True story of coronavirus

>be United States of America
>China's economy is growing at remarkable pace, will overtake the US soon
>must find a way to destabilize China before they become too powerful
>launch trade war, fails miserably. China GDP still grows 6%
>fund Hong Kong protests for months, try to provoke Tiananmen 2.0 to justify global sanctions against China
>CCP doesn't take the bait
>dumb HKers set old people on fire, movement loses international support
>fuck, have no choice
>unleash bioweapon in Wuhan during the 2019 Military World Games
>virus is incredibly infectious, 2 week incubation period, asymptomatic spread, basically impossible to contain
>takes weeks to kill, will silently infect tens of thousands in Wuhan before CNY where everyone will travel to every corner of China
>China will fail to contain virus, economy will collapse, international community will shun China and will impose decades of economic sanctions
>virus will burn through elderly population in US, solving the funding problems with social security and medicaid saving US government trillions
>USA remains world power for next century
>China somehow discovers the virus in 1 chang in a city of 11 million, far earlier than expected, sequences genome 5 days later
>China immediately realizes virus is an engineered bioweapon, shuts down whole country instantly
>facial recognition AI-enabled temperature-sensing CCTV cameras track down every infected individual in the country
>every single person with the virus located and quarantined, spread stopped instantly
>USA CDC completely fucks up the tests because it's a bioweapon unlike anything seen before
>USA now can't let all the old people die after China heroically saves their population
>no choice but to shut everything down, causing economic armageddon
>China now virus-free while USA thrown into economic turmoil
>USA completely BTFO

Where were you when the USA's plot for world domination completely backfired?
Welcome to the Chinese century.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is plotting to nuke China, make it look like an accident.

Blatant chink propaganda

enjoy your -15% gdp growth this year

looking forward to you begging for masks in a few weeks

you would be amazed how many people believe this, fucking burgers, Jew puppets.

Corona was never anything more than a jewish media LARP

Fuck off Chang.

salty your government can do nothing to control the virus? enjoy 18 months of pure hell. this is the fall of the american empire

Attached: download (1).jpg (213x236, 9.55K)

Nice, I enjoy a good fanfic.

Friendly reminder it was GHOST POLITICS who talked about this on his show Tuesday

GHOST POLITICS who made Yas Forums a thing


Ccp roaches will pay for corona virus.

You cannot save face. Be embarrased for yourself that you come to USA internet to spread lies.

and more gay
trump and xi work together
forbidden city visit
all is a smoke screen for the pain about to rain


I'd rather choke on my own blood than use a mask from China. Slant eyed, bug eating, fish faced, gooks.

Where is your evidence third worlder?

we will always win chink slave, you cant fight the will of the gods

Based as fuck.

>Release Coronavirus
>Panic sweeps the world
>Companies start losing value at breakneck pace
>Chinese conglomerates buy out all the bankrupting Western companies

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Hey dumbass, why would the US release a virus in the wild knowing that EVERYONE, including themselves could catch it?

You lack intelligence.

> Jew puppets
Aaaaand now we know OP is right. Good job dumbo.

Fuck off commie faggot.

>commie says fellow commies dindu nuffin
Remember to sage shit threads, it helps keep the stink down.

china's growth has been slowing at historic rates. this is wrong. this is also why they're investing so heavily in africa. they're middle class can no longer make shit for pennies. they need a new cheap work force.

Why is it communist flags that shill for state capitalist China and Western media? Does the hammer and sickle represent neoliberalism now?

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gooks are the japs, chinks are the yellow bug men. its used to remind them that they are a slave race now and forever.

Saying the USA made the virus is the biggest Chink cope since the Great Leap Forward.

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They hope to use it as an excuse to cull off all the old, and relieve the over burdened medicare and medicaid/social security

it would have worked too if China failed to contain and unleashed an unstoppable tsunami upon the world. They could just say it was inevitable and unstoppable.

But now China has set the bar, and saved her people. Everyone expects the same from their Western governments, but they can't deliver.

No. China failed. And it wasn't about war against China in the first place. They're in it. It's about ID2020. We're all getting chipped and dragged into a NWO.


