Teen kills two queers and a tranny
so three gay men?
i honestly have trouble interpreting this shit now
RIP Joseph Gambino
how can whiteboys compete?
a good start
Good boy, dindunuffin. Probably just Obama's son.
He got in the way of Pharma profits. That's a death sentence in the JewSA
Based nog.
Why do white people do this
Free this man
>3 gay dindus
I was thinking the same thing. Guess, nogs are not even immune to fag shaming.
3 degenerates burning in hell, 1 nignog in prison.
that's a score of 4.
the world is a better place now.
based nigger
>Sheeeit dat a nigga
All 3 mustve said the N word
how do i send money to his commissary, he needs honey buns asap
>19 year old
Surprised they went the "he was just a kid" angle for the suspect
Also that mugshot looks like a 27 year old
The nigger did nothing wrong, he only did what any sane person would do. Kill degenerates.
he's not white
the funniest this is to imagine that one of the guys was not actually gay and was just there to buy drugs or he got fooled by a tranny on a dating site or whatever
and now posthumously he is forever known as a fag hahaha
In a different world, he’d be commended
Three faggots. It's easy when you're honest.
what is this picture?
These "teens" are looking older and older
unironically dindu nuffin, he deserved a medal
LOL Trained apes.
best mower they've ever made
dare i say, he dindu nuffin
Dude looks mid 30s easy, look at those lines on his face. I thought black didn't crack?
Meanwhile, niggers are free to loot Philadelphia.
hope he likes cock
crack makes black crack.
Well sometimes niggers do good things instead of being savages.
I guess I'm just a contrarian, but I'd rather seen a story where a gay or a tranny killed three niggers.
Good job but still a dirty ape inferior
Is he going to use his one phonecall for the based department?
On the day of the rope this nigger right here gets a pass.
bcuz whitey on da moon.
meanwhile im in prison for selling crack to babies
does it mow-down jew?
Its called sarcasm
they were the N word. Muh dick probably got in the way of trying to fuck the tranny and he chimped out when he realised that it was just a man in a dress, hard to tell as trans black men pass due to most of thier women looking like High T trannies anyway.
Transvestites are gross so are Niggers
They ruin society.
He's a good boy. He unironically did nothing wrong.
How much money do you wanna bet that the nigger who did it was on the “down low” himself and didn’t want to get outed.
the blades go at like 1700 rpm so i would assume so yes
My tranny detection works 100% of the time with whites and Asians but holy fuck, it didn’t light up at all with this one. Looks like the average black American female.
based black man
This negro has done a service to GOD. He is a warrior of christ . A bigger hero then most white men.
>he chimped out when he realised that it was just a man in a dress
When they talk about the tranny murder epidemic this is exactly what happens. I guess when you’re on hormones your brain is too fucked to realize picking up rough trade when you’re a tranny is a suicidal idea
you are 100 percent right
this guy sucks cocks
I need to know where this came from. For research.
mutt niggers are:
>the most religious (79%) / cuckservative / old
>niggers are innate diddlers ("age is only a number" /urban axiom); child marriage is staple on their home continent
>niggers are or feign to be homophobic (a hyper-phallocentric, chest-thumper ghetto culture -- even most of their [pure] nigresses look more masculine than male niggers)
>traps becoming more passable, is bringing their own repugnant "fairer sex" into stark reality -- resulting in ambivalence towards themselves and mental tumult (*if a specie no longer finds its own desirable / preferable, it can sense it's own extinction)
The nigger sees its woebegone predicament, and will project its anger in whatever direction is most fashionable at any given point in time (*niggers are dictionary definition "lemmings" -- utterly mindless drones that copy the first thing they're exposed to). Today, "Wooflu" means that the chinks are in the firing line. Traps have been in the news of late -- cue: the rabid niggers' ire. Tomorrow, they'll get back to murdering each... as intended.
>nogs are not even immune to fag shaming.
Nigs have (proportionally) the highest amount of homosexuality and transgenderism compared to the other races.
based nog
The hero we need.
he looks familiar - i think he was arrested for some shit last year (not this)
Trump should pardon him
how did these mongs get to change the etymology of the term "transgender woman"
it used to be if we said transgender we'd be talking about a woman who dresses as a man
but now all of a sudden it means a man who dresses as a woman which is grammatically incorrect
>Transvestites are gross so are Niggers
>They ruin society.
When there is a natural disaster, who is out looting? Gays and trannies? No. Guess who?
Based nigger removes faggots and himself from society
taking fathers out the home will do that to you, but they also simultaneously have one of the most openly anti-gay sentiments in their culture, it's even stronger in africa
Holy fuck what a Chad
Literally caveman reaction
>sometimes niggers do good things while being savages.