My dad is 59 and lost his job eight months ago...

My dad is 59 and lost his job eight months ago. We lived a nice middle class life with a house and some new cars for two decades. Hes spent the past eight months networking, taking classes, interviewing, and apply for dozens and dozens of different places and cannot land a job that isnt a complete lowball offer for his experience and would cause us to lose our property.
My mother has spent the last two decades as a stay at home mom for me (22) and my sister (14). She currently does not have a job. I work full time with a yearly income of around $24,000. My parents and sister were just able to apply for welfare whereas I cannot due to my employment despite making so little.
We get about $45 for groceries from the government each week and I try to help out where I can but it pains them to see me use my own cash for them. And today we got our first dinner from the local soup kitchen.
My mother came home today in tears complaining how we had spent our whole life paying into the system and now they treat us worse than jobless niggers and drug addicts.
Especially with this pandemic it feels as though we have lost all hope. Im pretty sure my folks are suicidal and I dont know what I can do to help. Anyone else suffered a similar situation?

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At least you're doing better than the jannies who, if you recall, do it for free

I spent just a month applying for jobs before realizing it was horseshit, can't imagine doing on that long to get fucked like this. Sorry bro.

Sell drugs

He's definitely not the only one struggling to find work, I'm going through the same.
It is bullshit.
8 months without work must be devastating though.
Support him, remind him to treat himself with compassion as this is undoubtedly a shitty time to be looking for jobs. It can make you feel like less of a man, being there for him will mean a lot.

>not taking jobs that are offered
>complaining he has no money now
everyone, welcome to entitled rich fucks inc.
sorry to be a dick i genuinely feel bad for you guys but you brought this on yourself. as a working class, fucking bottom of the pile garbage human i am flabberghasted that you didn't take what was offered to you and run with it, and your family is complaining that their son makes enough to support them!? get a fucking perspective shift. that is literally all you need, not more money.

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My dad lost his job at around that age, ended up taking a job (after a full year of unemployment) that paid about half of what he was making before (and less than I was making). Look into govt. jobs for the benefits and stability.

Thing is, if he's been in the same role for a long time, that "experience" might not be super useful. Is he in a money-making role (sales, finance) or a money-saving role (engineering, crafting) or an "expert credential" role (doctor, lawyer)?

Have a bump

>cannot land a job that isnt a complete lowball offer for his experience and would cause us to lose our propert

You are losing your house if he doesn't gt a job nigga. He should take any job he can get and be thankful people employ his old ass. If your parents did pay off their mortgage at 59 that is a massive red flag also

americans are cattle for the jews

you live in the worst country on earth

Why isn't your house paid off?
How much is left on the mortgage?
You didn't live in a city in an expensive neighbourhood did you?

newsflash - there is no such thing as the middle class.

there are only workers and capitalists. the government is owned by capitalists, so naturally they don't give a fuck about you.

Remember to keep having more children so you can make them suffer the same fate. Just like your parents

>how we had spent our whole life paying into the system

Face it, your parents were failures

Its not that funny anymore when its happening to you, is it american? And you were laughing that you make my salary in a week and can buy my whole family eh?

I was making a high It salary in my capital. Paid like 200$ taxes every month, for 3.5 years.
Got laid off and now they offer me "100$ for 4 months"
cute.....very pay your taxes and you get FUCKED

remember to invest your money next time instead of paying your 401k

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i'm 30, a computer engineer, and i bag groceries

i've lost all sense of ambition and future these last 5 years. it's been awful. i've been shafted, ignored, led astray, and i'm too fucking... something.. to believe it's anyone's fault but mine, regardless of what people say. i just can't believe we live in a world that would chew me up and spit me out like this if i didn't do anything to deserve it

i just fucking wish my life fell apart before i had kids and not after. i'm so fucking ready to die

I was unemployed when I had to move from CA to AL so my Fiance could start med school. Moved to some shitty rural area with low wages and very few jobs outside the service industry. You know what I did? I went commercial fishing in AK and WA for 6 months and made bank. I came back and we lived on that money until I got a job in my degree field (Accounting). Quit being a fucking sad faggot, there's work out there if you want it.

> Working full time for $24k
Get a 2 year degree with certifications to double that, and a 4 year degree in something useful to quadruple that. I know some people who did classes while working full-time, but that kind of work load is pretty much 100% effort. It'll get a degree and pay raise after a few years. Save 50% of income (buy no-fee no-load index funds or real estate) and be free after a ~15 year grind. It sucks but better than spending the time and not doing it.

also this. i agree.
Your dad refused lowballers?
you think people should hire your boomer 59 old? He should be LUCKY to land a wallmart greeter/cashier job.

he has to be insane to think he can choose and reject lowbalelrs, hes a fucking boomer.

