/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2291 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 244,427 (+25,639)
► Died: 10,009 (+1,066)

LIVE: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw
FULL: worldometers.info/coronavirus

Teen death without previous conditions suspected in South Korea

Ecuador blocks runway to prevent Spanish flight from landing

Crematoriums in Spain are overwhelmed

Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC

37 years old enforcement agent dies without previous conditions

Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

China burning bodies without testing or registration

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

Test kits in the U.S and 30 countries flawed

21:24: 114 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.
21:00: 1,861 new cases and 108 new deaths in France.
20:53: 276 new cases and 7 new deaths in Switzerland.
20:50: 2,226 new cases and 13 new deaths in Germany.
19:25: 816 new cases and 63 new deaths in Spain.
17:05: 5,322 new cases and 427 new deaths in Italy.
15:07: First case in Chad. The patient is a Moroccan national who traveled to Chad from Cameroon.


Attached: CVG.png (662x692, 165.69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>244427 infected
>10009 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

Attached: soy.png (600x800, 23.32K)

>US State Leaderboard
187 total deaths
25/50 states on the board (MS, OK new today)


69 deaths
29 deaths
19 deaths
10 deaths
9 deaths
>FL, LA:
8 deaths
5 deaths
4 deaths
>CO, MI, OR:
3 deaths
>CT, IN, KY, VA:
2 deaths
>KS, MD, MO, MS, NV, OK, PA, SC, SD:
1 death
1 presumptive death under investigation (not yet counted)

Attached: cabronachan.png (581x726, 35.86K)

Which country is gonna become Italy 2? Germany, Spain or France? I'd say Spain.


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i need someone to tell me the artist name cause i cant anymore i need more

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>cases all over louisiana
>literally get an email saying work is "business as usual"

we are all going to die lol

why not both Spain/France


>Zundel's Bunker (23.82 GB)

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Attached: CURE-CHAN PLEASE SAVE ME.gif (1005x800, 239.64K)

wageslaveanon from earlier
>go into work
>one of the managers is also in
>going about saying "oh i was with my nephews the other day and they're self isolating"
>lost my shit because WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE
>haha its not that bad user
>fast forward a few hours
>speak to my boss later
>user, i spoke to the managers, they're not happy with what you said
>the other manager walks about the place pretend coughing

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Spain is already worse than Italy was a week ago. Watch for the US to surpass both in no time.

when we get to a million, i want a futa edit
because then, we will be the ones getting fucked

Yas Forums and media sound exactly the same.

When did pol get so mainstream?

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Brazilian states closing the borders with each others. Things are going to get bad

If anyone is interested in the Chinese whistle blower, the law enforcement officials that dealt with him will be receiving punishment and hopefully he will get some justice.

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So they said in 15th century


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thank fuck argiebro is back

Still Spain don't close Madrid

but user he was just trying to infect you for the HERD

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twitter.com/willwildart makes this fanart
Maybe only Florida and California will be hit hard. New York is lost. Other states might contain it. BUT, once the NG gets deployed ghetto blacks will riot and antifa & anarchist faggots will start protesting, militias will think it's a police state and then the shit will go sideways.

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MSM denied it for months. They just started talking about what Yas Forums has since January.

coof coof

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So now Yas Forums gets its info from the media?

Is anyone in /cvg/ actually taking the malaria thing seriously? We already went through this with the possible HIV cocktails, it didn't actually work.

Good luck Corona-chan! Kill em all!

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I diverted everyone from my thread here. Just let me know when you're done for the day and I'll start baking again.

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how the literal fuck do you update this so fast

This sequence gets posted all over the place. The moment it goes futa it will stop spreading. So technically it wont' be a positive mutation of the virus.

How often do you see this get reposted? Not very.

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As if the coasts weren't enough of a shithole huh

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We are the media nigger, you deserve that coof

oh please wipe out my mother in law. and wipe me out as well, thanks

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That's a pleasant surprise.

there are 9 deaths in florida not 8


>He emphasized that `` Mr. Lee is a communist and not a dissident, '' and refused to intensify criticism, saying, `` The insurrection is trying to incite but will fail. '' .
Is this bit at the end translated correctly? Exactly what insurrection are they talking about

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Cure-chan please save me

South Korea used chloroquine

See their results

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>known as "Mother of the devil" in China.
>Has researched and modified viruses for over a decade.