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China didn't contain it, they suppressed all reporting on it because they didn't want to hurt their economy. They didn't do shit for two months until they couldn't possibly hide it so now their profits have taken a major hit and Western companies now realize how stupid it was to send factories over. Enjoy losing most favored nation status with the WTO, I guess your capitalist experiment failed!

cute fanfic
hope the PRC pays you bro

Holy fucking based if true
Drumpf is finished
Ziomuttland is finished
It's over

The Chinese government needs overthrown and they will be utterly destroyed. It is only a matter of time.

Now, what proof do you have of the US releasing this virus in the wild? NONE.. It never happened. If anyone did this, it would be the Chinese government themselves.

They either suppressed it because of their failure to contain it, or they suppressed it to cover up their bio-engineering.

Pretty sure people will trash you OP, side against China coz muh patriotism. It's quite likely and even further this guy here did a video on this very topic this afternoon and this post caught my eye b/c of it. Is he right? wrong? I'm not sure if us plebes will ever know the real truth.

The New America Welcomes You! DID YOU MISS THE RESET?

cope more. life is back to normal in China. while you are hunkered at home fearing for life everyone in China is enjoying wonderful lifestyle. feels good

Yeah right kek... I bet they just love their life of oppression in China

US government release bioweapons on their own citizens, and u think they won't release on enemy nations? naive

That's not evidence. That's hearsay from a VERY questionable source. Now, where is your evidence faggot?

>he doesn't know about the thousands of classified projects

holy kek

Uhmmm mutt friend.

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Oh you have no idea faggot. I'm a vet myself who just so happens to know a few things. I know enough to say that most of the shit spewed out out of the mouth of low IQ, commie faggots is lies.

Nuke china nuke china nuke china

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>memeflag kike
Project Zyphr confirmed. Wake up:

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Nuke commies nuke commies nuke commies

At some point stealing, manipulation, and casting shade ceases to be profitable. Americans haven't worked since 1957.

But at least we have firm handshakes lol

Reminder to hug a German today

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>another memeflag kike
Yup. Confirmed

Israel is innoncent

>I'm a vet myself
so a pawn for foreign policy? roger that.

You don't have a security clearance high enough to know the juicy bits

I don't want to kill innocent Chinese people who hate their own oppressive government. That being said, their military and government needs a SERIOUS ass kicking. They need regime change.

ahem...Fuck China and fuck USA

You don't even know me you low IQ simpleton.

>t. Ping Pong Bat Choo

Like I would tell you if I had a TS clearance.. KEK... Are you one of those dumb fucks who puts "I have a secret clearance" on Linkedin? Ohhhh.. but is it really secret now?

Enjoy your global gang rape of your failing economy once we all are through this.

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Based and truthpilled

China number one, always and forever

Welcome to the Chinese century

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Masks? KEK... They don't even protect you from the virus. What are you.... 5?

settle down already, kid

*Gets jailed for 15 years for burning gay flag*

I've never seen so much cope before.

The US is nationalizing ENTIRE swaths of industries, corporations, sectors, from Cinemas to Airliners, mainstreet is getting crushed with all these lockdowns. The US is transitioning to a fascist state and the rest of the world will soon follow suit just as the Central bankers and elitist class have always desired. Whether it's REALLY from China or the US is irrelevant in hindsight, what matters is the reaction, or overreaction. This is most likely all by design. So It's convenient to blame China, the Virus, but the reaction to all of this in our own backyard does not justify this turn we've just made.

It sounds very plausible to me, as someone who has watched this whole thing unfold.

true story.
chinks are disgusting liars who can't take responsibility for their own stupidity.
proven thieves and liars

*clap, clap, clap*

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You fucking commies are intellectually challenged conspiracy theorists. This shit started in China and nobody can really prove that it was bioengineered. If anyone did bioengineer this virus, it would have to be the Chinese themselves. There is currently no evidence, but the fucking shit stain Chinese government obviously doesn't allow a fair report or findings for evidence.

Okay Chang take a deep breath and say after me:
> I am a fucking retard who believes what his commie government says. Even though millions died already and will die.

Absolutely based. Zhuge Liangs teaching and Sun Tzu strategem all in one. USA messed with a dragon, and now that dragon will eat that tiny eagle. Rip USA.