Its time to change your life user. Your dad was living in a dream world.

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He was a people manager in the IT sector, but he doesnt have programming skills which supposedly is the requirement for the jobs now. On top of that many places give the "overqualified" excuse, or simply dont like him due to age I guess.
we havent payed off our mortgage and it would be more expensive even to downsize and move to another place in area considering how little is left. whats killing us is the property tax.

> lost all hope
> sad shinji
timestamp of sad house if not a shill.
i think you're a demoralization shill.
Yas Forumsacks are successful, smart people who see through the lies of this corrupt world.

I have not been able to find a decent job that pays a living wage since 2008 housing market crash.
I had fucked my back up right before it happened and the crash happened while I was recovering. Cannot do the work I was doing before, cant find a place to go to now.
fucking 12 years. bullshit.

>Paid like 200$ taxes every month, for 3.5 years.
After 3.5 years you should have had plenty of time to build up a personal savings account, why do you instinctually rely on the government for everything?

>fake answer

Well I felt for you until you dropped the n bomb. Despite painting a grim picture, you clearly are a racist asshole who doesn’t have the empathy for other people necessary to contribute to society. Try not being a bastard and maybe life will get better.

> real answer

Also stop baiting and LARPing. We’re all stuck at home and don’t need to read this shit.

Time to redpill them on the kikes.
Get a small stash of weapons and ammo and wait for the great chimining so we can get back what's ours.

go back

People manager is a glorified babysitter. He needs to learn to do something useful or accept a lesser job.

It's your dad's fault for not taking jobs.

Just learn to code lol

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Literally just means they are not prepared to offer what they think your dad will accept. He needs to lower his salary expectations to get these jobs.
>more expensive even to downsize and move to another place
It shouldn't be, your boomer parents just are mad they will lose money if they do this. Life is hard and sometimes things don't work out. They need to make smart decisions and stop thinking emotionally about what you thought you were entitled to before you all end up in a trailer home

If I lose my job I'm not applying for another one. I've tried to survive in Clown World.

Trump bux will keep flowing in for a while, so I guess I can stay around for a while longer.

>people manager in the IT sector
Hiring Indian Pajeet H1B visas all day long,

>reddit spacing

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>the empty space right here between the linked post and the reply is the reddit space
You don't know what the reddit space is. Paragraphs are not reddit space

not gonna make it

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Setting it out like that really does drive home how bad things can hit a family and bring them down. It's all the fault of the elites that seek to enslave this world and turn everyone into censored, consumerist drones.

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>20 years being a stay at home mom
Do Americans actually do this?

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Jannies do it it for FREE,
At least your making $24,000

get fucked you retarded fucking faggot. you live with your parents at 22, what makes you any better than drug addicts and jobless niggers you stupid loser fucks?

>being this new

I went through the same thing in my early 20s. My dad made 200k. We went out to eat everyday. We bought whatever we wanted. $400 at Best Buy was an impulse purchase, not something we thought about or saved up for. He lost his job and the best offers he was getting in his late 50s were 40-50k.

It sucked and my life was forever changed, but I learned a few things about how to live. When I buy a house, I'll only buy one that I can pay the mortgage and minimum living expenses on 2x minimum wage. If I can't afford it working 2 minimum wage jobs then I'm not buying it. I make good money right now, but the last thing I want to happen is get hit by a layoff and then my lose house and my not-paid-off car because I can't afford to make those payments anymore. Once that humble home is paid off, I'll sell it for a profit and use that money as a down payment on another house, using the same formula as before. I won't make the same mistakes.

You have no fucking idea how many problems doing the right thing for the last few years has created for me, though. It won't be easy and you'll watch others get things that you desperately want. Just be fiscally responsible.

boom harder

I mean I hate to say it but if y’all depending on soup kitchen handouts, it’s time to take the lowball job and just let the cars go. Sometimes life gets shitty for a while. Just stay optimistic and keep pushing through. Something will eventually come along.

Based. I can understand rejecting low ball offers the first 3 months max. After that, accept the best thing you can get. You need SOME income.

Fucking stupid honestly. Also the mom and OP should be able to work and make up the difference of whatever was lost by accepting a """low-ball""" offer. If they can't they were living beyond their means.

you must really hate yourself

Sad thing is, you still objectively are living among the better lives, and will continue to have it better than most people even if you father makes less and you continue to only make 24 grand. Isnt life funny?