Attached: Zhengli Shi.jpg (300x300, 18.84K)

Sorry user, tried to warn you I'll be leaving around 11 PM (EST)

Idk about your country, but the Brazilian MSM is heavily kvetching at anyone that suggests China did something wrong.

It's also fake chink commie propaganda


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>believes china's numbers
>"call me naive then"
>but doesn't believe africa's numbers KEK
>speaks highly of trumps efforts

What a disappointment

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Someone has to make her as a animu milf

i have no life
thanks, adding

>Research funded by USAID

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Why are burgers like this?

>0 undead
a burger without meat

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>still going to work
You deserve the coofs at this point

Too old to even be a gilf

The upper class gated communities will be safe because they are the ally of the faggots as the faggots themselves say. The rest will become even more fucked than they are now. Can't wait for LA Riots 2. I hope the Rooftop Koreans will make a comeback and kill all 'a bitches as per official Korean instructions

>Sad Dr. Henry

Highkey feel bad about this because everytime she does this ICUs died.

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Sorry user. At some point you started bleeting exactly the same thing as the soros media is bleeting.

When did you become a kike lover?

>Is anyone in /cvg/ actually taking the malaria thing seriously?
Yes. Chloroquine increases the cellular uptake of zinc, so chloroquine + zinc makes sense on every level.

The HIV etc. shit is from China originally. I trust nothing from China, including any/all medical or science papers published. They always skew data, or fabricate.

Western countries publish regimens in detail. We'll know in days to a week.

Guys, I finally recieved my coronabux from the European Central Bank! Can't wait to spend them all!

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Does anyone else think the Corona-chan meme is stupid as fuck? Grow up you coomer manchildren.


ching chong gtfo

Source on SK using it? I don't believe anyone in asia is using accurate numbers.

We got -100 deaths beck when it hit 1488

im not saying i want a futa edit because i like solo futa (futa x women or tentacle, everything else is gay), im saying it because i think the world is completely fucked if the official number gets that high

anyone got the redpill on the HIV connection

Zinc only works preventatively

No, Yas Forums had the info and the MSM is now reporting on that info.

ZeroHedge was one of the few smaller ones talking about it.

I phrased it baly, we are BETTER than the media, actually telling the truth

Trump said it worked, that's good enough for me

>more threads than undead
still can't see the meat

Yes, still mad about my mask being stolen brormand

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wud is dat fake note


The government is trying to keep him from becoming a martyr for any people that would oppose the Chinese government.

Soros cock sucking faggot.

You’re bleeting the same Jewish lies as his media.

Never forget!

Don't be racist, mate. Its:

>Wu Flu
>WHO Flu
>Kung Flu
>Gook Flu
>WuHu Flu
>Boomer Remover
>Justa Flu
>Red Plague
>Canton Coof
>Wu-Tang Flu
>Flu Man Chu
>Xi Jinplague
>Flu-Tang Clan
>Airborne AIDS
>Bat-Man Virus
>Winnie the Flu
>Shanghai Shivers
>Bat Soup Croup
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Wubonic Plague
>Chink Flying AIDS
>Pangolin Pandemic
>Wuhan Coronavirus
>Mandate of Heaving
>The Shaolin Sneeze
>Wet Market Surprise
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Communist Lung Herpes
>China's One Corpse Policy
>SARS-CoV-2: Alveolar Boogaloo
>Bill Gates Event 201
>Experimental Bioweapon CW-19

cure-chan please NOOOOOOOO AAARGHHH

Interesting death rate difference

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>Is anyone in /cvg/ actually taking the malaria thing seriously?

>ADE has been observed in coronaviruses for decades.
As difficult as HIV vaccines. Impossible.

