme would say
>(no subject)
unprofessional as fuck
I've been seeing this shit for two weeks. Not gonna happen.
It's a bit more complex than that but you're right, and this text/email is bullshit.
This. Real insiders would be so indoctrinated into professionalism that they would make a subject out of habit.
There's a typo in the first line(s).