Why there's no WHITED type videos on well known sites hmmmmm what's the matter?

why there's no WHITED type videos on well known sites hmmmmm what's the matter?

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Also why is porn free?

Nobody whats to see that shit.

why would anyone want to fuck a niggres?

I'd take those big ol titties and shove them right up my asshole

Even black men don't like black women.

>would you
Obviously. Wherever I go, I must also colonize

yeah that's very odd

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Oh god. I would put her through special combat training and make her my body guard and lover. So good.

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sheit she makes me wanna racemix.


What are you talking about, interracial sex is all over the place in porn. You coomers should know this

search for "bleached" or "colonized"

No need to jerk off when you can get the real thing so easy as a white man, if that is what you're into.

A quick search of "ebony white" returns WMBF videos. They don't have a BLEACHED/WHITED tag because there isn't a studio with that name (as opposite of BLACKED.COM).

A big bunch of it costs money (see bangbross and playboy), but nobody cares about it and just pirates everything. Such is the number of piracy that most studios gave up and now distribute some of their material in free porn websites in exchange of ad money.

Bleached is a porn genre, fucknuts.

Most of us can actually go outside and meet women on account of not being hideous shitskins. It really isn't hard.

Niggers are disgusting

> because whites have more to be proud of than just "muh dick"
> because whites despite what niggers say are not as racist as them
> because a white man downgrades by fucking a black girl while a nigger upgrades by fucking a white girl
> because white men have meaningful relationships whenever they're with a black girl and not the fulfillment of some closet-racist fantasy like niggers do.

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Reminder that BLACKED.com is owned by VIXEN networks; founded by a jew.

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whats her name

lets be real we cant

it's because degrading porn is popular
the only thing more degrading than a white woman getting fucked by a black guy is a white woman getting fucked by a dog or a horse

The entire BLACKED thing is ironically racist as fuck because it plays on the kink of those sexual encounters being exotic and "forbidden". What makes the brand successful is the underlying race play that moves the entire dynamic. The opposite, WHITED, would never work, because you see... you're antisemitic.

Because that doesn't fit the jewish narrative. And you know it, schlmo. Also, no one wants to fuck a gorilla.

Black chicks a fucking disgusting.

Slave play would be lots of fun

Why does a sandnigger defend white people all of a sudden???

>that flag
Hello Tonibler

>why there's no WHITED type videos on well known sites hmmmmm what's the matter?
Because Jews run the entire porn industry and openly despise whites, Muhammad

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literally every porn website has a paid member section or premium you retard

‘Black chicks, white dicks’ is a whole genre. Always has been.


Lack of attracted black women willing to do porn, which is the exact opposite what is going on with white women, seriously what's wrong with white women

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Ghetto gaggers

Who the fuck would actually pay money for porn?

The term is BLEACHED, at least from what I see on Yas Forums.

This is not political.

Trust me it is :D

uhhh there are


if that was high res, i bet you could see her anus and vagoo each time she squats.

because the niggers are our slaves. silly g*rm.

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its just under interracial

Cute face for a black girl

because white is the standard

Whited is the standard default

Degenerate white roasties fucking a retarded elephant cock is going to get it’s own category duh

Gangland White Boy Stomp? Ghetto Gaggers? Latina Abuse?

The reason you never see any is because you have an interracial cuck fetish and keep searching for blacked.

Because whites fucking other races on Earth is normal.
Black on White is like a fetish, like watching animals fucking human, that sick shit.
Jews consider them animals and create Blacked type site and niggers even thinks that is something to be proud.

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Das racis

it is since pornsites owners are mainly jews and they do promote blacked vids on a daily basis you need to look deeper

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Extremely cutie. 10/10: would colonize.

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No one wants to see bestiality.

Yikes. too big. Why people in love with way-too-big-ol ass? Muscular bubble is one thing but this, and many other examples on this and other sites, too much. 01/10 would not colonize.

I had a thought for the past couple of days about BLACKED. Is it possible that a good number of viewers could be women? Sure everyone makes it out to be a cuck joke or it emasculates white males, but from what I've seen, it looks like women would get more of a kick from Blacked than men would, or maybe gay men. Scenes tend to focus equally on male shots as well as female shots like how they used to shoot porn, whereas today most of the shots focus on the women. For any regular porno (unless it's a well known male pornstar) tends to make it more about women. Not all the women on Blacked are white either. Does that make sense?

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Her right leg is doing most of the work.

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there's some hot ass black girls out there tho, just not too many. admittedly most of these do have a good chunk of euro genes

I just can't unsee Michael Jackson.

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nuck you figger

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