>Malaria drugs
>A total of 26 patients received HCQ and 16 were control patients.
>Six HCQ-treated patients were lost in follow-up during the survey because of early cessation of treatment.
>None of the control patients was lost in follow-up.
>one of the patients under hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin combination who tested negative at day6 post-inclusion was tested positive at low titer at day8 post-inclusion.
27% complication rate including the reinfection (7/26). 23% didn't actually get better in 6 days (6/26). 50% got better in 6 days without being reinfected by day 8 (13/26). The control group reached the same milestone in 8 days. The control group had no complications. The people dishonestly claiming 100% cure rate in 6 days do it based on only 6 out of the 26 patients, out of which 1 (16%) got promptly reinfected. Dead on arrival.

>HIV drugs
>“No benefit was observed,” the researchers wrote in The New England Journal of Medicine. The study tested Kaletra, a combination of two antiviral medicines, lopinavir and ritonavir, that are normally used to treat H.I.V.
No reason to expect remdesivir to be any different. Failure.

Post Hazchads

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Not much testing, people don't stay at home - only away from school/work, and there is hardly any protective gear left for healthcare workers

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That’s why it works well with HIV meds


did you clean it?

I need the Italian ICU videos, can anyone help an user out?

Are people not taking it seriously? People still gather here despite Queens plea

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187 deaths in all the US? Jesus Fucking Christ, that is a ridiculous number. I would start to worry if it were 187.000 who probably actually died of obesity-related reasons in the same time period.

Zinc is used by the immune system to fight viruses. There were studies showing faster recovery when administered chloroquine.

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>the guy calling it a hoax for months now has a miracle cure less than a week after declaring a national emergency
I'm like 85% sure you're just joking.

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Some paste this list into wiki and get a screenshot pls

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Commie lies vs Cannelloni truth.

>Zinc only works preventatively
That is true for resisting many types of viruses (from cold to HIV to HepC). It appears to work therapeutically though too -- it's used in herpes treatment for instance. We'll see, tests are underway.

Fingers crossed.

Italy 2.0 meaning 400 mostly old people with usually two to three additional conditions dying everyday, less than in a really bad flu season?

Dr. Campbell is based and you're a literally who NIGGER

Let's take this moment to remember Li Wenliang, the first doctor to leak information about the wuhan coronavirus while the chinese government tried to keep it under wraps. He himself died of the coronavirus in his own hospital.

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Put the happening...

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here’s a snapshot into their methodology.

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why is he a fraud?

Is it more effective than vitamin D supplements and 8 hours of sleep?

Translation from a talk show that aired on national television yesterday featuring our health minister.
>What's the current situation in our hospitals?
>Because, as you know, the media aren't permitted in there and it's also rather difficult for the loved ones of those who've been confirmed positive to visit.
>So we have no idea what's going on inside our own hospitals --save for, maybe, the personal accounts of doctors who report on their experiences.That's how we, the public, can get a read on things.
>From your perspective as the minister of health, what's the current situation in our hospitals and how are our medical staff doing?
>Yes, if we take a look at things, this disease started in...December, in Wuhan, China.
>The disease started there, so that's why we're calling it COVID-19. It started in 2019.
>If it had started in 2020, it might have been named COVID-20.
>Sorry, I...
>*Koffs in hanky*
>This, this is how we can cough ethically, yeah?
>If we cough-
>*Koffs in hanky*
>Please, if you would like to have a drink before we continue...
>It's fine. So...when it spread, we got a signal from international bodies --A notification.
>When the first case happens we need a notification.
>So when we are notified, we know.
>Our counterparts overseas will inform us that this is a dangerous disease --Truly dangerous.
>Big increases, yeah?
>They're very sudden, yeah? Because this virus is very easily transmitted via droplets between us humans.
>And it likes humans. This virus likes humans.
>You could say it loves humans.

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I know it's a complete joke and really has highlighted just how many kids and nutbags are on here who are as susceptible to the media as the leftists they claim to hate are.

Go and look at China's SARS death rate compared to other countries.


Any other state besides Bahia have done this already?

You know what this means don't you?

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Believes China. Promotes China for doing well.

