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Congress needs to drop dead
what an insult
Trump gives Banks Billions in cash
and we will get a tax credit?
the wagies will never see a dime
what does this mean?
will i owe it?
or is ot funded via taxes, and i may expect to see it increase?
will k take home less in the future?
this is beyond shocking
this is so insulting
I hope working people cough all over those who signed this bill
Tax credits, tax exemptions in key products and killing all jews then using their wealth to repair the damages.
give us a grand
Yeah like you ever did anything but stuff shareblue money up your ass
we are going to cough on you and your family
Why not PSY group or Black Cube money?
If I’m reading this correctly, it means that all they’re doing is advancing you a portion of your tax liability for 2019 based on your 2018 tax return. If your total liability is less than the standard deduction you get nothing. If you’re self employed or have a 1099 you get nothing. I can’t believe how hard they’re jewing us on this one.
This is the third phase that McConnell just passed through the senate. I’m not a lawfag but to me it seems like it’s just a 1200 dollar credit of federal tax liability for w2 wagies that owe more than the standard deduction. If you make less than 16,000 a year or whatever the standard deduction is you get nothing. This will provide no relief to restaurant workers that rely on tips and make less than the standard deduction on paper. Then if your tax liability is any more than the standard deduction they give you 600 dollars until your liability hits 1200 and you cap out. Unless you’re married you get 2400 and 500 for each additional kid. People on social security (neets) also get a check. I made 16,000 from a 1099 in 2018. I get nothing.
Im begging you
I had to take out so much from retirement to cover medical related lodging/travel expenses that it bumped me up into the $100k bracket. Thanks United, I'm boned (they covered almost jack shit).
you either have to be super rich or dirt poor
if people were smart, loved their family, they could work this system like illegal and refugee immigrants do legally, but Americans hate each other and their families. shame
Anyone know the difference between saying
"I hope someone kills that guy!"
"I hope he dies a horrible death!"
is anything in these statements illegal?
are they both covered by the 1st amendment?
not if the guy watching you is a sniper
I've actually tried to hire a lawyer to deal with the issue. United is plainly in violation of their own terms of coverage, pretending among other things I was covered by another plan, etc... So, I'm getting rammed with fraud and bankruptcy. This has nothing to do with lack of support from family, there is plenty of that. In fact, according to their terms, they should be paying on claims made for my family's travel expenses as well. Instead, whenever I call, I get routed to some apathetic jackass in India who just recites phases from his employee manual.
Of Course Jared Kushner Told Trump the Coronavirus Was Fake News
Haha you fucking stupid socialist hahahaha
man I hear you I just gave up!
nothing left to lose any more,
but what I meant by family was moving all together to a homestead, all living on the same block, same apartment building, very old world style. Everyone is part of the business, looking out protecting each other. The place you had to go when there was no where left to go.
We get it memeflag, you dont have a job.
there's only one way left to save this nation UBI. If this isn't passed people are going to disengage and bleed the whole thing dry. no one is going to take it anymore.
Right now you have people openly walking into stores and taking what they want.and this started before the virus.
The only people still supporting the system on those who keep paying the higher rates and living this idea that there is still an American Dream. There are rock coming through your windows and people are going to make it so hard for you that you will lose it all.
Look at the DOW.
No benefits jobs.
If you have anything left, You are next!
It's coming for you
Cash out let the system go, it's over.
you can't buy the dip
life will never go back.
this death is going to push you to the edge
pick a side now.
Cool, already filed and paid taxes. Looking forward to 2.4K back.
>If I’m reading this correctly, it means that all they’re doing is advancing you a portion of your tax liability for 2019
You're not. This is for tax year 2020. We won't see this until 2021
I have a great job! but I see the writing on the wall you keep holding out there buddy. every time one of you guys falls I get richer and there's no turning this around, nothing will bit UBI and if I didn't give a shit about all the death that's about to come, I'd go for the greed and let you all parish. you guys grabbing onto every penny, like a boomer, you deserve to go first.
I was quoting someone else
soory for the mess up
I too would get nothing under McConnel's plan. But so far, it is just that. A plan. Nothing is settled, so I will wait to seethe another day.
thats it, I am no longer paying taxes EVER
I will update my withholding to my employer tomorrow morning at 8am sharp.
IRS niggers can FUCK OFF
Here is the criteria you should meet to get this:
Have a job.
That is all - thank you. All unemployed neets, niggers, etc can fuck off.
But I already filed my taxes.
Robbery is always an option?
It’s not the pennies cunt, it’s the time and effort spent for someone else’s excess. Smug cunt
So I dont get my trump bucks?
being a tax credit doesn't mean they don't send you a check, you low IQ voter. the check comes out of the tax payer piggy bank, so it has to be a credit before they can cut a check.
