Why did we ever even allow the population to grow this big in the first place?

Why did we ever even allow the population to grow this big in the first place?

Attached: American transportation.png (400x396, 386.75K)

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Coz the Jews needed to push their globohomo agenda.

You're talking like we are out of space and resources. kill yourself you JEWED retard

because boomers have no self-control and need to coom

cause we are fucking insane as a creature, we are fucking insane, no joking, full serious.

we are a terrifying creature, just look at yourself, study yourself, we are weird as fuck

maybe stop living in suburbs and start taking public transportation


The empty store shelves say otherwise.

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There really are way too many of us. A divine purge is a blessing.

cheap labour

>muh infinite population growth good

Because (((They))) need millions of migrants to keep up the fake economy. The more dumb asses they have dependent on the system, the more they profit

I want to witness the shift in it's entirety.

Attached: roar.png (500x500, 125.22K)

fuck off, Bill

>overpop shill posting onions memes

because as much as we like to think ourselves as above animal intelligence we are just mindless animals that reproduce until nature pushes back

That is all.

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Boomer Republicans in chase of higher GDP


Because America fuck yea buddy. In America we do what we want. And this is what a certain amount of people wanted to do

This guy gets it

>we are just mindless animals
Speak for yourself, Spic.

whites are the smallest minority on earth. now rethink what you said.

Gross mismanagement by boomer yids.

China's one-child policy was redpilled. Need to roll that out in every nation. Also sterilize the ghettos and euthanize people who don't contribute.

Attached: one-child-nation-body1.jpg (580x315, 110.39K)

My cat likes cramped, dark places.

City dwellers are all my cats.

I don't think so, faggot.

fuck off with the we shit. i had nothing to do with it.

yes you did, we all did, you're doing it right now

>not muh broblem
Yes. Yes it is. By participating in capitalism you are the driving force behind this rampant populatory explosion. Only people who live off the grid and by their own means are truly innocent.


sort of, this is a geometry problem right here

>Implying America has functional public transportation

One of the reasons this country is so terrible is because you can effectively drive everywhere in a bubble and never have to interact with the rotten society you've contributed to.

you know, you are right.

We live in a world where we fallow morality rules and religion, we are shaped by this codes from young. Imagine for a second what kind of animals we can be with out old rules or society.

wow, this looks bad
lets kill all the nigs just in case

imagine driving on that ant lines every day to a shitty job with eye-sucking neon lights and fat smelly subhumans every single day.

that's why i'm making my own wine, fucking my big breasted wife and own a small boat to catch fish in pic related. yes, i'm poor as fuck but happy

Attached: file.png (780x520, 529.29K)


China is full of retards and some of them get rich enough to leave.

Many Australians lived like this....then the government imported millions of non-whites and turned it into OP's image.

>importing niggers

Based sailboat owner

America told them to.

it's not even a sailboat. more like pic related. 78 yo wooden boat. only for fishing

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Besides overreproducing, you have shit traffic planning, horrible public transportation and zero intelligent traffic control.
Also every business, home, ... is concentrated in tiny dirty areas for stupid reasons. And any attempt to decentralize it isn't even considered (home office, co-working spaces, splitting departments away from busy areas, ...).

Muh all life is equal. It will all come down to eugenics eventually but the world will burn before we wake up to the realization.

>Force citizens to live in crowded cities
>Repress all beneficial technology for generations, make us keep driving antiquated automobiles
>Completely neglect infrastructure
>Don't build for the future
We're not overpopulated. The world is run by incompetent sociopaths and scarcity is a myth.

The empty shelves are due to nigger hoarders on one end chain supply speculators on the other. Eat a dick.

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Based humanity should stop this keynsian stupidty forcing everyone into the cities to get the newly printed memecurrency and return to agrarian or natural roots.

we are small proportional to other groups combined but we are still probably 1/7-1/8 of the population. closing the border is key

A ponzi scheme does not work without a consistent supply of new debtors

did I really have to type this? I mean seriously, how fucking new are you OP.

It Course of nature user stop making below pol level threads

Not religious at all you lame idiot.

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desu I don't even know what that would look like because I have never experienced it.

Life is so fucking strange

Because the kikes needed to make profits


Pampanigger here gets it

everybody takes the right to reproduce granted.

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Too few volunteered to leave.

Money, my dear.

Why not both?

No natural predators (other than Jews and niggers).

I blame the boomers for making infant death less frequent

It's what Jesus wanted.

Food grows from the ground, not on store shelves.


I detect jew tier thinking there

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more likely to spawn geniuses that can solve problems. Plus we can manage it. Its not going to get much bigger, couple billion more and it will cap out. Birth rates will = death rates.

Our population isn't necessarily our problem. The question is, why do we live in such dense urban areas?


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can someone confirm whether or not OP's image is photoshopped?

When we gave up our natural hunting skills for farming it was all downhill from there,

>we're not literally out of all the resources on Earth, which means we can just expand until we hit that point
Growthniggers are the lowest of scum

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Because there is nothing wrong with this chart.

Earth can hold billions more, just might not be great living conditions.


Now you know why Elon and Branson want off this planet.

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Shouldn't be feeding chinks or nigs.
The 3rd world should just be allowed to starve to death.