>Mainstream media 2 months ago
It's fine, it won't spread! China has it under control, it's just a harmless flu that only kills super duper old people! Don't panic.
>Yas Forums two months ago
>mainstream media now
>Yas Forums now
Kek, I'm all set. We told you so. I hope you nothingburger faggots starve.

Its all false hope user. Sadly the people that run our civilization don't know how to do anything but lie and its going to come back and haunt them soon.

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Of course. Chloroquine eliminates the virus. Not your a antibodies.

Of course reinfection is possible under those circumstances you dumb fuck.

Doesn’t change the fact that chloroquine eliminates the virus from the body.

remember that the burgers same as everyone only count those that got testet for corona, and the burgers have to pay for those tests.

>goes to all this trouble
>still uses cash

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21y old dies from CoronaVirus in Barcelona
>21y old dies from CoronaVirus in Barcelona
No one is safe aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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kinda, and she's a bitch

>china thinks they can stop the spread in a country built like this

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I Wouldn't Imaging how all of you happeningfags will react when the this yellow faggot virus cases reach 1 million!

Based evil scientist.

With a tiny sample size
the HIV meds made the original milder S strain mutate into an aggressive L strain, wonder what wonders this will bring

They are absolutely right. And they should revolt against their kike-controlled government. This disease does NOTHING, the economic collapse that will result from this kike Psyop will destroy civilization as we know it.

It’s the Polish user

It was a relapse, not an external reinfection.

I sure hope Italy pulls through

>1 case in Croydon last week
>Now almost 50 cases

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i think he believes in chinese numbers and his argumentation is based completely on them

Looks familiar

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Right, remember last flu season when in Italy they couldn't burn their dead fast enough.
You would have thought they would be prepared by now!

Why do nurses and doctors insist on being called heroes

All they’re doing is putting a ventilator on people and then checking every shift

If things go south they don’t do shit to save the person lmao

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>not understanding that this is only the beginning

I mean if he criticizes china he'll prob conveniently get infected

Hey, let retarded Trumpniggers take this shit and die from it or fuck their bodies up. They get what they deserve.
>Muh hoax

>He himself died of the coronavirus in his own hospital.

Haha ...yeah sure.

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Oh you know do you?

How many deaths were in Italy 3 weeks ago? Yeah back in your box mate

considering what hes wearing i dont think he could afford anything else

>traveling in America is still an issue.
I hate the people in this country soo much. I swear, I'm going to bash Florida for the rest of my life.

That is not proof of anything. They have some of the beast public health care measures deployed out of any other country and their ages skew young. They tested, identified, and isolated quick and have a robust hospital system.

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Cure Chan please save me

you had one too many brapps Hans. Rice aids is here and its fucking the whole world

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And in one region despite tens of thousands fleeing a week ago to the south. Really makes you think that media hype pushing everyone to A+E is the real killer here not some glorified flu.

2 rion plumbing pipes, the smaller fitting tight into the larger one. Larger one needs to be closed off at one end, easiest if it's threaded, simply screw a closed nut on it, acts as closed breech and firing pin.

Grind matchheads and scrape the red phosphor from the strike field of the box, mix 3 parts matchheads with one part strikefield powder in mass, creates armstrong mix, used as primer. Cut 2 round pieces of tape fitting on a washer, which itself fits inside the larger pipe and has the diameter of the smaller one. Pour the primer mix on one cut tape, place second tape over it. Glue that primer cap on a washer.

Roll paper and stuff it inside smaller pipe, take some out, tape it so it doesn't unroll, cut it. Glue the cap on the roll. Grind more matchheads, pour inside the paper shell. Ratio is about 1 g propellant for 15 g shot, or take a look at reloading data.

Load shell in pipe, slam it into the larger one, if it doesn't go boom you didn't make fine armstrong mix or the glue didn't dry.

Even favela monkeys and literal 3rd worlders can craft revolving shotguns, so can you

I told you it wasn't boomer exclusive. But you didn't listened.

Attached: NOT A BOOMER PLAGUE.png (1002x879, 514.05K)

All this talk of the COVID-19 virus and you guys probably don't even know what it stands for. You would be appalled and, honestly, feel like a racist.