Your father should take whatever job he is given.
It is very strange that, after working his entire life, he doesn't have enough connections to get him a job through recommendations. That is what all his employers are asking themselves.

user, my wife stayed at home for 25 years raising our kids. As the sole wagie, I was super conservative with money. We drove nice used cars instead of buying new, paid extra on the mortgage every month, invested and saved. She cooked meals from scratch daily and became a true home economist. Now our kids are grown and our house is paid off. If my job goes away now at age 51, I would happily take something with less pay and less stress. There are no guarantees in life. We now save and invest about 60% of my income because our lifestyle is still super frugal. I will probably just buy more stock on sale with my Trumbux. Not bragging, just saying to always spend less than u make. Always

>would cause us to lose our property
Boo hoo nigger, if they have to your parents will refinance and downsize to a smaller house.
>Im pretty sure my folks are suicidal
You are definitely projecting user. There is no shame in poverty. Millions of people lost their jobs this week.
I know you see opportunities closing to you before your eyes. Learn to let it go. Be more happy-go-lucky. Your life is more than your problems.

>live a nigger rich lifestyle spending on bullshit and not living frugally and saving while the getting was good

let me go get my violin

But we wuz Kangzzz!

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hows that FIRM HANDSHAKE working out for you now boomers

Pay the mortgage and buy groceries, wtf.

maybe your dad should have spent less time living the middle class lie and saving

>Your father should take whatever job he is given.
>It is very strange that, after working his entire life, he doesn't have enough connections to get him a job through recommendations. That is what all his employers are asking themselves.

As much as it pains me, I have to agree with this village rapist over here.

Your Dad thinks he's too good to start over at the bottom again, but he's fucking WRONG.

Tell him to get a job flipping burgers or bagging groceries and to pull himself up by his bootstraps and to quit acting like a whiny Millennial.

He needs to work his dick into the dirt for the next 50 years just to make peanuts and he should be fucking grateful.

Don't get suicidal. Get angry. Let yourself become hateful. Because that is the proper response for the type of betrayal we are seeing from our own people. Let your hatred be your energy.

Your 14 year old sister can work at a store and make some income.
$24k is enough to pay the mortgage on anything reasonable in the US (more than $500/month is practically unheard of, especially after 2008, most people are in the few hundreds). You can easily buy foods at less than $.10/ounce and prepare them, so that your family eats well on less than $10/person per day.
Turn off your cable. Stop paying for data plans, get pre-pay only. Tell your father to take the low-ball offer and to continue looking. Tell your mother that she can now either work a few hours a week, or at the least grow a garden and cook that low cost food.
You're literally living the dream.


401k is an investment account you fucking moron.

My dad is 55 and is in the same situation. He’s a veteran and had 4 jobs his whole life, did everything right. Was told by one of his former bosses that he will have a hard time because of the diversity programs being enforced. This bat AIDS shit just made it worse.

Your not alone.
I will pray for you and your family.

I actually write software for the govt. A genetic disorder caused heart failure, which leaves me with maybe 2-3 years left to live. At first, the medical coverage seems nice, then everything is suddenly "out of network" despite what agents say prior to extended stay in an ICU. I got slapped with bills for individual doctors and residents that came to visit (~$200 per), then BS like the usual $5k MRI etc... Its ruined me. So, now its hello bankruptcy, farewell to my clearance, and farewell to my job.

tough shit m8, market doesn't give a fuck for feelings

desu we I was a kid we were eating peanut butter for lunch 5 days in a week and electricity was off every other day and that's still nothing in comparison with what some other people go through

>making so little

The entire muh economy was pure financial meme , the only exception was the early tax cuts that truly created growth.
But the moron attacked powell that attempted to fix the 2008 mess with that momentum because he wanted to see 4% growth.

Well he did nearly got 4% but now everything went to shit due to that.

You are going to have to "lose" (i.e. sell) your house and move into a cheap apartment or house you can afford. This happened to my family over a decade ago, during the 2008 financial crisis. It sucks but you can't just go on living the way you did in the past, even if your dad was getting a pension it'd be half of what he made before.

The thing I've learned from my middle class family, and my earlier life in the lower middle class, was that they are all materialistic. There isn't much utilitarian assessment done when you purchase things, you just buy them. Your father feels offended for being lowballed, yet he's 59 and four years away from social security. How does this make sense from a hiring perspective, when he not only is more prone to health risks, he doesn't even have the programming skills required in the field now? It hurts, I sympathize, but you're supposed to be planning the future for your children if you're in the middle class. The middle class is a stepping stone into the upper class, where actual wealth speaks and you can splurge even in a economic depression. Middle class individuals are foolish for tossing around money at such a subclass still. The first thing you must understand is that your father was a fool. My mother singlehandedly kept us in the lower middle class bracket by being frugal and strategic with their assets. We eventually ended up in the poor class but it would have happened a decade sooner if not for my mother.


Most banks already pay 15/hr and are moving towards 20/hr to be a teller which is an entry level position. You ought to look into it.