Lets talk serious now Yas Forums

Where does a traditionalist man find a woman such as in pic related?

The library? Church? Where? I need to know anons.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I always find them sleeping on my couch

Who needs real women when we have porn?

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In your local brothel.

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Is that a dude?
That looks like a dude wearing a wig.
I want to kick it.

Maximum Cringe

But based how based porstars ridicule the dream of every poltard

If you are tall, really good looking, and fit, you can make any girl you want be this way.

>Where does a traditionalist man find a woman such as in pic related?

You don't find them. They only exist as jokes to make fun of you and to ridicule your dreams. What your ancestors took for granted is gone for good.

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Bro, 99% of them are thots in floral dresses.
If you're into that shit just pay a hooker to wear the dress, she's going to be more honest than the thot you posted in your OP.





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Build a time machine and go back at least 80 years in the past.

this. Unironically just get attractive. You can literally bend women to your will, they don't have strong opinions anyway

>no penis

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Step 1. Find a geeky girl or a fast food proletariat girl who isn't a slut or a psychopath and has good work ethic
Step 2. Impress her by being a hardworking well to do man
Step 3. Expos her to trad memes and tell her that being a wife/homemaker is the highest honor a person can achieve

There you go. I told you how to make a waifu

This is 100% accurate. All women are whores and hate monogamy. Don't trust them ever. They only exist to break a man's heart cause they can't get satisfied ever. They always want more, demand more and try to get it from the next man. They are like a plague of locusts ravaging the land always hungry for more cause they got tricked by the Instagram jew. If they don't live like their favorite Influencer pretends to live they feel unsatisfied.


>thinks female attraction works the same as male attraction
Get a load of this guy

In your dreams

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I'll never meet a good woman or a bad one because I'll be here forever.

>>suspiciously trappish
Away from big cities and the outskirts of metropolitans.

Why would anyone want such a shitty ass woman?

why do these thots keep leeching off every Yas Forums meme?
why are these attention whores so fucking ubiquitous?

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Utterly based

A traditionalist man doesn't sit on the bed and talk about their hardships/feelings.

Any woman can be hammered into traditional behavior, but it's hard work.

You want a traditional woman?
Be a traditional man.

Do your share WITHOUT complaining and TELL her to do her share until she does things herself.

I'll tell you all the details if you ask to know more

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don't fall for the church girl meme, it's all a front. Trust me.

She's beautiful but I must resist.

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Would you really want a woman that is only living to please you? I think I'd get very easily bored and the constant distraction would to irritate me after a while.

it hurts so much

He’s not wrong. If you are attractive, women will agree with you about anything.

Nope it's a real wahmen

>Hookers having agency
You need to go outside more, it's getting embarrassing.

I saw on Facebook a traditional white finnish trad goddess marry the ugliest poojeet I've ever seen in the US. WTF are you doing white amerimutts?

You probably don't do anything to make them do anything for you. Traditional women are family women and families take work

That's not what I was trying to say though.
I was saying that trad shit is a fucking fad / fetish / whatever and bitches have latched onto it for reasons.
"All women are the same" to men as much as "all men are the same" to women, you need to learn to appreciate yourself and your partner and don't take everything too seriously.

That's a social media whore. A normal woman doesn't have to try to pretend if she's wife material.

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when will she take a black dick finally

>I loaded up a video game for you, wanna play?

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>>>Where can I find a girl like this..

Probably on a playground, she looks fkn 12

user your bathtub user, she's waiting user

>that's a man

IF you guys want a woman who works for you, you have to put in the effort yourselves. Stay on top of your chores without bitching or bragging about it.
Traditional women are family women and families take work

1. find a loner girl with no friends or family
2. marry her
3. buy a house deep in the woods and keep her there
4. buy only one car to use to go to work
5. no internet
6. no tv
7. When you come home she'll be so eager for human contact that you'll get the girl in the webm. If you treat her like shit or don't give her the attention she needs though she'll probably kill you.

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>Of course I'll be your wife and have 2.5 kids with you.
lel I lost it

But the real non-meme answer is you find good girls through your social circle. If you're some loner with a shitty family - good luck with that.

Stoics don’t have happy marriages

>there are "men" on this site right now that unironically think it would be nice to spend time around this cringelord
you don't want a girlfriend, you want a mother

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time machine

calm down jew

Imagine being this cucked

I had a gf like this but she was [spoiler]black[/spoiler]

t. Incel

Most men don't have the time and energy for that. If you really want to, expect to make validating her existence a second job.

Ideally you have some downtime when she has a child to care for that's around 0 to 8 years old so try to plan your babies accordingly to keep her satisfied. But this doesn't work on absolute narcissistic NPC cunts and might even make her divorce you. Whatever it is that you need to look for, it has to fit in some inherent aspect.

I want a gf that is nice and would make a good mother for my kids.

PS Tom Green is a fat nigger.

The next life.



Girls behave exactly as how men allow them to act. If every woman in your life walks all over you and drains you of your resources, you’ve allowed them to do that. That makes you a retard, a cuck, and a simp. MGTOW nerds get the rope.

The Philippines. It's full of sweet, simple young women who have good intentions and biggest life goal is to have cute babies with a man who loves them.