COVID-19 stands for Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease.

So, honestly, you should think about how insensitive you've been. Instead, you should call it RCCWBSL4WC-19. It is more accurate and appropriate. It stands for:

Red Chinese Communist Wuhan BSL4 Weaponized Coronavirus.

Based Britbro. At least someone with a barin. The real problem is what is caused by this artificial hysteria. Our economy is gonna collapse. We are heading straight into great depression 2.0

It will not be the glorious happening, the post-apocalyptic world we may wish for, it will be a dystopian hellhole with hand-rubbing by the tribe intensifying to degrees never seen before.

This. I stopped watching him after he kept praising China and believing their numbers. There's being a hopeful optimist and then there's being a blind optimist. He's clearly blind.

You don't know, that's the point.

Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
>Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
>Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
>Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
>Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
>Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31
>Inminent National Quarantine in Argentina until March 31

cvg was literally ahead of the west by months, media is just now reaching where cvg was 2 months ago

nothingburger and justaflu faggots will remain in stages of grief until they die

>Sweet and Sour Sicken

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Add China Syndrome

Because it happened within 1-2 days while still hospitalized. Read the study.

Seriously. How did you collect 23.82GB of utter crap!?!

Denmark checking in.
A woman was put on intensive care for Corona. She had been at a party and from that party, several people caught it. Thats pretty damn infectious. Just one encounter of people that rarely see each other and they all got infected at that party. Total isolation.

>"The novel 2019 coronavirus is nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilized living habits. I, Shi Zhengli, swear on my life that it has nothing to do with our laboratory"

We are already Italy 2.

Bullshit. It has been in the West for months. It did nothing.

Dgaf about bug on bug violence

For you maybe, in two weeks tops this will be getting memory holed. WHO have already started "mutations are less deadly" and the Guardian reporting a lower amount of UK deaths.

>Former Romanian president Traian Băsescu demands the government to send the army to the rural areas to enforce the quarantine
>He also says that Italy was 'invaded by thousands of Chinese tourists'.


Today he also said that the Italian government knew that the virus could get out of control but they downplayed in order to keep the tourists coming to Italy

A fucking champ. Exposing the true face of the Chinese gov.

RJ wants to do it but I don't think it's gonna work.
I wish they'd close that shithole forever.

I'll be sure to say that when I unplug your respirator brormand

What do you fags think about the water bottle I bought? I'm not going to use it unless we're in an extreme boogaloo. If we never get that bad I'll use it when I hunt.

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I don't know, I presume it depends, for example if you have X definicency, replenishing X might help you more than someone with Y deficiency. But zinc is proven to be used by your body against viruses like common cold (yes, Coronachan is not cold, but just as an example)


>"Hey there, sexy... Why don't you feel me up a little bit with your tongue?"
What do?

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>US State Leaderboard
193 total deaths
25/50 states on the board (MS, OK new today)


74 deaths
29 deaths
19 deaths
10 deaths
>FL, NJ:
9 deaths
8 deaths
5 deaths
4 deaths
>CO, MI, OR:
3 deaths
>CT, IN, KY, VA:
2 deaths
>KS, MD, MO, MS, NV, OK, PA, SC, SD:
1 death
1 presumptive death under investigation (not yet counted)

Attached: cabronachan.png (587x725, 35.84K)

>>You could say it loves humans

I love you too Corona Chan

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with my tongue
no is not, is current money value due inflation situation

and neither do you or the germ but given when you use your fucking brain you can ascertain that its fucking traveled far and is contagious.

>n-nani? only 250k what a nothing burger!

cash is fine, if he had a stash of cash from before all this it wont be infected, also any cash you do deal with ypu can just isolate it for 9+ days

>mexicans selfdeport

Things going better than expected.

Cringe and chinked

sauce? what age

How much did it cost?

Shanghai shivers is my favorite along with gutter oil boils

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Shill posting seems pretty bad today. What gives anons?

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From 1 to fudge... how fucked are we?