Does this mean I'm getting even more money after I already submitted my tax return and received my refund?
it'll be like the stimulus they did back in like 2008 when the economy tanked. yes, you'll get a check separate from your return.
>doesn’t understand tax accounting
You’ll get your stupid check you mouthbreathing retard
I don’t understand any of this. so I made 46k before taxes last year and 44k the year before that. Explain like I’m 5 if I’m getting the trump check or not I really want a new Hoyt.
hahaha, no xbox for you
CV is a nothingburger, but the panic is real and gonna destroy society without neetbux
Ok I get it a meth addicted micronesian that works in a mushroom factory that beats and rapes his wife and has 4 kids will get like 4k.
Meanwhile I get nothing bc I'm a stay at home dad, and ontop of it all the system would let my grandpa die all to save some subhuman shitskins life if they all had Corona. I hope Corona Chan decimates the Jews that wrote this shit
if you're an adult that made less than $75k based on your 2018 tax filing, you get a $1200 check. possibly an additional $500 for each of your kids.
OP is retarded and confused by the fact it's considered a credit.
It's a fucking short sighted inflation of our currency. It's entirely so Trump&comp can claim they "did something".
No, the price of gas, bread and everything else we buy will go up a bit to cover it.
billions in repo liquidity. it's not a cash handout, it all gets paid back.
I think I made like $6,000 total in 2018 from a very part time job during college. I already filed my taxes this year and got my return.
Should I expect a check in the mail within the next month, yea or nay?
explain. this seems to be a total cash handout. It's the yang gang money grinder.
yes, you should be getting a check. time frame depends on how long they argue the details of this. then a couple weeks after it passes. month is probably a reasonable bet
Hes ending the payroll tax as well as prorating what has been paid into it for workers who make up to 200k filing jointly
I don't know why people don't. It's so fucking easy. Getting food stamps and cash is as easy as going in a website and lying about your income. They don't fucking check. Why let the niggers and spics get all the gibs?
>wtf is this shit
Jfc shut the fuck up shlomo and send me the fucking check already
False, you have to be working class.
Fuck idk if I want a new bow or a new PC, or a gun (Ohio)
>He thought the government will actually give him cash
I T A L L G O E S T O M Y ( ( ( S T U D E N T D E B T ) ) )
Guess I'll die! Fucking feds. Somebody needs to kill Trump.
>demonrat doesnt pay taxes
>doesnt understand what a tax credit is
color me surprised. pay your taxes, nigger.
They do check user. I had to go on SNAP temporarily in early 2017. I got a job though where I made above the threshhold and they sent me a letter stating that I would either be cut off or have to start paying the monies back.
Same thing, don't be a faggot.
Destroy Congress and the Jews and chinks that run it.
>Micronesian mushroom farming forum
Your kind isn't wanted here pleb
Another tax cut for the corporations and if Trump's re elected he'll gut SS and medicare. The GOP has been at total war with the lower and middle class. There's no fucking way they're giving you shit.
Every bigger and Mexican I know brags about how they lie to get Gibs, whites literally pay for them and suffer in silence
Shouldn't have defaulted, retard. I jewed the shit out of great lakes on my 4k worth of loans and still dont pay shit 3 yrs later.
You’re given money that is meant to subsidize expenses in a soon to be very shitty economy. That money is taxed when you spend it as sales tax, then the company OR it’s shareholders (look up C Corp and S Corp tax treatments) get taxed on that income, etc. the list goes on as more and more parties get involved. In short, so long as the cash gets spent, the govt will get it back. It’s people receiving the money and saving it that poses the greatest risk as that money doesn’t re-enter the economy quickly and income from near-zero interest rates that we have now won’t be taxable enough to cover the cash disbursement. They’re doing this really hoping it’ll all get spent instead of saved
You had earned income over $2.5k, expect $600
>another tax cut for the corporations
God you’re fucking retarded if that’s what you gathered from reading any of the legislation
>mushroom factory
When you grow things it's called a farm you stay-at-home-cuck-sissy-boy
it gets paid back by the goyim who pay interest on that money when it gets loaned out. fuck off with this you dirty nigger kike shill
>if Trump's re elected he'll gut SS and medicare.
>The GOP has been at total war with the lower and middle class
That was promised in 2016. Are people stupid enough to fall for that again? Is anyone stupid enough to believe that the Democrats have anything but disdain for for non-trannies and working class people?
>By Bess (((Levin)))
every time
No it's a factory retard mushrooms are grown in a large building and sorted by a bunch of micronesian tweekers
You're reading it wrong. It mentions liability but specifically states it's based on how much you earned. We are getting these trumpbux.
Yeah, a farm
What state? In Illinois there are so many niggers and spics the system is overloaded.