TRUMP BUX HAPPENING! A tax refund for everyone, not just gibs for nigs.

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I guess you do not understand middle class and own down, retard. Just only Americans. Beaners get no deniro.

proposed details

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Wagies deserve the rope

neets BTFO
richfags BTFO
socialism = BASED

You'll only get it if you filed your 2018 taxes

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>Trump, Feb 5 2019

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Dependents get $500 each, you, your sister, whatever. To be clear, your 2018 taxes are the most recent ones, they were due in April 2019. Details are preliminary -- they need an address to send the checks. Social Security doesn't track addresses.

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Year 2020, basing income on Year 2018?
I was privately contracted in 2018, and made under $12,000, so I didn't even have to file. In 2019, I worked 60 hour weeks for over eight months.

>I will receive nothing
>Keep America Great!

>those Band-Aids....
Did she have her tubes tied ?

Also... how in the name of Sam Hill (who?) are these Reps and Sens in their jobs for 15/20/25+ years ???? Clearly, the USA lacks term limits,,,, but * nobody* in decades ever ousted them from their Congressional seats ?

>holy corruption, Batman !

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I'm gonna get a brand new Mossberg 500 12ga with wood furniture from Walmart for $254, maybe pay my rent still haven't decided

if I don't pay rent with the first check I'll get catted headers and full stainless exhaust for my rig

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the broader point of all this is to teach the goyim to file their taxes on time, they will learn after this

I think it's a dangerous idea to get people used to receiving handouts. However, due to the circumstances I would agree that a ONE time handout of about 500 dollars would suffice the BASIC needs of most Americans truly affected by the corona virus.

If you make just under 16k you should be able to receive the cash handout.

Everyone else..TOUGH, you should have been smart and responsible with your finances. Plain and simple.

>Did she have her tubes tied ?
Yeah it's too bad she can't have kids anymore she's based and trad

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He’s right, we Natsoc now

How many of these plans are there? I remember reading one that promised 2k.

Press D to dab on neets who won't be getting any Trumpbux

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>getting back the money you already paid to the government.
Wow niggers are special.

Schumer and Pelosi are working on a plan for people like you right now, it's still in negotiations.

Seethe harder faggot while you’re trying to conflate your nigger ideology with a temporary measure in response to a global crisis.

Why is it just for taxpayers? Its not fair!

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Tfw worked just long enough to save up, get Trump bux, pay for supplies and maximize NEET time.

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Fuck off fag, the worlds alright gone to shit and only getting worse rapidly. Muh self reliance is the last thing you should be worried about.

should lefties and commies be able to get these funds?
I'm not happy that they are

Your mommy and daddy will still receive a share for you.
There are a number of house and senate proposals. Obviously they're working on it.

>TRUMP BUX HAPPENING! A tax refund for everyone, not just gibs for nigs.

bribe to stop white people killing everyone.

1. Clearly doesn't lift/hoist
2. Bible in perfect condition-- no tabs, no creased pages, never opened
3. Cheezy Roman salute for the brain numb
4. Props for hanging Old Glory correctly (+1)
5. Abandoned motherhood for sexual exploits
6. No wristwatch

>based ?

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Trumps true colors are showing. He said hes a nationalist and now he is giving away money to working people like a socialist. Trump's a natsoc confirmed.

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>Did she have her tubes tied ?

thats where she put her testicles.


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So a disabled vet that didn't file taxes last year won't get anything? $600?

>he doesn't know

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SHES A LARP. Acidic and bluepilled.

And they say that trannies never pass

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>thinks govt will exist in April

>government gibs, helping those in need but paid for by the wealthy isn't socialism

What does this mean? How do you get the full $1200 for an individual?

no she's a qt3.14

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>Dependents get $500 each
Just to be clear, dependents never receive money directly. They're not going to write a 4 year old a $500 buck check in his name, he can't cash it at a bank obviously. Same goes for a 22 year old neet with no tax filings. Mom or dad get an extra $500 for every dependent they claim added to their check. I hope neets don't get the wrong idea.

T. Dad sent from my iphone

That probably won’t get passed. Or at least it won’t do what Trump wanted in buying off the poorfags. This looks like it’s becoming a no win situation for him and repubs. Oh well, at least I’m getting a new gaming PC.

Meanwhile, Graham is saying no to it while trying to give visas to wealthy chinks.

I hope to someday get me a traditional wife like this young lady.

I would betray all my beliefs to have her boipucci to myself


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Traps are gay only surpassed in gay by meme flags.

I know this to be false because I am very smart

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So if you didn’t file your taxes in 2018 you’re fucked.

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This is dangerous and only furthers our national debt for no reason. The majority of people that NEED money will not get it or will not get enough. Think about them first

Low interest loans for people that don't need immediate cash is a better solution.


>catted headers

Were it so easy......
>you take this one.

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>catted headers

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Wondering this also

if i dont get at least $10,000 ill see to it personally that trump doesnt get elected ever again
whos with me

They're getting some of their money back. I uh was unemployed in 2018 and my first check carried over into I think I'm disqualified?

If you didn't file 2018 taxes you get nothing.

People on SSI that didnt work but filed taxes and were able to show 6 months of rent receipts got a tax return and probaly qualify for Trump bux.

What is the Khazar's opinion of all this?

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Blacks, Mexicans various immigrants and millennials and also me btfo.

Lol you are supposed to file any freelance work over 500

Bernie supporters get nothing since they didn't work to file 2018 taxes.

so if we get tax refunds instead of paying in, I should expect $600?

Deebly goncerned

I will vote for Bernie if I don't get a check, better deliver trump.

The government knows your address if you're getting veterans benefits. It seems to be under negotiation but I think veterans (and spouse?) will get $600 each.


1. Have paid 2018 federal income taxes
2. Don’t be rich


I make too much money to get it and this is bullshit. You are already giving it to 80-90% of working people why not give it to everyone.

Sucks for you faggot I'll be getting $3,400 trumpbux

The fact you needed to pay taxes on 100k means you're pretty well off in the first place.

Why only a fukken $1200 check...they give Wall Street 1 trillion dollars in 2008...these better be for every month of the coronavirus pandemics

Because if you make over 100k you don't need it retard

So i get fucking nothing, neet uprising when?

this, wtf

>making over $75k makes you rich

This is an entry level salary in much of the country.

What if I filed for extension (and still haven't payed)?

Neither do most people getting it.

and it's only going to people who filled a couple years ago. Niggers and spics are about to burn shit down, thank god. Fuck these retards.

Theres a lot of people who make more than that as of 2018 but cant work too.

hello boomer

why didn't you file taxes.

>ywn be quarantined with a little cutie like her
why even live?