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I have been coofing for 5-6 days with slight fever
any tips on how not to die?

In Spain people are mostly respecting the quarantine but state of emergency was just a few days ago. It will continue growing fast at least for a few days. However we will be the first to have really high temperatures, when April arrives. Also most of our shit is concentrated in the capital.

We'll lead for a while but the US is like a lot of smaller countries together.

Futa is terrible, the only flaw is that the artist grew the tits too fast.

be carefull using it, all of sayyers shit breaks to easy.

>China kills the whistle blower
>Now China kills the law enforcement officials who killed the whistle blower
>Then China will kill the communist region leader who send the officials to kill the whistle blower
>Families included
all good in communist regime


I am ready for the old world to finally end.

Attached: fish2.png (1200x1200, 51.77K)

The kikes are fucking the whole world. You are falling for the greatest fucking psyop in history. You see your country, your economy, your society going to shit and dream about the end of the world.

Yes it will be a gigantic happening, unfortunately you will wake up in a crapsack world as you would never have imagined, not in a post-apocalyptic dreamland full of raider-chads.

The RJ chimpouts in a few weeks will be glorious

Why would you shit up the catalog with another thread, when you could post it here? Retard.

Why didn't you just get the normal squeeze? It's the same filter at half the price.


>not even two weeks
Literally what's the point other than fucking up the economy?

>What gives anons?
Everything is getting worse. We're all getting closer to the inevitable.

Spot on mate. The italians are cooking the books on Lombardi death numbers for EU gibs. You can count the amount of medical staff who've died from this in 3 MONTHS on two hands, despite all the tens of thousands of exposures. That tell you all you need to know.

Holy fuck by

To provide some perspective, we reached 200k in the early hours of March 18th
It's almost 250k now



Attached: we are fucked.png (941x798, 159.06K)

i live in a semi-rural michigan town
it's impossible to get a test here, each number you call you get a different number until it ends in "we're not testing this region unless you traveled recently"
i can hope that this will change, but it's sure that it's spread a lot further than anybody knows.
Also there's only one china buffet in town, owned by the only chinese family in town, and the owner got so many death threats from boomers that he bought a gun lmao



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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I was designed by the top virologists in the Wuhan National Biosafety lab, and I've been involved in numerous infections on chingchongs, and I have over 500 confirmed kills. I am coated in a protein shell and I'm the top pandemic in the entire country of China. You are nothing to me but just another healthy person. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am infecting my secret network of chinks across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare to the sneeze, maggot. The sneeze that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be on any doorknob, anything, and I can kill you in over seven hundred coughs, and that's just with my spike glycoprotein. Not only am I highly contagious, but have a transmissible incubation period of two weeks and I will use it to its full extend to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddman idiot. I will shit mucous all inside your lungs and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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How screwed are we lads?

You sound alarmed. Here is not the best place for you.

Might as well call it quits and flood it back.

She's funded by USAID, which is CIA.
The chinks are accusing her.

Attached: WIV_EHA.png (1138x384, 88.05K)



Indeed, the pandemic will create a hole in italians' soul.

Are the NEETbux based on Adjusted Gross Income. I want to spend my extra $1200 now.

The entire Spanish country is on quarantine.
Since yesterday, if you ever go outside accompanied with someone else without a major reason (disability and such) you get fined as much as 1k (from 300 to 1000 euros), even if it's your wife and you go buy together at the supermarket, you will get fined, only one person at a time, and for major reason, only people who have dogs are allowed to walk them 5 minutes.

I doubt my existence will be any worse than Merkels germany

Attached: h1l3jyecasg41.jpg (575x684, 77.91K)

we gotta closing the Causeway b'y

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Fuck off kike
Your bloated chink bubble is dying

stay home and don't make it worse for the world. time to make your isolation a little more serious.

i don’t think all of them insist on it but, more importantly, they save people’s lives you reddit-spacing sandnigger.

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You forgot Pangolin's Revenge.

I've been in these threads since the very beginning and I'm starting to lose hope that this is anything big.

