Post yfw it's just gonna be a tax credit instead of actual cash

Post yfw it's just gonna be a tax credit instead of actual cash

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I'm not even going to get it, so I hope yall poor people enjoy my money.

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Fucking bullshit. I'm a disabled veteran and I'm not going to get shit.

it's my money too faggot. Are you too stupid to realize that we all payed fucking taxes?

So just because I didn't file last year because I was busy taking care of my disabled mother for the year I don't get any money? How is that fair??

Free shit is only for non whites in America

I do hope you can pay your rent this month

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not anymore :^)

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what's the difference?

funny how you slaves fork over 40% of your income then when you get crumbs back act like it's raining free money.

The only people getting this money are whites though.

It always works like that you must be under 25.

Bush did a tax thing and so did Obama.

You don't even want to know what evil thing Bernie would do as president

His tax the rich means increase the payroll tax on middle class people working.

How about us lower middle class people making under $12K a year?

Why should you get free money when you don't do anything ..trumpbucks are for working americans only ya know taxpayers

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Thats poverty or lowest class or poor def not even close to middle bro

I took a year off to take care of my mom. Why aren't they using 2017s income or 2019s income to determine this? I'm a taxpayer, that year was only an exception.

Yes people that actually contribute to society in sure some minorities will get some as long as they are working americans

Are you kidding the spics refugees and niggers get more back in taxes every year you delusional if you think they won't be getting the Lion share of payouts.

I worked for a tax office we literally did tons of foreigners taxes that couldn't even speak English kikes ensure they get paid back vastly more than the average white it made me fucking sick fuck kikes fuck spics fuck all non whites I hate them

Bullshit. I've asked Yas Forums before about this and we all agreed $10K to $50K a year was middle class. Everything about $50K is upper class.

based or cuck

The federal government has proven what a ridiculous failure it is at literally everything right now. It hasn't done a damn thing throughout this crisis. It's such a fossilized relic.

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Remember that when they let your parents die of Corona bc they are white and older while spics who reproduce like crazy and steal your money are saved .

They are using 2019s tax info from Jan 1 2019 to Dec 31 2019 ...sorry but you cleary dont have bills to pay if you arnt working

you know, you can file a tax return with a $0 income

How the fuck do refugees get money back when I can't get a dime back? I make $7500 a year then have to pay $900 in taxes, how is that fucking fair?

A tax credit... Now that is retarded.

Lol you are young and dumb

I pay taxes too, asshole. I pay lot of damned taxes!



At 35 years old I'm not that young.

stop being fucking retarded moron

They lied to you. 50k is middle class 30k is lower middle-class.

Fellow disabled vet

you still get 600 neger
1200 if you are married

How do you only make 12k a year? Do you only work like 10 hours a week?

Have lots of kids and get child tax credits/head of household

Okay you are just dumb then sorry bro

Places like noel Missouri pay literal Somalian refugees free money and even provide many places to stay . Some work at a nearby chicken factory most do not also micronesians are subhumans they have shipped in and they are worse then niggers they get free shit literally handed to them the whole God damn system is anti white.

Bait harder faggot

I promise I will put your money to good use Richanon-sama. I'm planning on building a new and better PC which I will use for stat modeling (as well as personal use). I was originally just going to build it with my refund, but now I will buy an even better processor and more RAM. With what is left over I plan to fix up my vehicle.
Thank you for honorable stimulus.

Wait, does that make me lower class then?
I make $7500 a year. Self employed, roofing repairs for a local company. I spend the rest of my time taking care of my disabled mother.
Girls don't like me so I can't have kids.
Basically we both agree that 35 years isn't that young then.

Everyone already enjoys your money any time they use a public service that you do not.

No, fuck off.

>get gibs every month, free healthcare for life, tons of discounts, low interest loans, etc, etc
>cry about $1,000
fuck off faggot

NEET seethe has a certain tang to it.

I'm getting $2,000 Donald Dollars, pol told me so. So fuck right off

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$50K would be lower middle class

>Post yfw it's just gonna be a tax credit instead of actual cash
kike schumer is seething at trump for giving money, whilst wanting to give out loans. do these people genetically act like this?

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Kys pedo faggot

I'd rather it be a tax credit. The only thing the government can do FOR me is to take LESS of my fucking money. I don't care about other shit

>you still get 600 neger
>1200 if you are married
what if hes a faggot married to a man? is it 2400? i know you have enjoyed turning your military into a bunch of faggots and trannies. honestly, the WW2 propaganda of yuo being the good guys really brainwashed me. you are a bunch of fucking degenerates these days. sort it out, lads. cut the kike puppeteer off, please.

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Holy shit, how many people make that much in this country?

2018, not 2019


>wah i get 100% disability for sleep apnea
tranny faggot

I know most people support the supplemental 1k Trump suggested, and people are hurting right now and the extra money would really help. But this low interest loan sound just as good, if not better desu....

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Well, I'm sure your mother is grateful that she has such a dutiful son. Good luck, user.

so your mom claimed you on her taxes? lol just take the money from that payment you absolute idiot

>i took care of my sick mother but didn't file taxes with her as a dependent

>government seizes all my tax returns to put toward my student debt
Wow it's fucking nothing.

This! BBC only, no money for white NEET cucks. Black unemployment has never been lower under Trump's administration because he knows us bvlls do the job right.

God watching you stupid faggots struggle to understand this has been hilarious

Get married and file injured spouse.

Show nose kike

Either way it's a tax credit. Where the fuck you think the government got the money to give you? Fucking you!

This is stupid. A tax credit won't increase liquidity, if they really want to stimulate consumption they ought to do cash

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She didn't file taxes because she doesn't work. What are you smoking?

I mean I'll take a loan interest loan and pay off all my credit cards then buy a speed boat and bananna hammock for my cock and balls to hide in.

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Go ahead pay Jewish interest goy

>Tfw self employed and a tax credit is almost just as good for me.

haha eat a dick W2 wagecucks and neets.

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not without an end in sight, unless they're planning on deferring payments and suspending interest

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how is trump going to pivot the direct cash check into a credit on next years tax return wtf us americans are starving and need to order nintendo switch to our parents houses NOW

>$1000 without interest is good
>$1000 with interest is better
i hope you are dragged out into the street and beaten to death by thugs wielding giant dildos.

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I'm not getting shit either, but it's not tax money. It's money being created out of nothing.

>Quote by a s o y b o y cuck
Good whitey, no NEETbux for you. Black bvlls only.

Fuck you fag Israeli black ops red team should have finished the job. Serves you right for serving the Jew

You don't need to work to file taxes you dolt, you still fucking file them as 0-income.