> Be worried about economy
> Try to sabotage the enemy
> Actually sabotage yourself and ruin your economy
> Doh kay!

Might be a good thing if the acquisition shake off the fakers, psychopaths and cliquists that infiltrated the company since decades

Agree 100%.

This literally was spread during the Oct. Military Games in Wuhan. The US athletic team's hotel was even near the Huainan Seafood Market.

But luckily, the good guys win and America is now eternally BTFO.

The mutt butthurt of this thread really shows it. Pic related.

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It has to at least cross your mind. The potential for blowback goes against the idea. Then again, some people believe that 911, with all it's fatalities, and blowback too, was a deliberate Machiavellian exercise. And if you believe that, you'd be ready to expect anything from our rulers.

I don't defend burgers by any means but the real story is.
>Chinks unleash bioweapon on themselves by accident
>Blame the US


The reason why they were fucked by their own weapon was exactly this. An arrogance that has been boiling its dregs since the middle ages.

Attached: UK ignored warnings from China.jpg (704x945, 126.07K)

>this turn we've just made
That turn was made long, long, ago when we decided to turn rugged agrarian white men into urbanite pussies, then replace half the country with shit from around the world.

This is all inevitably unfolding now. I know one thing for sure though. I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna watch Jews get bailed out yet again without getting something out of it myself.

Stop hiding the numbers fucking chink it’s impossible that Italy have more deaths than that fucking shithole you come from, fucking chink chonk.

Where's the evidence that it's from China? I'm not taking sides here but people saying that OP has no evidence also have no
this is devolving into a rah rah USA #1 thread.

>it’s impossible that Italy have more deaths

You have no clue what you're talking about


Stop pretending there was some abnormal jv-team there when the 2015 results were just as shitty

Attached: Screenshot_20200318-114236.jpg (1080x1388, 326.54K)

Can you read?

Guess the good guys don't always win. Get 'em next time, America!

I'm just as pissed as you are..and unfortunately, we're bailing out everyone, the big fish, the Fed is bailing out other nation's central banks which is also funnelling some of that money to China. Now everything is too big to fail, debt on the shoulders of citizens used to prop up everything. The reaction to this virus has been a complete shit show. The CB's offering even more debt in the face of this downturn. It's perverse, it's sickening, it's enslavement, and most Americans don't even realize it. Because of their political biases and cognitive dissonance, and the belief by some that this administration is all about MAGA. This is a takeover of the USA.

Based, americuntvirus BTFO

Chink propaganda machine on full force.
After this is over, the slit eyes government will pay dearly for their monumental fuck up


OP could be right, could be wrong. we will never know like hundreds of other atrocities done and conspiracies out there.

Free the chinese people
Death to the CCP

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。

>Dr. Leonard Cole
>an American Dentist

Like I said, it's already fucking gone. Trying to shame whites into not taking handouts this time just isn't gonna work. Rip this lady liberty bitch apart like wolves. Her freedumb is poison.

Every modern country on Earth have seen it come from China. The Chinese are fucked. Everyone is going move their manufacturing. Pooh fucked up bigly.

To all ameritards, im sure you all know OP is a fago and a troll/shill.
But you are falling for his psyops. You think spreading missinformation bydiscrediting the US is his goal. This is not his intention, tis psyops. what he really does is upset you guys. his goal is to seed anger and wrath against china. why? because this will influence your ultimate decision on who you'll vote. You the us american wil become a predictable variable in a chessgame. You'll vote for a President that will promote and offer you a soluton to your wrath, that has been generated by these psyops I'm not tellyou not to vote trump or not to vote democrats or not to vote other guys, I'm telling you to check your feelings. The chinks work with deception. if they can upset the american population you'll do hat they want you to do. To vote for the guy that becomes predictable for the chinese.

Yeah, fuck off third worlder.

You've been posting this thread all day chinkpropguy, you welded in?

I am not saying you should be pro china, but electing a more moderate president seems to be the answer to their strategy. Don't fall for these psyops right before trump elections, Plsplspls

That anger already exists without OP's influence. OP doesn't influence ANYTHING. OP is a faggot.