Yes, there are lockdowns and the economy is dipping a bit, but lockdowns will end and the economy will just go back up.
All in all, I'm pretty disappointed with what I thought was going to be a catastrophic pandemic

Attached: 1402188387832.jpg (500x596, 47.41K)

Add pasta la vista and Atchimg.

>everything is fake
>everything is under the control of some force
Sorry but for once not only is this real but its out of control. Something like this was always going to happen sooner or later and now its here and your sad little mind can not cope with what is about to happen.

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What are the odds this gets remembered as the Shanghai Shivers?

That would be no surprise at all

Chinked? Why so? Have I denied that it is a gigantic HAPPENING? Nope.

Have I denied that this thing was probably released on purpose? Nope.

Have I denied that the chinks are probably doing a big cover-up on a lot of things? Nope.

Do I buy the hysteria promoted by MSM and politicians who have lied to me my entire life? NOPE.

But you do. You swallowed the bait and behave like a fucking NPC.

260 cases here, and one new death.

Your stonks are gone Bill
Gonna have to get a real job


Attached: happening.png (488x585, 209.44K)

Lies. I'm in quarantine and I love teleworking. Fuck those unable to deal with solitude.

In a month this will be over, I'll still have my job, I'll keep teleworking because everyone loves it and life will be better than ever. It is already better than its ever been for me, I go to sleep so late and when I go to my computer to work and things are calm I just watch anime.

The WHO? Oh you mean the same organization that kept telling people that this was no big deal and there were no human to human transmissions back in January because China told them so? That WHO?
Fuck off retard. The WHO is just as trustworthy as fucking China.

We had some good names for the Wuflu, lets add some more

>Mandate of Sniffles
>Xi Sniffles
>Fug Yu Lung
>Kung Flu
>Spring-fected roll
>Asian Contagion
>Wubonic Plague
>Flu Yung Hai
>Great Cough Forward
>The Yellow Death
>Ping Pong Pandemic
>Year of the Bat
>the Wungaloo
>The yellow flu ching-demic
>Breaking Bat
>Shanghai Shivers
>Asian Ailment
>Slant-eye Sickness
>Fu Manchu Fever
>Coolie Cough
>Oriental Onset
>Beijing Bug
>Rice Rabies
>Gook Germ
>Mandarin Malady
>Lo Mein Pain
>Dim Sum Diarrhea
>Guangdong Gout
>Confucian Cancer
>Szechuan Sore Throat
>Chop Fluey
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Sicken fried rice
>Ow chi lung
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Flu Manchu
>rangoon doom
>egg roll toll
>teriyaki terror
>wonton west nile
>bamboo shoot poops
>rice noodle rickets
>finger trap clap
>pu pu pandemic
>dog meat diphtheria
>gutter oil boils
>Genghis cough
>Hong Kong Fluey

I've figured out why "high IQ" jews may be particularly susceptible to COVID-19.

>US State Leaderboard
195 total deaths
25/50 states on the board (MS, OK new today)


74 deaths
29 deaths
19 deaths
>GA, LA:
10 deaths
>FL, NJ:
9 deaths
5 deaths
4 deaths
>CO, MI, OR:
3 deaths
>CT, IN, KY, VA:
2 deaths
>KS, MD, MO, MS, NV, OK, PA, SC, SD:
1 death
1 presumptive death under investigation (not yet counted)

thanks for update

Attached: cabronachan.png (578x724, 35.95K)

>A single mother of six who survived Stage 4 breast cancer has died from the Covid-19 virus in Snohomish County, according to family members.


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i hate this new fucking meme, doesn't even make sense. especially since the AMENO DORIME shit was a meme itself in my country just a few year ago, now it has international attention.

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There's no economy lol, companies' worth 13% of what they did in 2018

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pls stop. i dont want to think about it. my moms at work right now and I'm at the epicenter of it.

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Peak shilling was at the start of February. There were bots spamming every thread. They only lasted a couple of weeks before it was clear that this is a real happening.

that highly depends on how bad it gets, the imigration invasions are a hard gamechangr, with there being tens of millions of savages everywhere, there is a good chance that some nations will genuinly collapse and turn into the same third world shitholes these creatures came from.
for example im pretty sure france and england will look like madmax by the end of the decade.
fact that both of those have there own nuklear arsenal only makes it worse.

The Chinese worked with USAID through Beau and Hunter Biden's 'Business'


We have the ramifications of 8-M feminazis, last football matches and madrileños going to their summer aparment at the coast for next week.
After that if people cared about the isolation numbers will keep going down of infected.

Give it +60,000 infected and +3500 deaths for next month at these days

Attached: nisbett2012int pdf.png (344x125, 35.61K)

This. The same media and politicians who a month ago were telling everyone at every opportunity they were racist xenophobics who should marry a tranny and not have kids, are now the ones pushing this and all of a sudden they are to be believed. GTFO here.

that is what you want me to appear like. I am telling you something you don't like. Perhaps you are coping? Here is not the best place for you, newfag

rip in pieces, spic

Attached: Elevated serum and spleen angiotensin converting enzyme and serum lysozyme in Gaucher s disease - PubMed - NCBI.png (856x265, 45.4K)

What a shitty way to go :(

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What's Brazil looking like?

are you even reading the thread? skip all the thot pro china nothingburger posts


That's a big damn protein spike.

The kike bubble is irrelevant. The kikes make trillions from this crash. I bet Soros' little shticky fingers are glowing from hand-rubbing, as he has placed all his bets at the right time. The REAL economy gets fucked, small and medium businesses. We head into great depression 2.0 with millions of homeless and unemployed. Probably hyperinflation. Probably even worse. The big kike corporations and banks will all be bailed out.

>yet has no counter argument

>this morning: 1200 cases
>afternoon: 2500 cases
>checked a few minutes ago: 4200 cases
What the fuck burgers

how do i achieve cyborgmode

Mutts are european????

Did she work at the Wuhan CDC lab?

That's where the 2 Chinese scientists think it got out from.

Attached: The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus.png (1452x1410, 718.04K)

>Still no quarantine here
We are aiming for italian numbers it seems

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This will be getting backpedaled in a week or two tops. Politicians had no idea how much of a chain reaction this was going to cause for a few old fucks who were one foot in the grave anyway.

based chad

Toll paid in full



Martial Law next week lads

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Did you prep for the boogaloo?

The Numa Numa of the 20s. Romanians deliver again

Yes, but I can GUARANTEE they were culling Most of their info from here. There is a LOT of crossover.
Woodpile report too... I think Remus is HIP to Yas Forums
(my condolences R)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-19 Woodpile Report.png (869x154, 373.36K)

>"i just wanna party"

Attached: corona chan 2.jpg (1162x1641, 674.32K)

if he really wants to be sincere he has to pay the same price the others paid for exposing the chinese

Hasidic COVID-19 = Gaucher's disease

Attached: Coronavirus ‘Huge Spike’ in Brooklyn Hasidic Community - The New York Times.png (1903x1080, 1.83M)

Why does he question africa's numbers?


Is Murrika getting BTFO?

FUCK, i have to left my parents home and go to my house to sufer because i have to attend some sheeps, fuck you goverment, lockdown and politicians!!!!

Basically, the crafty Jew gene = DEATH FROM COVID-19

Not really, unlike you I've lived through these hysterics before. I'm not some nutbag prepper with a massive case of confirmation bias, and in fairness in the US there is the legit risk of getting shot from all of this.



This. It's not going to get worse here for sure.

File a human rights complaint immediately.

looks like junk mail has now adapted to the times

Attached: junkmail.jpg (1413x130, 32.36K)

Hope you know braille

Dude. The Commie Cold...why this isn't like the main saying I have no idea. But add it.

they went from not trying to make the panic to initialize frenzy mode

Also don't forget the V0X retards doing their shit, with their #2 infected, coughing everywhere and shaking hands with every idiot there. 8th of march was like a retard competition among feminists, radical right-wingers and soccer enthusiasts and everybody lost.

Btw you should have the right to shoot madrileños on sight if they go to your town. Signed: A madrileño in fucking madrid,